The Big Landlord [Mochuan Ancient Farming]

Chapter 99: chat


"If you feel embarrassed, I will erase them from it." Zhao Jin promised.

Tang Shi knew in his heart that Zhao Jin was able to do this, but once he did it, he would definitely leave behind a handle, which would be life-threatening for Zhao Jin.

Tang Shi shook his head, "You don't need to take any risks. Since you said that the teacher has searched for them, you must already know these things. The things you want to do are ordered by the emperor, don't leave others behind because of me. I Now fix a book for the teacher and explain it to him." He got up and prepared to take out a pen and paper.

Zhao Jin stopped him, "I've been worrying about one thing," he held Tang Shi's hand tightly, "you are with me, your father and mother, and Mr. Yuan, if they strongly object, what will you do? ?"

Tang Shi was stunned when he heard the words, he seemed to have never thought about this issue, he came from the end of the world, and no one in the end of the world would care who was with whom, so he always thought that it was only right and proper for him to be with Zhao Jin. There is no need to consider any other factors, but now that Zhao Jin asked this question, he remembered that he now had to face the dilemma of the world and the ordinary.

"I'm me, they're them, and my presence with you doesn't affect anyone else, why should they object?"

Zhao Jin was helpless, "But you also know that people in the world always demonize a relationship like ours. Can you bear their opposition and harsh criticism?"

Tang Shi raised his arrogant face, "Do you underestimate me so much? The big deal is that I will travel around the world and travel all over the rivers and mountains."

Zhao Jin was amused by him and hugged him gently, "I know this is very selfish, but I still hope you can go through this level with me, I hope you can choose me."

Tang Shi laughed, "Don't worry, I won't leave you alone, you are the commander-in-chief, who would dare to dump you?"

"In front of you, how could I dare to be a commander?" Zhao Jin let go of him, "Do you really want to write a letter back? I'm not afraid that your master-disciple relationship will be caused by this..."

"The teacher's mind is much bigger than you think, what's more, this is your responsibility, it has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with the teacher, I wrote back to inform the teacher, not to ask the teacher I asked for the teacher's forgiveness, but I just told him in advance, for fear that he would be worried at that time."

"But after all, this matter will affect his daughter. Even if you write back, he will still be sad." Zhao Jin didn't understand.

Tang Shi glared at him, "You used to be very smart, why are you so stupid now? Didn't I write back to inform the teacher in advance? If the teacher doesn't want to see his daughter hurt because of this, They will definitely be advised to reconcile, but if the teacher and daughter are unwilling, there is nothing to say. The matter is in front of them, and it depends on how they choose."

After he finished speaking, he tugged at Zhao Jin's sleeve and smiled ingratiatingly, "Actually, this is a kind of favoritism, right? I still have selfishness, so don't blame me."

Zhao Jin was dumbfounded by him, "When did I ever blame you?"

Tang Shi smiled and rolled his eyes, "Well, I'll reward you." He hugged Zhao Jin's head and kissed him on the face.

Zhao Jin rubbed his head, "Write a letter quickly."

Tang Shi took out a pen and paper, "However, I won't reveal what it is. Anyway, the teacher should be able to guess it. After all, the teacher already had a hunch three years ago."

Zhao Jin nodded, "Mr. Yuan does have a vision."

Tang Shi asked while writing: "The teacher's matter has been resolved, what about Zhou Xun's matter?"

Zhao Jin stood aside to grind ink for him, "Actually, many people know about him, he has also proposed to the other party, but you also know the reputation of the commander of Wei, Zhou Xun is the commander's errand, how does the other party do? Maybe agree? I thought Zhou Xun had given up, but I didn't expect that he still remembered that girl."

Tang Shi wondered, "Do you mean the person who disagrees with the girl or the girl's elders?"

When Zhao Jin saw that he had finished writing on a piece of paper, he took out another piece of paper and laid it out for him, "If it wasn't for the girl's permission, how could he propose a marriage?"

Tang Shi understood, it turned out to be a pair of mandarin ducks.

"Did Zhou Xun ever think about changing officials?"

Zhao Jin shook his head, "It will be difficult to go out after entering the Commanding Guard Division. Even if you go out, it is impossible for others to think that the previous things have not happened, so it is useless to change positions."

"Yes." Tang Shi suddenly remembered something, "Could it be that there are many people in your commander's guard who are not married?"

Zhao Jin smiled and said nothing.

Tang Shi immediately had deep sympathy for them. It was really pitiful that a group of older young men could not marry wives.

"The emperor doesn't care at all? Haven't thought about giving marriage?" Although giving marriage or something is not good, but from the emperor's point of view, it should be quite common.

"Of course there was marriage, but the emperor will also ask the opinions of both parties. If they don't agree, what else is there to give marriage?"

I didn't expect this emperor to be quite democratic.

Tang Shi finished writing the letter, wrapped it in the letter and put it on the table, "What about you? The emperor never gave you a marriage?"

Zhao Jin was silent, just looked at Tang Shi and smiled.

"What do you mean by not talking?" Tang Shi turned back to the bed and sat down, staring at him with round eyes.

Zhao Jin considered it for a while, and asked him carefully, "Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

Tang Shi reached out and picked up a peach and began to nibble, "Then let's all have one, I'm listening."

If it was before, Zhao Jin would have been sitting with him when he talked to him, but now Tang Shi is sitting on the bed, but Zhao Jin is still on the other side of the table, looking at Tang Shi from a distance, Tang Shi feels that. He must be delusional.

Seeing Tang Shi's face as usual, Zhao Jin couldn't tell what the little tiger was thinking for a while, so he had to bite the bullet and said, "Actually, the emperor planned to betroth the princess to me..."

Pfft, such an old-fashioned plot, he thought the emperor could come up with some interesting tricks. Tang Shi complained silently in his heart.

Seeing that he was still nibbling on the peaches as usual, Zhao Jin continued, "I refused, and then the emperor planned to betrothed the county master to me..."

This emperor is really able to toss, and Tang Shi doesn't want to listen to it anymore.

"He doesn't want to talk about all the girls with titles, right? Are you not bothered?"

Looking at Tang Shi, Zhao Jin didn't seem to be unhappy, so he immediately agreed with him, "Of course I was annoyed, so I told him directly, I have someone I like, it's a man."

Tang Shi laughed, "The emperor is finally relieved now."

Zhao Jin walked to the bed and looked at him seriously, "I didn't say that because I wanted to dispel the emperor's doubts, I really like you, Tang Shi."

Tang Shi swallowed the peach meat in his mouth, "I see, you are not ashamed." He turned his face away, as if he was a little uncomfortable.

Zhao Jin sat down in front of him and asked, "Are peaches sweet?"

Tang Shi glared at him, "You can try it yourself..." Zhao Jin blocked his lips before he finished speaking.

Zhao Jin used the tip of his tongue to explore in his mouth for a while, then backed out, looking at him with deep eyes, smiled, "It's very sweet."

Tsk, as expected of the commander Wei, this method is both deep and cliché, but I have to say, it is very useful.

Zhao Jin took away the peach core in his hand and threw it away, and then wiped Tang Shi's mouth and right hand with a wet towel. Tang Shi suddenly felt that the day was too moist.

"Zhao Jin, as a son of a powerful family, you should have become accustomed to things like going through a room, but why did you refuse it in the first place?" Ordinary young people can't stand hunger and thirst, right? So he has always been curious about why Zhao Jinjie has been so good for so many years.

Zhao Jin nodded his head, "What do you think about every day? Am I weird?"

It's really strange, at least Tang Shi still had some fantasies when he was a teenager. If it wasn't for his fear of his sexuality at that time, he might have been playing with little boys long ago.

"I was a year younger than you when I ran away, and I stayed in the barracks all the time. My father trained me much better than other soldiers. All my energy was spent on this." The implication is that he did not Other excess energy is devoted to certain things.

"No," Tang Shi shook his head, "A Xu said that you wouldn't let others into your room."

Zhao Jin was really helpless by the gossip Tang Xiaoxiao, "Okay, I don't look down on others, so I just look at you. You are the best in my heart, baby, are you satisfied?"

Tang Shi laughed, "I would have said no earlier, and I wasted so much saliva."

"By the way, what should you do if you haven't said about Zhou Xun? I guess he is worried to death now." Tang Shi felt that if that day came, even if Zhou Xun could keep the person he liked, the two would There is no way to be together unless the girl completely abandons her family.

Zhao Jin shook his head, "There is no solution to this matter."

"Brother, are you inside?" Zhao Xu's voice came from outside the door.

"Atsu, what's the matter?"

"Brother, can I come in and talk?"

"come in."

Zhao Xu came in with a happy face, followed by Wei Cong, who was still holding a letter in his hand.

Tang Shi sat up straight and saw Wei Cong's subtle expression, "Wei Cong, what happened to you?"

Wei Cong looked at Zhao Xu, then raised the letter in his hand, "The elders in the family sent me a letter, saying that they agree with my marriage with A Xu, this," he looked at Zhao Jin, "Brother Zhao, do you have any opinion? ?"

Tang Shi and Zhao Jin were a little surprised. They didn't expect the Wei family to agree to the marriage so easily.

"Didn't you say that both Master Wei and Grandpa Wei criticized Commander Wei?" Tang Shi asked him curiously.

"Actually, I told them what I had seen and heard during this period of time in the letter, and they didn't have that much resistance." Wei Cong felt that their Wei family was quite enlightened, not as old-fashioned as Tang Shi imagined.

"Very good. Asu has no opinion, neither do I." Zhao Jin nodded.

Tang Shi was puzzled, "Wait, are you sure that Lord Wei and the others really want you to be your son-in-law?"

"What son-in-law?" Wei Cong looked blank.