The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 27: Ask the people


Young Master Chen said that he was going to play in Tangjia Village, but Tang Shi could only nod his head and give him a vaccination first, "There's nothing fun in our village."

Chen Hong didn't want to play, mainly because his father and Grandpa Yuan were both dealing with business affairs. He was too lonely by himself. He happened to meet Tang Shi and them. How could he miss this opportunity

The two people in this room were talking, and the landlord in the other room respectfully accompanied Chen Jiangui and Yuan Yong from the fields, his face was full of worry and fear.

Chen Jiangui and Yuan Yong are actually a bit puzzling. If it is said to be a natural disaster, it is only the land of the landlord's house. It is impossible to say that it is a natural disaster, but what happened here? Or is this a harbinger of natural disasters

As the magistrate of Chen Jiangui, he is not only responsible for local lawsuits and prisons, but also manages the food and land of local people. Now that wheat seedlings have died inexplicably, he is also very sad in his heart.

"Father! Grandpa Yuan!" Seeing them on the ground, Chen Hong hurried over, ignoring the dirt on his delicate boots, "Tang Shi and their village also had wheat seedlings dead, why don't we go to their village to take a look. "

Chen Jiangui looked at the few people beside the bullock cart not far away, and couldn't help but ask, "I thought you had seen Tang Shi, why are you so excited?"

Chen Hong pointed at Tang Shi, "Isn't that Tang Shi! Dad, can't you recognize it?"

Now that he had seen it all, Tang Shi had no choice but to walk in front of Chen Jiangui, and said politely and politely, "The Caomin has seen Mr. Yuan and the magistrate."

Tang Nian was at a loss, so he had no choice but to bow like Tang Shi, and the whole person became cautious.

Zhao Jin and Hong Zhong also bowed their heads and saluted.

Chen Jiangui signaled that they were not polite, and then looked at Tang Shi with a look of surprise, "Tang Shi, has your family also encountered such a situation? Otherwise, if you don't see each other for a few days, you will be so thin?" He thought Tang Shi was this hungry.

Yuan Yong also said: "Didn't old man Zheng give you some remuneration? How can you be so down?"

Tang Shi felt that these people's brain supplements were too powerful, so he had to explain: "Master Yuan, Magistrate, I just suffered from a disease in the past few days, which is why I lost so much weight." They were all rough clothes and looked extremely pitiful.

Of course, Tang Shi didn't want other people to cast sympathetic eyes on him, but his appearance was too deceptive. He was white and tender, soft, and his eyes were big and round, and he was very innocent. It does look a little pathetic.

"Then how are you now?" Yuan Yong asked with concern.

Tang Shi nodded, "Thank you, Master Yuan, for your concern, I'm fine."

Yuan Yong smiled kindly and nodded, "That's good." He actually wanted to reach out and touch Tang Shi's little head, but he felt it was too abrupt, so he had to hold back.

The reason why he came to Nanfeng County this time is mainly because of the letters from Chen Jiangui to him, one is about the camellia, and the other is because of the Tang Dynasty.

Chen Jiangui was his second disciple. His talent was not bad, but it was only good. His four disciples were from humble backgrounds and wealthy ones. But he has always had a regret, that is, he wants to accept another closed disciple before he goes to earth.

The four disciples have all embarked on official careers and have little time for in-depth study. They are generally biased in their studies. For example, Chen Jiangui's calligraphy is the best among the four disciples. What Yuan Yong thought was that he hoped that there would be a closed disciple who could accept his full mantle and be able to focus on his studies, preferably not to pursue a career in office.

Of course, he didn't force it.

Several of Chen Jiangui's disciples knew his wish, so as long as he met a young man with outstanding aptitude, he would recommend it to his teacher, and then let him decide.

Although Tang Shi was already thirteen years old, he was indeed older in terms of age, but his aptitude was indeed extraordinary. Of course, being able to endorse does not mean that you will be able to do a good job in learning, but the foundation of learning is to be familiar with the scriptures, etc., and in the Tang Dynasty, he already had the innate conditions to achieve this foundation.

When Yuan Yong saw Tang Shi for the first time, he felt that Tang Shi had an aura in him. He couldn't answer what the aura was, but at first glance, he fell in love with the little fat man squatting in the corner. .

But liking is one thing, whether Tang Shi has that ability is another. He originally wanted to know more about Tang Shi, but he didn't expect to return home when he first saw Tang Shi. Anyway, he is fine, so what if he stays in Nanfeng County for a while? Although this place is not as prosperous as Kyoto, it has another interest.

Chen Jiangui and others came by a carriage. Since they were already planning to go to Tangjia Village, Chen Hong followed his father and grandpa Yuan into the carriage, and planned to bring Tang Shi along, but Tang Shi refused.

The landlord, Qian, who had not interrupted, could only silently follow the group to Tangjia Village.

Landlord Qian didn't know how many people in Tang Shi were. He usually sent housekeepers or servants when he went to work in the village, so he didn't know that Tang Shi was the Tang family whose contract was withdrawn by him a few days ago.

The group got out of the car when they arrived at the entrance of the village, and Chen Jiangui and Yuan Yong naturally walked ahead.

Chen Jiangui looked up at the old tree at the entrance of the village, and saw that its dead branches were still dotted with greenery, he couldn't help saying to Yuan Yong: "Teacher, dead trees come in spring, this is a good sign."

Yuan Yong stroked his beard and nodded, "Not bad." His eyes were full of admiration, and he must have already borrowed the scene to express his affection.

The officials were naturally guarded when they went out. When Chen Jian returned here, there were also guards with knives around him, so the movement was a little loud, and some villagers were attracted.

When the villagers saw Chen Jiangui in official uniform, no matter how stupid they were, they could see that this was an official. Anyway, it was right to pay homage, so they all knelt down and kowtowed.

Chen Jiangui asked them all to get up, and then asked: "This official heard that something happened in the village, so I came to take a look, and everyone said what happened."

The one who cried the most was the Tang Aniu family. They squeezed to the front of the crowd. Because they were too impatient, they almost ran into Chen Jiangui. Fortunately, they were stopped by the fast-eyed yamen.

Tang Aniu's parents, Tang Zhu and Wang Shi, described the tragedy of their family in a sad tone.

"Lord Magistrate," they went to court last time and recognized Chen Jiangui, "We don't know what happened, but all the seedlings died overnight! Lord! There won't be any problems here, right?"

Chen Jiangui didn't specialize in agriculture, so naturally he couldn't see where the problem was, so he had to ask other villagers. This happened to other villagers' fields more or less. Chen Jiangui could feel their panic, but he couldn't do anything now.

The movement here also attracted the Tang family. They were a little surprised when they saw Tang Nian behind Chen Jiangui. Then, a thin teenager came to them.

Tang Shi looked at their shocked expressions and felt helpless.

"Father, Mother, we're back." Tang Shi rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

Tang Qing and Liu Shi were speechless.

"Little... Uncle?" Tang Song raised his small head and looked at Tang Shi in disbelief. He used his arm to compare Tang Shi's waist, "Uncle, why have you lost so much weight?"

Tang Feng's usual expressionless face was also shocked by Tang Shi.

Tang Shi touched Tang Song's little head, "Uncle hasn't eaten for several days, can you lose weight?"

Liu Shi immediately returned to his senses, his heart was so distressed that his eyes were red, "Stone, are you hungry now? Mother will go home and cook for you!"

Tang Shi smiled cleverly, he shook his head, "Auntie, eldest brother took me to eat in the county seat, I'm not hungry now, the county magistrate is still here, let's go home later and say okay?"

Liu Shi and Tang Qing nodded again and again.

At this time, Chen Jiangui suddenly asked Tang Shi, "Tang Shi, why didn't this official hear you mention your land along the way? Could it be that your seedlings are still alive and well?"

The scene suddenly fell silent.