The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 116: the truth


Although Liu Ye insisted that she could not be Xie Yuan's first love, she still agreed to do a paternity test with Jiang Yu, and then waited for the final result.

During his postgraduate studies, Qiu Li successfully obtained the qualification certificate of supervisor and became the youngest registered supervisor in academia.

There is no doubt that his achievements are far above his father's.

Song Yuhe contacted Qiu Li many times, hoping that he can join the police force and contribute to the protection of the safety of thousands of families, and even moved out the rhetoric that "as much as you have the ability, as much as the responsibility".

However, Qiu Li still refused Song Yuhe's invitation.

He only has two legs and a heart, and he is no longer the teenager who could self-mutilate or even commit suicide in the past.

He has broken his appointment with Jiang Yu many times, but he will never break his word again for the rest of his life.

World peace is guarded by a man like Song Yuhe, who is well-born, full of justice, and full of responsibility for the world.

And for the past half of his life, he has stepped in the mud with every foot, and is covered in darkness, how can he save the world.

The only person who brought sunshine to his world was Jiang Yu, so Qiu Li just wanted to protect her, keep his promise, and live his life well.

Xie Yuan Investment opened a consulting room for Qiu Li.

The location of the consultation room is very appropriate. It is located in a small park in the city center. It is quiet in the midst of the noise. However.

Nature itself is the best medicine to heal the heart.

It's just that the land in the park is expensive, and there are hardly any commercial buildings. To open a psychological counseling room in such a place, Xie Yuan can be said to have invested at any cost.

On the first day of the opening of the consultation room, Jiang Yu helped Qiu Li clean up the room, the consultation room, the hypnosis room, the adjustment room... They arranged for him by category, and also brought all his tall and high-quality goods from home. The certificate of honor is placed on the most conspicuous shelf, and you can see it when you open the door.

"For such a big office building, auntie cleaning is equipped with twelve and six security guards, so how much did my dad invest for you?"

Jiang Yu sat at the desk in front of him and asked curiously.

"How much, he didn't say, and I didn't ask." Qiu Li said calmly: "But your dad is a businessman after all. In the next ten years, half of the store's income will go to him."

Jiang Yu exclaimed: "Ten years! It's only one building, and he bought you out for ten years! This is too good to plan! Do you agree?"

Qiu Li patted the little girl's face: "After all, I have a request from him."

"What did you ask him for?"

"Please marry his daughter."

Hearing this, Jiang Yu pursed his lips and smiled, bright as a spring sun: "You beg him, it's better to beg me directly."

Qiu Li was attracted by the little girl's smile, and couldn't help but approached her, with her nose on the side of her side face: "Okay, I beg you."

"Please what?"

"Please... "

Before he finished speaking, the phone on Qiu Li's desk rang. He frowned slightly, and was about to hang up the phone when he saw the caller ID—

Song Yuhe.

Qiu Li took the call: "Mr. Song."

Song Yuhe said in a low voice, "Xiao Li, the teacher has something to tell you, so be prepared."

Two days later, Qiu Li came to Beicheng No. 3 Prison alone. In the storage room in the prison, he got the relics of his father Qiu Shao.

The father died of cardiac arrest in his sleep, but according to Song Yuhe, it is more likely to be suicide.

He has trouble sleeping, the longest on record is not falling asleep for a week. So he has been getting sleeping pills from the doctor.

But he didn't take these medicines on weekdays. He secretly hid them every time he took them. After collecting enough pills, he took them at one time.

Perhaps the idea of suicide had already existed, and Qiu Li was not interested in the reason.

For him, this man is not so much a father as an enemy. His hatred for him comes from the fear and fear of sleepless nights in his childhood, and his nervous breakdown during the whole day of anxiety.

This man caused the tragedy of his life.

Qiu Li had no feeling about his death, whether it was suicide or whatever, and he didn't even want to collect his relics in prison.

Seeing his stuff, he would have a physical nausea.

However, Song Yuhe insisted that Qiu Li come over to collect the relic, and he said that there might be something very important to him in it.

In the storage room, Qiu Li opened the last small box Qiu Shao left behind. There was a cremated urn in the box, and next to the urn were some daily necessities and clothing.

Qiu Li's hatred for him made him not want to touch anything related to Qiu Shao, so he put on disposable gloves.

"It's nothing important." Qiu Li flipped through the things in the box perfunctorily, and said to the prison staff who kept the relics: "I can't take these things back, please help me deal with them, thank you."

However, the staff stopped him: "When Officer Song left, he insisted that you must check everything."

Although Qiu Li was surprised, he didn't hesitate to take this time and searched for the relics again.

At the bottom of the clothes, he saw a marriage certificate of Qiu Shao.

This should be the marriage registration certificate of Qiu Li's parents.

His mother died of dystocia. Qiu Li had never seen her mother, even her name, age... Qiu Shao had never mentioned it to him, let alone seen a photo of her mother.

Qiu Shao seems to have deliberately faded his mother from his memory. She was completely blank in Qiu Li's young mind, which is why Qiu Li couldn't help but feel this loving tenderness after getting to know Ren Xian. Auntie, think of it as your own mother.

After strengthening his memory over and over again, in his cognition, Ren Xian became his "mother", and he never doubted it again.

Now, when Qiu Li opened the marriage certificate and looked at the never-before-seen wedding photo.

Suddenly, a current hit his heart!

The woman in the photo is actually Liu Ye!

She smiled so happily, with two sweet dimples at the corners of her mouth, warm sunshine.

Although after so many years, there are some differences in appearance, but from the perspective of appearance, this woman is definitely Liu Ye.

Although Liu Ye is not young anymore, she is still very well maintained and looks almost the same as the woman in the photo.

Qiu Li looked at the photo, his heart was pounding, and he could no longer remain calm.

On the back of the marriage certificate, there is Qiu Shao's familiar handwriting, which is written crookedly—

"Mom, it's not dead."

There is no doubt that these words were written by Qiu Shao to Qiu Li.

Obviously, Song Yuhe also saw these words, so he urged Qiu Li to retrieve the relic in person.

He knew how important this information was to Jolie.

Half an hour later, Qiu Li walked out of the third prison top-heavy. Outside the prison was a field overgrown with weeds. The strong wind blew the weeds. Qiu Li stood on the empty street, holding the Crumpled marriage certificate.

Completely empty brain.

Mother is not dead, mother is Liu Ye...

How could it be, it doesn't make sense, Jiang Yu and Xie Yuan now swear that Liu Ye is Bu Tanyan.

Could it be that they are wrong, Liu Ye is not Bu Tanyan, Liu Ye is his mother!

How is it possible, how can this be, shouldn't...

Qiu Li clutched the marriage certificate tightly and walked top-heavy on the street where people and cars came and went, suddenly remembering the hypnosis he gave to Liu Ye that day.

He found out about the first half of Liu Ye's lost life, although there are no more specific details, but it can be seen that she and her former husband had a very sweet and happy love time.

In Liu Ye's damaged memory, they met when they were young, fell in love at the age of 18, got married at the age of 23, and had a child...

Liu Ye's only impression of him is that the child is a son, very smart, and likes to play jigsaw puzzles.

No, didn't my mother die in childbirth? How could she know that he was smart, how could he know that he was playing jigsaw puzzles

Qiu Li looked down at the slanted words on the back of the marriage certificate—

Mom, not dead.

Qiu Li suddenly thought of a guess that completely destroyed his heart.

Maybe, my mother is Liu Ye.

Maybe the willow leaves are...

Step Tanyan.


sister, sister, sister...

She is his sister.

It's my sister!

In the next second, Qiu Li knelt on the ground, and the sound of the horns of the surrounding vehicles, the loud voices of people, and the hawking of hawkers disappeared.

He knelt on the ground and let the people around him cast incomparably surprised eyes at him. He couldn't see or hear anything, and his heart sank into darkness.

If it is really like him, then he will never die to atone for his sins. After all, he will drag the girl he loves... to hell, and it is the most eerie and terrifying hell.

A car whizzed past Qiu Li, a drift, the screeching sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

"You're courting death!" The man in the car cursed and left.

Find death.


Qiu Li looked around, and then saw the riverside dam not far away, where he and Jiang Yu first met.

He rushed over without hesitation, climbed up the dam, and watched the turbulent river in front of him.

He threw the marriage certificate with the "truth" written on it into the river.

As if this would bury the truth forever.

May I

Not enough, far from enough...

Qiu Li laughed frantically and burst into tears.

He didn't know that the only way to bury the truth and protect his sister was to destroy himself in time.

Qiu Li closed his eyes and ended all this, as if he had never seen her or knew her.

Maybe she will be sad, will be sad, will not come out.

But at least, she won't go to hell...

"Xiaoyu, if there is an afterlife, I will love you cleanly and innocently in the afterlife."

Just when he was about to jump into the river, his cell phone suddenly rang. It was Jiang Yu who called him.

Maybe it was the last time he heard her voice.

Qiu Li closed his eyes and answered the phone—

"Light rain."

"Ali, let me tell you something!" Jiang Yu's voice seemed very excited: "Just now, the results of the paternity test have just come out! She is really my mother, really my mother! She is Bu Tan Yan! My mother really isn't dead! I knew it, I knew it was her! God, I'm going to die happily!"

Qiu Li knelt on the ground.

I am sorry.

sorry Sorry sorry...

"Then just now my father took my mother to the hospital for a check-up, and my mother's face was indeed affected. Someone gave her plastic surgery and became what she is now. My father guessed that the person not only touched his face, but also touched hers. Memory, as you told me before, can't hypnosis change a person's memory?"

Hearing this sentence, Qiu Li suddenly opened his eyes and staggered back a few steps, away from the dangerous river bank.

"What did you say?"

"My mother was ripped off, her memory was changed and she became a different person. She is not Liu Ye, she is Bu Tanyan."

Qiu Li suddenly reacted.

"Xiaoyu, you are only one year older than me, right, only one year older?"

"What a year old, I'm only three months older than you, okay?"

Qiu Li's heart, which had been stopped suddenly, finally recovered and started beating again. He had never felt so relaxed for a moment.

Jiang Yu pouted: "But! Even if it's only one minute older, I'm your sister."

"You are not my sister!"

"Huh? You took the wrong medicine!"

Qiu Li laughed, even though he laughed embarrassedly: "You bastard, you are not my sister."

"Ah you... my sister doesn't have time to quarrel with you now. I'll be happy to see you when I come back."

Jiang Yu was too lazy to pay attention to him, and hung up the phone with a bang.

Qiu Li simply lay down on the dam and looked at the endless blue sky. After the great sorrow, joy and ups and downs, his whole body was weak.

Yes, how could Jiang Yu be his sister.

Bu Tanyan "died" two years after giving birth to Jiang Yu. Even when she met Qiu Shao at that time, Qiu Li was two years old.

How could he be the son of "Bu Tanyan".

That night, Qiu Li returned to the "home" in the water platform.

The house has been vacant for a long time, but it has not kept the way he left. The white cloth covering the dust on the sofa has been removed, and there is no dust on the table. .

Only Jiang Yu has the key to the house.

He seemed to be able to see Jiang Yu's figure who often came home and sat down during the three years he had been away.

In the past three years, he has been really a jerk...

Qiu Li took out the dusty key from the cabinet.

After Qiu Shao was arrested by the police, Qiu Li never opened the door of Qiu Shao's room again.

He didn't want to touch everything about him.

The key opened the door, but the room was covered with heavy dust, the curtains were closed, and the smell in the room was like the smell of an old man in the twilight.

When Qiu Shao was imprisoned, items related to the case in the room had been taken away, including all patient information and work file records on his bookshelf.

But soon, Qiu Li found three thick old diaries in the hidden cabinet under the bay window.

Qiu Shao has always kept the habit of writing a diary since he was a child. He writes it every night. These diaries truly record his mental journey.

Qiu Li sat on the chair, resisting the nausea that was surging in his heart, and began to read the diary.

There is only one heroine in this diary, Liu Ye—

"I don't like talking, I don't like crowds, and I don't even like people. Maybe as the teacher said, this kind of withdrawn personality is not suitable for studying at school, and it is not suitable for boarding. I have no friends, and those people call me freak and mentally ill. , lunatics, and I just find them ridiculous...

"Xiao Liu is my only friend. When others throw stones at me, she is the only one standing in front of me. The stone hit her and smashed a small bag on her forehead. It's a little cute."

"I medicated her, she was hurt because of me, and I wanted her to stay away from me so others wouldn't bully her..."

"Her clothes were thrown from the girls' dormitory, and the girls pushed her away like they hated me, oh, just because Xiao Liu was an orphan. But I think they were just jealous of her, her beauty and grades."

"I can't protect her. This world is full of malice. I can't even protect myself. How can I protect her? If I can, I really want to become a big bad guy and destroy the world."

"Zhou Hao, that bastard, let someone throw me into the river, the water was so cold, I stayed in the river until they left. Ye Ye came to me that night, we sat under the bridge and talked about the future, she She said that she wanted to learn ballet and become a beautiful white swan on the stage, but she had no money and the tuition for ballet was very expensive."

"If she dances ballet, she must be very beautiful, but I can't help her, I'm really useless."

"Later we talked about those people in the school. I said I hope they die, but Ye Ye said no. If I kill them, I will go to jail, and no one will be friends with her in the future."

"I promised her that I won't kill them for the time being. I want to be her friend and stay with her all the time."

"In college, I became Ye Ye's boyfriend, and having her is like owning the whole world. All the trials and embarrassments in the past have become insignificant. Only her is my greatest beauty and luck. "

"Day, night... We talk madly. She is everything to me. I would rather die in her arms. All the sufferings in the past are dissolved. My world is only her, and she is only me."

There is almost half a diary in the back, and the content is not suitable for Qiu Li as a son to read, so he quickly skipped and turned to the second diary, which contains the content after the parents got married—

"Zi Zi is pregnant, she is really happy, she said that she wants to have a daughter, she is caring and can accompany me. The pregnancy reaction is very serious, starting from the third month, Zi Zi vomits every day, can't eat, and people are slow Slowly lose weight."

"The doctor said that her physical condition was not very good, and she did not recommend giving birth to this child, but Ye Ye insisted on giving birth. Since the fifth month, she has been in bed to raise the child. Except for going to the toilet and bathing, she hardly goes out of the house. to give birth to this child."

"Looking at her haggard appearance, I feel sorry for her, and I feel more and more resentful towards this child. No one in this world can make Ye Ye suffer like this. I hope this child can love her as much as I do."

In the content that follows, the handwriting is very messy, and there are traces of tears smeared with ink. It can be seen how Qiu Shao collapsed at that time—

"The leaves are gone, my leaves are gone... The doctor said she did her best to give birth to this baby, she wanted this baby, this wrinkled disgusting monster, he took my leaves ."

"It's not a daughter, not the daughter Ye Ye wanted... Ye Ye sacrificed his life to give birth to this monster, but he didn't let her get her wish. I hate him."

"Hate him hate him hate him hate him hate him hate him hate him hate him hate him."

"Why wasn't he the one who died! Why didn't he die!"

"I wanted to strangle this infant monster more than once, but if I strangled him, Ye Ye wouldn't come back. All I have left in this world... is despair, boundless despair."

"The night was long, and the monster was crying again. I ignored him. The neighbor's woman kept knocking on the door, saying that the noise of the child's crying made her unable to sleep. I hypnotized her directly and let her sleep in the garden downstairs all night. "

"Damn, this monster..."

"The monster has grown up. He doesn't look like Ye Ye at all. He doesn't talk much, and he doesn't like to laugh. I don't love him. What should I do, Ye Ye, tell me what to do?"

"Ye Ye, I can't control the desire to torture him, will you hate me?"

"Blame me, if you blame me, maybe you will come to my dream and tell me to stop so that I can see you again."

"The monster is growing up slowly, but Ye Zi, I never dream of you again, you are getting farther and farther away from me..."

"Ye Ye, a woman who danced ballet came to consult me yesterday, and wanted me to use hypnosis to help her feign death and escape from her current life. That woman's voice really looks like you."

"She danced the ballet so well, I remember, as if that's your dream too."

"Ye Ye, I suddenly have a good idea."

The author has something to say: Ball and Ball Nutrient Solution!
