The Bible of Mistakes in Love

Chapter 21


Chen Zi actually came to their performance site early in the morning, and he came in early.

Standing far away, and still wrapped tightly, if Xu Ou hadn't pointed it out to them, they wouldn't have found it at all.

Lu Ming muttered: "Why do I think I've seen that dress..."

It was a limited edition co-branded between a trendy brand and a luxury product. The original price was not high, which made Lu Ming think about buying it, but he stopped after asking about the price that was advertised by the purchasing agent.

"Has he been here before?" Lu Ming asked Xu Ou, "I feel that there were audiences wearing this dress before. I had an impression when there were not many people there."

"No, he told me that it was the first time he watched our performance under the stage." Xu Ou was quite confident, "So perform better today, don't make another mistake."

"Don't forget the words yourself." Lu Ming said, he was actually a little nervous, not because of Chen Zi, but because Liang Yesheng was also present.

He was so bored today that he searched for Liang Yesheng's name on Weibo, and he actually found it. Most of the content is the log of ordinary people recording dental implants. Liang Yesheng was recommended, saying that his technique is good and his aesthetics are good, and the price is worth it. Only then did Lu Ming realize that Liang Yesheng also has Weibo.

The avatar is a photo of the ID card, and there is nothing about daily life when you click it. Most of them are reposting some popular science articles and publicity, and they don’t even answer the questions in the comments.

"He actually followed me on Weibo." Lu Ming said, "He didn't even tell me! And I've been scrolling through my fan list for a long time, and he's been following me for a long time, isn't it because I used to make stupid comments about him? I saw it all! Shit, I broke out in a cold sweat."

Compared with other people in the circle, Lu Ming felt that his style of painting was normal, but he was not sure that Liang Yesheng would think the same.

There are even his bad deeds on his Weibo, such as gastroenteritis and stomach pain the day before, Liang Yesheng specifically told him to eat lightly, but his friends wanted to come and also named him to eat the food in C City, of course Lu Ming To accompany him, after all, he hadn't eaten for a long time, and he wanted to try it.

If he knew that Liang Yesheng would watch it, he would definitely not have posted these food photos as evidence.

"That's why you deleted Weibo madly," Xu Ou finally understood, "People have come to ask me if Lu Ming is going to retire from the label, please don't provoke internal conflicts within our label?"

If he hadn't looked back, Lu Ming wouldn't have known that he had turned to so many beautiful female stars when he was suspected of being a straight man.

"I went to find him just now," Lu Ming said. "I wanted to ask if he has been reading my Weibo, but the result... Well, forget it!"

There were more and more spectators checking in. Lu Ming lowered his head and began to play warm-up music. He wiped his trousers vigorously and wiped off all the sweat from his heart.

He thought, maybe Liang Yesheng would like it.

Liang Yesheng would listen to his songs, follow his Weibo, and would come to their performances silently before, although he was splashed with water and left. In fact, Lu Ming didn't really know what he did wrong before, he only knew one by one, such as going home too late, for example, the door was not closed when a person was singing, for example, he had an appointment with Liang Yesheng but overslept, he felt May be these reasons.

Liang Yesheng has been trying to walk into his world, he never knew it, and he didn't take a few more steps towards Liang Yesheng.

Lu Ming felt that there might be something wrong with his brain. Of course, Liang Yesheng probably didn't have a good brain. Facing such Lu Ming, he said to him, "I don't dislike you."

"He told me not to chase." Lu Ming sent a message to Mr. L, "Thank you! I think the suggestions you gave me are really useful, otherwise you can tell me the amount to settle the bill, As long as it's within my tolerance range."

But Mr. L is probably in order to continue the business, and some are reluctant: "So he said no, you really think you don't need to do anything more?"

Liang Yesheng was in the audience, looked at Lu Ming who was distractedly playing with his phone, and sighed a long time.

Money really has a lot of things it can't do, such as saving Lu Ming's brain circuit.

However, Lu Ming seemed to understand it very well: "This kind of thing can't be entirely up to you, I want to do something myself. Besides, I don't have any experience at all. I didn't ask anyone else, and I followed him. Understand."

"Then I'll wait and see," said Teacher L. "If you fail, it doesn't matter if you come to me again."

But she still didn't say how much she charged, and let Lu Ming watch it and let Lu Ming measure how much it was worth.

Lu Ming thought, no matter how thoughtful a consultant is, he is still a businessman in the end. With that said, how could he be so embarrassed to give less money and spend less money, it seems that Liang Yesheng's value in his heart is not high enough, so he simply turned a very impressive figure past.

"I still have things to do, so I won't talk about it. I'll contact you later if I have any questions." Lu Ming quickly put his phone aside, ready to start the show.

Teacher L, or in other words Liang Yesheng, was just ignored, but it didn't matter, he got a large amount of money as compensation. He looked at the excessively high number and was very worried. In the past, he thought that Lu Ming was the kind of person who was sold and paid back to the people. Now his mind has changed. He really overestimated Lu Ming. Can't count the money.

The people from Lushan first played a cypher collectively. For rappers, arousing the emotions of the audience is also part of their ability. They let the audience "jump up!" and interact with the microphone at the audience from time to time. Excited, he turned his back to the crowd and started diving, jumped, and the audience caught him and turned the crowd again.

This kind of atmosphere is not bad, but it's just that Liang Yesheng stands in the middle, and it really doesn't fit.

But Liang Yesheng didn't feel bored or bored too much, Lu Ming was standing in front of the console, where Liang Yesheng could see as soon as he raised his head. Under the changing lights, Lu Ming's youthful face was flamboyant. He even mastered the rhythm and atmosphere of the entire venue, and sweat dripped down like a diamond that belonged to Lu Ming. There was a female audience next to him saying that Lu Ming was so fucking handsome, but unfortunately he was gay and didn't even have a chance to sleep.

Lu Ming didn't realize it, and stayed in his own world. He shines brighter than he imagined.