The Best Doctors in The City

Chapter 108: Robbers are not true


Chapter 108 Robbers Are Not True (1/3)

The cocoon was reborn, and the golden cocoon began to crack little by little, and the cracks spread out at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, with a snap, the cocoon shattered.

Gu Tingyu woke up slowly with Tu Xiaobai in his arms, and he saw a familiar face with tears in his eyes.

"Late Autumn? What's the matter?" Gu Tingyu asked suspiciously.

He remembered deeply that at the first moment of the explosion, he saw Tu Xiaobai rushing in. Gu Tingyu flew forward and hugged Tu Xiaobai in his arms to block most of the explosion damage.

Why do you see Ye Wanqiu again now

Could it be that that bastard is not dead

Could it be that Ye Wanqiu was also brutally murdered

Ye Wanqiu still couldn't control the burst of tears, and he hugged Gu Tingyu, feeling this man of flesh and blood and warmth, listening to his heartbeat in his chest, and feeling his constant breathing.

Then you can know that when you are alive, the young master is alive again.

Her world did not collapse like before.

"Late Autumn? What's wrong?"

Gu Tingyu is a little dull, but no matter how dumb, he will not know what he should or should not do now.

Gu Tingyu stretched out his hand and gently embraced Ye Wanqiu's waist, making it boneless and as gentle as jade.

Ye Wanqiu was only wearing a coat that the golden light man put on her. Her own clothes had been broken in the sword aura that the demon Ruxing kept slashing out. Gu Tingyu held her waist, which happened to be the same place. Where the flesh is exposed.

Of course, there is still blood and scars.

Gu Tingyu pushed Ye Wanqiu away and looked at her body. There were nearly dozens of large and small scars all over her body. One can imagine how difficult it was.

"Brother Yu, it's okay." Ye Wanqiu squeezed out a smile, and the wounds of flesh and blood are not a big problem for the cultivator.

Gu Tingyu gently kneaded Ye Wanqiu's head, no matter how stupid he was, he now knew that he was not dead.

"How is this going?"

Later, Ye Wanqiu recounted what happened after Gu Tingyu’s detonation and explosion. Of course, the things about her were naturally passed on. Ye Wanqiu didn’t do these things to make Gu Tingyu grateful for her. She did these things. It's all from the heart, and naturally there is no need to show it to others with great fanfare.

Even if Ye Wanqiu didn't say anything, Gu Tingyu

Seeing her covered with scars can also understand.

Gu Tingyu gently held Ye Wanqiu's hand, giving her a sense of security.

"I really don’t know who the golden man in your mouth is. I have been practicing Taoism in Baiyun since I was a child. Apart from Master Xiaobai and Dabai, I really don’t know other masters. According to you, that golden man has already cultivated. It's very high, maybe it's an old friend of Master." Gu Tingyu explained.

This is the only explanation. He doesn't know a big boss of that level. If he had such a helper, wouldn't he have been called out a long time ago? Why wait until now

Looking at each other, and just smiling, Ye Wanqiu can understand Gu Tingyu, and Gu Tingyu can also understand Ye Wanqiu, there is no need to make a vow to guarantee that he will not do such stupid things in the future.

Because they knew each other, if there was another time, Gu Tingyu would still do it to protect them.

And Ye Wanqiu also knew that once again, she would still fight desperately.

"Why hasn't Xiaobai been woken up yet?" Ye Wanqiu blushed and avoided Gu Tingyu's eyes, looking down at the coating of Xiaobai in the cocoon.


How could Gu Tingyu, a figure like a sister-in-law, see another woman at first sight, not his sister

Had it not been for his sister Tu Xiaobai's gentle and comfortable breathing, he would not have the intention of flirting with Ye Wanqiu.

Yes, in the eyes of Zhe Xiu, all this is flirting and scattering dog food.

"Nothing is fine." Ye Wanqiu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as everything was in peace.

"It's fine."

At this moment, the neglected folded sleeves stepped forward, can't you really see me? Anyway, I am also a living person, and I am so beautiful, is it really so difficult to be discovered by others

At this point, the five-member group of the four great masters knows how many times they have been ignored by the teacher Gu Tingyu, almost all of them.

"It's all right."

Gu Tingyu is not a person who likes to fully express his emotions, although after seeing Zhexiu, he really wants to ask how Zhexiu was taken away and what dangers he encountered.

But now, she has stood by her side alive and well, that's enough, no need to ask.

"Huh, I don't care at all

I only see my sister late autumn, isn't it? "Zhuxiu hummed uncomfortably, with a jealous expression on his face.

Others are also big beauties, OK, can you give me some care, even if I lose it.


How can a miserable word fully describe it? There are so many corpses in the wilderness, many of them are fourth-rank monks, third-rank monks, and second-rank monks, and now all are corpses.

Gu Tingyu raised his head and looked at the sky. He was very curious about who the golden man who appeared suddenly was, what was the relationship with him, and why would he help

He doesn't know, but this is not the primary issue now.

"There has been a battle of this magnitude in this place. I am afraid that it will attract the attention of others. We must flee as soon as possible." Gu Tingyu said seriously.

Both the Iron Mountain Sect and the Xuantian Sword Sect had only sent elders. As for their heads, whether there would be other elders, they had no idea, and they couldn't stay here to continue their adventure.

"Okay, I know." Ye Wanqiu replied.

Gu Tingyu greeted Da Bai, and put the sleeping Xiao Bai on Da Bai's back, and exhorted: "Run as fast as you can, go down the mountain first."

"Brother Yu? What else are you doing?" Ye Wanqiu asked suspiciously.

"Hehehe, this is the corpse of a fourth-rank cultivator, and two third-rank elders, I'll go and explore it." Gu Tingyu smiled on his face, you can't miss it, this is a lot of cultivation resource.

What a joke.

If you miss it, where do you pick up such a big bargain.

"Hey hey hey, what happened to the cautious face just now?"

"Would you like to be so fast, now you are not afraid of the other head elder suddenly appearing?"

Ye Wanqiu and Zhexiu looked at each other, and they both felt exhausted.

Where can Gu Tingyu take care of this? Stepping forward is a sweeping, of course, his sweeping is very purposeful, that is, going straight to the corpses of the fourth-rank monk Demon Ruxing and the two third-rank elders, and the rest People don't need to see much at all.

Sure enough, a fourth-rank monk is a fourth-rank monk, and the third-rank elder is worthy of being a third-rank elder.

Once again, Gu Tingyu received three storage bags, which should be almost the same. Even if the rest of them have them, they probably won't have anything of value.


(End of this chapter)