The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 20: revenge


As soon as Tang Shi said these words, everyone in the room was stunned.

"Stone!" Even Liu Shi, who has always loved Tang Shi, couldn't help but feel that Tang Shi was too ignorant, "Stone, don't talk nonsense!"

"Auntie, don't worry." Tang Shi comforted Liu Shi, and then said to Tang Qing: "Dad, can you go to the back room with me first? I have something to tell you."

Tang Qing didn't know what Tang Shishen was going to do, but he got up and followed Tang Shi to the back room.

For some unknown reason, Li Yuan suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart. With a gloomy face, he said to everyone in the room, "Look, you protect him one by one, and you can't bear him, but what about him? I didn't think about it. past you."

Soon, Tang Shi and Tang Qing came out together, Tang Qing still had a dull face, took a cigarette, and said leisurely: "Go away, our Tang family will not sell stones."

Li Yuan sneered, "Okay, just wait and drink the Northwest Wind!" Seeing that he didn't achieve his goal, he could only swear a harsh word and turn around and leave the Tang family.

Tang Yue glanced at Tang Qing and Liu Shi tangled, and heard Li Yuan shout, "What are you still doing there?" She seemed to be startled, and she didn't care about anything else, she took the lead and kept drooping. Li Shao, with his head up, followed.

The lights in the room were dim, and the rest of the Tang family were uneasy because of the field, so they didn't notice the scars on Li Shao's face. Tang Shi saw that one side of Li Shao's cheek was swollen and bruised, it should have been beaten. Tang Shi's impression of Li Yuan and Tang Yue was even worse. One was ruthless and the other was weak and incompetent. They were a perfect match.

"Old man, we just accepted our fate like this?" Liu Shi finally reacted and asked in despair.

Tang Qing told Tang Nian, "Boss, go and close the door tightly."

Tang Nian went in response, fastened the courtyard door, and closed the main room door tightly, Tang Qing asked everyone to sit down, and then said slowly: "You know, Shitou stayed at Master Zheng's house for seven days, and put Zheng The old man's flowers are used to support us. Master Zheng is generous and gave Shishi a little money, so I thought, the land that Master Qian rented to our family is not very good, so why don't we buy a few acres of land ourselves. Grow your own, don't rent land!"

You know, renting someone else's land and planting your own land are completely two different concepts. As soon as Tang Qing said this, he stunned everyone in the room.

"Old man, this acre of land costs a lot of money. How much did Master Zheng give the stone?" In Liu's mind, he just feeds a flower, how much can he earn

There is a standard for how much silver per mu of land. Generally speaking, good paddy fields cost 10 taels, medium ones cost about 67 taels, and poorer ones cost 45 taels.

Tang Qing replied: "Our family doesn't need a lot of good land. The middle one is enough. Master Zheng gave Shitou twenty-five taels of silver, and we can buy a few acres."

Tang Ji's eyes widened, "Dad, do you really have so much money?"

Everyone else looked at Tang Qing and Tang Shi.

Tang Qing nodded, knocked the dry tobacco, and then said solemnly: "However, I'm going to say that the money is from the stone, but the stone said that the land we bought belongs to our family, but the stone has to be marked separately. Do you have any opinions on the half mu of land?"

"Silver is made of stone, as it should be." Tang Nian said without thinking. Mr. Gao also nodded, she all listened to Tang Nian.

Tang Ji naturally had no objection. Although Mrs. Fang felt a little embarrassed, she had nothing to say. As long as the family had land to grow, there would be no need to pay rent in the future, and it would not matter if the land was less than half an mu.

"You can't say it before you buy the land, do you hear?" Tang Qing's tone was extremely serious. After all, twenty-five taels of silver is not a small amount. This is their family's hope in the future.

All have no objection.

Except for Tang Shi, the Tang family went back to their houses to rest with various complicated feelings.

The fish maw looms, the golden rooster announces the dawn, the silent village wakes up from the dark night, and Tangjia Village begins another day of work. In addition to working in the fields, the most common thing the villagers of Tangjia Village do is to hear gossip. What kind of family is quarreling again, what kind of brother is fighting against each other, what kind of child is fighting again, and so on will become the talk of their mouths.

But today, two major events have happened in Tangjia Village. One is that the dead old tree at the entrance of the village has begun to sprout new shoots. After digging up the reason, they found out that Tang Shi came back!

And the second thing is more important in the hearts of the villagers than the germination of the old tree, because Tang Aniu's family went to the field early in the morning and found that most of the wheat seedlings in the field had withered! The rest are also wilted, this, how can there be a harvest in the future! Tang Aniu's family sat directly on the ground, crying and crying.

Not only Tang Aniu's family, but also the wheat seedlings of several families have also experienced this situation. At this time, people in Tangjia Village are panicked, for fear of some natural disaster.

Tang Shi had witnessed all the scenes when he came back from the back mountain with his two children, and he knew that today's Tangjia Village must be very lively.

Tang Aniu falsely accused him of stealing clothes, and their family turned right and wrong in court. He is not exaggerating, Li Yuan must have wanted to put him in a large prison, and then bribe the prison guards in the prison to let the prisoners in the same prison beat him to death. Therefore, the testimony of Tang Aniu's family directly forced him to death. How could he not teach them a profound lesson

And the old village chief and the man who fell for him when he was arrested, the same thing happened in their fields. Tang Shi has always been vindictive, and he will not let go of anyone who provokes him.

The people in the village are nervously guarding the fields, for fear that if they are not careful, the wheat seedlings in the fields will disappear.

Tang Shi ate his breakfast with satisfaction, put the bowls down, Gao and Fang came over to clear the table, Fang said with a smile: "Uncle, I didn't expect you to lose so much weight and eat more. A lot." Her words had a friendly connotation, because she had complained about Tang Shi's large appetite before, so she wanted to express her attitude.

Tang Shi heard it. He didn't take Fang's previous words to heart, so he stood up and nodded casually, "It's hard work, two sisters-in-law. When the harvest this year, I will send Ah Feng and Xiao Song in August. Go to school and learn something."

After all, the twenty-five taels of silver belonged to Tang Shi, and Tang Shi had the greatest right to speak. Now that the two of them had received Tang Shi's promise, they were both determined. Fang's smile was even brighter. Also said thank you.

The two children who heard Tang Shi's words also looked at Tang Shi excitedly. Tang Shixiao led them to digest food in the yard. Li Yuan brought the money and landlord to the door.

"Ah Feng, go to the house and call Grandpa." Tang Qing didn't go to work early in the morning, just waiting for Li Yuan.