The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 75: clean


In the end, Master Ye didn't ask why, so he let the students go home.

Tang Shi asked Tang Feng and Li Shao to go home first, while he quietly found the school bully and followed him.

After the school tyrant looked left and right, he walked along a quiet path in the academy and walked towards a forest behind the academy.

Usually no one comes here, but when the school bully entered the woods, he saw that someone was already standing there waiting for him.

"Tang Yi, what about the remaining half of the money?"

Tang Shi heard the school bully's words clearly, and his eyes fell on the boy named Tang Yi.

The face is somewhat similar to Tang Zhen, and the surname is Tang, is it Tang Zhen's son

Tang Yi threw the small cloth bag in his hand at him, "Although you didn't teach Tang Shi a lesson, after all, the two of them were injured, so this should be regarded as compensation for them."

The school tyrant took it, weighed it, and looked unhappy, "This is too little, the two of them have not woken up until now, and they don't know what kind of magic trick Tang Shi used, it's really strange. "

Tang Yi sneered, "If you can't beat it, you can't beat it, and it's still a magic trick? However, I really didn't see that Tang Shi still had two strokes. I said it all, you didn't teach him a lesson, it's enough for me to give so much. But don't get cheap and sell well."

The school bully will only threaten and intimidate the disadvantaged students. As for Tang Yi, he really does not dare to provoke it.

"Okay, if the two of them really can't wake up then, don't blame me for finding you." The school bully reminded.

"How could the person who Tang Shi beat find me? Are you thinking too much?" Tang Yi walked out of the woods with his bookbag, "Okay, my mother is still waiting for me to go home for dinner, I'll go first already."

Tang Shi followed Tang Yi and kept watching that he really returned to Tang Zhen's house. After he was convinced that Tang Yi was Tang Zhen's son, he went home.

Seeing that he came back so late, Mrs. Liu asked him why.

"Go to the flower field to have a look. Auntie, what do you have for dinner?" Tang Shi changed the subject.

"If you have something you like to eat, dinner will be served right away."

Tang Shichao showed Liu a happy smile, and then went to wash his hands to prepare for dinner.

A few days later, the school tyrant who was looking for him never came to him again, but Tang Shi could clearly see that their master Ye was in a bad mood recently. It was estimated that the parents of the two students who had not woken up asked the academy to give him. A statement, inside and out, is to identify Tang Shi as the murderer.

Master Ye and Dean Cui had no choice but to call Tang Shi over again. In their hearts, they didn't believe that Tang Shi's size could beat the two of them like this. But the victim's parents were unwilling, and the doctor couldn't check what was wrong with their bodies. The two happened in Nanlin Academy. Nanlin Academy has a certain responsibility, and they had to solve this problem.

"Tang Shi, you really didn't have any contact with these two students?" Master Ye asked with a serious face.

"Master, I really haven't touched them." His eyes were very clear, and there was no trace of lying in them.

Tang Shi studied diligently and achieved excellent grades. Compared with the school bully and the two comatose people, Master Ye and Dean Cui of course unconsciously preferred Tang Shi, who was always well-behaved.

Ye Fuzi's expression softened a little, "But a student said that he witnessed you knocking them out."

Tang Shi's expression did not change, and then he smiled faintly, "Master, can you tell who this witness is? The student is willing to confront him in person."

Master Ye and Dean Cui looked at each other, Dean Cui nodded slightly.

After a while, Tang Yi came over, and he glanced at Tang Shi with some disgust and contempt in his eyes.

Tang Shi understood that Tang Yi's biological father was imprisoned because of himself. How could Tang Yi not hate himself

"Tang Yi, just talk about the situation that day."

Tang Yi bowed respectfully to Master Ye and Dean Cui. He was always hardworking and humble, and the two of them had a good impression of him.

"Master Ye, Dean Cui. After school that day, the students passed by in front of the primary school building, and they saw Tang Shi arguing with them. Tang Shi knocked them on the head with a book, so that they fainted."

"Then why didn't you tell the Master of the Academy at that time?" Master Ye asked.

Tang Yi suddenly showed a slightly frightened look, "Master, the students were frightened by Tang Shi's appearance at the time, and they didn't think of looking for the master's help in time. The students are ashamed."

Master Ye and Dean Cui glanced at Tang Shi from the corner of their eyes, and saw Tang Shi smiled helplessly, and did not feel any panic and irritability because of Tang Yi's words.

"Tang Shi, what do you have to say?"

Tang Shi cupped his hands and asked Tang Yi with a smile: "Dare to ask this senior, which book did I use to hit? How many times did I hit? Where exactly did the two hit their heads? How were the injuries of the two at the time? Also, did I hit two people with two books at the same time? Otherwise, why didn’t the other person take the opportunity to block or counterattack me when I hit one person? What’s more, the senior was there at the time, Why didn't he stop him?" After Tang Shi asked, he turned his attention to the school tyrant who was standing aside.

Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, he only heard that Tang Shi was hitting the head with a book, and the rest was really unclear.

He caught the questioning eyes of Master Ye and the dean, and after thinking about the books that Tang Shi should learn when he first entered school, he had to bite the bullet and answer: "You hit them with "Thousand Characters", and they hit them on the forehead, they, they hurt It was very heavy, and there was a lot of blood..." In his mind, he was beaten unconscious, and it must have been severely injured.

Tang Shi saw in the corner of his eye that the school tyrant was trying his best to wink at Tang Yi, and he couldn't help laughing in his heart. Are you ready to frame someone? What a shame.

Sure enough, the more Tang Yi talked nonsense, the darker the faces of Master Ye and Dean Cui became.

"Tang Yi, why do you lie to slander Tang Shi?" Ye Fuzi slapped the table angrily and asked him sharply.

Tang Yi was really panicked this time.

"Master, Dean, I didn't slander him, it was indeed Tang Shi who stunned them, I saw it with my own eyes!"

The father of the two students is now looking at Tang Yi with suspicion, because there are too many loopholes in Tang Yi's words. Misrepresenting the book can be understood as not being able to see clearly from a distance, but what happened to the bleeding? Obviously their son didn't have any wounds at all!

Ye Fuzi turned his eyes to the school bully, "Tell me, what happened at that time? Why did you go to the junior school? If you don't explain clearly..." Ye Fuzi was really impatient.

The school bully grimaced, "Master Ye, it was indeed Tang Shi who used the rhythm enlightenment to stun the two of them. It's absolutely true, I didn't lie!"

Master Ye snorted heavily, "Do you think we are so easy to deceive? You can knock two big guys unconscious with the enlightenment of this rhythm? The founding general can't do it, right? Well, even if Tang Shi really did it and did it , then why did he attack you as a freshman? What did you do when you went to the junior school?"

Seeing that the school bully really couldn't explain it clearly, after thinking about it, he had to say: "President, Master Ye, Tang Shi really hit them lightly, but they fainted inexplicably, this, this may have nothing to do with Tang Shi... "

"If you don't know something, you can frame other people casually? Where have you read the sage books? Also," Ye Fuzi looked at Tang Yi, "Why did you wrong Tang Shi for no reason?"

Tang Yi's hands trembled a little. He glanced at the school tyrant with pretense of fear, and murmured, "Yes, it was he who threatened me..."

The school tyrant immediately exploded, and rushed to Tang Yi to beat him, but was stopped by Ye Fuzi, "What are you doing? Get angry?"

The school bully sneered, reached out and took out a cloth bag from his arms, and threw it on the ground with a slap, "Tang Yi, don't blame me for being unkind! You paid the three of us to beat Tang Shi, Now that you see that things don't work out, you put the blame on me? I bah! Who are you pretending to be so cute? Hypocrite! Scum!"

Tang Yi's face turned pale when he said, "You are talking nonsense! I didn't do it, and I didn't give you money!"

The school bully tapped the cloth bag on the ground with his chin, "Don't think I don't know, this cloth bag was sewn for you by your mother, and it's the only one. If I knew who you were, I was so stupid?"

Tang Yi's face flushed, "You spit out blood! You stole it!"

Tang Shi stood aside and watched the good show. Neither of them was a good guy. Now the situation of cannibalism looks really interesting.

Dean Cui and Master Ye couldn't stand it any longer. This is an academy, not a place for quarrels.

"Okay, when you joined forces to slander Tang, you will be punished to copy each of the "Tao Te Ching" a hundred times, and you will be responsible for the cleaning of the school for the next month. As for the illnesses of the two students, the academy will Inform your parents, if you weren't going to trouble Tang Shi, why would you do this?" Dean Cui could see that, when Tang Yi asked three students to teach Tang a lesson, two of them had an accident, and they deliberately slandered Tang. Time.

"Also, Tang Shi, if you encounter such a thing in the future, you should report it to the academy in time, but don't endure it alone. This is a place to teach and educate people, not a place to fight for strength. You two should go back to me and be good. Reflect!" Ye Fuzi warned Tang Yi and the school bully.

Tang Shi said gratefully, "Thank you, Dean and Master."

Master Ye nodded, "It took so long, you should go back to the school first."

Tang Shi stepped back respectfully, and saw Tang Yi's vicious eyes when he left, he couldn't help but smile at Tang Yi, and Tang Yi's face suddenly turned blue.

Tang Shi sighed in his heart, some people just put their faults on others and never think about their own faults. Tang Zhen was imprisoned because of his own fault. He was just a victim in Tang Shi, but Tang Yi targeted himself so much, which shows that his nature was not good.

This incident has become a topic of discussion for the entire academy, and Tang Shi, the party involved, still lives a regular life, growing flowers and exchanging learning experiences with Wei Cong when he has nothing to do. At the end of August, the academy held a monthly exam. Tang Shi easily became the first among the junior students, Li Shao won the third place, and Tang Feng won the seventh place.

After the Tang family found out, they specially celebrated. Tang Shi looked at the smiles on their faces, and his heart was also warm. I remember my past life, even if I did well in the exam, my parents would only say one thing not to be proud. He's not saying that his parents in the previous life did something wrong, but he just feels warmer now.

September is coming, which means that the Tongsheng test is about to start.

Because there are two people in the Tang family who are going to take the exam, the others are much lighter in speaking and doing things, and even their daily meals have become much more abundant. Tang Shi and Li Shaocheng kept their papers at hand and prepared actively for the exam.

Soon, the day will come.