The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 74: Admission


Zhang Shu just moved into the Tang family and became a member of the Tang family. Tang Shi arranged her room next to Tang Ya, and the closer they were, the more communication they would have.

Zhang Shu is really good at serving people, but Tang Ya is not used to it. When Tang Shi saw this, he asked Zhang Shu to talk. Zhang Shu asked Tang Ya to do some small things by himself, and usually told Tang Ya some big things. He also helped Gao and Fang with some housework in the courtyard.

Soon, in August, Nanlin Academy began to recruit students again.

On this day, Tang Shi brought Tang Feng and the three to Nanlin Academy to prepare for admission procedures. Tang Ji and Tang Nian planned to accompany them, but they were rejected by Tang Shi, and there were some things in the field that they needed to deal with, so they didn't come with them.

Nanlin Academy has a teaching history of more than 100 years. In the past 100 years, several champions have been awarded, and there are more second-place and third-place candidates. Therefore, Nanlin Academy has a very good reputation in Nanfeng County. But it is not just that one has a household registration in the county seat to be able to enter the school. Enrollment has to pass the interview of the dean of the academy and the master of the lower grades. They have to see if the children who want to enter the school can meet the admission standards in terms of basic education.

There are not many students enrolled this year. When Tang Shi and the others arrived, there were only two dozen students in front, and their parents were leading them.

Tang Shi and Tang Feng lined up behind the team.

"Uncle, what will the masters test me?" Tang Song was very nervous knowing that he would meet the legendary master later.

Tang Shi smiled and shook his head, "I don't know either, I'll know when I see it."

"Xiaofeng, Xiao Shao, you don't have to be nervous, you can answer whatever the Master asks."

Tang Shi put his hands on their shoulders, Tang Feng and Li Shao only felt that their brains seemed to have become much clearer, and the knowledge that was about to be forgotten is now clearly engraved in their minds.

Tang Feng's confidence immediately increased, and a look of determination appeared on his handsome face. He must not disappoint his uncle and his parents, and he must enter the academy to study.

In comparison, Li Shao is much calmer. After all, he has studied private school for two years, and he still has basic skills, so he is not worried that he will be rejected by the academy.

Some of the students in front went in and came out laughing, while others went in and came out crying, their emotions also infected the rest of the waiting people, and Tang Song's tightly clenched fists were slightly sweaty.

"Uncle, what if the master doesn't want to accept me?"

"It doesn't matter, it's a big deal, come back next year." Tang Shi couldn't bear to see his face full of frustration, "Xiao Song, don't worry so much, the master is very kind, you can say what you can say, and you can't say it. Just say you don't know."

Tang Song nodded.

When it was almost noon, it was Tang Shi's turn. Tang Shi let the most nervous Tang Song go in first.

Tang Song came out shortly after entering, his face was full of sadness, his eyes were red, and he looked like he was about to cry.

Tang Shi felt that this was to be expected. After all, Tang Song was young and had only been exposed to books for a few months, so his brain might not be fully enlightened, so it was normal to get this result.

The second one who entered was Tang Feng.

Tang Feng's temperament is relatively calm, but it is still lacking in comparison with Li Shaolai, so Tang Shi let him precede Li Shao.

"Brother, come on." Tang Song encouraged Tang Feng. Tang Feng bent his mouth and smiled back at him.

Tang Feng stayed in for a long time. When he came out, Tang Shi obviously saw a little excitement on his face, and their eyes were glowing when they looked at Tang Shi.

"Xiaofeng is good." Tang Shi encouraged.

Next was Li Shao. Li Shao didn't worry about Tang Shi. Sure enough, Li Shao came out with a blank expression and nodded towards Tang Shi.

"You guys stay outside and don't run around, Xiaofeng and Xiao Shao, you are optimistic about Xiao Song, I'm going to see the master." Tang Shi asked them and entered the room.

There were four masters and a dean sitting in the room. They looked serious and sat upright, with five pairs of eyes looking at Tang Shi who walked in the door.

Tang Shi was wearing a light blue long gown today, his hair was neatly combed, his face was delicate and clear, and he looked very quiet and well-behaved. Several masters nodded secretly in their hearts.

"The younger generation has seen the dean and the master." Tang Shi saluted neatly, his manners were generous, his speech was clear, his eyes were clear, and his temperament was good.

The dean asked, "What's your name?"

"Junior Tang Shi. The time of the hour."

After the dean and the four masters asked him a few more questions, Tang Shijing answered them like a fluke. The five looked at each other a few times, and nodded frequently.

In the end, the dean looked at Tang Shi with a kind forehead, "After paying the repair fee, you will come to the academy for admission tomorrow."

Tang Shi thanked the five and went out of the house, only to see the three children looking at him expectantly.

"Let's go, let's go to repair."

The matter of admission is settled. Although Tang Song is not eligible for admission, he is still happy for his uncle and two older brothers.

In order to celebrate, Tang Shi took them for a walk on the street.

"Xiao Song, feel free to say what you want to buy and eat, and be happy today."

Tang Feng was very excited, but he restrained himself and did not agree with Tang Shi's words, "Uncle, we will spend a lot of money for school in the future, you can buy Xiao Song some food, and I will not want it." After all, the pen and ink Paper inkstones are so expensive and they don't have much money at home, so they'd better save it.

The children of the poor were in charge of the family early. In his era, how could many children be so sensible? When parents don't meet their needs, they make a fuss.

"Money earned is used to spend. Xiaofeng doesn't have to worry about money. If there is something to worry about, you can buy whatever you want."

Tang Feng still shook his head, "Let's buy a candied haws for Xiao Song."

Seeing this, Tang Shi stopped persuading him, "Do you want to buy something, Xiao Shao?"

Li Shao shook his head, "Little uncle, money doesn't come easily."

Tsk, even being educated by a child, Tang Shi couldn't help laughing and laughing, he just wanted to show the care of his elders, these two really don't give any face.

In the end, under the strong dissuasion of Tang Feng and Li Shao, Tang Shi only bought a candied haws for Tang Song. Tang Song licked it so much that Tang Shi felt a sense of accomplishment when he looked at him.

After sending the three children home, Tang Shi went to the flower field outside the county alone. He has planted all the flowers, and the rest is to wait. He has already prepared the house. After the seven people are taught by Ding Fa and the others, Ding Fa will lead them to guard the flower field. As for the mountain behind Tangjia Village, he can go to the bamboo house to take a look at it when he has time. Maybe when he gets old, he will live there, raise two dogs, play with flowers, and read books, which is also very comfortable and leisurely.

But things change, and it's too early to say.

Early the next morning, Tang Shi and a few children went to Nanlin Academy with Tang Feng and Li Shao after practicing martial arts as usual.

Wei Cong learned that Tang Shi had also entered the Nanlin Academy, and ran over to look for Tang Shi after class. Other students who knew him were very surprised. On weekdays, whether in class or after class, Wei Cong quietly read a book by himself. He had never seen him put down his book to find someone. This newly enrolled Tang Shi was. who? To be able to pull Wei Cong out of the book is really amazing.

"Tang Shi, you must do well in the monthly exam. If you pass the exam three times in a row, you can be promoted to a grade. You will be able to be my classmate soon." It's boring to study alone. It would be great if Tang Shi could go to class with him.

Tang Shi smiled, "I try my best."

After school, Tang Shi brought Tang Feng and Li Shao to pack their book bags and went home, when he saw three big boys and three boys walking in from outside the school building. Tang Shi knew at a glance that they were school bullies. Who are you looking for

Tang Shi silently packed his book bag and greeted Tang Feng and Li Shaoyu to leave the school.

"Stop." The leading school bully said.

Tang Shi continued to move forward.

The school bully slammed the table, "I told you to stop and you are deaf? Why don't you stop it?"

In an instant, the other two blocked the way of the three of Tang Shi.

The other students in the dormitory were trembling with fear, not daring to say a word.

The school bully glanced at them contemptuously, "You can get out of here, and I warn you, whoever dares to complain to the master, be careful not to eat and walk around!"

The rest of the students grabbed their book bags and fled.

"You are Tang Shi?" The school bully squinted at him.

Tang Shi smiled cleverly, "Who are you? Who sent you?" If he was just bullying someone, it would be impossible for this person to find out his name in advance.

The school tyrant said "Huh", "You're pretty smart, but you don't need to know who sent me here, I have to do things if someone else gave me money, don't you think?"

"Okay," Tang Shi put the bookbag in his hand gently on the table, "Xiaofeng, Xiao Shao, stay away."

Tang Feng and Li Shao immediately retreated to the corner when they heard the words.

The school bully was really surprised. No matter how he looked at Tang Shi's thin body, he couldn't see that Tang Shi had the ability to fight against them. But no matter what, Tang Shi would definitely teach him a lesson.

He motioned for the two to approach Tang Shi, who just stood there idle with a harmless smile on his face.

The school bully thought that Tang Shi was just pretending, so he felt relieved, and there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Tang Shi slowly took out a book from the book bag and held it in his hand. When the two were about to start, he patted the two on the head like lightning. on the ground.

From the school bully's point of view, Tang Shi really just lightly tapped their foreheads with a thin book, so when he saw the two of them, he fell silently and didn't say a word. When he was on the ground, he was shocked into a cold sweat.

He swallowed his saliva, tried his best to take his eyes away from the two of them, and then looked at Tang Shi, who was holding a book in his hand and smiled like a modest gentleman.

"Would you like to come too?" Tang Shi asked with a smile.

The school bully shook his head involuntarily.

Tang Shi kicked the two who were lying still, "Then can you tell me who sent you here?" face.

There was another cool feeling behind the school bully. He secretly glanced at the door of the school building not far from him. Tang Shi could see that he had the desire to escape.

He removed his foot from the man's hand and pretended to put the book in the book bag. The school bully took the opportunity to run out the door.

Tang Shi didn't stop him, just watched him run.

"Uncle, why did you let him go?" Tang Feng was puzzled.

"If you don't let him go, do you want to accompany him here and not go home for dinner? Are you hungry?" Tang Shi asked with his bookbag on his back.

Tang Feng nodded, "I'm a little hungry. But uncle, haven't you asked who is going to bully you?"

"There's always a time when it's clear. Gone, home."

When I came to school in the afternoon, the two people who were lying on the ground in the school building had already been removed. As expected, Tang Shi was sued first by the wicked.

He was called to the training room by the master. The dean is also there. There was also the school bully and two strange men who were staring at Tang Shi fiercely.

"Tang Shi, someone said that you beat the two students into a coma, is this true?" Although the master looked serious, he didn't believe that Tang Shi could beat two children who were much stronger than him. so.

"Master Ye, Dean Cui, I didn't hit anyone." Tang Shi's eyes were full of doubts.

"Then where did you go after school?" Dean Cui asked.

"Going home."

At this time, Master Ye turned to the two men, "You have also seen it, it is impossible to beat the two classmates into a coma at the same time with Tang Shi's appearance, right?"

The school tyrant was not reconciled, "Master Ye, what I have seen with my own eyes is also fake?"

Tang Shi stared at him with round eyes: "I don't know you."

The school bully scratched his neck, "I, I saw it outside the school building, you really hit them!"

Tang Shi turned his head and asked Master Ye, "Master, who is injured?"

Master Ye smiled and shook his head, "Tell you that you don't know each other, you're only going to school on your first day."

Tang Shi wondered, "Then why does this senior falsely accuse me?"

Master Ye and Dean Cui also felt a little strange. Tang Shi was only on his first day of school. Why did this student frame Tang Shi

"I didn't make any false accusations!" The school bully was very dissatisfied by the favor of the master and the dean, "Tang Shi just knocked them out with a book, I didn't lie."

Tang Shi held back his smile, "What book did you take?"

"I can see clearly, it is the enlightenment of the rhythm."

Master Ye smiled helplessly: "Can such a thin book knock people out? How can you trust me and the dean?"

The school bully stared at Tang Shi fiercely, speechless.

"Master, I believe there must be other students who saw it, why don't you call them over and ask?" One of the middle-aged men said.

Dean Cui disagreed, "It is not advisable to affect students' classes in this way."

"Then ask after school?" Another man also said, "Our child was knocked unconscious in your academy for no reason. We must find the culprit."

This is indeed a hassle, so Dean Cui had no choice but to say, "Then go back to class when Tang Shi is after school."

After school, Master Ye asked about this before the students left the school, and the students were all silent.

Tang Feng and Li Shao were instructed by Tang Shi in advance, and they remained silent.

"Our two students fainted in the academy for some reason and haven't woken up yet. If you see or hear anything, please tell me."

Most of the students who come to study are from ordinary families, and they don't want to cause trouble. Who knows if they will be retaliated against after saying it.

Tang Shi sat in his seat, the corners of his mouth curled up.

The mastermind behind the scenes is probably in a hurry now, right? After all, when things got too big, it was only bad for them and not good for them.