The Best Doctors in The City

Chapter 50: Doctor I'm not sick


Chapter 50 Doctor I'm Not Sick (1/3)

It is impossible to be a salted fish for a lifetime.

Of course it is impossible to strike.

Sad, no, it is absolutely unspoken.

Don’t talk about it. Men cry, cry, it’s not a crime, bow your head and weep, what to do if the crown falls.

It just happened to be the common voice of several other doctors in the consultation room. I really want you to see a bit of bitter tears!

Should the difference be so obvious, or so exaggerated.

The long queue in front of the new doctor can be said to be at the entrance of the alley. Isn't he just a little tenderer, better-looking, and more knowledgeable? What else is there besides these.

I don't know that men are all aged wines, the more they get older, the more flavorful they are!

"Brother, the body odor on your body has smeared on me. The smell is really big." An unnamed external doctor named Long Tao, holding his nose, said to the other external doctor who also had no name but had body odor.

Famous? impossible.

He just became the youngest physician in any branch of Jingshitang in the country.

Is it really famous

"It's true, Doctor Gu, you don't know. How many medical students now regard you as an idol," a young girl with a double ponytail held up a notebook and handed it to Gu Tingyu, "Can you give it to me? I’ll sign a name and keep a cell phone from Weixin Penguin or something."

"You are not sick, are you."

"Not too serious, the problem is not big."

"Okay, next one."

Even so, Gu Tingyu still skillfully left a line of names on the other party's notebook, written in block letters, with dignity and solemnity.

"Ah! Doctor Gu, it is said on the Internet that you got the inheritance of Sun Simiao, Li Shizhen and other medical masters because of your dreams. I don't know if it is true?"

"You are sick, right."

What dreams have to be passed down, I really thought it was a novel. This was the first day that Gu Tingyu went to work, and none of the top ten people actually saw a doctor.

Whoa, whoa, Gu Tingyu is really shameless.

"No, no, I happened to be yesterday."


"Doctor Gu, you are Grandma Tong, right? No, you should be Grandpa Tong. I listen to my classmates and classmates of the teacher of your neighbor's second sister-in-law's cousin who took the Jingshitang student exam one day. My cousin said that you are familiar with millions of medical masterpieces. Is this true?"

Huh? What the hell is Grandma Tong, isn't Grandpa Bi? !

And this interpersonal relationship

Long, how did he memorize it all at once

And, where are there thousands of famous medical books! Do you really think this is Chinese cabbage for fifty cents a catty on the street! Baskets into baskets.

"Security guard."

Is it cool to be famous!

It's still very cool, of course, it would be even cooler if there were fewer weird things that could always ask awkward questions.

"Doctor Gu, I'm not sick."

"I don't believe it." Gu Tingyu rolled his eyes and said.

"Doctor Gu, I'm really not sick. I'm a reporter from the Rongcheng Evening News. I want to interview you. The reason why you know about Gu doctors with little heritage is because your parents are from Miaojiang?"

The spectacle man who claims he is not sick but has mental problems asked with interest.

"In fact, I really want to know where my parents come from." Gu Tingyu sighed.

Hearing this, if the man with glasses had inspiration, he picked up a pen to read and write on the book: Lonely young man, abandoned by his parents since he was a child, he still insists on studying Chinese medicine assiduously. This spirit is inspiring.

"If you write like this, believe it or not, I will cure you in minutes!" Gu Tingyu said uncomfortably.

The male reporter with glasses glanced at Gu Tingyu, and suddenly he had some inspiration: "Gu Tingyu, a medical genius who had not been loved by his parents since he was a child, has a fine personality. Will he have another face if he is proficient in medicine? A murderous devil doctor. ."

"The rumors go to rumors, is it really okay to be like this in front of me?"

"Ahem, I'm sorry, professional habits, I always like to read things out when I write things." The reporter smiled awkwardly.

"Go out and turn left to the psychiatric department, don't thank you," Gu Tingyu scratched his head and continued, "Looking at your complexion, you should stay up late, your spiritual platform is dark, you should accumulate a little bit of morality in your writing, and don't walk at night. Surrounded by clean things."

The male journalist with glasses had a good idea again, and then wrote in his notebook: A young genius is actually a believer in ghosts and gods, sighing the sadness of the world and the misfortune of the youth.

As for how this reporter records the report, he doesn't care, because even if he says some official away words, someone deliberately discredited you, there is still no way to stop it.

It's just that his last advice is really not alarmist.

Heh, reporter, I don’t know how many people were injured by what I wrote, or whether it’s someone who is no longer a human being.

One hour later, none of the people he treated was sick.

There are seven

Signed, there are five group photos, three reporters who interviewed, and four young ladies who made appointments for dinner.

"Could it be that there isn't a normal person here who is really sick."

Gu Tingyu collapsed. He looked at the long dragon team in front of him. Is it because the people down the mountain are so boring, or are they all so idle

Poor, what use do I want this long dragon to do!

It's not as effective as the few genuine patients at the table.

"Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu, I'm sick, I'm really sick!"

"Who is it, where are you, the sick come soon, I'm waiting for you."

Gu Tingyu is delighted! This is the best news he has heard today.

Ah, wait, is this kind of inhumane

No matter what, in short, sick teenagers, girls, uncles and aunts, come on, let my little prince of Chinese medicine treat you well.

A man with a yellow face and a thin face was squeezed out of the long dragon team. The man was very short, not over thirty-five years old, and his black and thin appearance looked particularly inconspicuous.

Really sick person!

"Come, please sit down, tell me what's going on?" Gu Tingyu asked.

"I, I don't know. I just feel turbulent lately. I have no energy all day long. I don't want to get up no matter how long I sleep. I'm tired when I walk two steps out. I feel upset every day."

Gu Tingyu was a little curious when he heard that, and asked the other party to give him his wrist, and after checking the pulse, he asked.

"Don't you still want to work every day, want to eat good drinks, buy the most expensive, and look down on those workers who go to work from 9 to 5?"

"Yes, right, right, Dr. Gu, you are really a genius doctor, what kind of disease is this?"

Gu Tingyu's forehead was black, and the corner of her mouth **: "This is so poor. I'll open a prescription for you. There is a sports lottery on the opposite street. Go buy a few bets. When will you gather the seven numbers representing the Dragon Ball" After that, it will naturally be able to cure illnesses soaring to the sky."

It's another unreasonable joke, so idle!

The whole morning passed, nine out of ten of the long queues came to join in the fun, but there were also people who were really sick.

It's nothing more than a few minor symptoms, like a cold, a stomach problem, and the like.

Just as they were about to stop work for lunch, a group of people outside the door carried a stretcher, on which a middle-aged woman squeezed in.

As he walked in, he shouted, "Vicious doctor Gu Tingyu, he is not good at his medical skills and he has cured people."

(End of this chapter)