The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 102: White head


After Tang Shi guessed the reason, he was both moved and angry. No wonder Hong Zhong was so sure that he would not be beaten and scolded by his parents.

"Father, Mother, have you misunderstood something?" He asked helplessly with a smile.

Tang Qing was smoking a cigarette, his brows furrowed into the word "Chuan", "Stone, tell the truth to Dad, were you forced by that bastard?"

In the past, Father Tang also regarded Zhao Jin as a reliable junior, but now he directly scolds him as a bastard. Tang Shi felt warm at the same time, but also felt that Zhao Jin was scolded well! Who made him talk like that

Mrs Liu wiped away her tears, "Stone, don't be afraid, your father and the eldest and the second have already figured out what kind of high-ranking officials the Zhao family is, but aren't some of Mr. Yuan's disciples also high-ranking officials? Do you think we can ask him for help?"

Speaking of the teacher, Tang Shi suddenly remembered it, and he didn't know if the letter was delivered to the teacher, otherwise he would go to the teacher in person in a while.

"Father, Mother, you don't have to worry about me. I really like Zhao Jin. It's not as bad as others say. We will always be together in the future, and it's just the two of us." Tang Shi felt that the misunderstanding was still explained clearly. it is good.

"Stone, are you worried that we will be implicated? I heard that the bastard killed a lot of people during his tenure as an official, and he still has blood on his hands. Did he threaten you?" Tang Nian thought of himself Seeing the little brother who grew up being treated as... He was so angry! If Zhao Jin was standing in front of him at this time, he would have rushed up and beat him up!

Tang Shi couldn't do anything about Big Brother Tang's brain supplement. Thinking about when he and Zhao Jin were together, everything was handled by Zhao Jin, and he didn't have to worry about it. Now, Zhao Jin is still being scolded like this, he I really feel bad for Zhao Jin.

"Brother, to tell you the truth, I like men myself, it's not that he forced me, I am willing to be with him."

"But Stone, I remember you didn't like his sister before?" Tang Ji was puzzled.

Tang Shi smiled, "Isn't Zhao Xu surrounded by her brother?" He deliberately made his words so vague.

Sure enough, the Tang family made up for the scene that Tang Shi was actually using Zhao Xu as a cover, and it was even more sad for a while.

"Stone, do you really like him? He also has to be with you?" Tang Qing's brows stretched slightly. In his heart, Tang Shi's mood was the most important thing.

Tang Shi nodded seriously, "Father, that's true."

Tang Qing had been worried about this before, and he didn't pay attention to Tang Shi's face, but this matter came to his mind. When he watched Tang Shi, his face was ruddy, his eyes were clear and there was no trace of gloom, and he believed most of Tang Shi's words in his heart. However, he still felt uncomfortable, his youngest son and a man... Alas!

"Stone, you haven't been back for so long. Now that you're back, it's time to see Mr. Yuan." Tang Qing said earnestly, "Then Zhao Xiaozi heard that he killed a lot of people, you, you..."

Tang Shi thought to himself: I have killed no less people than Zhao Jin.

"Dad, he was killed by the emperor's orders. The emperor asked him to do this, and the murders were all corrupt officials. Daddy, you don't have to worry about it. What he did is legitimate. Don't believe it."

"I know, I know, you go and see Mr. Yuan."

After Tang Shi responded, he went to Yuan Yong's residence. Yuan Yong happened to be concentrating on painting in the courtyard. In order not to disturb Tang Shi, he lightened his pace and stood by to watch him slowly draw the last stroke.

This is a landscape painting. It depicts a person rafting on a river and looking at the mountains. In front of the mountains, the person looks extremely small.

Yuan Yong put down the brush, stared at the ink painting for a while, and then said, "Stone, what do you think of this painting for your teacher?"

"Beautiful in shape and spirit."

Yuan Yong laughed a few times, looked at Tang Shi, and then sat on the stool in the courtyard. Tang Shi poured a cup of tea for him, "Teacher, the disciple has returned from his study tour, and I want to talk to the teacher about something."

Yuan Yong took a sip of tea, "Are you talking about those rumors? I've heard it all for my teacher."

Tang Shi smiled obediently, "This is one of them."

Yuan Yong was stunned for a moment, "You alone are enough to surprise your teacher. Why, there are other things?"

Tang Shi sighed, "Teacher, the disciple's affairs will be put aside for now. It seems that the teacher has not received the letter from the disciple. In this case, the disciple will tell the teacher in person."

Seeing his younger disciple's serious appearance, Yuan Yong couldn't help but correct his expression, "Stone, what happened?"

"Teacher, before the disciple answers this question, can you tell the disciple that you went back to the capital three years ago for what purpose?"

Yuan Yong looked at Tang Shi silently for a long time, then sighed, "Master almost forgot, you have been inseparable with Zhao Jin, you should know a lot of things, and the things you want to tell Master have already been done by Master. Guess it, the teacher has long thought that there will be such a day, but you don’t have to be embarrassed, what kind of cause, what kind of fruit. The teacher has already persuaded many times, and now it has been checked by the commander of the guard, no one can blame anyone. ."

Tang Shi has always known that the teacher is broad-minded, but now looking at the old man in front of him, he admires him from the bottom of his heart, "Teacher, this disciple is ashamed, but the disciple still wants to ask, this matter may involve the teacher's family, and the disciple is worried about the teacher. It will be sad then.”

Yuan Yong understood that Tang Shi wanted to help him, but how could it be so easy to intervene in the affairs of Commander Wei? What's more, "It's not that the teacher has not persuaded her, but the family of Gongqing has been standing for a hundred years, with luxuriant branches and leaves, who would have thought that no matter how big a tree would have decayed one day? Or maybe they don't know, they just In gambling, if you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose.”

Tang Shi did not expect the teacher to see it so transparently, but no matter how transparent people are, they will be sad when their relatives suffer, right

"Teacher, things have not been decided yet, do you want to go to Kyoto again?"

Yuan Yong looked at him with a smile, "Stone, it's almost a rare age for my teacher, half of my body has been buried in the ground, some things I don't want to do for my teacher, but I just don't have the energy to do it, and some things, even if I do it for my teacher. Now, it doesn't make any sense. It's not that Shishi doesn't understand, you are actually embarrassing Zhao Jin by telling Shishi about this. According to Shishi, Zhao Jin is really good to you, so don't let him down."

The topic suddenly came to him, and Tang Shi had no choice but to stop talking about the topic just now, "Teacher, this disciple knows."

"People in the world say that the commander of the guard is like a wolf and a leopard, so Zhao Jin's position is not easy to do, a little carelessness is a crime of beheading, although the power is great, but the risk is also great, stone, in the future this kind of thing you Don't be fooled any more." Yuan Yong said, rolling up the dried ink.

When Tang Shi said this, he was surprised that things were far from being as easy as he thought. If the teacher really sent the news to the capital, even if it was just to inform one person, he would not be able to guard against the pervasiveness of the other party. Of course he would be fine by then. , but Zhao Jin is not easy to say. Or maybe, it's not that he doesn't know, he just pretends he doesn't know, relying on Zhao Jin's unwillingness to embarrass himself, but making Zhao Jin almost in a dangerous situation, he is too selfish!

Yuan Yong looked at his young disciple's always calm face changing constantly, and knew that he had figured it out. Tang Shi was thinking of his teacher, but this is not a small matter, it is a big thing that the emperor is determined to do. If there is a slight error, Zhao Jin, the commander of the guard, will lose his life. He was so old that he couldn't accompany the younger disciple for a few years. In the future, only Zhao Jin would be able to accompany the younger disciple for his entire life. The younger disciple himself was confused, but of course he, a teacher, couldn't be confused with him because of his own selfishness.

Also, he knew the rumors outside. If it wasn't deliberately spread by someone from Zhao Jin, the old man wouldn't believe it. Although he couldn't see the younger disciple getting married and having children, he was still very relieved to have such a person by his side.

"Teacher, this disciple knows it's wrong, and the disciple wants to leave for the capital." He didn't want to wait for Zhao Jin here, he wanted to find Zhao Jin himself, but he couldn't lose Zhao Jin.

"You are the master of your own affairs. Look at it for the teacher. Your book is well written. It would be even better if there are new chapters."

Tang Shi nodded heavily, "Teacher, this disciple will live up to your expectations!" Since the teacher wanted to see the new chapter, he would record the wonderful scenery and interesting things of this land one by one.

After saying goodbye from the teacher's residence, Tang Shi went home and told the Tang family about this. Although the Tang family was reluctant, they still asked Tang Shi to be careful on the road.

Xiaoya takes care of the fields at home, and A Feng and Xiao Song are getting older and able to take care of the family affairs. He has nothing to worry about, even if his father and mother are old, he still needs to come back to see more.

Tang Shi, with all kinds of emotions in his heart, rode on his horse and set foot on the road to Kyoto all by himself. He has never been like this before, and his heart is filled with something called treasure. The wealth and power that you want, but in this world, only the sincerity is rare.

From this moment, he really realized how important Zhao Jin was to him. The teacher's words woke him up, he really relied on Zhao Jin's friendship too much, but Zhao Jin always paved all the way for himself without knowing it, and thought everything for himself, not letting it go. I was a little bit embarrassed myself.

The hooves were hurried and the dust was flying. Just as he was about to arrive in the capital, he met with the commander-in-command team who was escorting a group of corrupt officials in Lin'an. And Zhao Jin was right in front.

Zhao Jin obviously saw him too, and his expression was extremely excited, obviously quite surprised.

Tang Shi disliked the horse running too slowly, so he jumped up from the horse's back, stepped over the horse's head, and jumped to Zhao Jin's horse. Zhao Jin stretched out his hand and hugged him tightly, and the two looked at each other.

Tang Shi smiled happily, "Zhao Jin, I miss you."

Ripples swayed in Zhao Jin's deep eyes, "Well, I miss you very much too."

Tang Shi reached out and clasped his hands tightly together, "Zhao Jin, I want to share a white head with you, are you willing?"

Zhao Jin smiled more and more tenderly, "How dare you refuse to obey Tang Gongzi's order?"