The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 48: escape


Early the next morning, Tang Zhu's wife, Wang Shi, cried out in the village, saying that her husband and son were gone!

Everyone saw her crying so badly. After all, she was from a village, so they helped to find them together, but they searched all over the village and couldn't find the two of them. Someone suggested whether it was in the back mountain.

As soon as everyone heard Houshan, their hearts felt a little cold. After all, a few people died in Houshan not long ago, and they couldn't help but think badly.

But you still have to find it.

Finally, they found two people at the foot of the back mountain. The two of them were lying on their backs on the ground with their eyes closed. Their bodies were intact and their breathing was stable, as if they were asleep.

"It's not sleepwalking, is it?"

"Have you ever seen father and son sleepwalking together?"

The villagers were talking a lot, and Mrs. Wang stepped forward and slapped the two of them, scolding: "Get up soon! It's a shame!"

Tang Aniu and Tang Zhu were woken up by the fan, and the two opened their dazed eyes, looked at the vulgar woman in front of them, and then turned to look at the surrounding villagers watching the fun.

"What are you looking at?" Wang Shi gave them another slap, "Why don't you get up and go home!"

The two still stared at her blankly.

Wang Shi was in a hurry, and his attack became heavier. Tang Aniu and Tang Zhu were beaten in pain, and they didn't know how to resist, and they suddenly burst into tears.

This can make the villagers watching the lively fun. This Tang Aniu is fifteen years old, and he is considered an adult, but after all, he is not old enough to cry once, but this Tang Zhu is a middle-aged man. Crying like a child is rare.

Wang Shi was also stunned. If his son cried, he could cry, but what is it that his father cried together

"Tang Zhu!" She was surrounded by so many people, she lost all face, and roared, "Do you still have face!"

But Tang Zhu is wronged, why can't he cry in pain? So he cried even louder.

Some people are starting to feel that something is wrong. No matter how messed up this Tang Zhu is, it is impossible for him to cry in front of so many people, right

"Isn't there something wrong with Tang Zhu?"

"I think this Tang Anniu also hit the evil."

After all, Houshan has died, and this kind of thing is really uncertain, otherwise how could two good people become like this

"Let's go and see the doctor."

Wang's heart was also panicked. She was just a woman. When she encountered this kind of thing, of course, there were no masters. Some men in the village couldn't see it. The old doctor in the village.

The old doctor has practiced medicine for many years and has seen various diseases, but he has never seen such a case that has become stupid overnight.

In the end, the diagnosis was incomprehensible. In fact, he himself thought about whether the two really hit the evil, and then he lost his mind.

After the old doctor shook his head and left, someone persuaded Mr. Wang, "It's better to go to the town and hire a doctor. If it doesn't work, go to the county town."

Wang has never seen anything in the world. Her vision is only Tangjia Village, and she has never been out of town in her life. Now her husband and son are stupid, she has nothing to rely on, and she is so scared that she doesn't know what to do. Can't even cry.

When Tang Shi returned home in the afternoon, Tang Aniu's house was already in chaos, and he couldn't take care of it.

When he left Tangjiacun in the morning, the five wild dogs from last night also wanted to follow him, but they were drank by him, so they had to hide and wait for him to come back.

Now that he is back, the five dirty wild dogs are all leaning in front of him. Tang Shi ordered them to stay in front of Tang's house, and they can only watch Tang Shi enter the yard.

Tang Feng and several people have learned martial arts for a long time, and now they are in the courtyard reviewing the characters that Tang Shi taught them a few days ago.

When they saw Tang coming back, they all came up.

"Uncle, today Uncle Zhao brought a lot of flower pots. They are all so beautiful! He said that Uncle asked him to buy them, didn't he?" Tang Song pointed to the neatly arranged flower pots in the yard and asked.

Tang Shi didn't expect Zhao Jin's speed to be so fast. He broke up with him last night. After going back and thinking about it, he felt that what he did was really out of standard, and now he still doesn't know how to pretend that nothing happened to each other.

He felt that his mind was a little confused. After he came back last night, he lay on the kang and thought for a long time. Since hitting him to save Zhao Jin's life, the relationship between them has changed.

Zhao Jin went from being indifferent at the beginning to slowly approaching later, and then to now being gentle. Tang Shi had already given up on him, but because of Hongyu, the fates of the two were intertwined again. Zhao Jin's different gentleness from the past made him seem to be a little moved again - when he knew exactly what kind of person the other was. when.

He will unconsciously behave differently in front of Zhao Jin than usual, he will make some small tempers that he will not show in front of any other people under Zhao Jin's gentle and tolerant eyes, he will accept Zhao Jin's kindness and I don't feel burdened.

Such a self, even he himself will be spurned and afraid.

He didn't want to deceive himself any more, Zhao Jin showed his warmth to himself because of saving his life, not because of Tang Shi.

"Uncle, uncle," Tang Song tugged at Tang Shi's sleeve, "what are you thinking?"

Tang Shi came back to his senses, looked down from the flower pot, and touched his little head with a smile, "Uncle is thinking, what words are going to teach you today."

He was thinking that he couldn't let himself sink anymore.

After teaching the three children, Tang Shi took five wild dogs to the flower field alone to look at the flowers. When passing the small river in the village, he also let them go to the river to take a bath. The five dogs shook their bodies and shook their bodies. The water then followed closely behind Tang Shi.

Tang Shi thought that it would be good to have them guard Huadi and the Tang family, and he planned to keep them in his heart.

When he came to the flower field, the sun had already slanted westward, and Tang Shi squatted down to examine his flower seedlings carefully.

In a few days, some of them can be transplanted into pots, but where will so many flower pots be placed

He held his cheeks and looked at the lovely flower seedlings in the ground and thought to himself, the setting sun stretched his grouped figure slightly from behind, and at this time, another long figure appeared beside his figure.

Tang Shi squatted and didn't move.

"Old Hong has checked it out," Zhao Jin looked down at Tang Shi's head, his voice was gentle and calm, "Your uncle inquired about your rescue of the Zheng family camellia in the county seat."

Tang Shi replied in a low voice, "Thank you." He stood up without looking at Zhao Jin, "I'll go back first."

Zhao Jin sighed behind him and asked, "Tang Shi, did I do something wrong?" As sharp as him, how could he not notice Tang Shi's strange emotions

Tang Shi turned his back to him, looked up at the sunset in the sky, and said softly: "You are not wrong, it is my own mistake. Zhao Jin, I know why you have done so much, but the truth is, I was forced to save you, and you don't have to repay any kindness that doesn't exist."

"Tang Shi, I knew about this from the beginning." Zhao Jin walked in front of him, "But this doesn't prevent us from being friends, even if you don't want to be friends with me, there is still a cooperative relationship between us, I It's all my job."

Tang Shi's eyes looked at him calmly.

"Tang Shi, I'm sorry." Zhao Jin suddenly said again, "I used to want to use your mind. At that time, things entered a difficult time, and I really needed your ability. I hereby sincerely apologize to you. ."

His eyes were steady and firm, looking straight into the depths of Tang Shi's eyes.

Tang Shi couldn't help but think of the many scars on his body. Zhao Jin was so badly injured that it was truly a miracle that he could come back alive.

"Then why did you give up again?" Tang Shi asked aloud.

Zhao Jin showed a smile, "Because I went back and thought about it all night, and then I came to my senses."

Because he has gradually lost his conscience in these years of blood and blood, and he has become the kind of person he hated the most in the past. , and this has become his instinct.

Tang Shi was his only remaining conscience. The moment he gave up Tang Shi, his body and mind seemed to relax, and he was able to face the next life and death calmly.

Even if he lost his life in the end, he didn't regret it.

Therefore, Tang Shi did have a different meaning to him.

Tang Shi laughed at himself: "No matter what kind of world, it is the strong prey to the weak, and being able to be used by you shows that my value is not small. Zhao Jin, you don't need to apologize to me for the things you haven't done, there's no need."

Zhao Jin understood what Tang Shi meant, but he still couldn't figure out why Tang Shi suddenly and deliberately distanced himself from him. If it was before, he wouldn't care about such small things at all, but he didn't know what to do with himself. He hadn't slept all night last night, and his mind was full of the eyes of Tang Shi's dark night that exuded intimidating eyes, as well as his thin body. A powerful burst of power.

Thinking of him indifferently tearing up the "deed of prostitution", and thinking of his calm eyes, he would feel bursts of loss and sadness. This was an emotion he had never had before, and this emotion troubled him all night.

Tang Shi saw him in a daze, so he bowed his head in silence and planned to go home.

Zhao Jin snapped back to his senses and couldn't help grabbing Tang Shi's wrist, Tang Shi turned his head to look at him calmly, he opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know what to say at all.

Tang Shi wanted to break free from him, but found that the other party was holding him tightly, and he couldn't help rolling his eyes in his heart: Isn't the natural power amazing

"Zhao Jin, are you ill?!" Tang Shi couldn't bear it any longer and couldn't help roaring out.

He was going to give up, why does this person still have a sense of existence in front of him? Since it is a cooperative relationship, it must have the appearance of a collaborator. What does it mean to hold it like this

However, Zhao Jin laughed, the angry little tiger in front of him was what he wanted to see, not the Tang Shi who was shrinking into his shell and pretending to be indifferent.

"Tang Shi, can you tell me what exactly are you escaping from?"

Zhao Jin asked him seriously.