The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 84: kidnapping


When Zhao Jin caught up with Tang, he saw that he suddenly slowed down, and he couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

Tang Shi stopped and looked at him, "Have your people found anything?" He just searched with his mental power and found Tang Ya's location. Tang Ya is still safe.

"Wait." Zhao Jin said and called his subordinates over, "What did you find?"

The guard bowed his head and said respectfully, "Sir, this subordinate is about to report to you that Miss Tang Family was secretly abducted."

"Where are you now?"

"The hijacker hasn't left the city yet, so please come with your subordinates."

Zhao Jin looked at Tang Shi, who nodded and followed him, walking towards the city gate.

The Tang family was also awakened now, with worry on their faces, especially Fang Shi and Tang Ji. After all, Tang Ya was their daughter, and she was very well-behaved on weekdays. She would definitely say hello to adults when she went out. It's gone, something bad must have happened. What's more, Zhang Shu happened to be knocked unconscious, which further proves that Xiaoya must have been kidnapped.

But it's so good, why did you kidnap Xiaoya? Who the hell has such a big grudge with Xiaoya? It stands to reason that the chances of Xiaoya offending people with this temperament are very small.

"Okay, daughter-in-law, don't cry anymore. The eldest and the second have gone out to look for it, and Shito has gone with Zhao Dalang next door. You are crying so much that I'm flustered." Great thrill.

Shi Fang wiped away her tears, sniffed, and Shi Gao patted her on the back lightly.

"Father, mother, if I catch the murderer, I will never spare her!" Fang didn't say who it was, but she had an intuition. At this time, it was not unrelated to Xiaoya's account checking, then Tang Yue became herself. primary suspect. But she also knew that it would be useless to say this guess now, and would be scolded by her parents instead.

Tang Yue stood silently beside her, her face pretending to be filled with righteous indignation. Li Shao clenched his fist and his eyes fell on Tang Yue's face. He went to check the identity of the man today, and the result surprised him.

He didn't know who Lin's cousin was, but Lin was Tang Yi's mother and Tang Zhen's wife, which he knew very well. And now Lin's cousin is so close to his mother, is it really just because of affection? If this is the case, why has the other party not come to propose marriage for three years

He can say with certainty that his mother was deceived, but his mother is not innocent at all. How can she be innocent if she knows the identity of the other party and wants to interact with the other party? It was too naive to think that his mother was just greedy for silver coins.

So, is Tang Ya's kidnapping related to his mother? If it's really related, then... He stared at Tang Yue who was hiding in the dark, pretending to be angry. Tang Yue felt the look in his eyes and seemed to be a little guilty, so she avoided it.

Li Shao's heart gradually sank.

The Tang family sat in the main room anxiously waiting for news. The thirteen-year-old girl was kidnapped by others at night. If it spreads out, Xiaoya's reputation will be ruined, but ruining her reputation is a small matter. If she is injured and loses her life, it is the worst. a situation.

At this moment, Tang Ya was being packed with sandbags and carried on his shoulders. After being chopped off, she fainted for a while, but now she is awake.

Now this situation must be the kidnapping that my uncle said, she should have been kidnapped. But who would kidnap him? You don't seem to have offended anyone, do you? I can't figure it out, and if it's kidnapping, let's hear what the kidnappers want.

After a long time, it seemed that he was out of the city gate. The kidnappers' footsteps were getting faster and faster, and Tang Ya could hear the sound of frogs croaking in the suburbs in the bag. She closed her eyes and tried to determine his route through the kidnapper's actions. The kidnapper never imagined that a little girl could be so calm, avoid some people, and didn't have any defense against Tang Ya in the bag.

In Tang Ya's impression, there is a one-person tall weed in the outskirts of Nanfeng County, and from the footsteps of the kidnappers and the sound of the bag surface rubbing against the outside world, it can be judged that the kidnapper entered the weeds, from the sandbag In the gap, she could smell the breath of green grass.

The kidnapper walked for a while, probably thinking that it was safer here, so he put down the sandbag and squatted down, letting the grass drown himself.

In such a dark night, no one could easily find two people from such a large patch of grass.

The kidnapper undid the mouth of the sandbag and pulled the sandbag off Tang Ya. Tang Ya closed her eyes, as if she was still in a coma.

The kidnapper seemed to be a little tired. He sat beside Tang Ya and took a breather. After a while, he slowly stretched out his hand to reach Tang Ya's waist. Just when he was about to touch Tang Ya's belt, Tang Ya suddenly He opened his eyes, jumped up, quickly pushed the kidnapper to the ground, cut his hands backwards, and in the other hand held a sharp knife against the artery of the kidnapper's neck, and said faintly, "Who is it? sent you here?"

The kidnapper obviously did not expect that a slender and weak girl would have such explosive power, and she also carried a knife with her.

"Woman, spare your life, woman, spare your life!" The kidnapper pleaded in a low voice as he felt the blade gradually press down.

Tang Ya pressed the blade down again, and said coldly, "Answer my question, it might save your life."

The kidnapper quickly replied: "No one sent me, it was me who saw that the young lady was born beautiful, so I became lustful, young lady, spare your life!"

How could Tang Ya believe his bullshit? With the force of his hand, blood was seen on the kidnapper's neck, and the kidnapper realized what kind of person he had provoked. He thought the little girl on him was just frightening him, but he didn't expect that she would actually cut his neck! If the blade was deeper, his life would be gone.

When the kidnapper was extremely frightened, he didn't notice Tang Ya's trembling hands and the fine sweat on his forehead.

Tang Ya kept telling herself that she couldn't show any trace of fear, otherwise she would fall short. She forced herself to ignore the viscous, fishy blood flowing between her fingers, forcing herself to be ruthless.

"Speak! Who sent you here!" Her voice was still very immature, but the cruelty in it made the kidnappers startled.

"I said! I said!" The kidnapper was not a strong-willed person.

Not far away, Tang Shi and Zhao Jin silently looked at Tang Ya and the kidnappers, with expressions of relief in their eyes. The previous Tang Ya was good enough and wise enough, but after this incident, she will become stronger.

As the kidnappers gradually revealed, the shock in Tang Ya's heart was no less than the earth shaking.

"You are talking nonsense! How could my aunt do such a thing to me?" Tang Ya was very angry, and she didn't know if she was angry because of the kidnapper's nonsense, or because she believed the kidnapper's words.

The kidnapper felt Tang Ya's excitement, for fear that the other party would cut his neck in a fit of anger, and immediately explained: "Of course, Tang Yue can't possibly want to harm you, in fact, if you want to blame Tang Shi. If it weren't for Tang If I ask you to check the accounts, it is impossible for Tang Yue and her concubine to do anything to you."

Tang Ya was about to laugh at his shameless remarks. Weird uncle? Thanks to them for figuring it out!

"So, how are they going to hurt me?" The thought of the hand that almost touched her belt just now made her feel sick, and her hand increased a little.

The kidnappers were in pain, and immediately replied: "They, they just asked me to mess up your clothes, and then call someone over, this, this..."

"In this way, my reputation will be discredited, and then in order to quell this scandal, I will be promised to others as soon as possible. In this way, the audit will be over, right? In this way, she, Tangyue, can continue to cover the sky with one hand, Isn't it!" Tang Ya sneered, "Is it so easy for you to be deceived by my uncle?"

The kidnapper grumbled, "Isn't he just a nerd? Where would he manage accounts?"

Seeing that the matter was clear, Tang Shi walked over and knocked the kidnapper unconscious with one punch, then looked at Tang Ya with an unbelievable face, and said warmly, "Xiaoya, I'm sorry."

Tang Ya was very nervous just now, and she was only a thirteen-year-old girl after all, and her strength was not that great. She was already at the end of her strength. Seeing her backbone, she suddenly relaxed and fell to the ground. During the Tang Dynasty, he showed a smile like he was about to cry: "Uncle..."

Tang Shi saw that her hand was still shaking, so he squatted down and took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood on her right hand clean, and took the opportunity to use his ability to silently ease her fear.

Tang Ya looked at the caring and gentle uncle in front of her, the grievances and fears in her heart suddenly erupted, and she couldn't help but threw herself on Tang Shi, as if only in this way could she feel safe.

When Tang Shi saw her like this, he felt remorse in his heart. Is it really worth it to make Tang Ya feel scared because of Tang Yue

He embraced Tang Ya, put his hand on her thin back, and gently comforted, "Xiaoya, uncle is here, don't be afraid, no one dares to bully you."

"Uncle, does aunt really want to harm me?" Tang Ya was still unwilling to accept this cruel fact to her.

Tang Shi sighed, "My sister may have been deceived by others. Let's go back and ask clearly, and we can't listen to other people's words, right?"

Tang Ya left Tang Shi's embrace and reached out to wipe her tears. There seemed to be something unknown in her normally calm and gentle eyes, "Uncle, I want to go home now and ask."

"it is good."

"Then what should he do?" Tang Ya pointed to the unconscious kidnapper beside him.

"Give it to you Uncle Zhao, let's go home first."

At this time, Zhao Jin walked away, instructed his subordinates to drag the kidnappers away, and then looked at Tang Ya, "Xiaoya, I was shocked tonight."

Tang Ya stood up and gradually calmed down, "Uncle Zhao, thank you for coming to find me, but how did you find me so quickly?"

Zhao Jin glanced at Tang Shi, "It's all a family, what are you polite? It was your sister Zhao who went to look for you, and found that Aunt Zhang was in a coma, and you were gone again. That's why we informed us that your uncle came out to look for you immediately. "

Tang Ya's heart was full of gratitude, but she didn't say anything, just said, "Uncle, Uncle Zhao, I want to find out if my aunt and others came to murder me."

"Okay, let's go back and ask for clarification now."

The Tang family were all lost in thought, sitting around in the main room, anxiously waiting for the news, and soon, Tang Nian and Tang Ji came back dripping with sweat.

"Boss, second child, how is it? Did you find it?" Tang Qing asked hurriedly.

Tang Nian and Tang Ji shook their heads, "Father, Mother, the city gate is closed, and I can't get out now! There is no trace in the city. Alas! I don't know what happened to the younger brother and brother Zhao."

They were worried when footsteps came from outside the door. It was Tang Shi who led Tang Ya in, with Zhao Jin beside him.

"Xiaoya!" Fang Shi was overjoyed, hurriedly rushed over and hugged Tang Ya, "Xiaoya, show A-Niang if she is injured!"

Tang Ya's clothes are neat, but her hair is a little messy. She has a lot of grievances and wants to tell Fang Shi, but in this situation, she chooses to hold back, but even so, as her own mother, Fang Shi still caught Tang Ya. Ya mood.

"Xiaoya, what happened?" She wanted to understand why her daughter disappeared for no apparent reason.

Tang Ya patted the back of her hand gently, "Mother, I'll talk about my affairs later, how is Aunt Zhang?"

"Your Aunt Zhang is fine. I asked the doctor to take a look, but I haven't woken up yet." Mrs Fang said while holding Tang Ya's hand.

"Sister, were you captured by the bad guys? What about the bad guys?" Tang Song asked with wide eyes, leaning over to Tang Ya.

Tang Ya smiled and said, "The bad guy is outside the door."

When Tang Song and the Tang family heard the words, they all looked out the door, and saw a man in a black brocade suit walking in from the door, with a floppy man in his hand. It was the kidnapper.

When Mr. Fang saw it, he rushed up aggressively, as if to tear the kidnappers apart. Tang Ji also clenched his fists and wanted to rush up.

"Second sister-in-law, don't be in a hurry, it's not too late to beat him after you've asked." Tang Shi stopped her, and then winked at the Xuanyi guard.

The guard didn't know what method he used, but the kidnapper who was in a coma suddenly came to his senses and touched his neck for the first time. Fortunately, his neck was still there.

"Say! Why did you want to harm my daughter?"! Fang Shi suddenly shouted at the kidnapper, and the kidnapper's body was startled.

He looked at the room full of people and touched Tang Ya's cold eyebrows, his heart trembled, the fear of the sharp blade cutting his neck, he didn't want to try again!

"I, I didn't want to harm her!" He immediately retorted. In his eyes, just messing up a girl's clothes is nothing at all.

Tang Ya walked in front of him with a condensed expression, "Then let me ask you, why did you kidnap me from your home? How did you get into my home? What are you going to do when you kidnapped me?"

Her question was more stern than a sentence, not only the kidnapper, but even the Tang family felt that she seemed to be a different person. Except for Tang Shi and Zhao Jin, only Li Shao was not surprised.

Tang Ya obviously left a shadow in the kidnapper's heart. As soon as the kidnapper caught her gaze, she panicked and said quickly, "Someone asked me to do this. She gave me money to make me do it!"

"Who is she!" Tang Ya's eyebrows even had a murderous look!

The kidnapper was shocked and opened his mouth to say it.

"Why did you kidnap our family Xiaoya!" Tang Yue suddenly stood up and asked the kidnappers.

Tang Ya turned her head to look at her with a "ho", her eyes were extremely cold, and she said to the kidnapper, "Aunt asked you something, you must tell the truth."

Tang Yue seemed to be frightened by her eyes and could not help but take a step back.

Li Shao suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Yue with a look of sadness. It turned out that this matter was really related to his mother!

Fang Shi also gradually saw some signs, but in the eyes of the rest of the Tang family, Tang Yue only cared about Tang Ya.

The kidnapper was so anxious that his forehead was sweating. He was just a mess. When someone asked him to do such a simple thing and gave him so much money, why would he not do it? But he never imagined that he almost lost his life in this greed. He didn't think so much about helping others to cover it up, and he knew that even covering it up wouldn't help, so Tang Yue's seemingly angry question was actually a reminder that didn't help him.

"This lady, someone told me to do this!" The kidnapper turned his attention to Tang Yue, "It's her!"

Tang Yue's heart was trembling, and she retorted with a trembling voice: "You are talking nonsense! I don't know you at all! Don't slander me!"

"I'm not talking nonsense! It's you who came to me with money, and you brought me into your house!" The kidnapper looked very excited, "You said you wanted me to take her out, and then you brought someone over, come here... "He saw Tang Ya's eyes as cold as a knife, so he didn't say any more.

Fang Shi immediately understood, her eyes were red with anger, she immediately rushed up when the Tang family was stunned, and slapped Tang Yue in the face with a slap!

"Tang Yue! You bitch!" She slapped Tang Yue's face several times while scolding, "Why did you want to harm Xiaoya? Xiaoya is your own niece! Do you still have a conscience? "

Even though Li Shao knew that his mother's fault could not be forgiven, he still stood in front of Tang Yue and blocked Fang's continuous attacks for Tang Yue without saying a word.

"Mother, don't fight." Tang Ya stepped forward to stop Mrs Fang, Mrs Fang endured and endured, and finally hugged Tang Ya crying in fear, "Xiaoya, Mother loves you..."

Tang Ya's nose was sour, her eyes were slightly red, she reached out and patted Mrs. Fang's back, "Don't worry, mother, I'm fine."

Tang Ji's eyes were full of disbelief when he came back to his senses. He asked Tang Yue, whose face was swollen, in a hoarse voice, "Ayue, do you really spend money to harm Xiaoya?"

Tang Qing's old face was also a little uncertain, "Ayue, to be honest, have you done this?"

Liu Shi was silent and did not speak.

Tang Yue covered her face and burst into tears, "Father, second brother, you would rather trust an outsider than me? Why should I harm Xiaoya? Xiaoya is my own niece. He said that because he wanted our family to be in chaos. Now, is he trying to cover up the real murderer?"

Her words are still credible to the Tang family who don't know the specific reasons, but Fang's is different. Even if Tang Yue said the same thing as a flower, she also believed that it was Tang Yue's ghost!

"Then why didn't he say that he was instigated by the elder brother and sister-in-law? Why did he say it was you? Could it be that you don't know each other, and he still wants to hurt you?" open.

"Don't quibble! Don't think that no one knows about your business! I have seen it long ago, you and that cousin of the Lin family have long been ashamed! If I hadn't been afraid that you would ruin our family Reputation, I've said it a long time ago! But I didn't expect that you would harm Xiaoya. Are you afraid that Xiaoya will find out that you have embezzled a lot of money, or that you are afraid that Xiaoya will find out that you are taking your brother-in-law's money? Going to raise a wild man? You think I don't know that the fat powder shop is opened by him? I bah! I'm not afraid to say it and be embarrassed. You are messing with a married man, you are shameless! "

"What? A married man?" Tang Yue suddenly asked in surprise.

As soon as she made a sound, everyone in the Tang family looked at her. They are not that stupid. Tang Yue doesn't refute any question, but only cares about this question. Doesn't this mean that there is something tricky

Tang Qing suddenly felt his hands tremble, "Ayue, is what your second sister-in-law said really true?"

Tang Yue covered her swollen face, so frightened that she forgot to answer. What did she just say

Fang Shi laughed bitterly, "Tang Yue, you are really stupid, if he is not a married man, why didn't he marry you? If it wasn't for your usefulness, you thought Lin Shi and that man would approach you. , you are really stupid!"

The reason why Fang knew these things was because she had played with Lin since she was a child and only knew Lin. In addition, Lin's cousin opened a cream shop, which kept suppressing her, so she had to figure out the reason.

She has always been shy about hiding it. Tang Yue is still a girl from the Tang family, no matter what, this kind of thing about stealing a man has become a big deal, and their Tang family has no light. influence. Furthermore, she didn't ask the shop to make a lot of money, and as long as the other party was not excessive, she was unwilling to tell the family about it, making the whole family uneasy.

However, Tang Yue should never hit Xiaoya's idea. Xiaoya is her daughter, how can she bear it! If she doesn't say it again, what qualifications does she have to be Xiaoya's mother

"Ayue, you..." Tang Ji had a simple and honest temperament, he couldn't accept that his sister was such a person. But he is Xiaoya's father. Xiaoya is so wronged. If he, the father, doesn't seek justice for Xiaoya, is he still worthy of being a father

Tang Yue looked at the room full of doubts and shocks, coupled with the anger and grievance that she suddenly found out that she seemed to have been deceived for three years, her psychological defense line collapsed all at once.

"I didn't want to hurt Xiaoya! If my brother asked Xiaoya to check the accounts, why would I want to hurt Xiaoya! I took care of the land well, why did I let Xiaoya come out and mix?" Tang Ya looked at Tang Shi's expression. His eyes seemed to be eating people, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gone back to my parents' house and become someone else's joke! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been reduced to this level!"

Tang Shi's plain eyes met Tang Yue's lunatic eyes, "So, are you taking Huadi as your personal property?"

"I've been taking care of it for you for three years, shouldn't I get some hard work? You hurt me like this, shouldn't I be compensated?"

"So, you used that money to help other men open a shop. You used the best quality flowers for him, but the ones you sold to the second sister-in-law were only inferior?"

Tang Yue was stunned, looking at Tang Shi, she asked with a trembling voice, "You already knew?"

Tang Shi was silent.

"Haha," Tang Yue suddenly laughed twice, "So, you've been watching my jokes? You know the situation of the second sister-in-law's shop but pretend not to know? Tang Shi, you are more vicious than me!"

"You have to let your uncle take care of your own mistakes? Aunt, are these things your uncle asked you to do? My uncle is so obsessed with studying, how can he care about your affairs so much? If you don't know, Unless you do nothing, auntie, don't slander your uncle." In Tang Ya's heart, if there was no uncle, she would still be a timid and introverted country girl, her younger brother and Ah Feng couldn't go to school at all, and Ah Niang couldn't open a shop at all. How could father and uncle find something they like and do it gradually? Not to mention they live in such a big house now.

She even thought that if she wanted to get married in the future, as long as her uncle did not agree, she would not marry.

Therefore, she could not tolerate Tang Yue slandering her uncle so much.

"Aunt, I will explain the accounts that I have found out now."