The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 35: late


It was time to rest after dinner, because Li Shao was ill, and there was no way to sleep four people on the kang. It happened that Tang Nian was not at home, so they let Tang Feng and Tang Ji sleep together, Gao and Fang. , Tang Ya made do and slept on a kang, while Tang Shi brought Tang Song and Li Shao to sleep together.

In order to prevent Tang Song from being infected by Li Shao, Tang Shi slept in the middle, separating the two. When he slept in the middle of the night, Li Shao seemed to feel the coolness of Tang Shi in his drowsiness, so he kept leaning towards Tang Shi. Li Shao was quiet.

The next day, Tang Shi got up early and was about to go to school in the county town. Tang Ji proposed to go with him. First, he was worried about Tang Shi, and second, he could go to the county seat to replace Brother Tang.

After the two arrived at the county seat, they separated. Tang Shi came to the place where Chen Jiangui's family lived behind the magistrate's office. Yuan Yong and the others were just about to have breakfast when they saw Tang Shi came with the morning moisture.

Yuan Yong immediately scolded: "I didn't let you rest at home for two days, why did you come here today?"

Meng Zhen hurriedly sent someone to the kitchen to scoop up a bowl of hot porridge for Tang Shi to warm him up.

Tang Shi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Teacher, the disciple is anxious."

Chen Jiangui said with a smile: "Teacher, junior brother has such a desire to study, why are you always unhappy, but blamed instead?"

Meng Zhen joked: "I was only shocked yesterday when I was young. Old Yuan is feeling sorry for the younger disciple."

Chen Hong puzzled: "What happened yesterday? Why didn't I know?"

Chen Jian returned to the tiger with a face, "Hurry up and eat, you have to go to school after eating!"

Chen Hong felt very aggrieved, why are his parents so fierce towards him and so gentle towards Tang Shi? He pursed his mouth, looked at Tang Shi's thin and small face and body, thought about it, and came to a conclusion: It must be because Tang Shi was too pitiful!

When poor Tang Shi noticed Chen Hong's strange eyes, he couldn't help showing him a soft smile. Chen Hong glared at him, then lowered his head and started drinking porridge.

After eating the Chen family's breakfast, Tang Shi deeply felt that it was not a problem for the family to eat buns every day. Those children were still growing, and they couldn't keep up with their physical fitness if they didn't eat well.

But this matter will have to be pondered later, and now he needs to concentrate on listening to the teacher's lecture.

Yuan Yong was considered a great Confucian in the world, with countless disciples, and his knowledge was naturally extremely profound. Originally, in the inherent thinking of the Tang Dynasty, even if these ancient scholars learned to be rich, they would still be very boring in teaching.

But he was slapped in the face. Yuan Yong was not pedantic. Although he explained it to Tang Shi according to the knowledge in the book, he did not follow the script. It's also learning how to behave.

Tang Shi felt that he was really lucky to be able to worship Yuan Yong as his teacher.

After the teaching, the practice of calligraphy is followed. Professor Yuan Yong's course is interesting and interesting, but the requirements for his disciples are still extremely strict. He asked Tang Shi to write a hundred words a day. Words have to meet their own standards.

Tang Shi had practiced it, but after ten years of the apocalypse, his hands have become accustomed to holding a knife and a wooden warehouse, and picking up a brush again. Unsightly, let alone in Yuan Yong's eyes.

But what surprised him was that after reading his words, Yuan Yong even praised him for his aura. Tang Shi didn't laugh or cry. He really wanted to know how the teacher could tell from his ghostly talisman. Spiritual energy

Tang Shi didn't understand that it didn't mean Yuan Yong was talking nonsense. In Yuan Yong's eyes, Tang Shi, as a child who had never touched pen and ink, was able to write words accurately. What's more, he studied After so many years of calligraphy, I still have eyesight. Although Tang Shi is really badly written, there is still a trace of character in this character. As for why Tang Shi had such a thing at such a young age, Yuan Yong said, That's talent.

The morning time passed quickly, Tang Shi was going home in the afternoon, Meng Zhen left him to have a meal and then let him go back.

When Tang Shi returned home, he found that the Tang family, which should have been eaten long ago, was still smoking from the roof, not only the Tang family, but every household in the village.

He entered the stove in doubt, and saw Liu Shi was kneading the dough, Gao Shi, Fang Shi and Tang Ya were kneading the dough. There were some animal-shaped dough beside their hands, and Tang Shi had never seen them before. So he asked, "Auntie, what are you doing? Why are you making so many noodles?"

Seeing him entering the kitchen, Mrs Liu couldn't help but drive him out, "Stone, you can't come in again in the future, you are a scholar now."

Tang Shi couldn't help laughing and laughing, "Niang, don't you need to eat when you read?" He looked at the lifelike pastries and asked again, "Aniang, is this a festival? Why do you do so much?"

Mrs Fang explained to him: "Uncle, tomorrow is the Cold Food Festival, and you can't catch fire all day. These are for tomorrow's food."

Cold Food Festival? Tang Shi suddenly realized. In his previous life, there was basically no more than the Cold Food Festival, only the Qingming Festival.

"Is it clear that the day after tomorrow will be clear?"

"Yeah, it's been like this every year, uncle doesn't remember?" Fang Shi quickly pinched the shape of a swallow with both hands and replied with a smile.

She has heard Xiaoya tell her that the uncle will teach Xiaoya to read and write. She has never read, but she also knows the importance of recognizing characters. A good husband, I heard that all the girls have to learn to practice calligraphy since childhood, who said that girls can't study

Xiaoya is her daughter. Tang Shi can treat Xiaoya like this, and she is even more grateful to her brother-in-law as a mother.

Now that he has figured it out, Tang Shi didn't stay any longer. He waved to Tang Ya, "Xiaoya, do you want to read?"

Tang Ya looked at Liu Shi.

Liu Shi had heard Tang Qing tell her about it, although she didn't agree with it very much, but after all, it was proposed by Shi Shi, so she went with Shi Shi.

She sternly said, "Since you have learned, study it seriously, don't make trouble for my uncle, do you know?"

Tang Ya nodded heavily, her face was full of excitement, and her eyes were bright. She solemnly washed the flour on her hands, then walked to Tang Shi, raised her face and looked at Tang time.

Tang Shi smiled at her, "Let's go and find A Feng and them together."

When Tang Shi found Tang Feng and the three of them, their faces and bodies were already embarrassed, and some had blue noses and swollen faces.

Tang Feng had a cold, thin face, and glared angrily at Li Shao, who had a white face in front of him, while Tang Xiaosong held Tang Feng's hand tightly, and a tear hung on his eyelashes. It looks really pathetic. The house was messed up by the three of them.

"What's going on?" Tang Shi asked them with a smile, with a pair of cat pupils bent into crescents.

Although he was smiling, Tang Feng felt a chill behind him.

When Tang Song saw Tang Shi, he seemed to have seen the backbone, and immediately spread his short legs and ran in front of him, with red eyes aggrieved: "Uncle..."

Tang Shi crouched down and encouraged him: "What happened? Talk to my uncle."

Tang Song was even more aggrieved when he asked this question. He choked and said, "Uncle, he said that you are not good. My brother and I couldn't get angry, so we started fighting."

Tang Shi looked at him so cute, and his heart was itchy, so he reached out and rubbed his face, "He said uncle, why are you sad? Come on, stop crying."

Tang Song was very obedient and wiped his tears with his sleeve. Tang Ya also walked over and patted him lightly.

Tang Shi stood up and came to Li Shao. Li Shao clenched his hands tightly and looked at him with round eyes. Looking closely, he and Tang Shi's eyes were three or four similar. He was obviously afraid that Tang Shi would hit him, but he still stuck his neck and stood up straight to look at Tang Shi.

Tang Shi smiled at him, then picked him up in his surprised eyes, threw him on the kang beside him, and then wrapped the quilt tightly around him, leaving only a small head.

"I learned to fight before my illness was cured? I'll talk about it after I recover from my illness."

Li Shao had always felt dizzy and heavy, but after the fight with Tang Feng, he couldn't hold it anymore, and now he was forced to lie here by Tang Shi, even more drowsy, and slowly closed it. Eye.

As a child, why are you so overwhelmed? When Tang Shi saw that he was asleep, he brought Tang Feng and the three to the yard, and asked each of them to hold a branch and said, "Let's learn sixteen characters today."

In this way, one afternoon passed. Tang Shi made an assessment for the three children in his heart. Tang Feng's aptitude was good, and what was commendable was that he could calm down and study. Tang Ya is also not bad, she has a delicate mind and is very sensitive to words. Tang Song, it's still too young to be seen right now.

After earning money, he will prepare some ink at home and let them practice calligraphy on weekdays.

However, when it comes to making money, it seems that he should put this matter on the agenda. But the most basic fields have not been bought yet, and it seems unrealistic to make money.

Just thinking of this, Tang Qing, who went out to inquire about the news, entered the courtyard gate with a gloomy expression.

"Father, what happened?" Tang Shi stepped forward and asked.

Tang Qing sighed and took two puffs, "Stone, we seem to be a step late."

Tang Shi looked surprised, "Father, has the land already been bought?"

Tang Qing nodded, looking very depressed. After all, the land was bought by others, and it was impossible for them to buy the land belonging to the money landlord in the village. Do they still need to rent other people's land for cultivation

"Then, does Dad know who the person who bought the land is?" Who could buy the land under such circumstances