The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 3: slander


Zhao Xu looked at Tang Shi, who was in a terrible shape in front of her, and there was a dark fire in her heart. She had never seen such a shameless and vulgar person, who even stole the little clothes she woke up in the inner courtyard in the morning!

Tang Shi put on a fat face and looked dazed, with small eyes squeezed into slits by the fat, extremely innocent, "Are you looking for me?"

Zhao Xu looked at his pancake-like face in a mess, and felt that the food she ate in the morning would be spit out on the spot. She had never seen such a sloppy person before, and she actually didn't want to say a word to Tang Shi. However, the account still has to be calculated!

With a long broom in her hand, she rushed over like a tiger rushing towards food, and before Tang Shi could react, she slapped the broom on Tang Shi's body indiscriminately.

Tang Shi put his head in his hands and called out "Ouch" to avoid her attack. However, he forgot a very important thing. He was no longer the agile Tang Shi in the apocalypse. Fatty, no matter how much he hides, he can't match Zhao Xu's broom speed.

"Hey! Didn't you say that the two were cleared yesterday? Why did you beat me again?" Tang Shi asked while being beaten.

"Yesterday's matter has been cleared up," Zhao Xu continued to chase after him, embarrassed and angry, "but today's matter, you are really too much, I won't beat you a few times to dispel the hatred in my heart!"

Tang Shi abruptly stopped hiding. Although he was cumbersome, he was very conscious and had already figured out Zhao Xu's next attack route. Then he stretched out his hand and stopped the broom at once. His dark eyes fell into Zhao Xu's eyes. Zhao Xu didn't know. Why, suddenly stopped with a little guilty conscience, and stared at Tang Shi with big eyes.

With a gloomy face, Tang Shi suddenly pulled the broom over. Zhao Xu stumbled and saw him shove the broom to the ground, and heard him say in a ruthless voice: "I, Tang Shi, hated being the most in my life. Slander, I did it, I'll admit it, but it wasn't me, even if you beat me to death, I won't admit it."

At this moment, Zhao Xu seemed to see his brother standing in front of him, this kind of power was so similar. She shook her head sharply, how could she have such a ridiculous idea? Tang Shi is completely incomparable with his brother! One is a sloppy person from the countryside, and the other is a handsome and noble son in Kyoto. How can they be on the same level? She must be crazy!

"You said you didn't do this?" Zhao Xu looked away from the broom, "I didn't mean to slander you, I've already asked the neighbors, and they said they saw you sneaking outside my courtyard just now. I don't know what to do, are you all blind?"

Aren't you blind? Tang Shi slandered, he slept in the house all morning, and there was a ghost if he could see him!

"I just woke up, I didn't wash my face, that person wasn't me." He looked indifferent, "You called the wrong person."

The wound on the head that was smashed yesterday has not healed, and now he has been beaten again, and he was not full just now, and now he is full of anger. If he didn't fight back, it was for the sake of this girl and her brother. If he doesn't give up, he won't even give her brother's face!

"Stone! Have you washed your face yet?" Liu Shi came out of the stove, and saw his beloved baby confronting the little hoof next door who smashed his head, and what made her angry was that there were more stones on her face. There were a few thin scars. She looked at the broom on the ground, which was obviously not her own. She immediately understood what was going on, and immediately ran over to pick up the broom and greeted Zhao Xu!

"Why did you hit my stone again? What happened to my stone? You just look a little better, do you really think you are so rare? Could it be that all the men in the world are chasing you? Are you ashamed? "

Zhao Xu was agile and avoided Liu's broom, but her foul language made her feel ashamed. She was so embarrassed and anxious that her face turned red.

"Stop." A clear and magnetic voice sounded outside the courtyard, and Tang Shi was shocked and quickly looked over.

I saw that the handsome guy he liked seemed to be walking on the autumn moon, and there was a peaceful and peaceful scene in his steps. That face, wherever he was, was in his heart. went up.

Of course, in Tang Shi's eyes, Zhao Jin is perfect, but in Liu's eyes, the Zhao brothers and sisters are here to find fault! She threw the broom to the ground fiercely, she squinted her eyes, put her hands on her hips, her tone was really not very good, "What's the hand? I said Zhao Jia Dalang, I can't find the next one for your sister's stubbornness. Now, you have to be more careful, you just smashed my stone on the head yesterday, and today it comes to hurt the stone again, look at it," she held Tang Shi's fat cheeks with her thin hands, "there are so many wounds on this face. , there must be more on your body! It doesn't matter to you, but I am distressed as a mother!"

Zhao Jin pulled Zhao Xu behind him, and a simple smile appeared on his handsome face, "Aunt Tang, I also know my sister's temperament, but because I know it, I know she won't hit someone for no reason."

Tang Shi was squinting and admiring the heroic appearance of the great man of the Zhao family, when he saw Zhao Jin set his eyes on his face, he suddenly remembered his unkempt image, and felt a sense of shame in his heart.

"Tang Shi, you should understand very well why my sister is fighting with you, right?" Zhao Jin's indifferent eyebrows gave Tang Shi a lot of shock.

The person you like is disgusted and does not believe in yourself, it is simply heartbroken.

"To be honest, I don't understand," Tang Shi's arrogance never compromised even in the face of beauty, of course, he would not admit that Zhao Jin's words hurt his fragile heart, "Miss Zhao hit me in the head and face. Pause, but I don't even know what happened, so I dare to ask Miss Zhao, what happened? Who is the person who slandered me?"

Zhao Xu blushed and bit his lip. How could she say such a thing

Liu Shi understood, and she was wronged for daring to love her stone! That's pretty cool!

"Stone just got up and didn't take a step out of the yard! You all say that things were done by the stone indiscriminately, which makes no sense no matter where you go! My stone was beaten for nothing! Are you still reasonable?"

Zhao Jin's eyes swept across the faces of Tang Shi and Liu Shi, and then fell on Zhao Xu, whose face was flushed.

"Brother, it was Tang Aniu from the next door who told me. He said that he saw Tang Shi wandering outside our yard. I was so angry that I just…"

"I came back from the outside, and I don't know what the truth is. If my sister really wronged Tang Shi's younger brother, I will bring my sister here to make amends!" After Zhao Jin finished speaking, he took Zhao Xu out of the Tang family's courtyard. It seems to be looking for the truth.

Tang Shi was actually a little disappointed in his heart. No, he should have been very disappointed. He finally took aim at a handsome guy who matched his aesthetics, but the other party was dismissive of him, and he obviously didn't believe in himself. This kind of feeling is like tasteless. It doesn't taste good in the mouth, but it feels wasteful to give up. Alas, but it involves the principle of his Tang Dynasty. This kind of person is disobedient at first sight, he should find someone who is well-behaved and honest.

"Stone, does your body hurt? If it hurts, A-Niang will take you to see the doctor." Liu Shi couldn't help but ask worriedly when he saw Tang Shi, standing in a daze.

"Auntie, it doesn't hurt, but I'm hungry."

The Liu family hurriedly took Tang Shi to dinner, while Zhao Jin led Zhao Xu back home and asked, "What did you lose?"

Zhao Xu lowered his head and muttered, "A piece of... clothes."

Zhao Jin understood that if it were ordinary clothes, Zhao Xu would not be so impulsive, but even so, Zhao Xu should not listen to others, not to mention that this person was Tang Anniu.

Don't say that Tang Aniu is a raccoon dog with Tang Shi, but it is also a negative teaching material used by Tangjiacun adults to teach children. His words can't be trusted, but at least, they can't be trusted.

Zhao Xu also calmed down at this time. She looked at Zhao Jin, who had no expression on her face, and couldn't help but say with a guilty conscience: "Brother, why don't I look for it again, maybe it wasn't stolen." Of course, she still I firmly believe that the clothes cannot escape by themselves.

"Go, if it's really lost, I'll take you to town after noon to buy some fabrics and needles."

Zhao Xu pursed his lips, "Brother, we don't have much money at home, so don't buy that expensive one this time. Otherwise, you will go hunting in the mountains again, which is very dangerous."

Zhao Jin's eyes softened, "Although I can't provide you with your previous life at present, I can give you the best I can. You are my only sister and deserve the best. As for hunting, you don't have to. I'm worried that spring is not suitable for hunting, so I won't go during this time."

Zhao Xu showed a smile, "Brother, I'm relieved to think so."

Tang family.

Tang Shi ate a full meal, and the older women in the family went to the field to deliver meals. He and his only niece, Tang Ya, had nothing to say, so he took a chair to the courtyard and sat down. Caressing her round belly comfortably, looking up at the clear blue sky above, she sighed in her heart: What a happy life.

He closed his eyes and slowly diffused his spiritual power into the entire Tangjia Village. He ignored the trivial things that were happening in each family, and gradually touched the back mountain of Tangjia Village. Suddenly, he felt a burst of vitality coming out. The mountain danced, jumped for joy, and expressed closeness to him.

Tang Shi was a plant-type power user in the last days, and he had reached a high level, and he was almost promoted to a king-level power user, but he still died under the black claws of the zombie king.

When he arrived at this time and space and came into this body, he found that the life function of this body was actually very heavy, and the reason why the thirteen-year-old boy became a big fat man was mainly because he had no way to absorb and digest those life forces. Therefore, the body will continue to expand. If Tang Shi did not wear it on him, this young man would one day die because his body could not bear the explosion.

The vitality on the back mountain is simply delicious food for Tang Shi, but the most important thing for him at the moment is to restore this body to normal. He can completely recover by cultivating supernatural powers, but losing weight suddenly like this may be suspicious. Therefore, he decided to run around the back mountain every morning and evening. He can't absorb the vitality of the back mountain at present, but it is also possible to be close and close. Okay!

When Tang Shi was immersed in a beautiful reverie, a young woman and a little boy about seven or eight years old came to the door.

The woman wept softly as she stepped into the yard. Seeing Tang Shi sitting there lazily, she couldn't help crying loudly, and said sadly, "Little brother, are your parents at home?"

And the dark eyes of the little boy behind her were full of indifference.