The Best Doctors in The City

Chapter 80: An ordinary day


Chapter 80 An Ordinary Day (1/3)

Practicing on the great road, those who are predestined make it.

There is no words for a night, and a night of sleep. It is during the practice. Sometimes when you stop, turn around and stop to look back at the road you have walked, it is also a practice.

To be honest, since coming down the mountain, Gu Tingyu hasn't taken a good rest and has been practicing almost every day.

Although he thinks he has a peaceful mind and is not concerned about whether he can break through his realm, he is actually not the case.

He desires to be strong, especially in today's situation, he desires to be strong.

He once thought that he would not care about life and death, but after experiencing Lin Feng's death, he suddenly discovered that life was so fragile.

From that moment on, he swore to go to longevity.

For more than ten years, he has always been stuck on who he is, why he came into the world, and he can't help thinking about who the other is, and why he abandons him.

But maybe it's just one step away from being confused and understanding, maybe just the falling leaf of a leaf can wake people up, maybe some people will find no results for more than ten or twenty years. Isn't that the same as him a few years ago

After thinking about it, who is the other and what does it have to do with him

He only knows that his name is called Gu Tingyu. He only knows that his identity is the direct disciple of Baiyun Mountain Baiyun Temple. He only knows that Tu Xiaobai and Lao Cui are the most important people in his life. He only knows that, next It’s a long way to go.

Let all the cherished people around him embark on a long life with him.

Explore the fate of longevity together!

At dawn, Gu Tingyu slept beautifully, got up and washed his face, changed his clothes, and heard the soap opera sound from the TV in the living room as soon as he went downstairs.

It's really harmful.

Downstairs, Ye Wanqiu and Tu Xiaobai were nestled on the sofa, with snacks in their hands, watching the soap operas on the TV, without even noticing Gu Tingyu coming downstairs.

It's over, now the soap opera named "Why do my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fight for my number one" is the best thing for them. They have completely abandoned breakfast, brother Tingyu and the like.

Wait, when did Gu Tingyu become a thing

Wait, when is Gu Tingyu not a thing

Gu Tingyu shook his head and put all those distracting thoughts behind him. He had to cook today's breakfast himself.

It just so happens that there is still a lot of glutinous rice flour left over from making rice cakes last time. You can use this glutinous rice flour to make some pancakes. There are also some vegetables in the kitchen to make a fresh and elegant side dish.

Cook the porridge and start cooking.

Before long, there was an aroma from the kitchen, sweet pancake slices came out of the pot, and a plate of green vegetables was on the table.

Mixed vegetables, fragrant glutinous rice and red dates are boiled in the pot, and a few crisp golden glutinous rice cakes are placed on the plate.

"Wow, it smells so good, Brother Yu, you are making breakfast."

Dressed in pajamas, with bare pink feet and loose hair, Tu Xiaobai appeared at the door of the restaurant, looking at the appetizing food on the table, swallowing saliva.

"It looks so delicious." Ye Wanqiu, the second foodie who was infected by Tu Xiaobai, also rushed to the restaurant smelling the scent.

"What's wrong? Didn't you watch your mother-in-law soap opera?" Gu Tingyu untied the apron and hung it next to the refrigerator. He went to the sink to wash his hands before wiping his hands.

"Hey, I've finished reading it a long time ago." Tu Xiaobai waved his hand, "Now let's discuss the necessity of coexistence between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

Ye Wanqiu smiled awkwardly. She was such a pure-hearted monk who turned into a rotten girl who likes mother-in-law ethical soap operas.

Speaking out might make people in the cultivation world laugh.

After breakfast, Gu Tingyu took Ye Wanqiu and Tu Xiaobai out to see the new car he bought, and he deliberately blindfolded Tu Xiaobai.

Gu Tingyu was surprised as soon as he left the house. The car was cleaned very clean. Although the new car was not dirty at first, it drove back yesterday and was more or less contaminated with dust. But now, it is very, very clean, and the white car body is reflected in the sun and exudes bright stars.

On the street next to the car, carrying buckets and rags in hand, some special brothers stood hard on the roadside. This is their masterpiece, waiting for the master to praise them.

But Gu Tingyu seemed to completely ignore them. Of course, Gu Tingyu, a beloved mad demon, only had a good sister, Tu Xiaobai, so how could others enter his eyes.


Gu Tingyu thought that Tu Xiaobai would be very happy to see this car. He didn't expect that he was not particularly happy.

"You don't seem to be very satisfied." Gu Tingyu asked a little embarrassedly.

Tu Xiaobai squeezed out a good smile maturely: "No, I'm not disappointed."

As he spoke, he patted Gu Tingyu's waist very experienced, signalling him not to lose heart and keep working hard.

"What kind of car do you like?" Gu Tingyu asked unwillingly, is it right that girls like sports cars

"It's on TV, my brother will watch with me."

The group returned to the house, Tu Xiaobai stretched out his hand to pull the corner of Gu Tingyu's clothes, and then asked: "Brother Tingyu, who are those uncles with beautiful and handsome hairstyles outside?"

"Are you sure their hairstyles are particularly beautiful and handsome?" Gu Tingyu felt his life

The world view has been affected.

"Forget it, leave them alone."

Tu Xiaobai pulled Gu Tingyu back into the house, just as an advertisement was being shown on TV. The car used in this advertisement was the one Tu Xiaobai liked.

How should I put it, a well-behaved, cute, innocent panda car appeared on the screen. The most conservative estimate is that the value of this panda car should not exceed a tire of the domineering desert general outside.

Moreover, compared with the domineering Hummer parked outside, the car on the TV is completely compact and exquisite.

"How about, Brother Yu, is it pretty?" Tu Xiaobai had a well-behaved face.


How to answer this question? It looks good, it is completely ignorant of conscience, not to mention whether it is worthy of the big Hummer outside that has been wiped out. First of all, I am sorry for the kindness of Duan Qing.

"Very compact and exquisite."

This is the best answer Gu Tingyu can give.

"Hehehe, I knew that Brother Yu must like this nice car."

Xiao Tu Xiaobai also knew that this was a car.

"By the way, Xiaobai, my brother wants to take you to the mall. There are not only a lot of food, but also beautiful clothes." Gu Tingyu said with a smile.

Speaking of, Gu Tingyu was indeed very cold-hearted and Tu Xiaobai during this period of time. He often went to work on his own affairs, forgetting that Xiaobai was still a kid who likes to play but stayed at home all day. This older brother is very unqualified.

Moreover, Tu Xiaobai is now young, and he will be spoiled as a little princess in other people's homes, and there are countless beautiful clothes, but his Xiaobai only has a Taoist gown and a set of cotton clothes given by Ye Wanqiu.

He didn't want Tu Xiaobai to be overly mature. As an older brother, what he can do is to let his sister enjoy her childhood freely. Although Tu Xiaobai’s childhood has been over more than ten years, Gu Tingyu will accompany her as long as she wants to. of.

"Let's go together in late autumn and buy some new clothes." Gu Tingyu smiled.

Ye Wanqiu helped Gu Tingyu a lot during this time. She took care of everything in the house, and Tu Xiaobai was always taken care of by her. I really appreciate it.

Girls like new clothes, and Ye Wanqiu is no exception.

"Okay." Ye Wanqiu smiled sweetly, revealing two small pear vortices.

Going out, driving, there was a hum, the engine roared, and the wheels took up dust and went away.

The few special buddies who were still standing on the corner, carrying buckets and holding rags looked dazed, and looked at each other with five pairs of eyes.

"Could it be that the master really can't see us?"

(End of this chapter)