The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 49: complain


Tang Shi looked at the tall man in front of him silently, and after a while, he asked back, "Zhao Jin, what are you struggling with?"

Zhao Jin was stunned, yes, what is he struggling with? Since it has already been said that it is a cooperative relationship, what is he still doing here dragging people around

He seemed to want to say something, but found that his mind was a little blank, and he couldn't speak at all. In Tang Shi's increasingly cold eyes, he let go of Tang Shi's wrist.

He has become not like himself.

Tang Shi immediately turned his head and beckoned the five dogs to go home.

Zhao Jin watched the thin and frail teenager lead five wild dogs on the path in the field under the setting sun, his back seemed to be coated with a layer of loneliness, or maybe he was wrong.

In the evening, the Zhao brothers and sisters and Hong Zhong didn't come to eat. Tang Qing asked Tang Da to ask, saying that Zhao Xu had also learned some dishes, so he would cook and eat by himself.

When Tang Qing saw this, he didn't say anything.

Tang Shi silently picked up the meal. After eating, he said hello to the Tang family and went back to the bedroom. As soon as he lay down, Tang Feng and Tang Song brought Li Shao over, each with new clothes in their hands. Tang Song's little face was full of excitement.

"Uncle," he climbed onto the kang and put his clothes away carefully, "you can wear new clothes tomorrow!"

Tang Feng handed the other set to Tang Shi, "Uncle, this is yours."

Tang Shi took it over. The fabric was the lowest quality, but after all, it was new clothes, so he was quite rare, and the trousers before were already short, so he didn't dress well.

The three children climbed onto the kang in turn, Tang Shi turned his body to take up only a small space, and closed his eyes.

The initiator of trampling on the flower field is Tang Lian. He should be able to find out what happened in the Zheng residence. When they left the Tang family before, Tang Shi specially let two grass seeds stick to them. After school tomorrow, he would look for the grass seeds to check the situation.

The next morning, Tang Shi met Hong Zhong at the entrance of the village. When Hong Zhong saw him, he showed a simple and honest smile as usual, "Little son, this is what the son asked me to give to you."

Tang Shi looked at the folded piece of paper in his hand and didn't pick it up, "What is this?"

Hong Zhong explained with a smile, "This is the title deed of Houshan." He didn't explain more, but he believed that Tang Shi could understand.

Tang Shi did understand that he was still thinking about where to put the flower pots after transplanting them in the future, and now Zhao Jin has brought a pillow.

Tang Shi didn't refuse the partner to provide the venue, so he took the land deed, "Thank you." He put the land deed away and walked to the county seat.

Hong Zhong followed in his footsteps, "Young Master, Master said, after all, the back mountain is messy and manpower is needed to open a flower house. Why don't we buy a few more servants and guard the flower house by the way."

Zhao Jin really thought long-term.

"You sons have said that I am only responsible for raising flowers, and you can handle the rest."

Hong Zhong nodded again and again, but said in his heart: Why didn't you tell the young master these things in person? Don't let yourself come over.

After Tang Shi finished school, he followed the smell of grass seeds to a residential house in the county seat. The house is not big or small, and the paint on the door has peeled off. It looks very ordinary, but it is much better than the thatched hut of the old Tang family in Tangjia Village.

Father Tang had never told him about Tang Lian, so he knew very little about Tang Lian's family. Just as he was about to inquire about it, he saw Hong Zhong miraculously came to him again.

"Young Master is so easy for me to find!" He sweated profusely and panted slightly, "What are you doing here, Young Master? It's not easy to commit murder in broad daylight!"

Tang Shi didn't think it was really difficult for Hong Zhong to find himself. This Hong Zhong looked honest, but his stomach was actually dark.

"Do you know where this is?"

Hong Zhong nodded, "I was just about to tell you, but this is not the place to talk. Young master might as well move."

Tang Shi followed him towards the city gate, and Hong Zhong explained to him as he walked: "After I was the main messenger who investigated the destruction of the flower fields yesterday, Tang Lian, I also checked their house..."

Tang Shi learned from Hong Zhong's mouth that the reason why Tang Lian was able to stay moisturised in the county town was because he had climbed high branches.

Tang Zhen's wife, Lin's, is the daughter of a merchant in the county town. Although she is not rich, she still has a little money compared to the average person.

The status of merchants in Daqi is not low, and some merchants from rich families also marry officials. In this way, money and power complement each other, and the money will only increase and the power will only increase unless an accident occurs.

And although the Lin family is not so rich and cannot marry officials, they can marry other wealthy businessmen, but why did the Lin family marry their only daughter to a farmer's son

The reason is very simple, Tang Zhen is good-looking, and Lin fell in love with him at first sight.

Hearing this, Tang Shi instantly made up his mind that the Lin family did not agree to beat the mandarin ducks, and the Miss Lin family vowed to marry Tang Zhen, threatening her life, and the Lin family finally had to marry her daughter's lover into an inspirational love story .

Tang Zhen was still a good candidate. After he got married, he passed the exam as a scholar, and the Lin family valued this uncle a little more.

So, what kind of grudge does Tang Lian have with Father Tang? Could it be that Tang Lian colluded with the village chief to destroy his flower field just because the Tang family couldn't promise to help Tang Zhen get a place in Linsheng

"Then did you find out what festival Tang Lian had with our family?"

Hong Zhong shook his head, his face full of guilt: "It's been a long time, I haven't heard about it yet."

Tang Shi nodded, and he could only ask Father Tang about this matter.

After leaving the city, Tang Shi has been thinking about how to take revenge for the flowers. In fact, he doesn't like to use his brains very much. If he grows flowers and reads books every day, how comfortable it will be!

As they were walking, three people stood beside the grove in front of them. When they saw Tang Shi and Hong Zhong approaching, Putong knelt down towards them.

Tang Shi stopped and looked at the three people. Wasn't this the three people who stopped him from going to the county seat

"I'll meet the young master." The three of them bowed down and saluted Tang Shi.

Tang Shi didn't say a word and turned to look at Hong Zhong.

Hong Zhong laughed "hehe", and took out three more pieces of paper from his arms and handed them to Tang Shi, "This is the deed of the three of them, and the son said that he would put it in the little son's place. It's not that he didn't say that he wanted to buy someone to look at the flower house in the morning. Is it? Now that the flower house has not been built, they can still go to work in the fields, and the young master just gives them some food every day."

Tang Shi didn't accept the deed, but said, "Let's go back to the village first-wait, where do they live?"

"Don't worry about this little boy, I am the only one in my family, and there is still a spare room."

During dinner in the evening, Tang Shi told the Tang family about his cooperation with Zhao Jin and the purchase of people. The Tang family was stunned. They always thought that Tang Shi raised flowers for fun, but now, looking at the situation, this is for real

"Stone, don't blame your father for his lack of knowledge, but do you need to buy people to grow flowers?" Tang Qing has dealt with crops all his life, and the concept of flowers is only a small wild flower in the field. He does not understand at all, why Want to grow flowers? Can gardening really make money

Tang Shi thought to himself: He hasn't said that Zhao Jin bought a mountain.

"Father, those big families also have gardeners. Some flowers are hard to find." Tang Shi began to open the door to a new world for the Tang family.

"Since growing flowers is so profitable, why don't everyone grow flowers?" Mr. Liu couldn't accept this "new thing", he could only say that they had absolutely no concept of aristocratic life. This question is the same as someone asked in a previous life, "Since investing in stocks is so profitable, why don't everyone invest in stocks?"

Making big money by speculating in stocks depends on strength, as does growing flowers.

"Auntie, everyone can plant flowers, but I was the only one who could save Master Zheng's flowers." Tang Shi said solemnly, "I've grown up and know what I'm doing, Dad, Mom, you guys. Don't worry too much."

Tang Qing wanted to worry but couldn't worry about it. He was an expert at growing crops, but he was really smeared in his eyes when he was growing flowers. If you want to plant the stone, you can plant it. There is still land at home anyway. Even if you lose money, there is still a family carrying it! Moreover, the Dalang Zhao family seems to be reliable, and the cooperation between the two is also good.

"Uncle, how do you know how to grow flowers?" Mr. Fang was surprised. The old uncle never saw him like to care for flowers, so why did he suddenly learn to grow flowers

The rest of the Tang family didn't think about this question, but they couldn't help but ignore it. When Mrs. Fang asked at this time, they all became curious.

Tang Shi answered while eating: "It's all in the book." Because of his supernatural ability, he can clearly know the habits and growth conditions of plants, so it is really not difficult for him to grow flowers, but for the sake of To avoid future troubles, he still has to buy some related books for research.

"So that's the case." Fang Shi smiled and stopped asking.

At this time, Tang Yue, who has always been invisible, asked inexplicably, "Little brother, is there such a book?"

Tang Shi actually didn't know if there was a systematic monograph on flower cultivation in this world, but since Tang Yue asked that, he could only say there was.

"Do you have books like this? I want to read them too." As a former scholar, Tang Yue also understands the preferences of some noble people. If you really raise famous products, you will get more than just money.

"I have seen it at Senior Brother Chen, but Senior Brother said that the book should not be borrowed." Tang Shi said flatly.

"Don't you have a good memory, little brother? Can you transcribe it? If I learn it, I can help, right? You have to go to school every day, how can you be so busy?"

Tang Shi looked at her with calm eyes, "Brother Zhao has already bought people, so there will be no shortage of people."

"How can outsiders have family members to rest assured..."

Before Tang Yue finished speaking, Tang Shi stood up. He didn't want to bother with a woman, but it didn't mean he was willing to talk nonsense with her. He said hello to everyone except Tang Yue, and went out for a walk. .

Tang Yue couldn't help showing an aggrieved expression, "Why is my brother so indifferent? I just want to read a book..."

"Ah Yue," Tang Qing breathed out a cigarette, "if you are free, you can sew some clothes with your two sisters-in-law. No matter how bad it is, take care of Shao'er. I think you are a mother. What do you care about?"

Tang Yue was so scolded by Tang Qing in front of so many people, she suddenly felt that she lost face, her eyes were slightly red, and she said without thinking: "Father, if my husband lost his status as a scholar, Why am I in such a situation?"