The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 16: One more


Amidst the whispers of the crowd, Tao Anxin couldn't help blushing, and looked at Jiang Yu unwillingly.

I don't know since when, the girl who was once used as her substitute gradually began to emit her own light.

Jiang Yu became Xie Yuan's guide and took him into the magnificent Science and Technology Museum, introducing him to the specific situation of the Science and Technology Museum along the way—

"The Science and Technology Museum was completed last year, and the main exhibition hall is still linked to our biology and physics courses, becoming our second classroom. The current projects of the Science and Technology Museum include Life Spiral, Molecular Dynamic Wall, Monsoon Climate Feeling Hall, etc... Mr. Xie If you are interested, I can show you one by one."

Xie Yuan's dark eyes were always focused on Jiang Yu's body, carefully observing her every subtle expression and movement.

She and Atan are really... alike.

As for what she said, Xie Yuan had no intention of listening.

Jiang Yu thought that Xie Yuan was dissatisfied with her vague introduction, so he took him to the door of the earthquake simulation hall and asked with great interest: "Mr. Xie, do you want to experience the earthquake simulation hall? Experience the project, can be realistic!"

Before Xie Yuan could speak, the school leaders quickly said, "The Earthquake Simulation Hall is the students' favorite exhibition hall, but it may not be suitable for President Xie..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Yuan interrupted him: "Does it mean that I am old?"

"No no, that's not what I meant."

Xie Yuan saw the desire and expectation in the little girl's eyes, and couldn't bear to disappoint her, so he said, "I used to be a volunteer in the earthquake-stricken area, but I have never felt the situation when the earthquake happened, but I want to experience it for myself."

Jiang Yu gave way to Xie Yuan: "Then I'll take Mr. Xie in!"

The school leaders also quickly followed.

In the preparation room, the staff helped Xie Yuan put on a protective hood and knee pads.

Xie Yuan saw that Jiang Yu was tying the straps of the protective gear alone, so he walked over, squatted down, and helped her fasten the knee pads.

Such a big man squatted in front of him on one knee like this, Jiang Yu was flattered, and quickly declined: "No, no! Mr. Xie, I'll do it myself."

"It's nothing, you're a child."

His words made Jiang Yu feel the care from his parents that he had never experienced before.

Xie Yuan fastened the belt for her, checked the tightness again, and then took her into the earthquake experience hall.

On weekdays, Xie Yuan treated others with little enthusiasm. But seeing Jiang Yu, I don't know why, it seems that the wonderful physiological magnetic field has been activated...

He just wanted to be nice to her and to care about her for no reason.

In the earthquake experience hall, he protected Jiang Yu as much as possible, and squatted with her in the triangle area.

During the violent shaking, Jiang Yu couldn't help screaming with excitement on his face.

Xie Yuan also smiled rarely: "You kind of like playing this kind of exciting project."

"It's fun!" Jiang Yu tried his best to hold back his excitement, but after all, he was young and couldn't hold back: "I really want to play this, but there is a long queue every time, and the experience fee is not cheap, I think Just think about it."

"Then you can play for free today." Xie Yuan likes to see her happy look: "Play as long as you want."

"Then will you play with me too?"

"Well, I like to play too."

"That's great!"

Xie Yuan asked the staff to open every level of earthquake experience for them to try. He protected Jiang Yu, and the two hid in the bunker in the room.

The school leaders who were waiting outside the exhibition hall were very happy to see Xie Yuan so interested, and said to Jiang Yu's head teacher, "Why didn't you choose this student at the beginning?"

"This... "

The head teacher explained: "Her grades are not as good as Tao Anxin."

"Don't just look at the grades, but also look at the overall quality."

The head teacher was also a little puzzled: "Jiang Yu used to be in the class. She was very unremarkable and timid. Recently, the changes have been really great."

While talking, Jiang Yu and Xie Yuan walked out of the earthquake experience hall.

Jiang Yu took him to the next exhibition hall again, and the two of them were chatting and laughing as if they were old friends.

Instead, the school leaders became the foil for the two.

After all, a character like Xie Yuan is unpredictable, unpredictable, and very difficult to get along with.

It's so rare that Jiang Yu can make him so happy.

Throughout the morning, Xie Yuan's visit to the Science and Technology Museum was very pleasant. During the pleasant chat, the investment contract between Xie Yuan and the school leaders was also finalized.

At noon, the school leaders and Xie Yuan talked about the investment dinner. As a student, Jiang Yu was naturally inconvenient to participate.

At the entrance of the Science and Technology Museum, the head teacher said to Jiang Yu, "Thank you for your hard work, Jiang Yu, go back to the classroom for self-study."

Jiang Yu nodded and glanced at Xie Yuan behind him.

Just now, the school leaders had been following behind them, and she never found a chance to tell Xie Yuan about it.

That's too personal, it can only be said when the two of them are completely alone.

After she took a few steps, she looked back at Xie Yuan unwillingly.

This opportunity is really rare. If I miss it, I don't know what year and month I will see him next time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu turned back and said bravely, "Mr. Xie, I have some private things I want to talk to you about. I don't know if it's inconvenient for you now?"

When the school leaders heard this, they looked at each other in disbelief.

They knew that Jiang Yu's family was not good. If she begged Xie Yuan to help her or something on this occasion, it would put Xie Yuan in a very embarrassing situation.

Also, it's so rude!

The school leader immediately reprimanded: "Student Jiang Yu, Mr. Xie may be inconvenient to listen to your private affairs. If you have any difficulties, you can tell the school, please don't bother Mr. Xie..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Yuan glanced at him with cold eyes and blocked the rest of his words.

"It's convenient for me." Xie Yuan said to Jiang Yu in a soft tone, "Let's go to the playground and talk while walking, okay?"


The school leaders stood far away from the school gate, waiting anxiously, looking at the two people on the playground from time to time, very worried.

"If you need my help, just speak up."

Xie Yuan has funded many projects for poor students over the years, and he could see at a glance that this little girl was from a poor family.

Although she has delicate braids and wears a school uniform today, the rough pair of sneakers on her feet reveal her poor family life.

However, Jiang Yu said: "You misunderstood Mr. Xie, I don't need your help. There is another thing I want to tell you."

Jiang Yu prepared the language and briefly explained the story of Bu Tanyan and him having a daughter.

When Xie Yuan heard Bu Tanyan's name, his face changed suddenly, and he looked at Jiang Yu in shock, even with anger—

"Who the hell are you! How do you know her!"

"Mr. Xie, I can't explain it, and you won't believe it. I'm only responsible for bringing the news. In any case, you must find your daughter. She must also want to see you."

Xie Yuan stared at Jiang Yu, judged the authenticity of her words, and sneered: "You don't want to say, you are my daughter."

"No no no, you misunderstood!" Jiang Yu waved his hands again and again: "How can I be your daughter, I have a mother, and my mother doesn't know you, so please don't misunderstand."

Xie Yuan looked at her face, which was made from the same mold as Bu Tanyan, and hurriedly asked, "Who is your mother?"

"You don't know my mother, her surname is Jiang."

Xie Yuan shook his head and threw out the absurd thought "A Tan may not be dead" in his mind.

A Tan has already left. Although he was blocked outside the morgue and did not see her body with his own eyes, everyone said she was dead...

Over the years, he has forced himself to accept this result.

Therefore, the girl in front of her could not be Bu Tanyan's daughter.

Xie Yuan stared at her, his voice hoarse: "Who told you this news?"

"I can't say it, and you won't believe it."

Xie Yuan grabbed Jiang Yu's wrist violently: "I'm tempted, right, tell you, I have many ways to force you to speak, do you want to try?"


Xie Yuan's cold eyes really made Jiang Yu feel terrified.

But Party A is the father, no matter what they do to her, she must put the entrusted task first.

No matter how scared you are, you can only face it.

Qiu Li was like this, and so was Xie Yuan.

Jiang Yu struggled hard and explained: "I don't know more than you, who and where that child is... I really don't know anything. You ask me, but you can't ask anything, I Only responsible for bringing words to the table, that's all."

Jiang Yu also knows that, in fact, there is no need to explain it too clearly.

Because Xie Yuan already believed, as long as Xie Yuan believed, then her task would be completed.

Xie Yuan still didn't let go of Jiang Yu's hand, and wanted to ask. At this moment, a small stone flew over from a distance and smashed into Xie Yuan's shoulder.

Xie Yuan turned around in pain, and saw a young man in gray clothes under the ginkgo tree not far away, looking at him with cold eyes.

That stone is a warning.

In fact, Xie Yuan had already noticed that since he and Jiang Yu came out of the Science and Technology Museum, the young man followed them from a distance, and his eyes never took his eyes off them for a moment.

"Your boyfriend?" he asked Jiang Yu.

"Uh, um."

Jiang Yu hurriedly gave Qiu Li a wink to tell him not to act impulsive.

If Qiu Li and Xie Yuan had a conflict here, and injured Xie Yuan, things would really escalate.

However, Qiu Li didn't take Jiang Yu's warning seriously.

He picked up another larger stone on the ground, put it in his hand, weighed it, and looked at Xie Yuan.

The meaning of threat, it is obvious—

Don't touch his girl.

Xie Yuan knew that this kind of stunned young boy had no sense in doing things, because he came here when he was young.

It's not that he is afraid of him, it's just that as an adult, there is no need for him to conflict with this kid in school.

He let go of Jiang Yu's wrist and said patiently, "You don't tell me anything, how can I trust you. How do I know that you didn't lie to me on purpose, and you have a plan."

Jiang Yu said neither humble nor arrogant: "Actually, when you heard the three words Bu Tanyan, you already believed me, didn't you?"

In this world, almost no one knows that Xie Yuan and Bu Tanyan had a relationship, except themselves.

"Mr. Xie, instead of investigating how I knew, it's better to spend your time and energy on finding your daughter. As long as there is a slight chance, it's worth finding her at all costs."

Jiang Yu was afraid that Qiu Li in the distance would do something out of the ordinary, so he decided not to explain more to Xie Yuan, and he couldn't explain it clearly.

She brought the news and convinced him that the mission was accomplished.

Finally, she said to him, "your daughter must also want to see you very much."

Xie Yuan raised his jaw and still questioned: "How do you know she wants to see me?"

Jiang Yu pondered for a moment, looked at him, and said sincerely, "Because, life without my father... is really difficult."

It's really tough.

This sentence pierced Xie Yuan's heart fatally.

There was no expression on his face, but the hand under his sleeve couldn't help but clenched his fist and trembled.

Yes, he doesn't have time to worry about how Jiang Yu knew this news now.

If he and Atan really have a daughter, then... he has to find her!

The ends of the earth will also find her!

Xie Yuan turned around, strode out of the school gate, and got into the Bentley.

The school leaders hurried up to meet them and said respectfully, "Mr. Xie, you have already reserved a table at the Century City Hotel, you are..."

"For investment matters, go directly to the company to find the relevant person in charge to sign the contract. I have important matters to deal with now, so the dinner party will be avoided."

He has no time to waste on these matters and must start investigating immediately.

The Bentley sped out of the school gate.

Qiu Li was still standing under the tree, with one hand in his pocket, looking at the yellow ginkgo leaves above his head.

bad mood.

In the past, his emotional world was very single, with no happiness or sadness...

But just now, the moment the man touched Jiang Yu's wrist, intense jealousy swept his world like a wave.

She couldn't tolerate anyone other than him touching her, not even an inch of skin or hair.

She is the only color in his black and white world.

It can only be his color.

... .

Jiang Yu looked at the Bentley van that disappeared at the gate and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the information of the [Knowing] app came over—

After the task is completed and divided, the 120,000 remuneration will be credited to the account.

Generally speaking, after completing the task, the contact will quickly disappear from her friends column.

Therefore, she has no way to ask the future [Xie Yuan] whether he has found his daughter.

However, the remuneration is accounted for, and her one-year tuition fee for the Esmera Art Center is still close, but it is not out of reach!

Jiang Yuchong raised his phone to Qiu Li and said happily, "Boyfriend, I'll invite you to dinner tonight!"

Qiu Li didn't seem to be happy for her, turned around and left with a cold face.

Jiang Yu looked at his back and shrugged.

What the hell are you doing

The author has something to say: Qiu Li: The rice is no longer fragrant.

These three days are all at 0:00.