The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 42: Startled


In the past few days, the spring rain has been falling continuously. The wheat seedlings in the fields of Tangjia Village have all faded from their decadence, but have begun to grow vigorously. The villagers say that this is a timely rain, and that God is pity for them.

Tang Shi went to the county town in the rain every day. In ancient times, it was no better than his previous life. It was a dirt road. When it rained, it was very muddy. A pair of cloth shoes in Tang Shi was almost worn out. Seeing this, Meng Zhen, out of pity, went Made a new pair of cloth shoes for Tang Shi.

Tang Shi didn't really care about himself, he still wore blood-soaked shoes in the apocalypse, not to mention that these were just muddy water. However, he still remembered Meng Zhen's kindness in his heart, and the next day it was sunny, so he changed it.

This incident also reminded Tang Shi, he thought about the clothes of the Tang family, and felt that the Tang family was dressed too simply. Cut a few pieces of cloth from the top and make it together.

The remuneration earned from Master Zheng's family is not yet used. Anyway, it is still stored. It is better to buy some practical ones. It is not bad to improve the quality of life for the old Tang family.

Tang Shi is an activist. He mentioned this to Liu Shi Tang Qing when he went home for dinner that day, and said that Xiao Song and Ah Feng would go to school in August, so of course they shouldn't dress too casually.

The consumption concept of the Tang family was still separated from that of Tang Shi. Tang Shi spared no effort to talk to them, and also pulled Zhao Jin into the position.

Zhao Jin understood Tang Shi's gestures, and said incredulously: "Brother Shitou is right, in the future, A Feng and Xiao Song will both want to study, and the master likes clean and tidy children. Since he chose to let them study, Then you have to do your best as possible, A Feng and Xiao Song, if they are dressed neatly, they will definitely be loved by the Master."

Tang Feng and Tang Song's eyes suddenly lit up. It must be a good thing to be valued by the master, right? The two of them couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

The Tang family was said to be complacent, and Zhao Xu on the side also began to persuade, "Not only the two boys, but also Xiaoya, Xiaoya is so beautiful and so old, naturally she can't follow the previous Just as random."

Hearing this, Tang Ya lowered her head shyly.

Zhao Xu has a lively temperament herself, but likes a quiet girl like Tang Ya, and after getting along with her, she feels that Tang Ya is not only very good in temperament, but also has a very smart head. Zhao Xu himself didn't like reading when he was a child, and only liked to learn martial arts from his father, so he would have an inexplicable sense of admiration for girls who love to read.

Tang Qing exhaled a cigarette, looked at the expectant eyes of several children in the house and his daughter-in-law, and finally made a final decision, "Then tomorrow, the eldest and second child will take them to the city to cut some cloth, and come back to make some New clothes."

"And my father and mother, our family has changed into new clothes." Tang Shi added.

"That's for sure." Tang Nian and Tang Ji nodded.

So it's settled.

After dinner, Tang Shi went back to the house and took out a book and followed Zhao Jin to Zhao's house. He went to the study and looked for the book from the box and said, "I've finished reading this book, and I'll take another one."

Zhao Jin saw that his upper body was almost buried in the box, and only his little butt was shaking outside, and suddenly he laughed out loud.

When Tang Shi heard the laughter behind him that made his ears tingle, he suddenly stopped, turned his head, dissatisfied, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhao Jin restrained his smile, "It's nothing, you are looking for your book." Seeing that Tang Shi was having a hard time finding it, he asked, "What book do you want to read?"

Tang Shi's voice was muffled in the box, "History."

Hearing this, Zhao Jin opened another box, "All such books are in this box."

Tang Shi pulled himself out of the box, threw him a blank eye, and said angrily, "Won't you put a mark on each box?"

Zhao Jin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I didn't think about it carefully, but because I remember which books were in which box, I didn't think of this. I'm really sorry. Why don't we start now?"

"Whatever you want." Tang Shi found a book from the box that Zhao Jin opened, and took it out, and saw that Zhao Jin had already started to write the classification on the paper.

Tang Shi curiously leaned over to look, but when he looked, he couldn't pull out his eyes.

He has seen many people's calligraphy in his previous life, and he has also seen Yuan Yong's calligraphy here. Needless to say, Yuan Yong's words are respected by many students, and he is regarded as the world's most famous. Tang Shi also thinks it looks good, but Yuan Yong's words may be influenced by his experience and age.

But Zhao Jin is different. He is young, but he has experienced strong winds and waves, and has seen the darkness of life. At the same time, he has his own ambitions. On the surface, the words he writes are calm and vigorous, but his strokes are not lost. Sharp, and it was this unstoppable sharpness that firmly captured Tang Shi's mind.

He likes the words, he likes the mood.

Zhao Jin put down the last stroke, put the pen lightly on the pen bed, and turned his head to see Tang Shi staring at his own words, dazed.

"Brother Stone." He called softly.

Tang Shi suddenly came back to his senses, looked up at him, and suddenly crashed into a cold pool of water with ripples. Beneath the gentle and peaceful surface was calm and sharpness.

Such Zhao Jin... Such Zhao Jin...

Tang Shi suppressed his emotions, looked away calmly, and said, "Your words are beautiful."

The corners of Zhao Jin's lips rose slightly, and his voice was so gentle that he seemed to be drowning, "Thank you, Young Master Tang, for your compliment."

The voice echoed in Tang Shi's ears, and Tang Shi only felt that at that moment, his breathing was half a beat slower.

He tried his best to hide his fluctuating emotions and snorted softly, "Then stick them up, so I won't have to find it so hard next time." He picked up the book, lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly ,"I'm going back."

Zhao Jin suddenly wanted to reach out and touch his naughty eyelashes, but he held back.

"Okay, I remember, you won't have to work so hard next time you come."

Tang Shi walked out of the door with the book in his arms. As soon as he stepped out of the room, he suddenly turned to look at Zhao Jin. He saw Zhao Jin looking at him with gentle and tolerant eyes, and he didn't say what he wanted to say.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Jin couldn't help but ask him with a smile, "Young Master Tang, what else do you want to tell the little one?"

Tang Shi paused, "Zhao Jin, I'm going to school in the county town in the morning, and in the afternoon I'm going to teach Ah Feng and them to read and see my flowers, so can you ask Hong Zhong to teach them martial arts?"

Zhao Jin understood Tang Shi's thoughts, and also agreed with Tang Shi's thoughts, "Why don't I teach?" The most difficult stage has passed, and all he needs to do now is to wait. He is fine if he has nothing to do, so he might as well find something to do.

As for why he didn't find other things to do, but instead took Hong Zhong's job, who knows

Since Zhao Jin has offered himself, how could Tang Shi refuse? So, things were decided so happily.

At this time, Tang Feng and Tang Song did not know that their tragic fate was about to begin.

Early the next morning, the Tang family, except for Tang Qing and Liu Shi, was dispatched. After all, Tang Feng and Tang Song were children, and they were very happy along the way. Thinking that they were about to put on new clothes, they felt that the whole world had become a better place.

Tang Ya was also happy, but she was quiet and didn't show too much.

After arriving in the city, Tang Shi separated from them and went to school as usual, but he did not expect a visitor from the county government today.

When Yuan Yong saw him coming, he immediately smiled and beckoned Tang Shi to go over. Tang Shi obediently stood beside him and looked up at Yuan Yong, "Teacher." He said hello to Zheng Chongqian, "Hello, Grandpa Zheng."

There were three others he hadn't seen.

Yuan Yong naturally wanted to answer the question for the younger disciple, "Stone, this is your Uncle Zheng and Aunt Yin, as well as the younger brother of the Zheng family."

The three people in front of them should be Zheng Chongqian's son, daughter-in-law and grandson respectively.

Zheng Chongqian's son is about four ten years old. He has a good appearance, a lean body, and sharp eyes. When he looks at Tang Shi, he smiles, but his eyes are full of scrutiny.

Yin's appearance is not ugly, her cheekbones are slightly higher, her eyebrows are raised, and her figure is taller than that of ordinary women. The whole person does not look so approachable. She also looked at Tang Shixiao, but there was some disdain and dissatisfaction in the smile.

dissatisfied? This is strange.

The rest is the older brother of the Zheng family, who is in his twenties. His appearance is mostly inherited from his father. He looks gentle and upright, with a slender figure, and his whole body reveals a arrogant aura. When he looked at Tang, he only smiled politely, and there was no concern in his eyes.

Tang Shi said politely one by one: "Hello Uncle Zheng, Aunt Yin, and brother."

"Oh, this child is born so well!" Yin Shi came to Tang Shi with a smile and praised Tang Shi's appearance, "I heard that I was hurt and frightened because of it before, it's really pitiful, now I'm fine. right?"

Yuan Yong's expression did not change, but the smile in his eyes subsided.

Zheng Chongqian also felt that it was not right, but his daughter-in-law has always been like this.

Tang Shi smiled obediently, "Thank you Aunt Yin for your concern, everything is fine now."

Yin Shi smiled happily, his eyes became a line, "It's fine."

At this time, Meng Zhen came over with some snacks and smiled, "It's rare to come here, so we all sit down to drink tea and eat some snacks."

Yuan Yong laughed and said to Meng Zhen, "Study can't be delayed. I'll take the stone to class first, and you will entertain me first."

Zheng Chongqian and Yuan Yong have been friends for so many years and know his temperament. Unless there is an accident, he will not stop the course, and even his old friend will not change.

"Understood, you can go, Lin Qi came here also to meet and gradually return, it has nothing to do with your old man!" He joked.

Tang Shi also said goodbye to them and followed Yuan Yong.

Chen Jian returned to handle official business and couldn't get away for a while, so Meng Zhen had to come over to receive him in person.

She didn't know them well, and didn't know what to say, so she set her eyes on Zheng Lirong and asked with a smile, "I heard that Lirong has entered the Imperial College, this is really a happy event!"

Zheng Linqi's dignified face softened a little, while Yin's face smiled, "Where? After all, it is a school. How can the masters in it be comparable to Mr. Yuan? According to me, it is amazing to be able to worship Mr. Yuan as a teacher. Well, I don't know if Hong'er has worshipped Mr. Yuan as his teacher?"

The smile on Meng Zhen's face faded slightly.