The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 2: situation


Tang Shi was still holding the oily pancake in his hand, and looked at the back of the Zhao family as Dalang left, and then looked down at the pancake in his hand. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that there must be something better in the Zhao family. thing!

"My uncle is really generous. Our family doesn't have enough to eat, and we give it to others. Didn't you see that the children were not full?" A sharper female voice sounded from another table.

There are two tables for the Tang family, one table for men and one table for women, but there is also a boy of six or seven years old, maybe because he is younger, so he sits at the table with the women. It was a woman in a coarse ruffled skirt. The woman was about 30 years old. She had good eyebrows. Although there were crow's feet at the end of her eyes, her eyes were still pretty and straight. The nasolabial lines were slightly deep. , looks not ugly, but looks a bit mean.

Tang Shi searched his memory and found that this woman was his second sister-in-law, Mrs. Fang.

"Second daughter-in-law, just eat when you eat, why do you talk so much? It's a good heart to give a stone to someone! It's in your way, you know how to talk, why don't you know how to do more work? If you don't work, you eat more, why don't you give it to you? Save some rations for your little girl?" Tang Shi is Liu's eyeball, so others can't say a bad word.

There's nothing wrong with Fang Shi's complaint from her point of view, but she was wrong because she shouldn't have touched Liu Shi's inverse scale. Anyway, in Liu Shi's eyes, everything Tang Shi did was right.

After all, Tang Shi had spent ten years in the apocalypse and was very sensitive to other people's emotions. He glanced at them and knew that the children were a little dissatisfied, and then looked at the pancake in his hand with eager eyes.

"His mother, am I wrong? My uncle is your son, so they are not your grandsons?" Mrs. Fang is a hot-tempered person who can't hold back her words. She just can't stand Liu's special preference for her uncle. .

"Okay, let's have a meal, what's the noise?" Tang Qing, the head of the Tang family, had already put down his bowls and chopsticks, and was smoking a dry cigarette. His wrinkled face, reddened by the sun, was looming in the smoke, maybe he felt Bored, he said slowly.

As soon as he spoke, who would dare to say no? The second child of the Tang family, Tang Ji, hurriedly signaled his daughter-in-law to shut up with his eyes. Even if Mr. Fang was still dissatisfied, he could only swallow it in his stomach, pouted, pulled one face and ate the thick-faced bun again.

The food of the Tang family is really not good. When Tang Shi was a young master before, he had eaten many times better than these. He would often dismiss some dishes that were good in the eyes of ordinary people, but an apocalypse has completely changed. After him, he is no longer that noble young master.

Tang Shi actually felt that he was not full yet, but looking at the anxious looks of the children across from him, he put the cake in his hand again on the plate.

Liu Shi worried and asked, "Why don't you eat it?"

Tang Shi deliberately covered his head and said, "Auntie, my head hurts and I can't eat any more."

Liu Shi personally wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and showed a loving smile on his wrinkled face, "If the stone has a headache, go back to the house and lie down. When the medicine is ready, A-Niang will bring it to you."

Tang Shi nodded obediently, took a step and was about to leave the main room, when he heard Mr. Tang say slowly: "Who taught you to be so rude? Are you still sitting even without looking at your elders?" Tang Qing's voice was honest and sincere. With some roughness in it, it sounds like the temper should be considered mild.

Before Tang Shi had time to answer, the Liu family took care of the cub: "Stone has suffered a big loss today! Why do you say that there are no such things? You don't feel bad at all if you dare to love? Why did the stone spread out? Such a father!" The more she talked, the more she felt aggrieved, the younger son was her sweetheart, and no one could say a bad word, including Mr. Tang!

Tang Qing stopped talking, smoking a dry cigarette and puffing clouds and mist. After a long time, when Tang Shi had returned to the room, he spit out a few words: "Sooner or later, it will be spoiled."

Tang Shi went back to the small bedroom. The top of the bedroom was made of thatch, and the mud under his feet was pitted here and there. The wind, and fortunately it is spring now, there will be no north wind whistling.

Such a simple house is really too warm and beautiful for today's Tang Shi! He lay down on the cardboard-like bed with his chubby belly up, closed his eyes and felt the wonderful world comfortably.

How lucky was he in Tang Dynasty? It couldn't be better to be able to come to this normal world without demonization after death!

"Stone! Stone!" Liu Shi's slightly sharp shout came from outside the door, "The medicine is here, get up and drink the medicine." She held the oily bowl in both hands, kicked the door, walked into the house, and came to Tang before the time.

"Thank you, Mother!" Tang Shi got up from the bed, took the medicine bowl, drank it while Liu was stunned, and then handed the medicine bowl to Liu, "Mother, I'm finished."

Liu Shi recovered from the shock, and immediately smiled, and said with relief: "Stone has grown up. In the past, my mother didn't drink the medicine, no matter how I coaxed her to drink it. Today, I am so capable, and my mother is really happy."

Tang Shi looked at her face full of happiness, and his heart moved slightly. He had not felt such wholehearted love for a long, long time. In the last ten years, he had tasted all kinds of indifference of humanity, and even he was about to lose himself. human emotion.

Liu shi rambled a few more words with him, and then took the bowl and left in a happy mood.

Tang Shi watched her leave and lay down again. At this time, the door creaked again. He turned his head and looked, yo, two little radishes were peeking at him secretly from the crack of the door. It was only then that Tang Shi remembered that the old Tang family didn't have enough rooms, and the original body could only squeeze with two nephews every night.

Yuan Shi's several nephews and nieces were a little scared of him. They were never close to him, and Yuan Shi ignored them. Tang Shi just didn't know how to communicate with children, so he chose to ignore him, closed his eyes and fell asleep, by the way. Turned over to the edge of the bed, leaving enough room for them.

Not long after, two radish heads walked in cautiously, and the two whispered as they walked, but Tang Shi's mental strength was so strong that he could fully hear the conversation between the two.

"Brother, is there something wrong with Uncle today?"

"It's not like that? What's wrong? But it seems like he ate less tonight."

"I just took a peek at it, my uncle is taking a lot of medicine today, it's not the same as usual."

"Maybe it's because his head was smashed, well, it's time to rest." The child's tone was still a little disdainful, and Tang Shi could hear it.

Gee, these two bears.

The older child let the younger one step over Tang Shi first, and the child carefully crawled over and said, "Brother, come here quickly."

The eldest boy nodded, one leg had already crossed over, but he accidentally stumbled and threw himself on Tang Shi.

Tang Shi opened his eyes instantly and stared at the child with big eyes.

In the darkness, the moonlight shone in from the window, Tang Shi could clearly see the panicked look on the other side's thin face, and felt his stiff body.

Tang Shi closed his eyes again and muttered, "What is so heavy?"

The big boy quickly climbed down from him, turned his back to Tang Shi lightly, lay on his side beside Tang Shi, and kept warm with the little boy.

The coldness of spring has not yet subsided, but fortunately they are sleeping on a kang. The women at home will heat the kang by the way when they cook dinner, and it is still hot at this time.

It's just that now the cover is occupied by Tang Shi, and the two just alarmed Tang Shi, and now they don't dare to move the quilt, thinking about grabbing some quilts when Tang Shi falls asleep.

Tang Shi was indeed a little tired. He was worried all the time in the last days and never had a good night's sleep. Now that he came to this strange ancient times, he quickly fell asleep with peace of mind.

A sweet night without dreams.

Tang Shi slept until the third day before he woke up. The first thing he did when he woke up was to pinch his thigh to see if he was dreaming. Hmm, it really hurts.

When he sat up, he found that the quilt was completely covering him, and there was no gap, and he couldn't help moving.

He got up and went out of the house, hungry, and he couldn't wait to find something to eat. Tang Shi moved his nose and found a scent drifting from one direction. He followed the scent all the way and found the kitchen!

In the kitchen room, Mrs. Liu and her two daughters-in-law were preparing to cook lunch. When she saw Tang Shi, she came over with a worried look and quickly brought out a large bowl of gnocchi in clear soup, with a few cabbage leaves floating in it.

"Stone, are you hungry? A-Niang has been keeping it for you! Hurry up and eat it. Later, A-Niang will go to the field to deliver meals with your sister-in-law and second-in-law, and she won't take care of you. There are some pickles here..." She added When the pickles came, Tang Shi had already devoured half of the bowl.

"Auntie, I still want it." Tang Shi swallowed the remaining few gnocchi, ignoring the batter congealed at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Liu Shi with innocent eyes.

"Uncle can really eat!" Fang Shi said sourly.

Sister-in-law Gao gave her a wink and shook her head.

Liu Shi treated her as a fart and didn't even give her a look, she reached out and touched Tang Shi's head, "Wait for the stone, the cake has not been baked yet, go get some water and rinse your mouth first. Wash your face, eh?"

Tang Shi was already used to being messy in the last days. When he first heard that he had to rinse his mouth and wash his face, he only felt that the shame that he had left him for nearly ten years appeared at this moment. Of course, it was only a head.

He was about to go to the well to get some water and sober up when he saw a red-faced girl burst into the yard made of earth and stones.

When the girl saw him, her apricot eyes suddenly widened, and she burst out: "Tang Shi! You rascal! Shameless!"

Huh? Isn't this the little girl who hit him in the head yesterday? He didn't do anything today!