The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 14: life experience


Qiu Li took Jiang Yu to the snack street behind the university town. The snack street was very lively at night. Almost the entire street was bustling with people coming and going, and all the students from nearby schools came out for supper.

They entered a roadside restaurant and each ordered a single serving of maocai.

The steaming maocai was served, Qiu Li did not move his chopsticks, but patiently waited for Jiang Yu to take her first bite, took back her bowl, and started to eat.

By the way, he handed her his bowl.

Jiang Yu couldn't bear it any longer, slapped his chopsticks on the table with a slap, and said angrily, "Qiu Li, what do you mean!"

Qiu Li said, "My bowl hasn't been touched, it's clean."

"Let me treat you to dinner, that's fine." Jiang Yu couldn't understand: "Why do you always rob me."

"No reason." Qiu Li said confidently, "I like it."

"You are..."

Jiang Yu suppressed his anger and silently persuaded himself, forget it, don't treat him as a boyfriend, he is just a client of Party A.

This year, who still has the general knowledge of Party A.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu put out the fire, took chopsticks, and ate his portion of maocai.

Qiu Li eats very slowly, very slowly, chewing slowly as if he wants to taste the taste of every food.

Jiang Yu looked up at him. He ate as seriously as when he was reading. He didn't speak, but only tasted the food seriously.

"Qiu Li, where are your parents?"

Jiang Yu tried to chat with him to see if he could open his heart and get some valuable information that would help complete the entrusted task.

"One is gone and the other is in jail."

When Qiu Li said this, he was expressionless, as if he was just recounting things that had nothing to do with him.

Jiang Yu asked again, "Is imprisoned because...?"

"Are you interested?"

"Of course."

Jiang Yu had already thought of an excuse: "Of course, you must understand your boyfriend's family background. It's normal."

Qiu Li felt it was reasonable and answered truthfully, "A crime of abuse."

"Who is being abused?"

He pursed his thin lips: "I."


Jiang Yu no longer asked about his father, but asked, "What about your mother, does she care about you?"

Talking about his mother, Qiu Li's eyes suddenly softened a bit: "She doesn't know my situation, I didn't contact her."

"Oh, then why didn't you contact her?" Jiang Yu asked curiously, "Isn't it a problem to eat?"

"She's very good." Qiu Li said calmly, "I want to get into a good university. After I get my grades and get ahead, I'll contact her again..."

The weight of his mother is very heavy in his heart, and he hopes to appear in front of his mother with a better appearance.

Jiang Yu noticed that when talking about his mother, Qiu Li's eyes were different from those in the past. There was no hostility, but endless tenderness instead.

It is hard to imagine that such a young man who retains warmth and tenderness in his heart will walk step by step towards that abyss of no return.

Jiang Yu chewed the vegetables thoughtfully, planning many things in the future.

Qiu Li finished eating the food in the bowl, put down his chopsticks, and wiped his mouth with a tissue, but saw that the food in Jiang Yu's bowl had hardly moved.

His face sank: "Why, disgust?"

"No." Jiang Yu replied: "I usually don't eat after eight o'clock, and I usually only eat meal replacement powder at night, and I rarely eat greasy food."

Especially, now that the promotion competition is approaching, she must control her diet.

The ballet dress is very slim, and even if there is a little extra flesh on the body, it will be exposed terribly.

No audience would like to see a fat swan on stage.

Qiu Li hasn't tasted the delicious food for too long, so it's hard to understand Jiang Yu's behavior of deliberately not eating in order to lose weight.

He stood up silently, went to the self-service bar in the store, filled a bowl of rice, and handed it to Jiang Yu: "I can't eat it if it's greasy, I can eat it."

"Rice is starch, also..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiu Li dug a spoonful with a spoon and shoved it directly into her mouth roughly: "Don't eat meat, don't eat rice, do you want to cultivate immortality?"

Jiang Yu: …

Well, she has just practiced dancing, and her stomach is beating at the moment, and the white rice delivered to her mouth is quite fragrant after chewing.

Jiang Yu picked up the spoon and started eating on his own.

Seeing that she was obedient, Qiu Li raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I will stay with me in the future, and I won't lose weight."

"That won't work." Jiang Yu said: "If you gain weight, you won't be able to dance."

"Eat this bowl of rice first."


Jiang Yu lowered his head and pulled the white rice, knowing that Qiu Li was caring about her, and an inexplicable sweetness surged in his heart.

He's still warm.

However, as soon as the thought came up, Qiu Li brought the bowl of maocai she had not finished eating to him: "If that's the case, why don't you eat this bowl?"

Seeing that Jiang Yu didn't answer, Qiu Li said to himself, "If you don't eat, then I will."

After speaking, he ate her beef and vegetables fragrantly.

Jiang Yu: "..."

This guy brought her white rice, not because of caring, but because of her food!

Have you never eaten in your life or what

The self-motivated Jiang Yu suddenly felt that the white rice in his mouth was not fragrant.

After the mid-term exam, Jiang Yu made a small tens of thousands of dollars by doing tasks through the [Knowledge] app.

The tuition fee of 200,000 yuan for the first year of the Esmera Art Center is still a long way off, but Jiang Yu believes that she will be able to earn this money sooner or later.

There is still one more difficult thing now, that is, to get the support of his mother Jiang Manyi.

After all, she couldn't keep her mother a secret about dancing.

Going home that night, Jiang Yu showed Jiang Manyi the results of the midterm exam.

In the past, Jiang Yu's grades were completely unsupportable. This time, he passed the test, but Jiang Manyi was very happy.

"The key universities are definitely not running now. In the future, we will take the law department and become a Legally Pretty."

"Mom, you've watched too many TV dramas, and also Legally Pretty."

Jiang Manyi looked at Jiang Yu's report card and said with a smile, "Civil servants are not bad either, they're an iron job."

Jiang Yu picked up the vegetables with chopsticks and said, "What age is this?"

"Anyway, no matter what you study, my mother supports it. As long as you can be admitted to a key university, you can study your favorite major."

"I just like to dance ballet."

Speaking of this, Jiang Manyi put down the tableware and chopsticks in her hand: "Why don't you listen to your mother?"

Jiang Yuxiao said with affection and reason: "Esmela is the hall of ballet in the world. If I can enter that place, my path will really be opened, and I will not worry about performances or food and clothing in the future. The idol Bu Tanyan graduated from the Esmeral Arts Center."

Hearing Bu Tanyan's name, Jiang Manyi's hand shrank, and with a "pop", the chopsticks fell to the ground.

"No, you can't go there, absolutely not!"

Jiang Yu picked up the chopsticks for her and asked eagerly, "Why?"

"Do you know where is where? It's a place to eat people without spitting bones!"

"Mom, why do you say that?"

"The so-called ballet temple, do you know how fierce the competition is! Do you think you can get ahead after entering! Impossible!"

"Then you don't believe me too much." Jiang Yu pouted and said confidently: "I will become a person like Bu Tanyan, I will stand at the highest place, and become a ballet queen loved by the whole world! "

Jiang Manyi excitedly held Jiang Yu's thin and thin shoulders: "You think of standing in that shining position, do you know what you will pay for it, youth, love, these are not enough, even life... like... like..."

Jiang Manyi still couldn't bear to pronounce her name - Bu Tanyan.

"Xiaoyu, I heard from my mother that my mother only wants you to live an ordinary life, eat all kinds of food you like, and don't need to lose weight and diet; in the future, you will be able to fall in love with the boy you like, get married, feel the joy of being a parent, and feel the joy of being a parent. Peace of mind to grow old together..."

"But if you can't do what you like, what's the point of all this."

Jiang Yu shook his head and said firmly: "I will persevere and become a real ballet dancer."

Seeing that she couldn't get in, Jiang Manyi simply said: "Okay, then you go, anyway, I don't have the money to pay your tuition fees, how much is Esmera's tuition fees a year, it's hundreds of thousands, you can earn come, then you go."

"That's what you said."

"If I can really earn it, you won't object anymore?"

"The premise is that you are not allowed to go to your rich second-generation boyfriend."

"I've broken up, I won't look for him." Jiang Yu said with a smile, "I'll find a way. You can't oppose me at that time."

After eating, Jiang Yu was lying on the coffee table doing homework, Jiang Manyi went back to the room, closed the door, and took out the old wooden box from the bottom of the cabinet.

The wooden box contained a pair of precious Elieta ballet shoes, and under the shoes was an old, yellowed photo.

The photo is a group photo. The two girls in the group photo are of the right age for their youth, and they smiled brightly.

The one with mushroom head on the left and wearing a polka-dot skirt is Jiang Manyi, while the short-haired girl on the right wearing a half tube skirt with hemp yarn up to the ankle is the ballerina on the poster of Jiang Yu's bedroom - Bu Tanyan.

At that time, Jiang Manyi had dropped out of school and worked as a singer in the bar street outside the university town.

Bu Tanyan happened to be studying at university, and the two met by chance and became the best best friend.

She taught Bu Tanyan to sing pop songs, and Bu Tanyan taught her to dance ballet. She treated her very well. When she saw that her clothes were too old and could not afford new ones, she gave her a hoodie that her relatives brought back from Japan.

For a long time, they only had each other and were very close.

She told Jiang Manyi that her biggest dream was not to dance, but to be a pop singer.

She doesn't like dancing at all, just because the Bu family is a ballet family, and every child in the family has to walk this way, and she is not immune.

Later, step by step, the extremely talented Bu Tanyan stepped onto the so-called ballet stage that shone with infinite brilliance and glory, and became a ballet queen who made countless dancers jealous and the audience crazy.

But Jiang Manyi is still her best friend, Bu Tanyan shared all her secrets with Jiang Manyi, even her secret love.

Jiang Manyi remembered that it was raining heavily that night, and Bu Tanyan came to her rented house excitedly, getting wet all over. She told her that she had confessed to the man she liked.

He is very handsome and handsome, but he is very poor, very poor. I heard that he has been in prison. The family will never allow them to be together.

After all, Jiang Manyi has experienced social polishing. She gave way to Tan Yan to calm down and think about it carefully. After all, her current status is different from before. She is already a well-known ballet dancer in China. It can be said that she is different from him. Don't.

However, Bu Tanyan couldn't listen to her words and was still stubbornly with that man.

Soon after, Bu Tanyan became pregnant.

She kept this matter from her family, her boyfriend, and everyone, and only told Jiang Manyi.

She said she would give birth to the child quietly, without anyone knowing. Otherwise, her ballet career is over.

Jiang Manyi quit her job and took Bu Tanyan to the countryside to take care of her with all her savings from working for years.

In fact, Jiang Manyi feels that she is a very realistic woman. Because she has suffered in life, she is very careful about everything.

But Jiang Manyi couldn't understand why she wanted to help Bu Tanyan to such a degree.

Maybe it's just because she's the only one who doesn't care about her status and is willing to be her best friend.

This respect, in Jiang Manyi's heart, is better than any material things.

A year later, Bu Tanyan gave birth to a daughter.

She entrusted her daughter to Jiang Manyi, and promised that it would only take two years. After she won the laurel of the Esmera Ballet Queen that the Bu family asked for, the family promised to let her free.

At that time, she will make the child's affairs public, and then marry the man she likes and do what she likes.

The man is now working hard in Shenzhen, and he doesn't know that she has given birth to a baby. She wants to surprise him.

Jiang Manyi still remembers how splendid the light in the eyes of Bu Tanyan, who was only 24 years old, when he left.

That is the expectation for the future, the desire for happiness, and the infinite tenderness for the daughter...

However, two years later, the glamorous, enchanting and seductive black swan died on the stage of "Swan Lake" in that century performance.

There are many rumors about Bu Tanyan's death. Some say that after her return, it is difficult for her to reach the peak, she is too stressed, she takes too many drugs, some say she is ill, and some say she committed suicide...

Before she died, Bu Tanyan had called Jiang Manyi, the only call.

She was drunk and cried to Jiang Manyi, saying that she hated ballet, how good it would be if she couldn't dance ballet, she could be an ordinary and happy girl.

Jiang Manyi didn't know what the truth of Bu Tanyan's death was. Seeing that little girl who was growing up and had the same beauty as Bu Tanyan but was full of childishness, she decided to hide the whole truth.

Even later, Bu Tanyan was very obsessed with her favorite boyfriend, the poor boy who went to Shenzhen to do business in the sea. Step by step, he rose to the sky and became a powerful upstart in the business world of Beicheng.

Jiang Manyi still didn't say anything and hid the secret.

If the Bu family knew that Bu Tanyan still had a child, they would definitely take the child back. Jiang Manyi could not tolerate such a thing happening.

Don't let this little girl make the same mistakes again.

She wants to fulfill the promise she made to Bu Tanyan and protect her. She wants to let Bu Tanyan's daughter live the ordinary and happy life she ever wanted the most.

In the room, with a "ding" sound, the [Knowing] app sent a message of task delegation.

Jiang Yu clicked on it, and the service number reminded her: The new commission is 150,000 yuan, do you accept it

Jiang Yu was a little surprised when he saw this number.

After all, if the commission of 150,000 yuan is completed, she will have the tuition fee for the first year of Esmera!

"Accept." Jiang Yu sent these two words over.

Soon, a man named [Xie Yuan] added Jiang Yu's friend.

Jiang Yu saw the word [Xie Yuan] and felt a little familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he heard it.

[Xie Yuan]: "You live in the past?"

Jiang Yu knew that every client who added her would have doubts about her identity.

She came to the window sill and photographed the small alley to be demolished in front of her. In a few years, this area will be demolished and re-planned to become the financial center of Beicheng.

She used the real-time photo function to send the date and photo to the client [Xie Yuan] at the same time.

[Xie Yuan] No longer doubted, he said, "I need your help."

Jiang Yu: "I try my best."

[Xie Yuan]: "I have a daughter. She may not be alive now. But she is still alive in this world at the age of seventeen."

Jiang Yu: "Do you want me to help you find your daughter?"

[Xie Yuan]: "No, you can't find her. I spent two years and couldn't find her."

Jiang Yu: "Did she get lost, or was she kidnapped?"

[Xie Yuan]: "Neither, just for a long time... I didn't even know her existence. Not long ago, someone sent me news of her death anonymously, but I don't know anything about her identity. Know."

Jiang Yu: "Then how do you want me to help you?"

[Xie Yuan]: "I want you to find my past self, and then tell 'me' that I have a daughter. She is only seventeen years old at this time. I believe that from now on, everything will be in time."

Seeing what Jiang Yu said, it seemed that the task was much less difficult.

Jiang Yu: "As long as I relay this news, can I get paid?"

[Xie Yuan]: "Yes, but you have to make 'me' believe this, because at this time 'me' didn't know that I had a daughter."

Jiang Yu: "No problem, is there any secret code or the like, or a basis for you to trust?"

[Xie Yuan]: "You just need to tell the 'me' of the child's mother's name at that time."

Jiang Yu: "The mother of that child is...?"

[Xie Yuan]: "Bu Tanyan."