The Bible of Mistakes in Love

Chapter 11


Article 11 of "Love Collection":

"Dear, please contact Mr. L (WeChat: shabicaixin. This page is no longer updated."

The reason why Lu Ming wanted to leave was not only because he didn't know how to respond to Liang Yesheng's words, but also because Xu Ou had been urging him, frantically urging him, saying that something would come quickly, and he was in a hurry.

"I really hope it's your funeral," Lu Ming sighed. "Then I have no choice but to come here, no matter how far away. The last handful of soil on your grave must be sprinkled by me."

Xu Ou was puzzled by Lu Ming's bad attitude: "You didn't say anything when I called you out in the middle of the night. I thought I interrupted you to go to bed with this tone."

Lu Ming thought, now the reason for the divorce can be written on the third article: I ran out in the middle of the night thinking that Liang Yesheng would not find out.

But this mess was really too bad, it really made Lu Ming feel that it was a bit of a loss for him to take the bus here on purpose.

Xu Ou showed him the Weibo posted by Chen Gou and wrote:

"People who are 28 years old this year and haven't reached a million followers are not worthy of being on the same stage as me, let alone my respect."

This direction is too obvious. Xu Ou, as an OG in the circle, just passed his 28th birthday a few days ago. Number of fans... Lu Ming turned on his phone and checked, there were 900,000 fans.

Chen Zi has a song that became popular on Dou X's small video for a while, and also gained a lot of fans, just over one million.

"Do you want us to pool money to buy you 100,000 fans?" Pingping asked.

This is easy to handle, Lu Ming is very positive: "I can give one hundred yuan, and there will be no more."

"I'm going to beat him." Xu Ou was very angry, "I asked, he hasn't left City C, he's in this hotel, and he'll come out later."

After all, if you don't come out again, the check-out time will be over.

However, Lu Ming didn't want to participate, and he lacked interest: "Fuck you, you want to be locked up in the bureau like three years ago, right? I won't accompany you."

He didn't want Liang Yesheng to come to the detention center to pick him up. It was delusional to be a good wife and good mother, at least not breaking the law.

"You can continue the war in the circle of friends," Lu Ming suggested. "Anyway, others will take screenshots to show you the results of shouting in the air. And you looked like you saw a ghost yesterday, why are you hard again today?"

Xu Ou said: "It's because the more I thought about it after I went back yesterday, the more frustrated I became. I just wanted to beat this bastard today. If I hadn't seen him yesterday, who the hell would have known that he was like this."

Chen Zi also scolded almost all of his songs in front of him, from rhyming lyrics to flow, and also focused on criticizing the level of the producer, saying that Lu Ming ruined the songs, and his level of songwriting was not as good as one-tenth of his own. .

"When did he make a song?" Lu Ming asked curiously.

"He said he would do it for me." Xu Ou started to swear again, "I'll be his XXXXX..."

Lu Ming was repeatedly scolded, but he was actually very angry. After thinking about it, I gave Xu Ou an idea: "You play streetball with him, oneone, if he loses, let him apologize online."

Xu Ou also felt that this idea was a good idea. He played well, and he could give Chen Zi a long eye to teach young people not to be too crazy. It also avoided the risk of street fights. After all, he didn't want to eat the mustard in the detention center a second time, and he might have to be taken away by Chen Gou.

"Come out!" Under the shade of the tree, Xu Ou excitedly hammered Lu Ming's back with his fist, so that the sleepy Lu Ming woke up.

Lu Ming bared his teeth and wanted to kill Xu Ou and give it to Chen Gou. Xu Ou's hand was strong enough to make him a little bit overwhelmed, but he couldn't let Xu Ou lighten up, because now it's not a toothache, but something he can't say.

It was painful and tired. He was made to sleep for a few hours yesterday. When he was in a mess, Liang Yesheng didn't even take off his clothes. He didn't know whether he was going to bed or going to work. Fortunately, it was Xu Ou and Chen Zi one-on-one, and the rest of them could just watch.

Half an hour later, Lu Ming yawned, stood up and walked out. The venue was too noisy and the song was still playing. He went outside to pick up Liang Yesheng's call.


"What are you doing?" Liang Yesheng asked him.

"My buddy is playing basketball," Lu Ming was almost sleepy, "I'm going to open a room."

After he finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to have said something wrong. Liang Yesheng became quiet for a moment, and then Lu Ming immediately added: "Go to open an hour's room to sleep for a while, they can't finish this basketball in a while."

He also wanted to say that I slept alone, but it seemed that there was no money here, and he was very cowardly, and he still wondered why he was so nervous and shameless.

But it seems that Lu Ming's little progress has also made Liang Yesheng feel it. Liang Yesheng asked, "Didn't you rest well?"

Lu Ming snorted, walked into the hotel, and said to the front desk, "I want a single room!"

He spoke so loudly, which startled the front desk. Lu Ming also felt that he was a little rude. He smiled embarrassedly at the front desk, pointed to the phone and whispered to the front desk, "My wife."

The front desk figured it out, it wasn't a lie anyway, so he repeated it, Lu Ming proudly pressed the phone to his face: "Now you..."

Lu Ming suddenly got stuck. He always said what he thought of, but now he would stop and think about Liang Yesheng's reaction when he heard his words.

But Lu Ming wasn't very good at changing the subject, so he had to start talking about basketball again: "Just play the lone wolf you've heard of! My friend lost like a dog!"

If the bet is that Chen Zi sings for Xu Ou, when Lu Ming wakes up, he will probably lose half of his job. Chen Gou is really good enough, Lu Ming saw Xu Ou lose like this for the first time.

"I'm in my room, I'm going to sleep." Lu Ming announced, "I'm different from people like you who work, I can sleep during the day."

Liang Yesheng seemed to laugh. The people at work were really busy, so he immediately hung up the phone and let Lu Ming lie on his single bed in a daze.

Lu Ming was thinking about many things.

For example, shouldn't I have said to Liang Yesheng before, "Is this down?"

For example, Liang Yesheng said that he married him because he loved him. What about now

Like who wears his green hat

Another example...

Lu Ming sat up with his arms up, looked at the current time, and sent Liang Yesheng an extremely boring message.

"Did you have lunch?"

The author says:

This chapter is a bit short but I'm so sleepy... More on that tomorrow!