The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 91: gossip


Zhao Jin did not return from the palace until Hai Shi, and when he came back, he saw Tang Shi had already fallen asleep in his bed.

There were still dim candles in the room, and the faint light shone on Tang Shi's white porcelain face, and fell into Zhao Jin's eyes. He felt that this picture was very warm and touching.

Tang Shi actually woke up when he returned to the mansion. His sleep was already light, and Zhao Jin's presence was so strong that it was difficult for him not to wake up. The reason why I pretended to be asleep was just for fun.

Zhao Jin was bewildered by his appearance, otherwise he would not be able to tell whether a person was pretending to be asleep with his keenness, and only Tang Shi could confuse him.

He took off his official uniform, put on a middle coat and blew out the candle after bathing, went to the bed, lifted a corner of the quilt, lay down gently, and reached out to hold Tang Shi in his arms.

Tang Shi moved in his arms.

"Wake you up?" Zhao Jin kissed him on the forehead, "Go back to sleep."

Tang Shi opened his eyes, reached out and grabbed a strand of hair that Zhao Jin accidentally fell on his face, and wrapped it around his fingers, "I can't sleep."

"Then what should we do?" Zhao Jin looked at the shallow smile on Tang Shi's face through the moonlight.

"You sleep with you." Tang Shi twisted his hair up and then loosened it, then twisted it again, then loosened it again.

"You can't sleep, and I can't sleep either." Zhao Jin said and changed his posture, he lay flat on the bed, and let Tang Shi's head rest on his shoulder, "I entered the palace today, and I told the emperor to resign. The matter, the emperor does not agree."

"I guessed it," Tang Shi put up his arms, propped up his head, and looked down at Zhao Jin, "If you say you resign, then resign, where will the emperor's face go? You have to say it at least three times."

Zhao Jin reached out and touched his head, "He asked me why I'm resigning now."

"how do you say?"

"I said, I can't be separated from my daughter-in-law every day... Hey, don't drag," Zhao Jin smiled and took his hair out of Tang Shi's hands, "I said, I want to visit famous mountains and rivers to relax and unwind."

Tang Shi snorted, "The emperor looks at you on the surface, but he actually treats you as an old scalper, or an old scalper with a target all over his body. Other officials dare not be dissatisfied with the emperor, so they can only vent their anger on it. It's on you. I heard that few past commanders have died well, but when they hold the power in their hands, no one can imagine what the end will be like. "

Zhao Jin understood that Tang Shi was worried about himself, but he was not without precautions, "Well, it's getting late, go to bed, if you are interested, how about taking you to the commander of the guard tomorrow?"

Tang Shi nodded. He was also very interested in this institution. Seeing that Zhao Jin was indeed a little sleepy, he stopped bothering him.

Early the next morning, under Zhao Xu's strange, Wei Cong's stunned, and Li Shao's calm eyes, Zhao Jin took Tang Shi out of his room to eat together.

At the dinner table, Zhao Xu endured and endured, but decided to ask, "Brother, there is no spare room at home, why do you want to share a bed with Tang Shi?" Although she hadn't thought about that, she always felt that Where is weird.

She thought her brother would come up with a reason that she couldn't refute, but her brother only gave her one sentence: "I like it." She even scooped a bowl of porridge for Tang Shi himself.

Tang Shi took the porridge, looked at Zhao Xu's shocked mouth, and showed her a cute and harmless smile, which immediately frightened Zhao Xu.

Does she still know what kind of person Tang Shi is? Clever? how is this possible? She just felt goosebumps all over her body.

"Brother, it seems that something is not right with two big men sleeping together?" Her voice rose a little.

Tang Shi took a mouthful of porridge and took a bite of the bun, "Have you never slept with Xiaoya?"

Zhao Xu nodded, "I slept before."

"Well then, two girls can sleep together, why can't my brother and I sleep together? Are you discriminating against men?"

Zhao Xu was blocked by his words, she vaguely felt that something was not right, but she couldn't say why.

Hearing this, Zhao Jin felt a little sweet in his heart, but he didn't think so. At this time, Wei Cong's sudden words made him a little sour.

"Miss Zhao, there's nothing strange about it. Tang Shi slept with me and Chen Hong. It's normal." What he wanted to express was that two male friends held candles at night because of their common interests. It's normal to talk and then fall asleep, but when he said it like this, the taste seemed to change.

Tang Shi almost choked on him, what does it mean to have slept? It sounds like he has harmed many simple teenagers. Is he so scumbag

Zhao Jin took a deep look at Tang Shi who was stunned with the bun in his mouth, and then drank the porridge in silence.

Li Shao didn't participate in their conversation at all. He felt that the little uncle could do whatever he wanted and would not allow others to talk about it.

Zhao Xu felt as if she knew something very important, and she said: "But my brother would never let anyone into his house. Those who were not allowed to enter the house in the past, and the brothers in the military camp were not allowed to enter. given."

Wei Cong looked very clear, "I never slept with others before I met Tang Shi, but Tang Shi is different." He felt that his only schoolmate was so good, and he was definitely not the only one who wanted to be with him. long talk all night.

Zhao Xu was temporarily persuaded by him, so he had no choice but to stop talking about this topic, but Tang Shi suddenly felt a little cold on his back.

After breakfast was over, Zhao Jin took them to the commanding department of Wei.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Wei Cong was stunned by the coldness and solemnity of Commander Wei. He looked a little nerdy in normal days, but that was just because he liked reading books too much, but that didn't mean he didn't understand anything.

He had heard of the name of Commander Guard from his grandfather and his own father. The two people had mixed opinions on Commander Guard. On the one hand, the Commander-in-Chief of Guards did play an extremely important role in punishing corrupt officials and clearing the imperial court; but on the other hand, the Commander-in-Chief's powers were easily inflated, and people who abused their power were not uncommon. In fact, how many really honest officials are there? Some officials who are greedy because of the bureaucracy are often caught and put in jail. This is completely imposing a heavy punishment. It does not mean that corrupt officials do not need to be punished, but sometimes it is indeed overcorrection.

In addition to these remarks, he has also heard a lot of rumors about the commander-in-chief guard. For example, the people in the commander-in-chief guard are all reincarnations of evil spirits. Square is true.

And now, he came to witness it with his own eyes.

Zhao Jin just took them to the area where they rested and didn't go to the office, but even so, Wei Cong and Li Shao were amazed.

As expected of the emperor's guard, the arrangement of the guard commander is unusual.

"Sir." At this time, a young commander looked at Zhao Jin outside the house, as if he had something to report.

Zhao Jin asked Zhou Xun to bring Tang Shi and a few people around, and he followed the commander. Tang Shi was curious about what his man looked like when he was working, so his mental power followed Zhao Jin.

A cold and bloody feeling was transmitted to Tang Shi's mind through mental power. He saw Zhao Jin enter a prison without sunlight, and only a few scattered candles were lit because of his arrival.

Is this the edict

Looking at the prisoners in the prison, Tang Shi found that the world's evaluation of the commander of the guard was not biased. The prison was indeed a mortal hell for ordinary people, and bloody terror was its synonym.

However, he felt that a person who was competent for this job must be an extremely powerful person at heart. Unless someone was extremely perverted, no one would be willing to face so many bloody things all day long.

Of course Zhao Jin is not a pervert. A person who came from a family of generals and trained in a military camp since he was a child should have a young man full of vigor and blood to be loyal to the country. He probably never thought that one day he would do this job, and he never thought that one day , he wants to use the power here to wash away his grievances.

Tang Shi felt distressed when he thought of the dense scars on Zhao Jin's body. Judging from the scars, he felt that if it weren't for the unresolved grievances and the responsibility of his sister, Zhao Jin would not be able to survive many times.

"Young Master Tang, you can't enter here anymore." Zhou Xun reminded behind the wandering Tang Shi.

Tang Shi came back to his senses, "I'm sorry."

Since Zhou Xun has seen Tang Shi's abilities, he has awe and respect for Tang Shi from the bottom of his heart, so he speaks carefully, how can Tang Shi apologize to himself

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way, do you want to go back for a rest with Tang Gongzi and these two sons?"

Tang Shi shook his head, "It's estimated that your commander will take a long time to finish, so let's go for a walk on the street first, and you can do anything yourself."

Zhou Xun was instructed by Zhao Jin, and of course he couldn't "leave his post without permission". Besides, if he wasn't with him, it would be bad if someone with eyesight bumped into Tang Shi, but it wasn't Tang Shi that he was worried about. It's the one who doesn't have eyes.

"I have nothing to do, I will accompany Mr. Tang to the market today."

The prosperity of Kyoto is not in the imagination of Wei Cong and Li Shao. A nerd and a small gourd are attracted by the excitement of Kyoto. It is conceivable that compared with Nanfeng County, Kyoto is indeed the difference between clouds and mud.

"Young Master Tang, if you like anything, just buy it." Zhou Xun felt that with the level of love his adults had for Tang Shi, even if Tang Shi wanted to buy a street, the adults probably wouldn't blink.

He was dressed in the clothes of the commander of the guards, and when others on the street saw them, they all took a detour, and the shop owners and hawkers didn't dare to shout when they saw them.

Li Shao saw this situation in his eyes, and his heart was even more yearning for the commander of Wei.

When a few people passed by a teahouse that was full of seats and looked upscale, the storyteller inside was spitting out his story, and there were people applauding from the bottom.

Tang Shi stopped and listened for a while, and found that this person was not talking about the drawbacks of the emperor's setting up the commander of the guards? To be so bold at the feet of the emperor, it seems that the emperor is quite tolerant.

"You're talking ill of you, don't you get angry?" Tang Shi glanced at Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun shrugged indifferently, "We've been scolded less often? They're just scolding, and we won't lose a piece of meat. Moreover, we are catching corrupt officials, and they are ordinary people who join in the fun. We hear that too. Just open one eye and close the other."

Tang Shi didn't quite understand, "What do you mean by what you're saying is that your guard commander is only responsible for catching corrupt officials, and won't intimidate the people at all on weekdays?"

Zhou Xun was helpless, "Where do we have such spare time?"

"Then why are you so notorious among the people?" Tang Shi asked Wei Cong also wanted to ask.

"Young Master Tang, you also know that which of the officials we arrested was not promoted by the imperial examination, the pen can be used as a knife, and if we caught one, they still have many disciples. Is it?" They were also very helpless, they were just rough people and couldn't write articles to refute.

What's more, the emperor was quite happy with this phenomenon. After all, there was always a need for a balance between officials and the commander of the guards, and a commander of guards who was unpopular could only be relieved by using it.

Tang Shi felt quite uncomfortable. Should his man be scolded every day

They had been standing outside the teahouse for a while, so naturally someone saw them and Zhou Xun as well.

The storytelling stopped abruptly, and the guests who had just cheered were silent, not even daring to let a fart.

At this time, a clear voice came from the teahouse, "Why don't you say it? Since you have done such a dirty thing, don't be afraid of people saying it."

Tang Shi looked over and saw a young and handsome young man looking at them by the window. To be precise, he set his eyes on Zhou Xun with a hint of sarcasm in it.