The Beloved Imperial Consort

Chapter 63: Edge


"It's not a mansion guard, and it's not a woman, then," Mu Xiyao raised her mouth and looked at the opposite side with interest, "but blood drop?"

The six people who were about to start froze for a moment, and their hearts shook for a while.

How could this woman know the secret of the blood drop? Is it because her identity is different, or is the sixth highness already aware of it

The leader frowned, staring at Mu Xiyao's relaxed and relaxed body, and was very afraid. I was thinking about whether to cancel the action, and quickly replied, but I heard the woman speak again.

"Are you still satisfied with the thrush that was sent back a few days ago?" The sound of the piano was slow, and it was horrifying to hear in the empty hall.

No matter how hard it was for the man in black to calm down, his forehead was slightly sweaty.

This woman is definitely not the favorite concubine of the back house, and even the Prince's Mansion is so secretive that she is very precious, I am afraid her identity is terrifying.

I heard before that Emperor Yuancheng had a secret spy under his command, which was very secretive. The shot is a big case, and there is never a loss.

Could it be that this woman's background has something to do with it? Just as he was about to evacuate in panic, he saw the woman on the opposite side slowly get up.

"Since the tea art is not in everyone's eyes, and the adults don't like piano music, why don't you go to the mansion with your concubine?" After saying that, a pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at the person who came, smiling.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man in black waited to escape, only to take a step, but his whole body was paralyzed, and he lost his strength in an instant, and it was too late to even bite the poison pill.

Mu Xiyao looked at the four figures planted from the beam, and found her secret guard accurately, blinked her beautiful eyes, and shook the silk in front of the two with a sympathetic expression.

After waiting for a while, he turned off the incense burner and called Mo Lan to come in.

Mo Lan could not stop exclaiming as soon as she stepped in with one foot. Looking at the man in black who appeared inexplicably in front of him, lying all over the room, he was dizzy. Looking at her master again, she was standing in the hall intact, and she stretched out her toes and tried to kick the man lying on the ground.

When Wei Zhen rushed in, he saw Mo Lan dragging the master Yao who was kicking him, the man in black with his eyes torn apart and two dark guards crawling up on the ground.

"Take the pill out of your mouth, plug your mouth, and tie it back to the palace." Mu Xiyao pointed at Wei Zhen and circled the eight people on the ground.

With Mo Lan who was still chattering, Mu Xiyao went downstairs in a happy mood and hugged the buns, watching the lively crowd on the river bank, waiting for Wei Zhen to clean up.

Commander Wei heard the dark guard's topsy-turvy reply, only to feel his head was as big as a fight.

Is this what Master Yao did? What are the blood droplets and thrushes in the mouth of the dark guard? And the people in black all fell down when they listened to Yao's main bullet?

Wei Zhen felt that he had picked up a hot potato, so it was better to get the person back to His Highness quickly. As for the master Yao who passed on his skills, he couldn't control it himself.

By the time Zong Zhenglin got the news in the study, Mu Xiyao had coaxed the little bun to sleep, and was lying in the Shuangyan Pond taking a comfortable bath.

Listening to the reply from Dark Guard and Wei Zhen, Zong Zhenglin frowned, fingered the leaf vein bookmark, and remained silent.

All signs indicate that Mu Xiyao had a plan, and even took his son with him? ? Zong Zhenglin's eyes were not good.

There are also blood droplets and thrushes in her mouth, these are clearly the forces he is investigating. It's a pity that his secret guard is still under investigation, and his side concubine is capable enough to call it out with precision.

How did Mu Xiyao learn about Zong Zhengchun's secrets? Is there something else in her identity? And her ability to identify poison and use poison, where did she come from

Zong Zhenglin looked at the secret report submitted by the secret guard in his hand, which showed that Mu Xiyao's family background and growth experience were very clean. There is nothing in line with the methods she used today, not to mention that a woman in the inner house is not afraid of life and death, and she is so careful and calm that it is eye-catching.

Zong Zhenglin stroked the bookmark one last time, put it back on the page and closed it, thinking about dealing with the group of killers.

Yan Chengzhou was instructed to take someone to interrogate him, and Zong Zhenglin sat quietly in the study by himself, thinking about it all night. The next day, they summoned the fifth court, and the two had a secret discussion. Finally, they wrote a memorial about the results of the review and the reasons for the incident, but the traces of Mu Xiyao were completely erased and replaced by guards in the palace.

Emperor Yuancheng read the memorial and sent someone to the Sixth Prince's Mansion to collect evidence. When the visitor returned to the palace, he presented two special tokens, a tattoo pattern, and the thief "suicide" with residual poison in his mouth.

Regarding the felony of assassinating the royal family, Emperor Yuancheng paid special attention and sent spies to search Shengjing over and over again. In the end, more than ten people with pattern marks were intercepted in the suburbs of Beijing, including two women.

After being severely tortured by the Ministry of Punishment, only two of them could not bear to confess, and the rest would rather die than give in.

Emperor Yuancheng saw that the two of them didn't know what to say, but only blindly bit the prince, and suddenly became furious. All 11 people were beheaded in the street, and in the courtroom, he angrily denounced the wolf's ambition behind the case, and sent an order. Dawei wanted to be a repeat offender with blood drop tattoos on his body.

After this incident, Emperor Yuancheng had even more control over the power of the princes of the various governments. Especially the eldest son Zong Zhengjun, who is suspected of seriousness. Although there is no definite evidence, the spies discovered that a private house was left with the exact same medicine as the residual poison. After investigation, it was found that the land deed of the house was owned by Zong Zhengchun's family members.

The eldest prince was summoned by Emperor Yuancheng to the door of the study, without a word of reprimand, he only threw down a title deed and left him kneeling on the steps alone until he fainted.

Mu Xiyao didn't care about the rumors in the palace that Zong Zhengchun angered Longyan. What she is worried about now is that Zong Zhenglin's mind can't turn around.

The Sixth Highness was so proud of Wei Zhen's report that he had not come to Danruo Garden for placement for three consecutive days, and he had not even seen his son Chengqing. It looked like he was screwed with her.

Mu Xiyao looked at Merlin outside the window, frowning slightly. It is easy to compete for favor, but there is no shortcut to gain trust. What's more, this time is too clean, with Zong Zhenglin's suspicion, I am afraid that it will take some time before that man can let go of his dead mind.

This action is her greatest sincerity towards Zong Zhenglin. I just wonder if he can put aside the suspicion of the emperor and make the same return

The eldest prince Zong Zhengchun has not entered the study for three days since he was neglected by Yuan Chengdi. He spends his days drinking alcohol to drown his sorrows, his temper is violent and irritable, and even the aides in the government avoid seeing him.

It was the father of the imperial concubine, An Guogong, who came forward to calm his anxiety. An Guogong closed his eyes and said nothing when he heard the stupid things Zong Zhengchun did. On the contrary, Concubine Mu, who was mentioned by the grandson, was very alert.

He didn't know much about blood drops and thrush, but to be able to go back and forth overnight was clearly a trap. If His Royal Highness noticed something, it wouldn't be too bad to set up this dead end. But if that woman had this strategy, it would be very bad.

Zong Zhenglin was already mature and prudent, and he had a deep sense of government. A few years ago, I got a very good aide, the fifth dynasty, which is already a tiger with wings. Now, with a woman who can be a strategist sitting in the backyard, the Sixth Prince's Mansion is impregnable, and it is difficult to shake it.

An Guogong could only sigh inwardly when he saw his unsatisfactory grandson. It's really time to wait for the Li family. With such a reckless and ignorant descendant, the future of Anguo Gongfu is worrisome.

The prince was not seen by the emperor when he came in, and he had repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with his errand in the Ministry of Housing. These Six Highnesses are indeed too sharp. If you don't suppress it, I'm afraid it will be ten percent, and it will be too late to regret it.

The front cannot be hit hard, but the backyard has a lot to do. It's just that the timing needs to be taken care of. It seems that it is not far from the wedding of His Royal Highness Sixth Highness, and there is really divine help.

Anguogong had a secret talk with Zong Zhengchun, after which the eldest prince regrouped, but he grew two points more than before.