The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 111: early morning


"Cheng Ye is a very boring person, so with all his strength, his life is only enough to please one person."

When Cheng Ye told Jiang Manyi this love story he secretly overheard, Jiang Manyi's facial muscles twitched obviously.

"Where did you steal the nasty words from?"

"I made it myself!"

Jiang Manyi smiled "hehe" and patted his cheek: "Brother Ye, there are two most romantic words you have said, one is 'i love you forever', the other is 'I will buy you a gold ring' ."

"You just remember the golden ring." Cheng Ye said with 100,000 dissatisfaction: "As long as you have heard the love songs I wrote, you will know how good I am at writing love words. All love words are only for you."

"This sentence has so much flavor."

"of course."

Jiang Manyi sat at the bar, holding her cheeks, looking at Xie Yuan and Liu Ye who were in love with each other in the corner, frowning: "When will the two of them get along well?"

Cheng Ye took out a small monocular and looked at them: "It's been a long time, basically every night, the progress bar is about 85%. If you work harder, Xiaoyu will be able to add a younger brother and sister next year."

Jiang Manyi sighed and fell into deep melancholy as she looked at Liu Ye, who was laughing and leaning back, and Xie Yuan, who was doted on between her brows.

"You don't seem very happy?" Cheng Ye noticed Jiang Manyi's worried expression.

"He has been thinking about A Yan for so many years, and has trapped himself. Of course I hope he can come out and embrace a new life, but..." Jiang Manyi sighed: "Don't you think that woman, Is it too much like Bu Tanyan?"

"Like it?" Cheng Ye adjusted the focal length of the telescope: "It doesn't look like it at all. These big eyes are bigger than me... They look a lot like your son-in-law."

"I'm not talking about looks." Jiang Manyi grabbed the camera and looked at the two people in the corner: "You and Bu Tanyan have been classmates for four years, don't you think her figure, especially her legs, is the same as Bu Tanyan's? exactly the same?"

"Where do I know where to go." Cheng Ye said casually, "I don't like her, so how can I stare at people's legs all day long."

"If Xie Yuan figured it out and wanted to start a new relationship, of course I would be happy for him, but I'm afraid that he will use Liu Ye as A Yan's substitute, which will hurt others and himself."

"Huh... Sure enough, he is a domineering president, and the substitutes are here."

Jiang Manyi patted Cheng Ye's head dissatisfiedly: "Don't make such a joke."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Cheng Ye picked up the telescope to see it again, and saw Xie Yuan's big eyes appearing opposite the telescope, looking at him from a distance.


Cheng Ye was so frightened that he threw off the binoculars and saw Xie Yuan looking down at him, not angry and arrogant—

"I watched it for so many days, does it look good?"

"No, there's no..." Cheng Ye pushed the telescope away and scratched his head: "It doesn't look good, I didn't see anything, it's a broken telescope."

Jiang Manyi grabbed Xie Yuan's sleeve: "What's the matter with you?"

He said without hesitation: "I and Ye Zi are in love."

Jiang Manyi looked at him worriedly: "So... did you really let it go?"

Xie Yuan smiled: "How is that possible."

"then you... "

"I can be sure that Ye Zi is A Tan." Xie Yuan said to Jiang Manyi, "Don't you feel it too? On the night of the first meeting, you also said that she is very similar to A Tan."

Jiang Manyi saw that Xie Yuan didn't look like a joke at all, and thought it was absurd: "Yes, but how could she be Bu Tanyan."

"Why is it impossible." Xie Yuan became stubborn and couldn't pull back several cows: "Even if you look different, but you are A Tan's best friend, you should be able to feel her character, behavior, demeanor... . All are copies of A Tan."

Jiang Manyi really felt that Xie Yuan was seriously ill: "I believe that there will be two people in this world who are very similar in body and personality, but it does not mean that she is Bu Tanyan, Xie Yuan, you Wake up, Bu Tanyan is dead."

"She's not dead, I never believed she was dead." Xie Yuan looked at Jiang Manyi coldly, threatening every word: "Don't say such things again."

"What are you doing!" Cheng Ye protected Jiang Manyi: "This is a fact, you don't want to believe it's your problem, why, do you want to fight?"

Jiang Manyi pushed Cheng Ye away and eagerly said to Xie Yuan, "Xiaoyu would not want to see you as you are now, nor would she hope that the new mother you found for her will be a replacement for her biological mother."

"She is not a substitute!" Xie Yuan said with a calm voice: "There is a problem with Ye Zi's memory, I will help her remember the past, remember everything we once had, then A Tan will come back, and we will be reunited as a family... "

Seeing that Xie Yuan was really stunned, Jiang Manyi had no choice but to say, "Since you said that she has problems with her memory, okay, don't we have a ready-made psychologist, let your son-in-law show her, Otherwise, the truth will come out.”

Xie Yuan hesitated for a moment, and said with a sullen face, "I will help her treat after a while."

"Why does it take a while, it can be done now."

Xie Yuan did not speak.

"So it's because of fear." Jiang Manyi has a straight-forward temperament, she must make Xie Yuan face the reality: "You are also afraid, there is no way to accept the ending that she is not Bu Tanyan. So you would rather lie to yourself and lie to her. ."

"I'm not afraid, I'm sure she is A Tan."

"Okay, then you will go to Qiu Li tomorrow, and bring Liu Ye over to him to hypnotize him, and the truth will be revealed."

Seeing that the two of them were fighting each other, Cheng Ye quickly eased: "Actually, there is no need for this, isn't it good, Xie Yuan and Liu Ye will have a good relationship, maybe even get married, and add a younger brother and sister to Xiaoyu, Isn't it very good, can't you forget the past in the future?"

Jiang Manyi looked at Xie Yuan, helpless: "Ask him, can he forget it himself, if Liu Ye knew that he just saw the shadow of his ex in her, what would she think."

"A Tan is not the predecessor, I will always have only her." Xie Yuan clenched his fists and said forcefully, "Liu Ye is A Tan, I will go to Qiu Li tomorrow."

After speaking, he turned and left, but after a few steps, he turned back and rubbed his nose: "Forgot to ask, where does that kid live now?"

Jiang Manyi said casually, "Where else can I be? Of course I live in your house. You haven't been home for a few days?"

Xie Yuan: ? ?

"Why does he live in my house?"

Jiang Manyi: "Otherwise?"

Xie Yuan: "You repeat, he lives in my house?!"

Jiang Manyi grinned: "What's the matter with your father, are you surprised that your son-in-law lives at your house?"

The windows of the room were bright and clean. The white curtains were blown by the breeze, causing layers of ripples. A sliver of sunlight shone into the room through the window frame, and just fell on the girl's sleeping face.

Jiang Yu blinked his eyelashes slightly and opened his eyes.

At first glance, I saw the teenager wearing a thin white sweater with a lollipop in his mouth, sitting cross-legged on her ergonomic chair, clicking the mouse, and entering his ID number on the pink green-axis keyboard.

Today is the day for the test scores.

Jiang Yu suddenly lost sleep, jumped up from the bed, put on his slippers and came behind Qiu Li, lying on his shoulders excitedly, waiting for the web page to jump...

"Sorry, the page you were looking for is missing, please try again later."

After a long time, such a paragraph was loaded on the page.


Qiu Li looked back at her helplessly: "How slow is your internet speed, I didn't go in all morning."

Jiang Yu took his lollipop and put it in his mouth: "I don't blame the internet speed, there must be too many people checking the results this morning. If my boyfriend tries again, he will definitely be able to squeeze in."

Qiu Li refreshed the page, and the page was still accelerating...

Jiang Yu was lying on his shoulders, obviously noticing that the boy's figure was shaking, and it was shaking quite badly.

She patted him: "No, at your level, are you still nervous?"

Qiu Li replied, "You know, I get nervous every time I look at the results, and I'm conditioned reflex."

She remembered the time before the college entrance examination, when Qiu Li was so nervous that he couldn't sleep every night.

He appears to have exam stress syndrome.

"It's definitely fine."

"Sister hold my hand," he pleaded obediently.

Jiang Yu squeezed Qiu Li's left hand and comforted: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it doesn't matter if you don't pass the test, Professor Song Yuhe still hopes that you won't be able to go back to Haicheng University, the future will be good. Yes."

"If you put it here with my sister, I won't be afraid."

Qiu Li slowly put his hand on Jiang Yu's breast and squeezed inside.

Jiang Yu: …

The results were refreshed at one time—

English: 95

Politics: 93

Business Lesson 1: 148

Business Lesson 2: 143

Overall score: 479.

Jiang Yu looked at the score and threw his hand away speechlessly.

Sure enough, this guy was nervous every time he checked the score, and she comforted him sincerely every time, and as a result... every time she was a clown.

It is rare to get 400 points in the postgraduate entrance examination. This guy is very good, and he went straight to 500 points!

Jiang Yu has only one word to describe him—


Although her boyfriend got a high score in the test, Jiang Yu felt that her IQ was insulted and her feelings were deceived, so she didn't want to pay attention to this guy all morning.

Qiu Li decided to take the initiative to go downstairs to make a breakfast to please his girlfriend.

Jiang Yu asked rudely: "I want to eat chicken crispy pancakes with butter, jam and white sauce, with lemonade and a ham and egg."

"Then I suggest you sleep again, maybe in your dream."

Jiang Yu threw the pillow at him and was caught by him with one hand, lazily: "Choose one of soy milk fritters and milk bread."

"I choose mousse cake, bean noodles, and blueberry yogurt."

Qiu Li had no choice but to walk back in his shorts and put on trousers: "I go out and buy it for you."

Jiang Yulai looked at him on the bed, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Hard-working boyfriend."

However, less than a minute after Qiu Li went out, he hurried back, closed the door, looked around, and decided to put himself in the closet.

Jiang Yu didn't know why, so he asked, "Are you in hell?"

"Your dad is back."

"I'll be back when I come back."

Qiu Li closed the closet door and was shocked—

"He has a kitchen knife in his hand."
