The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 63: knowledge


Tang Lian's cries attracted many villagers to come over. Zhao Jin's eyes widened, and he immediately let Tang Shi push into the door and closed the door.

When the Tang family heard the movement, they all went out to look over here. When they saw Tang Lian kneeling on the ground, they couldn't help but walk over to inquire about the situation.

They didn't know that Tang Zhen was among those who beat Tang Shi.

"Zhao Dalang, what's going on?" Why did Tang Lian kneel to Zhao Dalang

Before Zhao Jin could speak, Tang Lian kowtowed to the Tang family, "Brother, Zhen'er is your nephew after all! Please save him!"

Tang Qing was at a loss, "What happened to him?"

Tang Lian cursed in his heart: What else are you pretending to be

"Big brother, the county master is going to keep Zhen'er in jail for a few years! Our old Tang family has finally produced a talent, but it can't be ruined!"

"Since the county master broke it, it's useless for you to beg us." Liu Shi didn't like Tang Lian and Tang Zhen very much.

Tang Lian had a lot of snot and tears, looking very miserable, "I know that my little nephew is close to the county master, so I want to ask my little nephew to plead, let Zhen'er go this time."

Tang Qing asked him, "What did he do?"

Tang Lian said with a sad face: "Brother, Zhen'er didn't beat his little nephew at all that day, so many people, he couldn't stop him if he wanted to! I just wanted to ask the little nephew to clarify to the county master and clear up this misunderstanding! "

Tang Shi, who was suddenly locked in the door, sat down leisurely in the courtyard with the corners of his mouth folded. He felt that Tang Lian, who had been singing a one-man show, was really pitiful. He wanted to know how Commander Zhao would solve this matter.

As soon as Tang Lian said these words, no matter how stupid the Tang family was, they could hear it, wow! It turned out that Tang Zhen was also the one who beat people!

When Liu Shi thought about the injury of the stone, the anger in her heart suddenly rose. She rushed up and started scratching and kicking Tang Lian. Tang Lian was accidentally knocked to the ground by her. With a face wow wow.

Before the rest of the Tang family could react, Zhao Jin pulled Liu away, "Aunt Tang, don't hurt yourself."

He leaned over to look at Tang Lian, and said in a voice that only Tang Lian could hear clearly: "In October last year, Tang Zhenye met with Luyin girl in Xiuchunlou; in November, she went boating with girl Caichen; The students have sex with prostitutes together, Master Chen doesn’t know about it, and your in-laws don’t know either, do you still need me to list his affairs?”

Tang Lian looked at the cold-eyed man in front of him in horror, but couldn't say anything. If these things are really known to the Lin family, then their family is really over!

Others couldn't hear what Zhao Jin was saying, but Tang Shi could hear it clearly. He heard everything about Luyin and Caichen.

"If you don't want to lose your wife and lose your army, then get out." Zhao Jin stood up after speaking.

Tang Lian hurriedly got up from the ground, and ran away with a look of embarrassment.

The Tang family was stunned. Although they didn't hear what Zhao Jin said and didn't see Zhao Jin's expression clearly, they still felt an indescribable power that even the onlookers like them couldn't bear. , let alone Tang Lian who was in it? No wonder Tang Lian ran so fast.

"Uncle Tang, Aunt Tang, Shitou just said he was hungry." Zhao Jin pulled them back in a trance. , opened the courtyard door.

Tang Shi went out and looked at him with a smile, Zhao Jin didn't know why, but suddenly felt a little nervous, he shouldn't have said anything wrong, right

"Hungry? Then hurry home and eat." Liu Shi immediately put aside his anger and took Tang Shi home.

Tang Yue, who was following behind, leaned into Fang's ear and asked quietly, "Second sister-in-law, this Zhao family boss doesn't look like an ordinary person." She didn't know what happened to the Zhao family before.

Mrs Fang nodded, "Isn't it true, last time there were several very fierce officials who came to look for him, saying that even the county masters didn't dare to offend them."

Tang Yue was interested, "Can you tell me what they look like?"

Fang Shi described to her what Wu Ke and the others were wearing. Although Tang Yue's vision was not that wide, she had a husband who was a scholar, so she was a little confused.

The officials hated and feared the group of people who were guarding the commanding officer. Although Li Yuan was not an official, this did not prevent him from yearning for being an official. Since he wanted to be an official, he must have found out about the officials in Daqi. system, so he still has some understanding of the detached status of the commander of the guard.

Tang Yue knew something from him, and now hearing Fang's words, she immediately began to beat a drum in her heart. I didn't expect this Zhao Jin to be a high-ranking officer in the commander's department!

During the meal, Zhao Jin fed Tang Shi as usual. The Tang family did not want to bother him, but Zhao Jin was able to talk a lot, so he was stunned to convince them, so the matter of feeding was held in his hands gloriously. .

Tang Yue observed Tang Shi and Zhao Jin while eating, and found that their relationship was really close. Zhao Jin was still a little distant when he was with other people, but with Tang Shi, he didn't have the air of an official at all. It was impossible to see that Tang Shi had climbed such a big tree.

She thought about herself now that Li Yuan was in prison, and she had to make peace with him. Originally, she was still hesitating whether she should go back to the Tang family after the divorce. Now that she thinks about it, returning to the Tang family is the best way. As long as she can ease the relationship with her younger brother, her future life should not be too bad.

Of course, Tang Shi could sense that Tang Yue was observing him, and he could also guess what Tang Yue was thinking, but he didn't care that the Tang family had more people, as long as she didn't act like a demon, everything was easy to say.

Seeing that he was not paying attention, Zhao Jin patted his leg under the table lightly. Tang Shi was very ticklish, especially the feeling of light touch on his leg. He only felt goosebumps all over his body instantly. , so he glared at Zhao Jin. He had food in his mouth at this time, his cheeks were bulging, and his round eyes were quite cute.

Zhao Jin has always been unable to resist his appearance. If it weren't for the presence of the Tang family, he could not help but hug this little tiger.

After eating, Tang Shi said goodbye to the Tang family one by one. Tang Feng's children were still a little reluctant to bear him. Tang Song directly hugged Tang Shi's leg and rubbed him.

"I'm not traveling far, I'm right next door, I'll see you tomorrow morning." Tang Shi was dumbfounded.

Back at Zhao's house, Zhao Jin laid a quilt for him and motioned him to rest early.

"Bring the book to me, I want to read the book first." Tang Shi sat on the bed, looking like an uncle was waiting for him.

But Zhao Jin just took his trick, "Don't look at it for too long, it hurts your eyes."

When the book was brought over, Tang Shi's arm was inconvenient, so Zhao Jin sat with him and turned the pages for him.

Looking at it, Tang Shi's laziness was committed, and the whole person was completely leaning on Zhao Jin at a 120-degree angle. Zhao Jin's body was softer than the head of the bed, making it more comfortable to lean on.

Zhao Jin circled him, saw him squinting slightly, and asked him softly, "Tired?"

Tang Shi raised his head and suddenly said: "Your commander of the guard is indeed very powerful. You even know about Luyin and Caichen, so there is nothing you don't know?"

Zhao Jin laughed, and the laughter spread from his chest to Tang Shi's ears, and Tang Shi only felt that his ears gradually became hot.

"Of course there are things I don't know."

"tell me the story."

Zhao Jin approached him, "For example, is Young Master Tang jealous? I'm sorry, I can't tell."

Tang Shi sat up suddenly, a little embarrassed on his face, "Hurry up, I'm going to sleep." He lay down and closed his eyes.

Zhao Jin was helpless, leaning over and gently hugging him across the quilt, "I just expected this incident and specially asked someone to investigate, I usually never go to Xiuchun Tower or anything other than doing tasks. "

Tang Shi opened his eyes and slammed into a pair of eyes that were close at hand, full of tenderness.

"Don't think too much, rest early." Zhao Jin rolled the quilt for him, looked at him silently for a while, and then left.

In the days that followed, Tang Shi read books, raised flowers, and lived a life of eating and opening his mouth. The education problems of the children of the Tang family have been handed over to the Zhao family brothers and sisters. .

After his arm was much better, he started to go to the county town to study again. Although he still couldn't write, he was still able to endorse. Although Yuan Yong felt that his young disciple was talented and intelligent, systematic teaching was still extremely necessary.

On this day, Chen Hong dropped out of school again. He happily waited for Tang Shi to come to him after class. The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that Wei Cong came too.

When Wei Cong saw Tang, the first sentence was: "What book are you going to read today?"

Tang Shi smiled innocently, "I have to go back to work."

Wei Cong's eyes showed surprise, "You do this every day? Then how do you have time to remember the scriptures?"

Tang Shi's eyes were blank, "I don't know very well either."

Wei Cong obviously didn't see that Tang Shi was teasing him, and he was only better than ordinary people in reading, and he didn't have the mind to study other things.

"By the way, I haven't thanked you for that day." Tang Shi said sincerely.

He was talking about the day he was beaten. At that time, a fellow student wanted to come back and look for it because he lost a pendant. He begged everyone to help find it together. As a result, he saw the scene of Tang Shi and Chen Hong being besieged. Some people couldn't help but want to stop it but Wei Cong stopped.

In Wei Cong's mind, the solution to things is never blindly rushing forward, but to find the most suitable solution. It is precisely because of this that Chen Jiangui and the others were able to arrive in time.

Wei Cong shook his head, "Nothing."

Tang Shi thought that this young man was also very interesting, so he wanted to meet each other.

Chen Hong watched the two talk harmoniously from the side, and showed dissatisfaction on his face, "Wei Cong, today's school break, can you stop talking about reading every day? It's annoying to listen to."

Wei Cong was puzzled, "Why do you feel annoyed? Reading can make you feel refreshed. If I don't read, I will be in a constant state of anxiety."

Chen Hong hummed.

Wei Cong has always ignored Chen Hong's meaningless remarks. He is only interested in topics related to reading.

"Tang Shi, do you want to participate in the Tongsheng test in September?"

Tang Shi nodded.

Wei Cong said seriously: "Tang Shi, I hope you can pass the exam."

"So are you." Standing in front of Wei Cong, Tang Shi suddenly felt ashamed. Wei Cong really loves reading. He regards reading as an indispensable part of his life. Such a person is a true scholar.

He couldn't help but admire and sighed in his heart that his superficial learning in the past was unbelievable, and he had to pay attention to learning.