The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 96: southward


After Zhao Jin brought Tang Shi back to the house, he brought Tang Shi to the house, closed the door with his backhand, picked Tang Shi up and started kissing.

Tang Shi could feel his excitement, so he reached out and hugged him back and kissed him.

After a long time, Zhao Jin let go of his lips, hugged him tightly in his arms, buried his face in Tang Shi's neck, and gradually calmed his breathing.

"You don't have to speak for the commander of the guards in the future, it won't affect you well." He said in a low hoarse voice beside Tang Shi's ear.

Tang Shi frowned, "Could it be that they are allowed to insult you like this?"

Zhao Jin pulled him to sit down, "This is what the emperor tacitly agreed."

Of course Tang Shi understood this truth, but he was not happy when he heard those remarks. His man was really not pleasing to both sides.

Zhao Jin saw his unhappy appearance, and took out a cloth bag from his arms, which was bulging and handed it to Tang Shi.

Tang Shi's nose moved, his eyes lit up, "It's melon seeds!"

Zhao Jin opened the bag with a smile, "Geng Cailiang said you told me to keep more seeds, but he took some of it at his own discretion and sent it to you to taste."

Tang Shi's eyes curled up, "I really haven't eaten for a long time!"

Zhao Jin heard the word "for a long time", but he didn't care, anyway, it was enough that the person he liked was in front of him now.

"How do you eat this?" Zhao Jin looked at the slender hard-shelled seeds in the plate, feeling a little helpless.

Tang Shi reached out and picked one up. As soon as his nails were applied, the shell opened. He pinched Guazi Ren'er and handed it to Zhao Jin's lips, "Try it."

Zhao Jin opened his mouth to hold his fingers and swallowed the seeds, "It's very fragrant and sweet."

Tang Shi rubbed his saliva-stained fingers on Zhao Jin's clothes with disgust, and raised his chin, "You peel it off for me."

Zhao Jin worked tirelessly to peel the melon seeds for Tang Shi.

"Leave some for Xiao Shao and the others to try."


Tang Shi lay on the couch, closing his eyes and resting while enjoying the service. He only opened his mouth when Zhao Jin handed it over.

"I asked the emperor to resign again, but the emperor still didn't agree." Zhao Jin sighed.

"and then?"

"I told the emperor about your proposal. The emperor seems to be moved. Maybe in a few days, we will be able to leave the capital."

Tang Shi opened his eyes, "I heard that the south is a rich place, I want to take a look."

"That's exactly what I meant." Zhao Jin unknowingly peeled off all the melon seeds and patted the crumbs on his hands.

"Didn't I ask you to keep some?" Tang Shi sat up and glared at him.

"Sorry, I forgot." Zhao Jin looked sincere.

There were no melon seeds, and it was useless to say more. Tang Shi lay down again, "I said, you don't know about Wei Cong and Zhao Xu, right? You don't care about being a big brother?"

"She makes her own decisions about her marriage. If she encounters trouble, I will take care of it." Although Wei Cong is useless, his character is not bad. As long as Ah Xu likes it, he has no problem.

"Do you think it will be troublesome?" Tang Shi turned his head to look at him, "Although my alumni is of extraordinary character and won't be surprised by things, the elders in his family may be."

Zhao Xu is the commander's sister after all, so the possibility of getting the Wei family's approval for this marriage is very small, not to mention that according to Zhao Xu's idea, Wei Cong has to be a son-in-law, so it is even more impossible for the Wei family to agree.

"The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge." Zhao Jin felt that according to his sister's character, he didn't need to worry too much.

Tang Shi looked at him suspiciously, "You don't want to force the Wei family with your power, do you?" After all, Zheng Lirong was frightened by Zhao Jin's fluttering words today. Once the commander of the guard targets someone, it is not a joke. If one does not get it right, the entire family will be destroyed.

When Zhao Jin heard the words, he couldn't help laughing and laughing. He couldn't help but tap his forehead, "I am this kind of person in your eyes?"

Tang Shi smiled, "My fault, I'll apologize to Master Zhao." He propped up his body and kissed Zhao Jin's chin, then covered his mouth, "Your stubble came out and stabbed me to death. ."

Zhao Jin looked at him tenderly, "Your sincerity is not enough."

Tang Shi stared at him with two big round eyes.

Zhao Jin took his hand, "We'll talk about it tonight."

Zhao Xu has been very busy recently. Her brother gradually entrusted some industries to her to take care of. She wished she had three heads and six arms. Compared with these, she still prefers to practice martial arts.

After coming back exhausted, she still sees her brother and Tang Shi being tired regardless of the occasion. She really... also wants to find someone to pamper her! By the way, she hadn't gone to the nerd to communicate her feelings for several days. She thought that she was so tired and went home. Of course, the nerd should take good care of her.

Li Shao has not been idle during this period of time. He runs to Zhou Xun and them every day, and once went with him to the jail. Of course Zhou Xun did not let him in, but Li Shao was very stubborn, so Zhou Xun had to tell him. Zhao Jin. Seeing Li Shao's firm expression, Zhao Jin waved his hand to let him in.

After he came out, Li Shao vomited and had a fever for a few days, but after the fever for a few days, Tang Shi and the others found that Li Shao's temperament had changed.

Li Shao used to be taciturn and seemed quite calm, but he still had the innocence of a child, but now this innocence seems to no longer exist.

A few days later, Zhao Jin came back from the palace and brought back good news, saying that the emperor had ordered him to go to the south to handle the case and set off on the same day.

Zhao Xu was happy, and now he can go out to play again.

After a few people dealt with relevant matters and packed their bags, Tang Shi left the capital after saying goodbye to the three senior brothers, and went all the way to the south, and Zhou Xun followed them.

The six people in casual clothes galloped down the official road on horseback, causing billowing smoke and dust. After half a day, when they reached a village, Zhao Xu suggested, "Let's take a break and eat something."

They found a big tree and sat under it. Zhao Jin untied the kettle around his waist and handed it to Tang Shi, "Moisten your throat first, the dry food is a little hard."

Tang Shi took a sip and handed it back, Zhao Jin drank directly at the mouth of the pot, and the other four had long been surprised by the behavior of the two.

The dry food was prepared by the kitchen a long time ago. Zhao Xu divided the cakes and began to eat them. Seeing that she was eating fast, Wei Cong couldn't help but say, "A Xu, eat slowly, but don't choke..." Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Xu was really choke, and one hand clenched his fist violently. Beating his chest, he looked excruciatingly painful.

Tang Shi walked over and patted her on the back lightly, Zhao Xu was instantly liberated, and as soon as he relaxed, she stared at Wei Cong with red eyes, "You really are a crow's mouth!"

Wei Cong's face showed grievance, he obviously wanted to remind A Xu.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Xu also felt that he was going too far. The husband was used to spoil him. How could he be so rude

"Okay, I don't blame you, don't be sad." Zhao Xu reached out and patted his shoulder.

Only then did Wei Cong hide the grievances and obediently nibble on the dry food.

Tang Shi returned to Zhao Jin and sat beside him and bit his ear, "A Xu was eaten to death, don't you worry about her being bullied in the future?"

Zhao Jin took his hand, "Isn't this your presence? Wei Cong will be handed over to you to supervise later."

Tang Shi withdrew his hand, "Am I free?"

Zhou Xun sat aside and couldn't help sighing. He looked at Li Shao silently eating the cake and sighed again. He saw these two couples as internal injuries. If Li Shao could talk to him, it would be fine, but unfortunately this child is a boring gourd, and he will not fart for a long time, unless the matter is related to his little uncle, otherwise He doesn't talk easily.

However, if he enters the commanding division of the guard in the future, his temperament is still good.

After a few people had eaten and drank enough, they set off again, but this time they slowed down. Zhao Jin and Tang Shi rode side by side, "Although the emperor ordered me to go to the south this time, the wind must have leaked out. Maybe you will find some tails in two days."

Tang Shi couldn't help laughing, "You, the commander-in-chief of yours, have a really big face. The emperor lets you fight each other like this? You were ordered by the emperor."

Zhao Jin shook his head, "It's not a fight with each other, this is a battle between you and me. If they don't want to die, they can only kill me. What is the emperor's life? If I die, the emperor will only think that I am incompetent and assign the next commander. It has become a tacit understanding between the emperor and the courtiers."

Therefore, although the commander-in-chief was endowed with great power by the emperor, this kind of power also carries high risks and must be mastered by fate.

"Since you are afraid of death, why can't you be a good official? What kind of moth do you have to do?" Tang Shi sighed. But he also knew that there was no way to change this situation. It was before, it is now, and it will continue in the future.

The existence of the Guard Commander is only for containment and balance, never for eradication.

Tang Shi suddenly felt a little distressed for Zhao Jin. A large part of the reason why the current emperor was able to win among the princes was that Zhao Jin had provided him with a handle on officials of many rival factions, and Zhao Jin had to fight with his life in order to survive and wash away the grievances of the Zhao family. In those few years, he was not yet the commander of the guard, he could only hide in the darkness, shuttle in the conspiracy, and face the endless killings of the enemy.

If Tang Shi hadn't been there, Zhao Jin's physical condition would definitely have died young.

Seeing his strange expression, Zhao Jin wanted to know what Tang Shi was thinking in his head, "Okay, don't think about those things, it's all over."

Tang Shi glared at him and said uncomfortably, "Can't I feel bad?"

Zhao Jin's heart was warm, and he couldn't help reaching out and holding Tang Shi's hand, "Okay, you can say whatever you want." The little tiger who can hurt people is even more exciting.

They went all the way south, and the road was calm for the first two days, but when they got to the back, Tang Shi gradually felt that there was something strange around him.