The Best Doctors in The City

Chapter 63: Pink lights flashing short skirt


Chapter 63 Short Pink Lights Flashing Skirt (1/3)

The hutong, which is quite serious, is located near the Rongcheng Railway Station. As for why it is near the railway station, I am smiling.

The small alleys are long and dark, and there are only a few oil massages with powder lamps on both sides of the street, and the barbershops are open.

It's strange to say that this good barber shop doesn't even have a mirror, let alone a razor, selling chicken with sheep's head!

The old saying goes: the pink light flashes in the short skirt, knocking on the window to welcome the guests. Horizontal batch: Be careful of the police officer.

Internet freelance writer Zhuo Wei came by taxi.

"It's really as interesting as ever." Zhuo Wei walked into this serious alley with his laptop bag diagonally behind his back.

I randomly found a barber shop and walked in. It took about ten minutes from entering to exiting. The hair cutting speed is still very fast.

Zhuo Wei who came out was refreshed and unexplainable.

"Good job!"

"It's easy to get hungry after exercise. I remember that there is a 24-hour haggis soup shop in front of me, and I have to go to make up for it."

Zhuo Wei took a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it in his mouth, and walked towards the depths of Zhenger Bajing Hutong, which was quiet and long, gradually changing from dim to dark.

The small alley is still too remote. Due to the pressure of industry competition, most of the shops in the alley have been closed, so there is not even a light on.


A stumbling brick on the side of the road almost knocked Zhuo Wei down. He took out his phone and slapped it again, before groping away.

He has walked this road many times. Although it is dark, it is easier to walk, so that it is closer to the fast food restaurant.

After all, he just worked hard for a long time, ten minutes! Is it easy!

"Wow, dad is scared to death!"

As soon as Zhuo Wei's mobile phone lights up, she shows a beautiful girl with long hair in a black dress and short skirt standing on a street corner!

The face with a lot of powder and a cool mobile phone flashlight suddenly felt a little scary.


But Zhuo Wei soon adjusted it, joking, where is this place, a serious alley.

The women in this decent alley must also be decent women. Looking at people wearing such thin clothes in the winter, how can they not contribute some warmth

Under the cold years, wearing very simple clothes, standing at the interface, using my sincerity to impress everyone with fate

People who pass by have a kind heart, how can they turn a blind eye to it

Although he earns less, he is definitely a caring young man.

"Ahem, this girl, you have a story and I have wine, let's talk about it. Please don't refuse my help!" Zhuo Wei leaned on the wall with one hand, and went straight up to make a perfect wall.

Although he is really tired, it is incumbent to help his compatriots.

The woman giggled when she saw Zhuo Wei like this, covering her mouth with one hand.

"What a smile, brother is very powerful." Zhuo Wei hummed.

When the woman heard the words, stretched out her slender boneless hand and gently took Zhuo Wei's hand. The moment her hands touched, a chill came to her heart.

How to describe it, the coldness of the fingers is unimaginable, as if directly picking up a block of ice from the ice and snow, there is no temperature at all.

But after thinking about such a cold day, how can a person's body be warm? This is also normal.

Men whose brains are worms are generally idiots now, no matter how smart he is.

In the depths of the streets, it got darker and darker, and the atmosphere became extremely cold. Zhuo Wei followed the woman all the way to the entrance of an empty and dark old building on the street.


Zhuo Wei asked with a look of surprise, this building is dilapidated, and the windows are leaking from all sides, where can people live

The woman didn't say a word, just giggled and laughed, holding Zhuo Wei's hand to go upstairs.

Pushing away the dilapidated building, a very cold breeze swept out, and at that moment, no matter how many worms were on their brains, people became very energetic.

"Here, this girl, let's go find a hotel, it's too cold here." Zhuo Wei stopped at the door, trying to get away from the woman holding his hand, but suddenly found that the woman's hand was like steel tongs. The buckle.

He is such a big man of more than 1.7 meters and 180 jins that he can't escape

The woman's smile gradually stopped, ignoring Zhuowei's words, she would drag him into this dilapidated building.

Now Zhuo Wei can't keep up with the brains of the worms. Who knows what this place is, and has no place to cry when he dies.

"Let go, let me go, let me go quickly, I'm going home." Zhuo Wei's voice made some crying, and he could hardly pull out his arm with all his strength.

Zhuo Wei can only use the other hand to firmly hold the door in front of the door

Pillars, life and death will not be pulled in.

The woman was a little anxious, and suddenly turned around. Her exquisite and flowery face turned out to be extremely terrifying. Her whole face was pale and bleed. A pair of dark and bloodshot eyes stared at him innocently, her red lips as thin as cicada wings changed. It was even more cruel, the corners of the mouth were torn to the base of the ears, and the appearance of the disheveled hair was very similar to Sadako in the movie.

"Ghost, ghost!"

At that moment, Zhuo Wei desperately exhausted all the strength of the milk, picking up the computer bag in one hand and slamming it at the suddenly transformed female ghost!


When the computer bag hit the female ghost, the female ghost let out a sorrowful scream, unexpectedly letting go of Zhuo Wei.

Where did Zhuo Wei dare to stop, Sa Yazi ran to the street, yelling, "Haunted, haunted, haunted, help."

Soon, the light from the street appeared in front of his eyes, and after rushing out of this long and deep alley, Zhuo Wei took a few breaths, but did not dare to stay in place, and quickly ran away and took out his mobile phone to call the police!

"Uncle police officer, I met a female ghost in Zhengerbajing Hutong, the female ghost is killing her, she is going to rob her!"

"Fool, you belong to the uncle molesting the police officer!"

"No, it's really a female ghost."

"Do you want to come to the police station for tea?"

Female ghost? After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, animals were not allowed to become refined, how could there be female ghosts.

No one paid attention to the mobile phone for a long time. If you call the police, you will definitely be arrested by the police officer.

"Could it be possible to hire a master?"

Suddenly, Zhuo Wei seemed to have thought of something, and a familiar face appeared in his mind.

There is always a humble smile on that delicate and white face.

When shocking the world, Gu Tingyu once said something to him.

Don't walk at night recently, and be careful when you encounter things that are not human.

Not a human thing? Isn't this female ghost something that is not human

With that said, Gu Tingyu knew about it a long time ago? In other words, Gu Tingyu's bastard is pretending to scare himself. Does he know that the reports that discredit him on the Internet come from Zhuo Wei

Despicable villain, despicable villain!

"Using such a foolish method, you wait for me!"

Although it suddenly seemed to be Zhuo Wei who thought he wanted to understand, he still didn't have the courage to go back and expose the face of'Gu Tingyu' under the female ghost.

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

(End of this chapter)