The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 24: wake up


It's just after noon now, and it takes about half an hour to go to town. Hong Zhong was driving the bullock cart alone, while Zhao Jin and Tang Nian watched over Tang Shi from the back.

Tang Nian is thirty-two years old this year. Because of his long-term work, his skin is dark and rough, and his whole person looks very vicissitudes of life. He looks good enough to be Tang Shi's father. However, Tang Shi was only three years older than Tang Feng. When Tang Shi was born, Tang Nian did treat Tang Shi as his son. Before Tang Feng was born, he was indeed the one who took care of Tang Shi the most.

Now that Tang Shi was in a coma for no reason, of course he was so anxious that he kept staring at Tang Shi from the back of the ox cart, for fear that if he was not careful, Tang Shi would not be well.

Zhao Jin has lived in Tangjia Village for a year. Although he does not know Tangjia Village well, he still knows the basic situation of each household. The most favored person in Tang Qing's family was Tang Shi. Not only did his parents dote on him, but even his two older brothers loved him very much. Even if such a child lived a bit poorer, at least he could be considered happy.

Kyoto has the prosperous beauty of Kyoto, but this remote small village also has its own comfort and beauty. He has lived here for a year. Although he does not have the same light clothes and angry horses and driving hubs, he has never experienced more. of tranquility and peace.

Gains and losses are mutual. If there is no responsibility on him, he feels that it is not bad to live a peaceful and peaceful life here. If Tang Shi could have lived such a life, wouldn't it be too much to involve him

Originally, he had planned to give up Tang Shi, but if Tang Shi was holding the jade he was looking for, then Tang Shi would inevitably be involved.

If Tang Shi knew that picking up a jade would be such a big trouble, he would definitely resist the temptation of that jade to himself and would not pick it up!

However, at this time, Tang Shi knew nothing about the outside world. He found that he had reached a mysterious realm. His spiritual power seemed to be slowly nurtured by some inexplicable substance and was growing continuously. It's just the ability flowing in the meridians, but now it gradually condenses into a green crystal nucleus, and that crystal nucleus is filled with crystal clear light in his mind.

He is advanced. This body itself has no ability. He has been using the method of cultivating abilities to convert the excess vitality in his body into abilities. Now, using the special substances in ruby, he has suddenly risen to the third-level ability! This means that he can help or use more plants at the same time.

The reason why he lost consciousness is mainly because the things in the red jade are too overbearing. He was accidentally taken away by it, but fortunately his mental power has reached a certain level, otherwise he might never wake up again. .

This process was not long for Tang Shi, but for the three of them in reality, Tang Shi lay down for three days and three nights. During the period, they searched all over the town's medical clinic. The doctors shook their heads and sighed. Finally, they had to go to the county seat. Before they started looking for the medical clinic, Tang Shi had already woken up.

The ox cart was parked in a narrow alley at this time. Tang Nian was about to pick Tang Shi up, but Tang Shi opened his eyes at this time.

In the past three days, the three big men watched Tang Shi gradually lose shape, from the original little fat man to the current little bamboo pole. Tang Nian thought that Tang Shi was seriously ill, and he was so anxious that he did not dare to do so for a few days. He closed his eyes, blistering on his mouth.

Although Zhao Jin doubted the red jade in Tang Shi's hands, but Tang Shi's life and death are unknown, and human life is greater than everything, so he should wait for the outcome of the matter to talk about it.

As soon as Tang Shifu opened his eyes, he saw Tang Nian's haggard face and red bloodshot eyes.

"Big brother, I'm hungry." He was lying on the ox cart, his small face as thin as a palm and two big eyes staring at Tang Nian wetly. Tang Nian was stunned for a moment, then wept with joy, this middle-aged man who has always been silent He even choked up while holding Tang Shi, and said straightly: "Okay, brother will take you to eat delicious food."

Tang Shi's heart was touched, so he let Tang Nian hold it obediently, and gently patted Tang Nian's broad and sturdy back with one hand, comforting him.

In the hearts of most ordinary people, being able to eat is a blessing. Generally, the sick people have an appetite, which means that their condition has improved. Therefore, Tang Shi said that he was hungry, and Tang Nian was naturally excited and could not help himself. After all, these three days have come to him. It's really too hard to say.

Tang Nian calmed down, wiped his tears secretly, and said to Zhao Jin and Hong Zhong, "Brother Zhao, Brother Hong, you have worked hard for you these past few days. I invite you to dinner!"

Tang Shi sat up from the bullock cart, raised his delicate face, and smiled shyly at the two of them, "Thank you Big Brother Zhao and Big Brother Hong for your help." As he spoke, he quietly hid Hongyu in his sleeves. .

Zhao Jin saw it, but he replied calmly, "Everyone is a neighbor, so it's right to help each other."

Hong Zhong also smiled honestly, "It's nothing, it's really fortunate that Brother Shitou can get better."

Zhao Jin and Hong Zhong have helped so much, and Tang Shi also wanted to eat a good meal. Tang Nian, who was always thrifty, chose a more upscale place in the county town based on his gratitude and love for his younger brother.

The three of them drove an ox cart to the front of a shop called "Yuxiangguan".

Although the guy in the shop saw that they were dressed in very ordinary clothes, he still had a warm smile and asked, "How do you want to eat?" He naturally took the rope in Hong Zhong's hand, and then familiarly tied the rope to the place. On the stake in front of the door, invite them inside.

Where has Tang Nian received such treatment before, and his face was so embarrassed for a while, how could he refuse? Had to bite the bullet and go to the store.

The store was doing well, and the guy took them to an empty table to sit down and started introducing their store's signature dishes.

Tang Nian was quite embarrassed, so he had to say to Zhao Jin and Hong Zhong: "You can call it a dish, you can call it whatever you like." He heard the names of the dishes in a fog, and he didn't know what the dishes were.

Zhao Jin sat opposite Tang Shi. Seeing Tang Shi's glowing eyes, he was a little amused, so he asked, "What do you want to eat, brother Shitou?"

Tang Shi was already starving, so he couldn't be polite, so he ordered six or seven dishes, and at the end he asked the staff to serve the dishes quickly.

The appearance of this little greedy cat made the three men at the table have their own thoughts.

Tang Nian was relieved that the younger brother was still able to eat as much as before, indicating that there was no major problem with him.

Zhao Jin looked at Tang Shi's tender and delicate face, and sighed deeply in his heart, feeling helpless and apologetic. Even if he doesn't involve him, it's unclear whether his current appearance is good or bad for a person like him. By my side, I can still take care of one or two.

However, when did Zhao Jin think so for outsiders? It's also very strange to think about.

Hong Zhong was thinking about how to take Hongyu from Tang Shi's hand.