The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 29: human life


The smile on his face faded a little, and the eyes that were originally curved into crescent moons burst out with an intimidating light like black gems.

"Even if there were tigers and wolves in the past, what's the matter with Gan Qing?" Tang Shi has always been an independent person. He hates others to interfere with any of his decisions. What he has to do, even if something goes wrong in the future, is his own business. , has nothing to do with others.

Zhao Jin was stunned by Tang Shi's inoffensive expression and eloquent words, but this was exactly the other side of Tang Shi he really wanted to see.

He looked at Tang Shi's round eyes, and suddenly thought of a tiger cub he had seen from others before. Although he tried his best to show his power, his appearance was too harmless, and instead he looked more cute. Tang Shi is like this now, he is obviously a small, cute and harmless one, but he has to show a cruel meaning. This contrast makes him laugh uncontrollably.

"Okay, don't be angry," Zhao Jin reached out and rubbed Tang Shi's furry head, "I didn't mean to interfere with you."

Although Tang Shi felt very comfortable being rubbed by him, his reason was still there, he took a step back and left the range of Zhao Jin's palm, obviously not believing his words, "Then what do you mean by asking so much? Are you full?"

Seeing him dodge away, Zhao Jin withdrew his hand, and the soft touch seemed to reach his heart through his palm.

"You're still young, I'm just worried about you."

Tang Shi rolled his eyes at him, "Who are you lying to? You came to me just to get the red jade back? Since the red jade is returned to you, I won't keep it any more."

"Tang Shi," Zhao Jin looked at his leaving back and stopped him, "you must be careful."

When Tang Shi looked back, he saw Zhao Jin standing there with a light smile, the bright sunlight falling behind him, casting a gentle halo on him, even though he was dressed simply, he was very handsome .

But no matter how good-looking it is, it is not suitable for you.

Tang Shi nodded to him and left Zhao's yard without any hesitation. He thought that they would never meet again in the future, but the world is unpredictable, who can say for sure

When he returned to the Tang family's yard, Yuan Yong happened to reach an agreement with Tang Qing Liu's and left the house. Tang Qing and Liu Shi both showed joy on their faces, "Mr. Yuan, why don't we stay and have a meal together today?"

Yuan Yong naturally agreed.

When the Tang family had such a happy event, Mrs. Liu was willing to pay for the money, and directly asked Tang Ji to go to the town to weigh a few catties of meat. It just so happened that Tang Nian also used a net to pocket a few fish. Such a sumptuous meal has already taken shape.

There was still a long time before dinner, so Tang Shi led Yuan Yong for a walk in Tangjia Village. While enjoying the idyllic scenery in early spring, Yuan Yong asked Tang Shi, "Stone, you can go to the county to go to school early. There is still a long way to go, maybe you can hold on?"

Tang Shi knew that this was also a test. Studying hard, studying hard, this was a problem that Yuan Yong gave him.

"Teacher, I will persevere." He can run every day, just like exercising, killing two birds with one stone.

"Okay." Yuan Yong suddenly raised his face, "Stone, I haven't told you about my teacher's identity and your other brothers, right?"

Tang Shi raised his head and waited for Yuan Yong's next words.

Yuan Yong looked into the distance and said, "Shi Shi, as a teacher, he has never been a high official. The biggest one is to be a prince and a junior teacher. The prince back then is the current sage."

Tang Shi thought to himself that the young master of the prince was already the second grade, which was already very high.

"Your senior brother is now a second-rank official and is a minister of the Ministry of Industry. Your third senior brother is a fifth-rank Hanlin bachelor. Your fourth senior brother is a fifth-rank Dali temple minister."

After Yuan Yong finished speaking, he looked at Tang Shi, "Stone, several of your brothers have become high-ranking officials, but I didn't want you to be an official last night as a teacher. Can you complain about being a teacher?"

Tang Shi shook his head, "Teacher, this disciple thinks it's good to concentrate on learning."

Yuan Yong laughed, "I hope you will still think so in the future."

Tang Shi looked serious, "The disciple will not disappoint the teacher."

Yuan Yong smiled and walked forward on the path, intending to go back to Tang's house to fill his stomach, but at this moment, a terrified shout suddenly came from the back mountain not far away, "Dead! Dead! "

Tang Shi suddenly stopped, he thought that those people in the back mountain had been dealt with by Zhao Jin, could it be that he guessed wrong? His mental power extended to the back mountain, and he found that the corpses were indeed still there, except for the one who was being hunted down.

It's just that because of the busy spring season, the villagers didn't go to the back mountain. Now that there is a problem with the land, they have nothing to do. In order to make some money, they went to the back mountain to find something to sell.

No, the body was found.

After all, Yuan Yong had seen a lot of things. Although he was shocked, he didn't show anything on his face. When he saw Tang Shi, he was stunned, thinking that Tang Shi was frightened, so he reached out and touched Tang Shi's head and said softly. Said: "Stone, don't be afraid."

Tang Shi nodded and stepped back behind him.

The villager's shout attracted other villagers, and the large furniture surrounded them. Some were curious and wanted to go to the place where the incident happened. The old village chief also came. He had seen a lot of wind and waves. Long, he definitely needs to preside over the big picture.

The villager who found the corpse led the crowd to the location of the corpse in Houshan. The Tang family also came over when they heard the wind. When they saw Tang Shi and Yuan Yong, they all leaned over and greeted Yuan Yong politely and respectfully.

Tang Song went out to play with Tang Feng in the morning, and he didn't know Tang Shi was back, but when he saw Tang Shi, he was so happy immediately, "swoosh" and leaned over to Tang Shi's side, "Uncle. !"

Tang Shi touched his head, "I have something to say to go home, but why did you and Xiaofeng come here?"

The two children are still young, and seeing dead people is still too heavy.

Liu Shi and his two daughters-in-law didn't come over to cook at home. Only Tang Qing and his children and grandchildren came. Seeing Tang Shi's disapproval, Tang Nian had to explain: "Stone, these two children want to come here, and we too. no way."

The three men of the Tang family are all gentle in temperament, but the younger boys are more stubborn, such as Tang Shi and Tang Feng.

Tang Feng glanced at Tang Shi, who was not much taller than himself, with a small face proudly, "Didn't you come too?"

Tang Shi smiled, ignoring Tang Feng's resistance, and rubbed his stubborn little head, "I'm your uncle."

Tang Feng had a chicken coop head on his head, and stared at Tang Shi like Gao's delicate eyes like fire.

Although Yuan Yong likes to watch the play between children, but after all, the matter of the dead is more serious, "Stone, don't play around."

Tang Shi immediately came down obediently, his face straightened.

Soon, they came to a few corpses, and the villagers stepped on them at will. The traces of the scene must have been destroyed, but Tang Shi didn't want to remind it.

Although it was early spring and the climate was still a bit cold, after all the corpse had been left for so long, decay was inevitable, and there was a stench.

Tang Feng and Tang Song couldn't help but take a few steps back. Tang Shi didn't think there was anything. Those zombies in the apocalypse were much more disgusting than this. He had endured it for ten years and was already used to it.

When the old village chief saw these terrifying corpses at first glance, he took a deep breath. He held back his fear and said to the tall peasant men beside him, "Quick! Go and report to the official!"

Tang Shi looked up at Yuan Yong, "Teacher, it seems that the second brother has to work day and night again."

In the eyes of the villagers, this may just be a murder case, because it happened on the back mountain of their own village, so they were so panicked, but Tang Shi knew that if Chen Jiangui really took care of this case, I'm afraid it would be involved later. Not too small. He glanced at the crowd and found that Hong Jong was indeed hiding behind people.

Could it be that Zhao Jin was trying to make things worse? However, it depends on how the second senior brother solved it. After all, the clothes on these people are not unusual. With the second senior brother's knowledge, they can definitely see it.

Yuan Yong naturally smelled the unusual smell here, but he couldn't control it now, so he said to Tang Shi: "Since it's your second senior brother's responsibility, then we can't control it, let's go back to eat first. "

The Tang family had a lot of respect for Yuan Yong, and as soon as he spoke, they naturally followed him back.

At the dinner table, Tang Shi still ate happily. Tang Nian, Tang Ji and Tang Feng, Tang Song, who saw the corpse, couldn't eat at all. Tang Qing was better. positive image.

Yuan Yong watched from the side, and felt that this little disciple of his was really a bit strange, and his heart was too generous.

After eating, Yuan Yong didn't plan to go back to the county right away, after all, after a while, Chen Jian would come over to investigate the case.

When such a big thing happened in Tangjia Village, Chen Jiangui soon knew, and he immediately brought people to Tangjia Village in person. The villagers of Tangjia Village surrounded the people in the yamen not far or near, watching the situation at the scene.

When Chen Jiangui saw Yuan Yong, he bowed respectfully, and without talking nonsense, he directly dispatched the yamen to divide their work to inquire about the identities of the deceased and collect witnesses' testimonies.

The clothes on these people are basically black, which seems to be ordinary, but from the texture of the fabric, it is not simple. What is even more strange is that from the point of view of fatal injuries, several people died from sword wounds, but two people died from a stick-shaped blunt weapon. Could it be that two people were killed? Moreover, being able to use a sword, it is not easy to explain the identity of the murderer.

Chen Jiangui frowned. This case should not be an ordinary murder case. He felt a little bit in his heart that there was something deeper behind it.

"Sir," Zuo Zuo stood up and shook his head helplessly, "The deceased has been dead for more than half a month, and his face is so decomposed that he can't tell the difference clearly."

Chen Jiangui had anticipated it for a long time, and was not disappointed, "Then you can probably see what this stick-shaped killer is?"

Zuo Zuo carefully observed the wound and said, "Look at the shape of the wound, the stick-shaped weapon is not uniform, and it has some strange bends, like, like..." His eyes fell on the trees beside him, Then murmured, "The branch..."

But after saying it, he didn't believe it himself. How much strength does it take to hurt someone with a branch? If the branch is stuck on the ground and the person falls from a height, it is very possible to cause such an injury. However, it is not very difficult to pierce a human skull with only human power. The person whose heart was pierced can still understand, but this wound from the forehead is something that very human beings can do.

Chen Jiangui felt that there was such a possibility. After all, in this world, strange people and strange things still exist.

"Go and see if there are any similar-shaped branches around." Chen Jiangui ordered.

The yamen are in a lot of pain in their hearts, there are so many around, where can I find them? It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"My lord, what if the murder weapon was taken away by the murderer?" A yamen couldn't help asking.

Chen Jiangui's expression turned cold, "What if he wasn't taken away?" This can't be taken for granted, finding and not being able to find it is another matter, but you can't do nothing.

When the yamen saw him like this, he felt a burst of fear in his heart, and after admitting his mistake, he went to look for the branch.

"My lord, this is the first witness." A clerk brought the villager who found the deceased.

The villager was an old man in his fifties. He had no wife and no children. He lived a very hard life. He was old and could not grow much land. .

"I'll meet you, my lord." Chen Jiangui saw his bony and trembling appearance, and helped him up before he knelt down.

"Just tell me when you discovered it? How did you discover it? What was the situation at that time?"

The old man replied respectfully: "The little man went to the mountain this morning. He didn't come to this place at first, but then he came over while walking. The little one just smelled the stench and thought it was an animal that died in the mountain. I didn't know if I took a closer look, no, I didn't expect..." He still has lingering fears when he thinks of it now.

"What's next?"

"Then, the little one called someone."

Seeing that he couldn't ask any clues, Chen Jiangui let him withdraw.

"Sir, I didn't find any clues." A yamen came over to report.

Chen Jiangui frowned, "What can you possibly tell from their clothes?"

"Sir, although the clothes are of good quality, they are not special, so..."

Chen Jiangui waved his hand to let him continue searching, while he was lost in thought.

These corpses should all be people with good martial arts skills. It can be seen from their physical characteristics and the weapons next to their corpses, and they are dressed in the same clothes. The articles here are great.

So, what are these people doing in this small mountain village? How did they die, especially the two who were killed by the branches, what seemed wrong.

Seeing that it was getting late, Chen Jiangui called the yamen to bring the corpses back. The yamen was about to move the corpses in resignation when they heard someone shout, "Wait!"