The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 101: wrong bet


Mu Xiyao used the soup calmly and slowly. Who said that, every woman in the backyard has a story, and it is accurate.

Wan's expression just now was filled with hatred and deep resentment. Seeing Helian Minmin's expression, she didn't even know. This is interesting. Could it be that the palace fight has stopped, and the house fight has started again? Mu Xiyao speculates leisurely.

"His Royal Highness, the concubines who are recruited into the mansion by the chief steward have been arranged properly. Would you like to take a look?" Helian asked respectfully.

"To trouble you. Pass!"

Mu Xiyao looked at the craftsman in coarse linen and sackcloth in front of her, and asked a few simple questions. Only two gardeners were left to cook the famous flowers and plants of Danruo Garden, and the rest were distributed to each courtyard.

After leaving the main house, Mu Xiyao took the opportunity to propose to bring some children from Mu Mansion into the Mansion.

Mu Xiyao recalled the days when Helian Minmin specially mentioned to Zong Zhenglin, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"His Royal Highness, Concubine Zheng chose the first day of the next month from the auspicious days presented by the Qin Tianjian. The concubine knows its meaning." The woman not only wanted to use the banquet to make Zong Zhenglin more sexy, but also wanted to feel the joy of housewarming. Take the opportunity to get pregnant. Well calculated.

Zong Zhenglin didn't know it. Squeezing her little hand, she walked around the yard twice.

In the afternoon of the next day, Madam Gui came in with a smile on her face and came in to announce the good news.

"Master, rejoice! The chief steward handed over the news that Mrs. and Mrs. will arrive at Songjiang Ferry tonight. It only takes half a day's drive to arrive at Shengjing tomorrow."

"Will you be there tomorrow morning?" Mu Xiyao got up in joy and paced the room with a palace fan.

"I don't know if your Highness will be free tomorrow..." Mu Xiyao frowned and muttered to herself, a little impatient.

Gui Momo laughed, but His Highness had already forgotten that she would ask this question.

"His Royal Highness has spread the news that he will accompany the concubine to Mu's house tomorrow to meet the wind for the adults. He also specially ordered the chief steward to send the servant girl over to help. The house was cleaned up long ago. Very elegant."

Knowing that His Royal Highness was so thoughtful, Mu Xiyao smiled sweetly. Lord Boss is too mighty, and the benefits of hugging your thighs are real!

"Let Chunlan deliver a letter to Miss San, which means that a sedan chair will be sent to pick her up."

"Hey, this old slave will do it now." Gui Momo was no less happy than Mu Xiyao when she heard that Master Mu had entered the capital. In this transfer, Mr. Mu can not only meet his son and daughter-in-law, but also see his wife again, which is very good.

Seeing that Concubine Shu was proud of the second lady's message, Ruizhu remained silent all the time, only staring blankly at the bottle, and was very puzzled. Since entering the backyard of the Fifth Highness, I have never seen the master and wife again. This time, my concubine will also come to Beijing, but why is the master not happy

If she had gotten the news a few days earlier, Mu Xiting would have been ecstatic. But now, she can't be happy no matter what. I thought that His Highness finally favored two points, but the warmth of the past few days made her indulge in it. The funny thing is, it just borrowed the light of others...

"Mother!" Mu Xiyao was helped by Zong Zhenglin to get out of the car, and immediately rushed towards Yu Shi.

Yu's eyes still had tears in her eyes when she saw her lift the curtain. Who knew that the girl had just landed and she panicked. "Oh, slow down, why are you still so frizzy!" He hurried over to twist her arm and reprimanded her head on.

Mu Xiyao turned a deaf ear, hugged Mrs. Yu and tilted her head to say hello to Master Mu, "Daddy is well." After speaking, her brows wrinkled, "Dad, isn't it too hard, how do you reduce a lot?" Looking at Mr. Mu.

"Cough cough." Mu Jingzhen looked awkwardly at His Highness Sixth Prince, but the little girl still escaped. His Highness didn't look like it before.

Zong Zhenglin was hiding behind Mu Xiyao, and he had long been guarded against her. Seeing Mu Jingzhen's eyes signaling Mu Xiyao to abide by the rules, he couldn't help laughing. If she can be steadfast and obedient, Shengjing will not be ups and downs in the past few days.

In his rage, Emperor Yuan Cheng banned everyone in the harem, including Concubine Shu's palace. It's just slightly better than other palaces, and there is no interrogation. For example, in the imperial concubine De Concubine's palace, the palace officials have already had two rounds of communication. It was really turbulent, and the news changed color. This time, the queen mother also paid much attention to her. She called the imperial concubine from time to time to beat her once or twice, which made the people in the palace panic.

Mu Xiyao hugged Yu and followed behind Zong Zhenglin and Master Mu, with a bright smile on her face, and was trying her best to brag to Yu.

"Mother, you see that your daughter is not doing well now. You were still worrying about it back then." After saying that, she raised her face and said proudly, "The little fat man who promised you a long time ago has now fulfilled it for you." She patted her bulging belly again, and Yu patted off her dishonest hand, and continued to grow tired, "If there's one more, I'll be able to pop out to please you right away. As for my brother's marriage to a daughter-in-law, my daughter is always thinking about it. , keep it and forget it." Mu Xiyao hugged Yu's arm and spoke with confidence.

Gui Momo protected her and joked with a smile, "Master, your big mansion was given to you by His Highness, not in your name."

Mu Xiyao glared at him and retorted, "If it weren't for your master, I would serve you diligently, would your Highness reward him?" It was beyond words how difficult Zong Zhenglin's man was to deal with! How great is her sacrifice, why is it not her credit

"Cough cough cough cough." Master Mu couldn't listen anymore, his face was ashamed. This is almost too much to say. His Highness dares to talk nonsense in front of his face. This daughter has to take good care of her. Listening to her meaning, this house seems to be sold in exchange. outrageous!

Mu Xiyao was stared at by her own father, and she muttered in a low voice. She disliked the Mu family's old house in Shengjing and disposes of it, and entrusted Tian Fushan to look at another place, and there is now the Zhumen compound. Zong Zhenglin took the initiative to subsidize it, not her begging for it. How did the father's lesson fall on her head

Zong Zhenglin saw Mu Xiyao slumped again and again, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he finally found a way to treat her. This woman was very obedient in front of Mu Jingzhen and Yu. It was very different from the rebellious and rebellious look in front of him. It turned out that this woman was used to pretending to be well-behaved at home.

Hearing how disrespectful she was to His Highness, Mrs. Yu was so frightened that she clicked her forehead, tugged at her ears and lectured, and read Mu Xiyao with a sad expression, and pitifully asked Zong Zhenglin for help. After getting along with His Royal Highness for a long time, I forgot about restraint. Mr. Mu and Mrs. Yu were well-behaved and honest people, and they couldn't stand her surprise.

"The side concubine is pure and straightforward, which is rare." Zong Zhenglin was amused by her small appearance, and helped her to excuse herself against her will.

The Sixth Highness found a reason not to believe it, and Mu Xiyao's face twitched. Wouldn't this man be complimenting her and mocking her

Concubine Wu sat at the end, anxiously looking out the door, a little anxious.

"Auntie don't panic, someone has been sent to pick up Xiting,..."

"My lord, the Fifth Highness and the Third Miss will return to the manor." The doorman hurried to report.

Mu Jingzhen was surprised. His Royal Highness came to the door

"His Royal Highness, why don't you go out to greet the people together, and then go to the pavilion to eat?" Mu Xiyao had long been thinking about the family's meals, and even made plans for Yu's family.

Zong Zhenglin heard her talk about the Mufu cook several times last night, and naturally knew that the little woman was greedy, so he smiled and got up.

When everyone went to the veranda, they saw the fifth highness in a brocade robe with Mu Xiting coming towards him.

"Sixth brother is also here." Zong Zhengming said mildly, and Yu Guang glanced at the potbellied woman behind him.

"Fifth brother." Zong Zhenglin nodded.

"Your Highness, Fifth." Mu Xiyao hurriedly brought people to greet him.

"Today's family banquet, you don't need to see outsiders." Zong Zhengming waved his hand, and when Mu Xiting also saluted, he went ahead with Zong Zhenglin.

Mu Xiyao listened to the two of them talking about business, so she kept a distance from the other female relatives, and hung up a few steps behind.

"Is there something to worry about?" Mu Xiyao stared at Mu Xiting, who was beside her with a sad face, her brows raised. Is this being bullied again

Mu Xiting was recalling the expression of His Highness just now, when she was suddenly questioned by Mu Xiyao, she was startled. "No, it's alright."

Seeing her panicked, Mu Xiyao frowned. How to live and go back? Although it was not smart before, at least it was appropriate. Can't even be calm now

"If there is any difficulty, please mention it to the Fifth Highness." Seeing that Zong Zhengming was kind to her.

Mu Xiting felt bitter in her heart. "Yes, my sister remembers."

Seeing that she clearly had something to do but was reluctant to talk about it, Mu Xiyao didn't force it. Who doesn't have a private one yet, let's not mention it.

Mu Xiting looked at her back, her heart was in chaos. His Highness stayed in her room last night and asked about his father's entry into Beijing. He also specifically explained that he would accompany her this morning. If it weren't for other reasons, I'm afraid she would have been so happy all night long.

The woman was quite right, she was nothing but consolation.

On the one hand is the elder sister who has taken good care of her since childhood, and on the other hand is the beloved husband, Mu Xiting is flustered and miserable. If it were someone else, it would never have made her so uncomfortable. Even if other women in the manor stole the favor, she could be at peace. But why is it Mu Xiyao

The human mind is sometimes strange. Mu Xiting happened to fall into this vicious circle, and was gradually guided by people with a heart, and fell into other people's calculations.

"Use the soup first." Zong Zhenglin watched Mu Xiyao stare at the fish fillet in ginger sauce, and had someone put the stewed bamboo shoots in front of her. When this woman is greedy, she has no restraint. Where is the modesty of a noble lady

Mu Xiyao pouted, embarrassed to make trouble in front of outsiders, so she could only use the soup first.

Since Zong Zheng clearly said that it was a family banquet, everyone sat at a table. At this time, seeing that His Royal Highness Sixth Highness is very skilled in delivering duck with cordyceps sauce to Mu Xiyao's bowl, even Master Mu couldn't help but be surprised.

Is this... is it too much of a habit? Yu saw that the two of them were very comfortable, and Dian Dian was not embarrassed. Seeing that he was used to this in the past, he was happy. His Highness loves his little daughter, and mothers can always rest assured.

After a meal, Mu Xiyao was satisfied, and the family was happy.

After rinsing her mouth and drinking tea, Mu Xiyao began to feel sleepy.

"I'm not in a hurry to go back to the house, I'll take a lunch break after I go." Zong Zhenglin saw that she didn't talk much while holding a teacup, and he sat with her obediently, and knew that the woman was sleepy. When Mu Xiyao was awake, he was not idle for a moment, except for flipping books.

Mu Xiyao got Zong Zhenglin's words, cheered up and told the audience to retire. He only took two steps while supporting Mo Lan, suddenly exclaimed and fell to the side.

Mo Lan was so frightened that she grabbed her arm, but Mu Xiyao's weight was so heavy that she lost her confidence.

In a panic, Mu Xiyao was supported by someone on her right waist. She caught a glimpse of Familiar's fingers out of the corner of the eye, but she didn't care about anything, she grabbed the front of the other's shirt and steadied her.

I was still in shock when I suddenly found that the entire left shoulder was also firmly fixed and could not move.

Um? what happened

"But are you okay?"

Hearing the warm male voice above her head, Mu Xiyao instantly turned to petrification, and there were only three words left in her heart: "Put the wrong man!"