The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 13: Concubine


On the second day of the Xi Zhao Festival, the imperial concubine began to investigate the origin of the stinging spider. Due to the peculiar nature of the stinging spider, Yuzhou Xiu Nv was quickly found out, and there was a manpower from the palace specializing in punishment, and the real culprit behind the scenes was revealed.

Strangely, the two confessed that they had brought stinging spiders into the palace, but shouted their injustice against Jiang Pinting who framed the beautiful girl. But after all, he knew the principle of taking the lesser of two evils, and didn't shake out the matter of framing Mu Xiyao to add a heavier charge to himself.

In this case, it was finally decided that Yuzhou Xiu Nv did not cultivate personal morality and violated the palace rules. She was removed from the qualification of Xiu Nv and returned to her upbringing.

Mu Xiyao didn't ask about the festival between the two and her, but she could guess that this was the despicableness of human nature. Some people don't think others are better than themselves, so they destroy it first, so as not to get in the way of their own affairs. Although everyone may not know each other at all, there is no hatred or resentment.

Mu Xiyao was relieved that they ended up returning home. According to her words, this is the refurbishment.

After that, Xiu Nv's life became smoother and smoother. With this slaughter, even wild monkeys are timid and restrained. The re-election will come soon, and it will be a test of court etiquette and a talent show in the Yaohua Palace of the imperial concubine.

Mu Xiyao's guqin "Flowering" successfully passed the test, and was praised by "there is a beautiful woman, and the heart of the piano is elegant".

After the re-election, cousin Mu Xiyao was put down, and only the Mu sisters continued to wait for the final election in three days. At that time, Emperor Yuancheng will personally come to choose a good match for the princes and the children of the clan. Of course, by the way, he also seeks some personal gain for himself.

From the Weiyang Building, Zong Zhenglin looked at the Wanxiu Palace in the distance and said nothing. This morning, the secret guard came to report that when the fifth prince concubine made a special trip to greet the concubine of Germany yesterday, she actually mentioned that she wanted to accept the daughter of the Mu family in Qingzhou and enter the fifth prince's residence as a concubine.

I really didn't expect that, that rabbit can be noisy and troublesome! What does the fifth prince mean? How dare these five princes and concubines know that Mu's "duties are honest and easy to raise" without even seeing anyone

When did Zong Zhengming notice the rabbit? It's okay, there are still a few days, until the imperial decree is issued, and then the accounts will be settled.

I also remembered the two Yuzhou beautiful girls that the dark guard had been staring at. I haven't found it out on my own side, but people have solved it. It's too coincidental. If it was her handwriting, Zong Zhenglin remembered a sentence: rabbits will bite people in a hurry. A smile flashed in his eyes.

Mu Xiyao didn't know that she had become a rabbit, and was lamenting that the memory was becoming more and more unreliable. Yesterday, in the garden, I actually saw the "favored concubine" of the previous Emperor Zong Zhenglin, the concubine Tang Shi Yiru.

How could this woman be here now? Shouldn't she miss this primary election because of the wind chill and wait until the next general election to be referred to the Prince's Palace? If they met now, they must be living in the West Palace. No wonder I didn't find this new "rival in love" before.

Mu Xiyao decided to wait and see what happened. Then Jiang Shi's Pingting had not yet left the palace, and she was about to be crippled by her. How could she take advantage of her strength in the future? Tang's arrival is just right. Anyway, one is a fight, and two are also a fight. Too many people make it easy to fish in troubled waters. There are still four people to play mahjong, not to mention that the backyard of the Prince's Mansion will be full of flowers in the future, and there will be several tables of mahjong. Mu Xiyao plans to have a kill!

When the final election came, there were still seventy-three beautiful girls remaining in the palace. Everyone dressed in uniform, and the steward was led away to the Queen Mother's Feng'an Palace.

Emperor Yuan Cheng sat on the top, and the current Queen Mother sat beside him. The concubines and concubines above the second-rank concubines in the harem are seated in order according to their rank. All the show girls waited for the leader and the eunuch to read their names, so they entered in groups of ten, standing in two rows.

Mu Xiyao looked at the beautiful girls, some with joy on their faces, while others lost their souls. There was even one person who fainted because he was too nervous. Of course, he was carried out with a sign. It's good to faint, Mu Xiyao is very envious, and even suspects that the woman is also pretending? Well, this woman really can't understand the situation. In the Great Wei Dynasty, it was a great honor for the woman and her family to be finally elected to be married by the emperor. In other words, the face. No one is shameless for no reason.

But he said that most of the show girls here have already been called by their names, and even Mu Xiting entered the previous group. Mu Xiyao is very strange, shouldn't the order of calling names be based on family background? Even Mu Xiting went in, why did she wait

This has to say about the Sixth Highness Zong Zhenglin. The Sixth Highness thought that since the fifth prince concubine informed the concubine De that she wanted to take the daughter of the Mu clan in Qingzhou, it would be as she wished. Let Mu Xiting get in first and become the concubine of the fifth prince, which is also her good fortune. Sure enough, Concubine De was still very trustworthy, and after agreeing in advance, she left the sign of Mu Xiting.

When Mu Xiyao entered, Concubine De was very puzzled, why is there another Mu's daughter? Looking at Mu Xiyao's color and body shape again, compared with the woman just now, sure enough, the "honest duty and easy life" that the Fifth Prince said should be the former one.

The color behind this one is quite good, and the fifth emperor should not be able to take this woman back to block her. What's more, her watery and agile eyes are not honest.

This is really a big misunderstanding. The fifth prince heard Zong Zhengming's suggestion at first, but she had never met anyone, so she had to find the best excuse. After all, which backyard doesn't want women who come in to be honest, okay? Birth and rearing are just for the sake of highlighting "virtuousness". Unexpectedly, he made a mistake.

Concubine Shu is in a good mood now. Three brands have been left in front, and different styles of beauties have been chosen. There must be something that my son likes, right? Seeing Mu Xiyao, who just came in, has an outstanding appearance and a good family background. Her figure is even more bulging, but she is not at all coquettish. The whole person looks very clean and tasteful.

I've heard that this woman's rules are also very good. I also remembered that my son inadvertently said that Mrs. Wu was rigid and dull, and compared with this woman's agile features, she was very good and very suitable, so I hurriedly asked and left a sign. Even more eyes signaled to Emperor Yuan Cheng, this must be accepted for his son.

When Emperor Yuancheng saw Mu Xiyao coming in, his eyes lit up, and he was about to accept a beauty first, but Concubine Shu asked him first and left a sign. I thought it was just a woman, not worth mentioning. Such a woman is not bad for the Sixth Emperor, so she nodded in agreement.

If Mu Xiyao knew that she was almost mistaken by Emperor Yuancheng's old cow eating tender grass, she might even be able to kill the king and remarry. Fortunately, Emperor Yuan Cheng was still very wise, and he didn't bring this demon girl into the harem.

After the final election, all the beautiful women came out of the palace. Mu Xiyao lived in her grandfather's house again and slept peacefully.

Zong Zhenglin also slept quite well this night, and the dust will settle only when the imperial decree comes down tomorrow.

The next day, the deputy chief eunuch brought a guard of honor to Yufu to announce the decree.

Qingzhou Mu's direct daughter, Mu's Xiyao, entered the Sixth Prince's Mansion as a concubine.

Qingzhou Mu's concubine, Mu's Xiting, entered the Fifth Prince's Mansion as a concubine.

This time the whole Yufu was shocked. This is two princes and concubines, which is incredible. And the two concubines are still sisters. This Qingzhou Mu Mansion is good luck. What's more, although she is now a concubine, no one can say if she has children, will it be mentioned? If she became a side concubine, it would be a great honor. That is the blessing of being able to enter the Royal Dian.

Mu Xiyao wondered again. In her previous life, Mu Xiting was accused of being a concubine to the children of the clan, so how did she become a prince and a concubine? Can this memory be any more unreliable? In the previous life, she was a concubine, but in this life, she was a concubine, which should be related to the previous high profile.

Mu Xiyao never thinks about those unimportant things. As long as Mu Xiting is as good as she is now, she knows her proportions and obeys the rules, she will not be far behind. After all, the fifth prince is still a generous person. What's more, isn't there Mo Wanqing? Beside her, Mu Xiyao has someone.

Now Mu Xiyao is more concerned about who will be his colleagues in the future. Zhao Qing's news arrived soon: Tang Shi Yiru was still a concubine. In addition, there are two concubines: Zhang and Qi.

Well, they're all acquaintances, and this time it's finally not too far off. Rather than fighting with those who do not know the foundation, it is better to deal with those who know the basics slowly. As for the Jiang family, Mu Xiyao is very sorry, but she was swept away by her. I don't know where the people are now.

According to the imperial edict, the two concubines will be carried into the backyard of the sixth prince in the middle of next month. On the other hand, Mu Xiyao and Tang Yiru entered the palace on the same day in the first ten days of next month. All concubines and above can do the simplest tribute.

So, Mu Xiyao's marriage-to-be started.