The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 19: not scattered


Except for the three Tang Shi, the old Tang family sat in the main room. Li Yuan took Tang Yue and Li Shao to stand on the opposite side of the Tang family, with a clear distinction.

Tang Shi slammed the courtyard door, the sound of his closing the door shattered the solemn atmosphere in the main room, Liu Shi quickly got up from the kang, went out of the room, and when he saw Tang Shi, he screamed and rushed up, "Stone ah !You are finally back!"

Tang Shi caught the skinny Liu Shi without knowing whether to laugh or cry. He didn't go to die, so why did he cry so badly

"Auntie, didn't I come back?"

At this time, Mrs Gao and Mrs Fang also went out of the house and took Tang Feng and Tang Song into their arms respectively.

Liu Shi wiped her tears and grabbed Tang Shi's arm, but as soon as she grabbed it, she immediately burst into tears, "Stone, why have you lost so much weight? My poor stone..."

Tang Shi reluctantly comforted: "Auntie, don't cry, business matters."

Tang Qing exhaled a smoke ring, and his tanned face was hazy in the dim light after working in the field for a long time. When he looked at Tang, he said dryly, "Just come back."

Tang Shi helped Liu into the room and called him obediently. Tang Qing looked at how much weight he had lost, and there was a trace of pity in his bloodshot eyes.

Tang Shi said hello to the elder brother Tang and the second elder brother, and then, as if he had not seen Li Yuan, he asked Liu Shi directly: "Auntie, I am hungry, do you have anything to eat at home?"

Liu Shi hurriedly said: "Mother will let you go down now!"

"Aniang, and A Feng and Xiao Song!" Tang Shi did not forget to remind.

Liu Shi responded and entered the stove.

"Tang Shi, I didn't expect you to be able to come back alive after provoking the Zheng family!" Li Yuan was dressed in a blue t-shirt and a light blue square scarf. If he doesn't speak, he looks like a gentleman, but as soon as he speaks, it is enough to see the character of this person.

Tang Shi opened a pair of round eyes, his innocent eyes turned to Li Yuan, and he suddenly laughed. He has lost a lot of weight now, and his face is not as fat as before, but he is still a little bulging, like a bun, and looks very cute.

"Brother-in-law, what kind of wind blows you here today?"

Li Yuan snorted lightly, turned his head to look at Tang Qing, "Father-in-law, how are you thinking about it?"

Tang Qing was smoking a cigarette and was silent and did not speak, but Tang Ji, who was a little anxious, blushed with anger: "Li Yuan, don't go too far!"

Li Yuan's thin lips spit out mean words: "You guys have to think clearly, do you promise to keep a mouthful of food now, or do you have nothing left in the end?"

Tang Nian and Tang Ji couldn't help but look at Tang Qing.

Tang Qing stopped smoking, but looked at Tang Yue with disappointment on his old face, "Ayue, what do you think?"

Tang Yue stood behind Li Yuan, daring not to look at Tang Qing, nor to speak, and buried her head very low. Seeing this, Tang Qing sighed deeply.

At this time, Mrs. Liu brought Mrs. Gao, Mrs. Fang, who was helping out, over with three bowls of noodles, and there was an egg in the bowl that Mrs. Liu was holding. She put the noodles on the table and greeted Tang Shi with red eyes.

Tang Shi sat on the table and started to gobble while blowing cold. The sound of hula hula filled the whole room and interrupted what Li Yuan was about to say.

"I said uncle, you are going to cut off our family's life! How can you be like this?" Fang Shi held back for a long time, seeing that his son was so old, he couldn't help but say it.

Li Yuan didn't even look at him, his cool voice sounded: "How can a woman interrupt when a man speaks?"

Mr. Fang is so angry! But what can she do? Master Xiucai, she can't afford to offend her! He could only look at Li Yuan with his two eyeballs spitting fire.

Mrs Liu sat on the kang and squinted at Tang Yue, her tone was really not good, "Ayue, are you just watching your family bully our Tang family like this?"

Tang Yue looked ashamed and said in a low voice, "Auntie..." Li Yuan suddenly looked back at her, and Tang Yue quickly closed her mouth.

For a time, the atmosphere in the room became extremely solemn, and even Tang Feng and Tang Song who was eating noodles couldn't help but stop, leaving Tang Shi alone to finish the last bite of noodles.

He casually wiped his mouth with his sleeve, put the chopsticks on the table, and made a dull sound, "Who can tell me what happened?" He rolled his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Stone, go back to the house and sleep after you eat." Tang Qing felt that the three of them were useless here. Why should the adults tell them to make them more troublesome

"Father, I'm thirteen years old." Tang Shi approached Tang Qing and wrapped his arm around one of his arms, "What's the matter, let the family find a solution together."

Tang Qing has always been a person with a dull personality. He is not good at words, and always has a straight face in front of Tang Shi, so Tang Shi has not been close to him since he was a child. This was the first time Tang Shi had been so close to him since he could remember. Although Tang Qing didn't show it on his face, he was actually very sympathetic in his heart.

"Tang Shi," Li Yuan had a disdainful look on his face, "what else would you do besides being brave and fighting, stealing chickens and dogs? Even if you knew about it, what use would it be?"

"You're not allowed to say that, uncle!" Tang Song heard the words and didn't eat the noodles. He came to Tang Shi angrily and stared at Li Yuan, "Uncle is amazing!"

Tang Shi touched his head, told him to be calm, and then said to Li Yuan with a smile: "Brother-in-law, the magistrate has already scolded you in court, study hard, and don't make trouble. Are you not taking the magistrate seriously?"

Li Yuan seemed to have been stepped on, and his face became extremely ugly in an instant. Tang Shi didn't wait for him to respond, and continued to ask: "I just wonder if you can keep your position as a young lady?"

Li Yuan's face turned red, "Tang Shi! You have nothing to do but play tricks! I just don't know if you can be so arrogant when your Tang family has no land to grow!"

Tang Shi asked suspiciously, "What did you say? No land to plant? Who are you kidding?"

"Stone, he just wants to collude with Master Qian to take back our land!" Tang Ji explained angrily, this is literally killing the old Tang family! How can you not be angry!

Mr. Qian is a landlord, and the Tang family is now planting the land of the Qian family. Although the Tang family has a few acres of thin land, the land is too barren, and it is okay to grow vegetables. If food is really grown, the result will be desperate.

Li Yuan suddenly looked at Tang Shi shadyly, "That's not what I said, I gave you two choices, one is to plant without land, and the other is to sell you to Master Qian's family as a slave." His last two The words are deliberately heavy.

Tang Shi's expression didn't change at all, his two clear cat pupils curved into crescent moons, so cute, his crisp voice between children and teenagers was loud and clear: "Okay, let's take the land back, anyway, those few pieces of land are also Not a good place."