The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 67: Comb


Tang Shi did not expect that Zhao Jin had prepared something for himself without knowing it. He followed him curiously into the bamboo house, and saw several large boxes displayed in the bamboo house.

"What's in there?"

Zhao Jin pulled him over and opened one of the boxes. Tang Shi saw a box full of fabrics. He could see that these fabrics were silky and shiny, and they were all fine silk and satin. Some other necessities of life, and a box turned out to be all books,

"What are you doing?" Tang Shi turned his head and asked Zhao Jin.

Zhao Jin sighed, "I'm going to Kyoto in a few days, and I can't accompany you, so I just want to prepare more things for you, otherwise I'll always feel uneasy, you're still young, these things have been for the past two years. It's all useful."

Tang Shi thought to himself, these are more than two years, this Zhao Jin has prepared all his clothes for the future

"You don't need to do this," Tang Shi cast his eyes on the box, "I will buy these naturally when I make money."

Zhao Jin suddenly laughed, "Actually, these are not entirely for you, these are for your family, and they are all placed in a house in the county town, and the house has your name written on it. You can live in at any time, and you don’t have to wait for the flower viewing party to end and then rush to find a house.”

Tang Shi was really surprised. Zhao Jin arranged all his affairs before leaving, and it would be false to say that Tang Shi was unhappy. It's just that he is still a little awkward. Although the relationship between the two is not normal now, this is his first time in love, and he doesn't know what to do. Zhao Jin has always been doing that for him. And he never seemed to have done anything for Zhao Jin, and always felt that he owed a lot to Zhao Jin. Now that Zhao Jin has prepared so much for him, he feels even more uncomfortable.

"Zhao Jin, you don't have to do this for me..." He said dryly, but couldn't go on.

Zhao Jin understood his concerns, so he stepped forward and held his hand, "Tang Shi, I am happy with you, I want to be nice to you, I am very happy doing these things, so you don't have to be burdened." In his heart , Although Tang Shi promised himself, but Tang Shi is still young after all, the reason why he promised himself may just be because of novelty, and when the novelty is over, he may find what he really wants. Zhao Jin really does not want such a thing to happen. He is a selfish person. Since Tang Shi has promised him, he will not allow Tang Shi to leave him again.

Therefore, he did something for Tang Shi as much as possible. When he was away, Tang Shi would think of himself. This was his selfishness. Hold Tang Shi firmly in his hand.

Tang Shi suddenly felt that he was a bit scumbag. He thought about many things for the Tang family, but he never seemed to think about Zhao Jin. It seemed that the person in front of him was too talented, and he didn't need to think too much about him, but Even so, no matter how powerful people are, they have a vulnerable side, and he seems to have never thought about what Zhao Jin wants and needs, because Zhao Jin is taking care of himself.

"Zhao Jin, I..." He paused for a while, then stepped forward under Zhao Jin's surprised eyes, stretched out his hand and gently hugged Zhao Jin's waist.

Tang Shi put his head on Zhao Jin's chest and said, "Zhao Jin, you are so good to me now, if you want to kick me in the future, it will be difficult."

Zhao Jin hugged him back, "Tang Shi, if I really did this, what would you do?"

Tang Shi raised his head and smiled at him, "I'll bury you as flower fertilizer."

His tone was serious and serious, but his smiling face was really scary. Zhao Jin looked down at him, "It's a pity to be a fat flower."

"Could it be that you have a better suggestion?" Tang Shi looked at him with round eyes.

"Yes, I once handled a case where a woman killed her lover and used some method to prevent the other party's body from decomposing, and then accompanied him day and night." Zhao Jin deliberately said this to frighten Tang Shi.

However, how could Tang Xiao be frightened by such a pediatric matter? He opened his eyes curiously, "Did her lover betray her? Or just simply don't love her?"

In fact, there are similar things in the apocalypse. He often sees some power users with a low-level zombie beside them, and those zombies are their lovers. Tang Shi did not comment on this approach, he just felt that the zombies under control might as well die.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Jin suddenly remembered that the young man in front of him has an unknown side. This little devil is very powerful, but he rarely really sticks out his claws.

"Actually, you guessed wrong." Zhao Jin clearly saw the stunned look on the little devil's face.

"Her lover loves her very much, but she thought that the other party didn't love him. She didn't know the truth until she killed the other party, so she kept the body and regretted it day and night."

Tang Shi asked him, "Do you want to be like this?"

Zhao Jin stared at him, smiled softly, and said in a voice that Tang Shi couldn't resist the most: "How dare I?"

Tang Shi's heart suddenly moved, he stood on tiptoe and kissed Zhao Jin's chin. He actually wanted to kiss his face, but he was too short to reach.

Zhao Jin was stunned by his raid, and when he came back to his senses, Tang Shi had already withdrawn from his embrace and was looking at the clothes in the box.

His family Tang Xiaoxiao seemed to be shy, so cute, Zhao Jin thought to himself, and a smile appeared on his face.

Tang Shi saw his unintelligible smile from the corner of his eye, and felt uncomfortable. He took the initiative to kiss him, why didn't he say anything

He has seen too many sweet couples sticking together in his previous life. I don't want to go too far. Why doesn't Zhao Jin do anything other than hug him occasionally? Does he really like him? Or because the other party is too pure? But can someone like Zhao Jin really be pure? Anyway, he didn't believe it.

He waited for a while, but Zhao Jin still had nothing to do, so he said with a light face, "I'm going back." After saying this, he left the bamboo house without waiting for Zhao Jin to respond.

Zhao Jinfang was actually calming down his inner emotions. Tang Shi was still young, so of course he wouldn't do anything. However, after all, he was full of vitality, and it was the first time he was tempted in so many years. The kiss of Tang Shi just now almost made him unable to control it. In order not to frighten Tang Shi, he did not express much.

But now it seems that his family Tang Xiao is a little unhappy

"Tang Shi," Zhao Jin chased out of the house and grabbed him, "Are you angry?"

Tang Shi pretended to be puzzled, "Am I angry?"

Zhao Jin suddenly picked up his face, bowed his head and dropped a light kiss on his face, just a touch of water, but Tang Shi felt that his heart was filled with something, and his pupils became wet. Zhao Jin looked at his small appearance, and his heart started to itch again. Anyway, he held back and only reached out and touched his head.

"Don't be angry, you are still too young." Zhao Jin said.

Tang Shi thought to himself, do you still despise me when I'm young? However, he also understood what Zhao Jin meant. Zhao Jin was respecting him by doing this, and he was actually quite happy in his heart.

The sweetness of the two seems to be passing very fast, and soon June will arrive.

The results of the flower viewing party came out. Xiao Jin lived up to the public's expectations and became the oiran of this flower viewing party. Geng Cailiang became famous because of it. , it is a pity.

Zheng Chong went to the flower viewing party and saw Jin Daiwei's domineering with his own eyes. He was instantly convinced by Xiao Jin. After he came back, he had a bad relationship with Yuan Yong. Yuan Yong was so angry that he didn't want to talk to him for a few days.

Tang Shi looked at it funny, the two old men were like two children, which was really interesting.

Zhao Jin was going to go to Kyoto in mid-June. Originally, Tang Shi didn't feel anything, but as time passed, he gradually felt a sense of parting. It happened that the teacher gave him an article about parting Tang Shi felt something about it, and he wrote an article eloquently. Yuan Yong praised it repeatedly after reading it, and even took it to Zheng Chongqian to read it, and Zheng Chongqian also greatly appreciated it after reading it.

But Tang Shi was not happy because of it. It was only ten days before Zhao Jin left. He felt that before Zhao Jin left, he began to miss him a little.

After returning home from class, Zhao Jin took him to ride again. He seemed to see Tang Shi's lost mood, but he was even more difficult himself, he just didn't show it.

"Would you like to try Chi Xiao?" Zhao Jin asked him.

Tang Shi nodded irrevocably.

Zhao Jin instructed his servants to bring his Chi Xiao out, and then got on the horse himself, then bent down and stretched out Tang Shi's arm to bring him up in front of him.

Tang Shi was dissatisfied, "Didn't you say let me do it myself?"

Zhao Jin pulled the reins from behind him, and laughed wickedly, "I just said try." After he finished speaking, he urged Chi Xiao to run.

Chi Xiao ran very fast, Tang Shi felt the strong wind blowing on his face and ears, and the wind also carried the fragrance of silk grass and flowers, they ran freely under the blue sky together, Tang Shi had already It's been a long time since he was so happy, especially when there was someone behind him who surrounded him in the form of a protector.

Chi Xiao ran for a while and gradually slowed down, and the two sat on horseback in silence. Zhao Jin understood that no matter what he said at this time, it was useless. He looked down at Tang Shi's hair that had been ruffled by the wind, and couldn't help saying, "Tang Shi, when you go back, let me comb your hair for you."

After returning, Zhao Jin took him to his bedroom and combed him with a wooden comb. Tang Shi's hair was black and soft, Zhao Jin held them in the palm of his hand, and suddenly thought of knotting his hair.

He reached out and tugged a hair on Tang Shi's head. Tang Shi felt a little pain in his scalp, and he couldn't help but turn around and ask Zhao Jin, "Can you comb it?"

In fact, Tang Shi didn't know how to comb his hair when he first came over. He was used to short hair, and it took him several days to get a finished product.

Zhao Jin showed a hint of apology, quietly hid the hair in his sleeve, and then gently combed it to Tang Shi.

After the hair was combed, Tang Shi reached out and touched it, and said with satisfaction, "It's much better than what I combed myself."

Zhao Jin put the hair in his sleeve into a purse while he was not paying attention. Tang Shi turned around, "What are you doing sneakily?"

Zhao Jin looked innocent, "It's nothing."

Tang Shi ignored him and said, "I'm going back to eat." He walked out of the house but turned around again, his face a little uncomfortable, "I'll come to your house at night, and you will read the book for me." He finished Left quickly.

Zhao Jin suddenly realized what he meant after he left, and his heart began to feel uneasy again.