The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 51: transplant


"Little brother, you went to study by yourself, but let a few children learn martial arts, what do you mean?" Tang Yue's voice rose slightly, just at this time Gao and Fang came out of the house, entered the yard, and heard her one sentence.

Tang Shi was in a bad mood, Tang Yue was still messing around here, and her mood was even worse, so she said with a cold face, "Tang Yue, this is my business, and it has nothing to do with you."

Tang Yue seemed to be frightened by the expression on his face, she couldn't help but took a step back and continued, "But Shao'er is my son."

Tang Shi was silent. Indeed, as an outsider, he has no way to intervene among other people's mothers and children.

At this time, Li Shao stood up from behind Tang Shi, and his originally lovely face was now a block of ice, "Mother, this is my own business."

Tang Yue's eyes widened for a moment. In her impression, her son basically kept his head down and didn't speak. It was the first time that he looked directly at himself and expressed his thoughts firmly like this.

"Shao'er, are you just talking to your mother like this?" Tang Yue seemed to be greatly wronged, "You've only been with them for a few days and you're so rude? No, my mother will take you home today!"

Mr. Fang, who was on the side, couldn't stand it any longer, "I said auntie, Shao Er didn't say anything, right? If the child wants to learn, let him learn it. It's so necessary..."

"Second sister-in-law," Tang Yue interrupted her, "I didn't say that, this martial arts student rolls in the mud every day, how can he still have the bearing of a scholar?"

Mrs. Fang didn't understand very well at first, and thought it would be good for Song'er to exercise every day, but now hearing Tang Yue's words, she suddenly thought of Song'er going home dirty every day after studying, and then going to school, why not? Can this be done

"Little brother, if learning martial arts is really useful, why don't you learn it?" Tang Yue asked Xiang Tang Shi again.

Tang Shi looked at her with quiet eyes.

"Uncle doesn't have time to learn!" Tang Song said angrily, "Uncle goes to the county town in the morning, and he has to teach us calligraphy in the afternoon, so he doesn't have time to learn martial arts at all!"

Tang Feng also said: "Auntie, you think that only reading is good, but we think that learning martial arts is also good. A-niang, uncle is for our sake." He said the last sentence to the Gao family.

Gao showed a smile and nodded. Although she was not very talkative, she still understood the truth.

The hesitation on Fang's face gradually dissipated, and she was almost taken into the ditch by Tang Yue. After all, the uncle is still his own family. This Tang Yuexin is not in the Tang family. Who cares about the Tang family is clear at a glance.

Tang Yue looked at them like she was looking at a fool. What's the use of just having two strengths? If you can't get into a scholar, you can't just dig the ground. Her husband is unreliable, but she still has a son. After his son studies well, she will still have a bright face.

"Shao'er, go home with your mother." She said and went to hold Li Shao's hand.

However, Li Shao retreated reflexively, avoiding Tang Yue's hand.

Tang Yue couldn't help but look cold, "Shao'er, go back with mother."

At this time, Mrs. Liu came out of the room and pulled a face, making the nasolabial lines on her face deeper, "Ayue, are you going back now? Have you made up your mind?"

Tang Yue was still a little terrified of Mrs. Liu. Seeing Mrs. Liu's unhappy face, she couldn't help but explain: "Auntie, Shao'er still has to study, so I can't delay him."

"Ayue, do you really want to live with Li Yuan?" After all, Mrs. Liu was still a little reluctant to let her daughter suffer. Li Yuan was really not reliable.

Tang Yue's eyes blushed, "Auntie, if I really leave him, I won't be able to live in the future. And Shao'er, what if Shao'er loses her mother?"

The law of the Great Qi state stipulates that if both parties have children, except in special circumstances, the son can follow the father, and the daughter can follow the father and mother. The special circumstances here only refer to when the father is incapable of raising or the father himself has committed a very serious crime, which is unfavorable to raising the child, and the child needs to follow the mother.

Therefore, if Tang Yue wants to reconcile with Li Yuan, Li Shao will definitely follow Li Yuan, then she will have nothing.

"But Tang Yue, what were you doing when Li Shao was beaten?" Tang Shi couldn't help asking when he thought of the bruise on Li Shao's face before.

Tang Yue sighed, "Children who are disobedient naturally need to be educated." She always thought that the younger brother was spoiled, she didn't understand the slightest politeness, and she wanted to spoil Shao'er.

For the sake of this, there is no need to say more. Tang Shi glanced at Li Shao, who just happened to raise his head to look at him.

Tang Shi can only do this for his sake, and Li Shao needs to fight for the rest. He, as an uncle, can't interfere in other people's family affairs.

Li Shao opened his mouth and was about to express his thoughts, but was interrupted.

"Excuse me, is it Tang Yue's family?" The visitor was a middle-aged farmer. He stood outside the courtyard and glanced at the people in the courtyard. When he saw Tang Yue, his eyes lit up and he said anxiously, "Tang Yue, Li Yuan is about to die. Now, go back and have a look!"

Tang Yue was shocked, can't you? how is this possible? She was fine when she left!

"He, what happened to him?" Tang Yue asked at a loss.

"Hey, I didn't know that! I didn't plan to find him to write a letter, but I went to your house to have a look... Sigh! Don't say it, you should go back and have a look by yourself!"

Tang Yue recognized this person. This person was from the Li family village. He was not far from their home, so he was quite familiar with him. It should be true if he thought about it.

Tang Yue panicked, she hurried out of Tang's yard, saw Li Shao still standing there, and called out, "Go back with your mother to see your father!"

The father is dying, so the son can't pretend he didn't hear it. Although Li Shao didn't feel that Li Yuan was really dying, under the current situation, he had to go back.

Tang Yue left with Li Shao. After Tang Qing and Tang Nian and Tang Ji came back from the field, they knew the situation and didn't say anything, they just ate silently.

The next afternoon, after teaching the three children, Tang Shi chose a few exquisite flower pots and came to the flower field.

Out of curiosity, Tang Feng and the others followed.

Next to the flower field, the five dogs were obediently guarding there. When they saw Tang Shi, they ran over happily. When their forelimbs were raised, they were about to lie on Tang Shi's body. Run over and eat it.

These five dogs are not ugly after being washed. They are familiar with the Tang family. They will wag their tails when they see Tang Feng's three children. Tang Feng and the three also like them very much.

The back mountain was still under construction, and Tang Shi stopped paying attention after taking a look at the movement on the mountain. He carefully avoided other flower seedlings and came to a flower seedling.

This plant is growing well and has already produced four true leaves. When it is time to transplant the flowerpot, if it is not transplanted now, because the planting is relatively dense, I am afraid there will be insufficient nutrients.

"Uncle, what kind of flower is this?" Tang Ya has always been interested in this flower. She saw the beautiful purple-red flower buds, and she loved it even more.

Tang Shi touched the delicate flower bud and said with a smile, "It's called Shaoyao, also called Jiangli."

Peony is a common ornamental flower, and has the reputation of "the prime minister of flowers". But this one in his hand is particularly unusual. He rummaged through the "Famous Flowers Collection", and probably sorted out some varieties that were not available in this world, but were quite popular in his world, and this one in his hand was even more Something special.

He believed that under a similar cultural background, this flower would definitely be sought after by the nobles.

"Peony?" Tang Ya was puzzled, "Why is there a word for medicine in its name?"

Tang Shi filled the bottom and sides of the flowerpot with an appropriate amount of soil and explained, "Because it also has medicinal value, it can relieve pain."

"So the flower is so powerful?" Tang Song squatted on the ridge and looked at the flower bud in Tang Shi's hand in surprise.

"Well, there are many flowers with medicinal value." Tang Shi carefully dug out the roots of the flowers and the surrounding soil, and then put the flower buds into the flower pot.

Then he did the same and transplanted the remaining flower buds into flower pots.

A total of five pots were transplanted, which happened to be one pot for each of the three children. Tang Shi was holding two pots of flowers and was ready to go home. But Tang Shi always felt that there were eyes behind him watching him all the time. He couldn't help but explore the back mountain with his mental strength, and found that besides Hong Zhong, Zhao Jin was also there. However, Zhao Jinzheng lowered his head and didn't know what he was doing. It should not be him.

Ugh, what was he thinking? What should it be? Certainly not!

He moved the flower pots back to the Tang family's yard, and Tang Shi also brought back two dogs by the way, and ordered them to look at these pots of flowers. It was not that he did not trust the character of the Tang family, but that many people should not take this as a reason. The thing is, if someone who visits the door accidentally smashes the flower pot and damages the flower buds, they may feel that it is fine.

"Uncle, when will they bloom?" Tang Ya squatted there and observed a few flower buds, her face full of anticipation, she could see that she really liked these flowers, otherwise she would not change her former temperament. So many questions asked.

Tang Shi's heart moved, and he patiently told her about the habits of each pot of flowers, such as sunlight, moisture, and flowering period. Tang Ya listened with relish.

Tang Feng and Tang Song were not interested and ran to the side to practice martial arts.

"Xiaoya, my uncle has given you a very important task." Tang Shi said solemnly, "In the future, after my uncle goes to school in the morning, you will take care of these flowers, so no one outside the Tang family will touch them? "

Tang Ya felt a sense of mission in her heart, she nodded heavily, "Uncle, I remember."

Tang Shi was more at ease with the little girl Tang Ya. She was stable, responsible, and pure-hearted. Presumably these flowers would also like her.

"Da da da… "

In the evening, a series of horse hooves were suddenly heard outside the peaceful mountain village. Tang Shi was keenly aware that even the earth seemed to be shaking. Everyone in Tangjia Village stopped their work and looked curiously at the entrance of the village.

At the entrance of the village, I saw a few young men dressed in Chinese clothes and with a slender machete riding on their horses, with solemn expressions and a faint chill.