The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 7: Run laps


After Li Yuan and Tang Yue left, the Tang family was worried, they also understood Li Yuan's temperament, and scholars were all high-spirited, and now he was beaten so badly, how could he swallow this breath

Tang Shi comforted Liu Shi who was sitting on the ground for a while, then Liu Shi wiped away tears, stood up, grabbed Tang Shi's hand and said, "Stone, remember, it was my mother who hit me, do you hear?" His eyes swept across the people in the courtyard, "Did you all hear? If anyone says it was hit by a stone, my mother won't spare him!"

Mrs Liu had been in the Tang family for a long time, and no one dared to disobey what she said, but some people still disagreed.

Tang Qing knocked the dry cigarette butt in his hand against the wall, "Whoever hits hits whoever hits, one person does things and one person is responsible, and you don't have to take the blame for the stone."

If you want to ask Tang Qing if he loves Tang Shi, of course he loves him very much. You know, when Tang Ji was as old as Tang Shi, he had already gone to work in the field, but Tang Shi has no hoes till now. touched.

However, Tang Qing thinks farther than Liu's. Doting is one thing, but doting is not enough, especially when it comes to right and wrong. Don't let him learn a lesson at this time, and you don't know what it will be like in the future.

But I have to say that when he saw Li Yuan being beaten, he was very relieved.

"Old man! How can you say such cruel words? Shitou is not your son?" Liu Shi yelled at him, the expression on his face as if Tang Qing was going to kill Tang Shi.

"A-Niang," Tang Shi lightly held her dry and rough hand, "Dad is right, it's what I did, and I won't deny it. Don't worry, A-Niang, I'll be fine."

Tang Qing nodded in relief, his little stone grew up.

The terrible thing has not happened yet, and it is useless for the Tang family to think about it, so they have to give up, eat and sleep.

Li Shao was forgotten here by his parents. Although Liu Shi didn't kiss him, he didn't treat him badly and made his dinner. At the dinner table, Li Shao should have been taught how to eat. At least in Tang Shi's view, even if it is not so elegant, it is much better than the Tang family.

Adults will only sigh when they see it. People who read it are born different. Children see it. The first reaction is that it is beautiful, and the second reaction is to compare. Tang Song was young, so she didn't have much thought. Tang Ya was a little girl, so naturally she wouldn't keep her eyes on Li Shao, so she didn't pay attention, but Tang Feng was different. He was also the age of a governor. Li Shao was only eight years old. Being so excellent, I feel quite uncomfortable in my heart, and I feel panicked after eating a meal.

After the meal was over, Tang Shi stroked his belly and strolled around the yard with satisfaction before returning to the bedroom.

In the countryside, lights are rarely lit at night, and the villagers basically fall asleep after dark, because lighting the lights is a waste of money.

Li Shao stayed in the Tang family, and the Tang family didn't have any extra beds, so he could only squeeze together with Tang Shi's uncle and nephew, but the kang was only a little wide. Tang Shi was still a big fat man, so how could he sleep

Tang Shi entered the bedroom, Tang Feng and Tang Song had already climbed into the bed, and Li Shao stood alone in the room, bowing his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Tang Shi walked to the bed and patted the two cubs, "Get up first, you won't be able to sleep like this."

Tang Feng and Tang Song heard the words and got up. Tang Song became close to Tang Shi because he was fighting bad guys with his uncle today, so he stuck to Tang Shi and said, "Uncle, I'll sleep with you tonight."

Tang Shi saw him so cute, how could he not agree? but-

"You can sleep with me, but you have to promise uncle one thing."

"Xiao Song!" Tang Feng tugged at Tang Song's clothes disapprovingly.

Tang Song tilted his head, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

Tang Shi touched his little head, "Actually it's not just you, they both have a share." He glanced at Tang Feng and Li Shao, "When you wake up tomorrow morning, all three of you will come with me. The mountain is running in circles, and those who are disobedient will be beaten!"

Tang Song looked interested, "Okay, okay, I'm with my uncle."

Tang Feng had a cold face, "I'm not going."

Li Shao was completely immersed in his own world and didn't say a word.

Tang Shi couldn't help but kissed the cute and cute Tang Song on the face, then let him lie down, and then instructed Tang Feng to sleep beside Tang Song.

As for Li Shao, he was not so polite. He directly lifted Li Shao's collar and threw him onto the kang, covering him with a big quilt.

Tang Shi himself picked up Tang Song, slept on Tang Song's place, and let Tang Song sleep on him. Tang Song was very happy, because the uncle's body was much softer and warmer than the kang.

One night passed, fish belly white appeared in the eastern sky, Tang Shi woke up and saw the little Tang Song in his arms sleeping soundly on him, while the other two Aojiao and Bingshan were hugging each other well. Right, a child should look like a child, what kind of adult do you pretend to be

But even if they slept so cutely, Tang Shi still decided to wake them up ruthlessly.

He pulled Tang Song down, who was pulling him, then got up to get off the kang, and directly lifted the quilt. Li Shao was first awakened. He looked very flattering just after waking up, rubbing his eyes with his little hands and staring at Tang Shi dissatisfiedly.

Tang Shi ignored him and shook the other two little lazy pigs awake. Tang Feng was having a sweet dream when he felt the earth shake for a while. Then he woke up from the dream and saw Tang Shi's chubby face. That gas!

Tang Song was still the same obedient figure. With sleepy eyes open, he got up from the kang and hugged Tang Shi's neck, "Uncle, let's go for a lap run." I didn't expect him to remember the lap run!

"You two, quickly get dressed and go with me. If you don't go, don't even think about eating today!" For Tang Shi, not being able to eat is simply the biggest torture.

"Uncle, can you tell me why you want to run in circles?" Tang Feng asked unhappily with a sullen face.

"Strengthen your body," Tang Shi pointed to his small body, "you are too weak."

Tang Feng's self-esteem was hit hard at this moment, and he didn't even want to refute: "It's better than you are fat!" As soon as he said the words, he quickly covered his mouth in a conditioned reflex, not daring to look at Tang Shi.

You know, uncle can't hear others say he's fat, he's angry at first sight!

Tang Shi didn't feel anything, he looked at Tang Feng and said, "Why don't we make a bet, I'm just going to lose weight, you go to exercise, and see who's effect is more obvious after a month, how, dare you? bet?"

After all, Tang Feng has a temperament of a child and can't stand the agitation, so he got up from the kang and said, "Betting, betting!" He didn't believe that my uncle could reduce it!

Li Shao didn't speak for a while, but he still followed them out of the bedroom. Seeing this, he should be running laps with them.

The women of the Tang family also got up at this time and prepared to do laundry and cook. Tang Shi's second sister-in-law, Fang Shi, saw that the four children had woken up so early in the morning, and asked Tang Shi, who was the leader, with a look of surprise: "Uncle, why are you getting up so early today? What are you doing? "

"Auntie, we are going to the back mountain for a lap." Tang Song answered for Tang Shi with her face raised.

When Fang Shi heard this, he was a little anxious. "The back mountain is very dangerous. What are you children going to do? Song Er, listen to A-Niang and go back to sleep."

"No, A-Niang, I want to go with my uncle." Tang Song hugged Tang Shi's arms tightly with both small arms.

"Second daughter-in-law, who are you talking to?" Mrs. Liu came over with a large basin of clothes at this time. Seeing a few people from Tang Shi, she immediately put the basin down, "Stone, why did you get up?"

Tang Shi firmly replied: "Aniang, I have decided, I'm going to lose weight, I don't want to be a big fat man forever, Aniang, will you support me?"

He said this, but Liu was startled. She jumped up and asked, "Stone, which uneducated person said you're fat? Don't be sad, A-Niang will teach him a lesson for you!"

Tang Shi's face was helpless, "Auntie, no one told me, I wanted to lose weight myself."

Only then did Liu Shi feel relieved, "Then go, come back early."

"Mother, Song'er is too young, so don't let him go?" Mrs Fang was still reluctant to part with her son.

Liu Shi rolled her eyes at her, "Song'er is your son, you don't care and let me take care of it?"

Fang Shi didn't want to keep his son, but Tang Song was clinging to Tang Shi, and Tang Shi didn't dare to offend him, so she had to ask Liu Shi for help.

"Second sister-in-law, I'll be fine." Tang Shi knew Fang Shi was worried, but he really liked Tang Song, his little nephew, and wanted to nurture him from an early age.

It was the first time Mr. Fang saw his uncle treat her so kindly, and his dissatisfaction was relieved. "Then you have to be careful."

The four got the approval of the parents, and then they set off to the back mountain in a mighty way.

The air in the early morning is really fresh. Tang Shi listened to the roosters and dogs barking in his ears, and looked at the idyllic scene in the early spring.

Tang Shi took Tang Song's hand, came to the foot of the back mountain, pointed to a small road under his feet, and said to the other three: "We will run along this road, you all follow me closely, on the first day of today, you You can run as far as you can, do you know?" As he spoke, he felt the rich breath of life in the back mountain.

The lap begins.

Tang Shi took the lead. Tang Song was too young, so he led him to run, with Tang Feng and Li Shao behind him. After running for less than ten minutes, Tang Song's face turned red, and he said that he couldn't run anymore, and the other two were not far behind.

"Your breathing rate is wrong, come and learn from me." Tang Shi gave them a demonstration, "It doesn't matter if the speed is slower, we will continue."

Tang Shi ran very easily. He absorbed the excess vitality in his body as he ran, and he felt so relieved.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped, and San Xiao looked at him in confusion, panting. Tang Shi turned around without changing his expression and said, "I won't run today, let's go home." He walked back with San Xiao as if nothing had happened.

After walking back for a long time, he suddenly stopped again and said to San Xiao: "The village is in front, you go back first, I have the strength again, and I want to go back and run in circles. Xiao Song, you go back and tell grandma , I'll go to the next door Zhao's house for dinner later, I agreed yesterday."

Tang Song had just finished running, and his face was red and very cute. He listened to Tang Shi's instructions, nodded obediently, and followed Tang Feng and Li Shao back to the village.

Tang Shi watched them return to the village safely, and then they went back the same way.