The Best Doctors in The City

Chapter 110: Drink is not intoxicating, everyone is drunk


Chapter 110: Alcohol is not intoxicating, everyone is drunk (1/3)

After the snow, Rongcheng is destined to usher in a warm winter, the weather is gradually warming up, and the temperature at night has reached above zero.

Gu Tingyu has read the almanac, the first day after the new year, the Spring Festival is the beginning of spring, and now there are ten days left before the beginning of spring, which is the Spring Festival.

Ten days later, welcome the new year.

The weather is fine, the night is low, and the evening stars are the company.

Gu Tingyu ignited the stone pillar oil lamp in the courtyard for the first time. The wicks were made on the several standing stone pillars, and there was a stone as a frame outside and a lampshade inlaid with polished glass.

In the middle of the courtyard, some simple stoves piled up with bricks are lit with bright fire, and there is a large iron pot on the earth stove. The pot is boiling, and warm meat is stewed!

Next to this stove is a long mahogany table with low feet. The four masters and five people group and Gu Tingyu, Ye Wanqiu, and Tu Xiaobai gathered around the table, and the meat is overflowing.

"I said I'm not afraid. It's the first time we had a drink with Master today. We definitely can't drink your old village chief. Take out the wine you brought from the village."

"Yes, yes, I'm not afraid that your family is the number one brewer in our village. How can you not let the master taste it."

Murong was not afraid to slap his chest, and laughed: "Okay, it just happens to be a little bit, but let me say it first, I am honoring Master, you guys, don't give me a drink."

Murong was not afraid to lift his pocket on the side, took out two mineral water bottles from inside, smiled and unscrewed the caps and handed them to Gu Tingyu: "Master, you taste it, don't look at the bottles, they are all more than ten years old. Drink."

Gu Tingyu took it over with some interest.

He can't be called a love of wine, and he can't be called a non-love.

When cultivating on the mountain, dare to have a good day, Lao Cui will bring out some fine wine for Gu Tingyu to taste and drink together.

Into the throat, the spiciness is like a flame from the throat to the stomach.

"What a fine line of throat!" Gu Tingyu couldn't help but praise. Although it can't be compared with the wine made by Lao Cui, it is also great.

With a sip of wine, a lot of past events took hold. When he was on the mountain, Lao Cui was almost drunk in the wine every day.

In fact, it stands to reason that cultivators rarely get drunk, especially ordinary wine. Old Cui drinks not as strong as Murong's wine. Sometimes Gu Tingyu is not drunk, but Old Cui is drunk every day.

If you don’t drink for drunkenness? What else does it mean

This is what old Cui often talks about

No one knows the sentence on the side, Gu Tingyu doesn't know, Tu Xiaobai doesn't know, even Lao Cui doesn't know if he is drunk.

Rising, Gu Tingyu took the bottle and took a gulp.

Eating two pieces of fragrant meat stewed in a pot, drinking two sips of strong wine, the cold of winter fades away in this night.

Tu Xiaobai wanted to drink too, but was stopped by Gu Tingyu. Wherever a little girl can drink, she must be cultivated as a lady.

Although Tu Xiaobai didn't drink it, Ye Wanqiu drank a lot, making Gu Tingyu admire her drinking.

Guarding the stove, blowing a cool breeze, drinking strong wine, and eating hot meat.

Ye Wanqiu drank a whole bottle by herself. Her face that was as white as snow now turned red, and her big piercing eyes were a little blurred. Looking at the flames swaying in the furnace, drunkenness surged into her heart.

"Brother Yu, if you really die, then I don't plan to live anymore, I'm going to blew myself up and fight with him." Ye Wanqiu muttered to himself, having something in his heart, and said it out of his drunkenness.

When Ye Wanqiu said that Gu Tingyu almost died today, can this be tolerated

After drinking so much, Murong was not afraid to get up and pat his chest, grinning: "Who dares to provoke my master? See if I don't slap him to death with a brick."

"Don't be afraid, don't brag, it's not your turn to shoot him to death, I'll just sit on top of him with a wax gourd."

"Hey, you rob me of the limelight, pk a bit when you refuse to accept it."

"Oh, I'll go, pk is pk, who is afraid of whom."

Several drunk groups of five clamored to stand up together, one out of the eighteen palms of Jianglong, one out of ecstasy palms, and the other to return me with a fist.

Before he could make a move, I didn't know which drunk had gotten under him. Several people stumbled, twisted their five pairs of feet into twists, fell to the ground with a plop, and fell asleep.

"Just sleep like this, is it okay?" Ye Wanqiu asked, pointing to the few people who fell on the ground.

Gu Tingyu smiled with drunkenness and shook his head slightly: "It won't die."

At the top of the moon, Ye Wanqiu was lying on the big white back. He hadn't eaten a fox alone a long time ago. He sat obediently on the courtyard wall at the door, looking into the distance, as if waiting for something.

"You dead fox, you're here, Xiao Bai won't stick to me anymore." Gu Tingyu spit out a bone and threw it at Da Bai who was lying on the wall, cursing uncomfortably.

Dabai turned his head back and grinned, this bastard dared to throw it with a bone, really regarded it as a stray dog

This also

Tolerable? Where is the dignity of monsters, the dignity of the noble family of white foxes!

Dabai, who was about to go down and beat Gu Tingyu violently, looked back. Xiaobai was sleeping sweetly with his neck, nestled in his arms, sleeping quietly, with a little crystal on the corners of his mouth, spitting out warmth. Breath.

Da Bai couldn't bear to wake Xiao Bai, so he let off Gu Tingyu's horse, and then shook his huge tail and gently covered Tu Xiaobai's body. The fluffy tail could also shield Xiao Bai from the cold wind.

The wind gradually picked up, and winter was winter after all, and the fire was swaying. Gu Tingyu and Ye Wanqiu were sitting quietly at the table. Naturally, the fellow monks would not be frozen by this cool breeze.

But Gu Tingyu politely took off his coat and put it on Ye Wanqiu. Ye Wanqiu wanted to refuse, but he glanced at Gu Tingyu, then smiled sweetly and wrapped his coat tightly.

"The weather is getting late, Brother Yu should go to rest early, and are they really all right lying in the yard?" Ye Wanqiu asked.

Just as Gu Tingyu was about to speak, Da Bai kept shaking his tail to wake Xiao Bai.

"Ah, Dabai, you really didn't lie to me, Dahua is back." Tu Xiaobai rubbed his sleepy eyes, stood up and looked at a big yellow-haired tiger outside the door with a body length of more than two meters. Happy.

This is the big tiger that I encountered in Jiuyang Mountain. After being conquered and taught by Dabai, this tiger has been determined to follow Dabai. It wants to make his tiger life meaningful and fulfilling. .

But it is a pity that Dahua is just a beast, without Dabai's innate talent inheritance, let alone a world of beauty, and can only quietly follow along with Dabai's scent left by it.

Only Dabai, the old fox and Tu Xiaobai knew about this.

"Yeah, you can follow along. If you have a chance, you can stay." Gu Tingyu didn't have much reaction to the arrival of Dahua. Since Xiaobai likes it, everything is easy to say.

"Thank you, brother." Tu Xiaobai smiled happily.

Gu Tingyu yawned, went to a side octagonal well and put out a bucket of cold water to extinguish the earthen stove, and then said: "These people will sleep like this. Let the big flowers warm them up first, don't worry, go back and rest first. "

Gu Tingyu, who was drunk and sprouted, staggered back into the room. He didn't want to worry about anything today, he wanted to have a good night's sleep.

(End of this chapter)