The Bible of Mistakes in Love

Chapter 6


Article 6 of "Love Collection":

"Career is the magic weapon of all success. Focus on your career to win the love war and have absolute right to speak."

Lu Ming had a very fulfilling day. He composed a song, came out of the closet, consulted about emotional issues, and asked Guo Qianqian to urge his drawings, but he was also urged by others: "Brother Ming, you come out of the closet and come out of the closet, you can't equal rights for comrades. Just forget my song, although it is a heterosexual rap love song, but the song is innocent!"

When talking about making songs, Lu Ming only remembered that his equipment was still at home, it was almost night, and he had to go back to sleep and find Liang Yesheng.

Before going out today, Liang Yesheng put Lu Ming's ID card on the table quite humanely, but the note he left was very unfriendly.

Lu Ming couldn't understand, just a sentence on a sticky note, is it necessary to put a full stop

And what he wants is not only an ID card, but also a divorce certificate and divorce agreement that he has never seen again. Although it was useless for him to bring it, it was always his thing. Lu Ming had already searched around the house, rummaged through the corners, but couldn't see a trace. He now suspects that Liang Yesheng locked them in a nuclear-bomb safe somewhere in the world. Because he even found Liang Yesheng's degree certificate.

Awesome, Lu Ming looked at the certificate and certificate, and thought again, it's really awesome. At the age of 16, he went to university, where he continued his undergraduate, master, and doctoral studies, and was awarded the first prize in clinical competitions every year. There was more, but he couldn't understand it.

How can you resign from the third hospital, which is so difficult to get an account, and go to a private hospital? It caused him to worry about checking the Internet for a long time whether it was Putian. To make money

"I don't think I'm very expensive either?" Lu Ming said to himself, "Damn, Liang Yesheng won't take drugs, right?"

No, there is also this large flat-floor house, which used to be a mortgage, but Liang Yesheng seems to have changed it to pay the full amount a few days ago.

Hey, if Liang Yesheng is so short of money, then he should not take the 300,000 yuan at all, just let Liang Yesheng borrow a few thousand yuan for him to live outside.

Thinking of the balance in the bank card, Lu Ming became a little troubled again.

It wasn't so difficult before, because of the popularity of rap in the past two years, many of Lu Ming's friends have plans to make a living by doing this. trough. Rap is hot, but some negative parts have also been amplified, and some criticism has also been encountered. Overnight, suddenly many performances were forced to cancel, and some people were suddenly deleted in the middle of the show. There was no way to get angry, and they simply started a new career. It's just that the economic situation was a little embarrassing for the time being. Lu Ming looked through the transfer records and found that he had also given a lot of money to support his friends.

Thinking about it this way, it seems like a very light burden. Friends have complained a lot about what family members do not support or agree with, or that they do not earn enough money to maintain a basic livelihood. Liang Yesheng doesn't know, he doesn't seem to care about these things, but Lu Ming doesn't quite know what it is.

Damn, it can't be because I hate myself for not being the housekeeper at home washing dishes and mopping the floor, right

Lu Ming sent Liang Yesheng another WeChat message: "When are you coming back?"

As soon as he sent it out, he heard the door slamming. Lu Ming saw Liang Yesheng standing at the door, sliding the screen of his mobile phone. Lu Ming suddenly wanted to withdraw again. It was all at this time, and the content of the post made it seem like he missed Liang Yesheng very much.

"I'm back." Liang Yesheng looked at Lu Ming, "What do you want to say?"

In fact, Liang Yesheng could probably guess what Lu Ming would say. Either he said I was moving out, or he asked where the divorce certificate was. And he didn't want to answer either of those questions.

"I'm hungry again." Lu Ming said, "I was chatting with my friends at noon and didn't eat a few bites. I just wanted to order takeout and found that I ran out of money."

Lu Ming thought that since a husband can bend and stretch, the first reason for divorce should not be changed for the time being. After nearly two years of getting along, he still wanted to get together with Liang Yesheng. Now it's just pretending to be pitiful.

Liang Yesheng didn't say it, but he knew that Liang Yesheng would eat this set.

Liang Yesheng was stunned for a second or two, and sure enough, his face was not so cold, but his tone was calmer: "You can't cook even if there is quick-frozen food in the refrigerator. If I don't come back, you will starve to death?"

Is this a human word? Lu Ming was so angry that he almost opened his mouth and asked Liang Ye what was wrong. But Liang Yesheng spoke seamlessly again: "Change your pants and go out to dinner."

Lu Ming didn't think there was anything wrong with wearing shorts in summer: "It's thirty-nine degrees outside! I'm afraid of the heat!"

Liang Yesheng looked at him again, Lu Ming wasn't quite sure about Liang Yesheng's mood, and then Liang Yesheng said, "Whatever you want, but I decide what to eat."

Lu Ming felt that Liang Yesheng had a conspiracy, but he couldn't think of it, would Liang Yesheng give him anesthesia and pull him for an autopsy? Can't always be taken to eat canned herring. So I went with Liang Yesheng, wearing his oversize fashion brand.

As a result, Liang Yesheng took him to the western restaurant.

"There are two more seats by the window," the waiter said. "The couple's seat."

When he was talking, he looked at Lu Ming and Liang Yesheng, a little worried that he had guessed wrong.

But Lu Ming didn't care too much: "Not really, I'm here for a meal."

He pulled out the chair and sat down. Seeing that Liang Yesheng was standing still beside him, he asked suspiciously, "Why don't you sit?"

In the dim light, Liang Yesheng's expression could not be seen clearly, but an unreasonable intuition told Lu Ming that Liang Yesheng was angry again.

But it seems rude to quarrel here, Lu Ming sighed in his heart, stretched out his hand on the chair, and hooked Liang Yesheng's palm: "Let's eat, I'm hungry."

Only then did Liang Yesheng move and sit across from him.

However, Liang Yesheng seemed to be in a low mood. It was obviously the restaurant he chose, but he directly pushed the menu to Lu Ming: "You order it yourself."

This restaurant is a Spanish restaurant, and the food on the menu is quite satisfying, but Lu Ming is not good at ordering, so he chooses to choose or say: "Just this two-person set menu, this one seems to be more."

"That's a couple's set meal." Liang Ye said coldly, "What do you want to order for a casual meal?"

He was not allowed to order the couple's meal for two. Lu Ming felt that Liang Yesheng really had a big grudge with him.

"This," Lu Ming pointed to a picture, "one hundred grams is so expensive, so let's get half a catty."

"It's the top Iberian ham," said the waiter, who kindly suggested, "Why don't you order one first, and then if you need more."

He felt the pain for the person opposite him.

Liang Yesheng said, "It's okay, let him order it. He can eat quite well, like a pig."

The waiter thought to himself, he really came to have a meal, and he had to stay away from this table later, so as not to cause trouble to Chiyu. It's a pity that we can't let customers pay first and then serve, hope they pay before calling.

When the dishes were served, Lu Ming watched with interest the foreign chef's performance of cutting ham, and Liang Yesheng said, "You call it cannibalism."

"Liang Yesheng, you're so weak," Lu Ming really didn't care, "If you were in our battle, you would be hanged and beaten, you know? When I used to play battles, I practiced freestyle with people every day, my ancestors. The eighteenth generation has been scolded. There was a person who pointed at me and said that your person is fake and your shoes are fake, fuck!"

"Why didn't you play later?" Liang Yesheng asked him, "When I saw you, it seemed that you only made songs."

"It's not very obvious, you still have to ask!" Lu Ming said, "Of course it's because you can't scold!"

And, damn, his shoes are really fake, how can he refute this, he can only lose in anger. But after the game, Xu Ou went to help him and scolded him back. Xu Ou said to the rapper, "Your watch is also fake! Your gold chain is faded!"

Then there was a fight. The two major labels staged a gangsta battle on the street. The passers-by called the police. When the siren sounded, everyone else dispersed, pretending that nothing had happened. Only Xu Ou was still fighting with the other side. They couldn't be separated, and the two were arrested together for three days.

They have a feud with each other's label Feiying since then. The feud is well-known far and wide. Feiying posted on Weibo that they would not go to the music festival of Lu Ming and Xu Ou, and they put half of the reasons on the top. .

It was indeed half, Feiying said that they just stated the fact that Lu Ming wore FAKE, and they were violently punished by Lu Ming's label Lushan, so that Lu Ming had the ability to buy real shoes. As a result, Lu Ming received a lot of harassment in those days, and his friends came to laugh at him by sending him a red envelope of 80 cents to let him crowdfund to buy shoes.

So it was really wrong to wear fake shoes. Since then, Lu Ming has stopped wearing shoes. Often one or two characters drag the world away, such as now. Not being driven out as a disheveled person, this store is good enough, but it's still weird. The opposite Liang Yesheng is well-dressed, but his style is completely different, and he can't match it no matter what.

"Speaking of which, why don't you work in the Third Hospital?" Lu Ming recalled the question at home today.

"You finally remembered to ask." Liang Yesheng still didn't answer directly, "It's too late, it's none of your business now."

It seemed that he really didn't care about Liang Yesheng's position, but he was not particularly happy after being reminded by Liang Yesheng.

It's very strange, it's only the second day, but Lu Ming gradually has a sense of reality. He seemed to realize that in the legal sense, he and Liang Yesheng had absolutely nothing to do with him, and he was no different from a stranger. Even if he choked to death by eating ham now, Liang Yesheng could ignore him completely without sending him to be cremated.

So Lu Ming said, "Stop, stop, don't cut, why is it such a big game!"

The ham was cut very thinly by the master, so the weight of half a catty seemed a lot. Lu Ming regretted it, but unfortunately it was too late. He could neither return the dish nor stick the slices back to the big ham.

He originally thought of causing Liang Yesheng to bleed a lot, but now Liang Yesheng didn't respond, but Lu Ming began to feel pain. He felt that it was difficult to make money. It was because of the thick professional books in Liang Yesheng's study and the time spent in exchange for it. It was not easy.

Lu Ming picked up the ham to eat, and asked, "Are you short of money? Are you okay with your uncle and aunt?"

"It's okay." Liang Yesheng replied. His parents were very nice, they didn't know anything. When they called yesterday, they asked why Lu Ming wasn't there. Liang Yesheng made up a bunch of things and said that Lu Ming went to buy them presents.

"It's fine, Liang Yesheng, in fact, I also thought about it for a day, but I was too impulsive yesterday."

Liang Yesheng's eyelids jumped, seeing Lu Ming hesitating, as if he didn't know how to speak. Thinking about it, it was really difficult for Lu Ming to figure out what to say.

Both of them came out of their mouths so badly that they became what they are now. In fact, there is no need for Lu Ming to say something apologetic, saying that he regrets it, then Liang Yesheng can't consider writing off yesterday's incident.

"300,000 is too much, and I shouldn't ask for it." Lu Ming said, "I always feel that you are short of money recently, why don't you pay in installments."

Liang Yesheng stopped the hand holding the ham and took it back.

"It's delicious, don't you want to eat it?" Lu Ming asked.

"I'm full." Liang Yesheng said.

Lu Ming felt that he heard teeth grinding.

The author says:

Some stalks refer to the real hiphop circle. Lu Ming is really just slow...