The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 30: The truth about shoe cutting


"Wait a minute, Qiu Li."

Qiu Li walked out of the gate of the community and turned around to see Jiang Yu chasing after him.

She was wearing a white down jacket with loose foam, which made her oval face extraordinarily well-behaved, and her skin became whiter in winter.

The tip of the nose was a little reddish from the cold, and it looked a little dull.

Jiang Yu ran to Qiu Li, took off her white scarf, put it on Qiu Li's neck, and carefully tied a knot: "It's so cold outside, you should wear more."

There was a bit of warmth in the originally cold neck.

Qiu Li originally thought that this girly scarf was completely unsuitable for him, so he instinctively wanted to tear it off, but the warmth between his neck and the light fragrance on the scarf made his nerves suddenly sensitive.

He acquiesced to her movement, put on the scarf, and said, "I'll pay you back next time I wash it."


Jiang Yu walked with him a few steps, and then said, "I have successfully passed the assessment of the Esmera Art Center. I really want to thank you today."

"Thank me every time, every time I just say, I sent you this thank you?"

"Then why don't... I still invite you to dinner?"

"I don't eat." Qiu Li said and raised his hand.

As soon as he moved, Jiang Yu immediately took two steps back vigilantly, with his dark Danfeng eyes with sensitive precautions.

However, Qiu Li only lightly touched her white flushed cheek with his fingertips.

"So afraid of me, you still want to be with me."

"It's not that you are afraid." Jiang Yu nodded slightly: "What are you afraid of?"

Qiu Li's eyes opened with a wanton smile: "That's right, I have nothing to be afraid of."

"Of course, you're my... boyfriend."

"Then come here."

Jiang Yu hesitated for a few seconds and walked in front of him.

Qiu Li's deep eyes drooped down, leaning over to approach her, touching her fair face.

Jiang Yu thought he was going to "attack" suddenly, and turned his face away subconsciously.

However, Qiu Li just closed his eyes, breathed between her temples, and sniffed the smell on her body.

After a long time, after being satisfied, he reached out and pulled the hair between her temples behind her ears, and said in a low and sexy voice: "I hope one day, you can really let me be your... boyfriend."

After speaking, without waiting for Jiang Yu to answer, he smiled and turned away.

There was another goose feather snow in the sky.

Jiang Yu looked at the back of the young man leaving, and unconsciously touched his ear temples, feeling itchy in his heart, and walked back home slowly.

Jiang Manyi had been waiting for her by the door, hugged her arms and said with a smile, "My boyfriend is quite handsome, it's cheap, you girl."

Jiang Yu was a little embarrassed, and pushed Jiang Manyi into the room: "Don't get me wrong!"

"Misunderstanding, isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Not what you think..."

"What are you afraid of, my mother is not that kind of conservative parent."

Jiang Manyi thought that Jiang Yu was afraid of her opposition, so she made it clear: "As long as it doesn't affect your academic performance and whether you are in a relationship, I don't care about you."

"My grades... how bad can it be if it affects me. Besides, didn't you ask him to urge me to study?"

Jiang Yu felt a little guilty and didn't want to continue this topic, so she turned around and went back to the room.

Jiang Manyi walked to the door of the room. After a long time, she said softly, "My dear, if you really go down that road, you will give up a lot of things, including the person you love the most."

Just like Bu Tanyan back then.

Jiang Yu was silent for a moment, turned her head sideways, and said to her firmly, "I will live up to my heart and my dreams."

"I hope so."

At the end of the year, Jiang Yu went to the Lingque Art Class to go through the withdrawal procedures. Lin Quwen personally wrote a letter of recommendation to Jiang Yu and asked her to take her to the Esmera Art Center.

Jiang Yu sincerely thanked Lin Quwen for taking care of him during this time.

When packing the storage box, several girls took the initiative to chat with Jiang Yu, congratulate her, express their remorse to her, and even add her WeChat.

These girls used to follow Fan Danxi and Wu Silin, and they ridiculed her a lot. Now that she has been admitted to the Esmeera Art Center, and she has joined Bai Shuyi, she has a bright future in the future.

So they rushed over to make friends with her.

Jiang Yu walked out of the storage room with the shoulder bag on his back, and deleted the WeChat messages of the girls he had just added.

Walking out of the door of the Lingque Art Class, she couldn't help but look back.

In the last life, her ballet dream ended here.

And now, her new life... has begun.

With a "ding" sound, the [Knowing] app sent a message—

"Received a new commission, the commission fee is 30,000, do you accept it?"

During this time, in order to prepare for Esmera's promotion competition, Jiang Yu refused many tasks.

Although Esmera's tuition can be reduced with scholarships, but after embarking on this road, there will definitely be a place to spend money in the future.

Jiang Yu must consider the reality, she doesn't want to increase Jiang Manyi's burden because of her dreams.

So she clicked [Accept] happily.

Soon, a girl named [Lin] added Jiang Yu's friend.

"What can I help you?"

[Lin]: "Hello, I would like to ask for your help. Back in the winter of 2014, I went to the Lingque Art Class to help me clear my trumped-up charges."

Jiang Yu was slightly startled, and looked back at the large characters of Lingque Art Class.

Why is this client... someone she knows

"You clarify the situation."

【Lin】: "My name is Wu Silin. In 2014, because I was jealous of a girl, I wanted to cut off her brand-name ballet shoes. I went to the storage room where she kept the shoes, but I didn't find her shoes because I was nervous. , Afraid of being discovered, he ran away in a hurry."

[Lin]: "Later, someone broke her old dancing shoes. After calling the surveillance camera, I saw me in the storage room. But I didn't do it at all. I wanted to do it, but I didn't!"

【Lin】: "Because of this incident, I was forced to drop out of school, and then I gave up dancing ballet. My whole life was affected and I lived very badly. I regret it now, and I know my fault. If If you really come from the past, I hope you can help me clear my grievances!"

Jiang Yu was shocked when she saw the text she sent.

"You said... what's your name?"

[Lin]: "My name is Wu Silin."

Thinking of what happened that afternoon, Jiang Yu's mind was a little confused.

How could such a coincidence happen

This client named [Lin] is obviously her classmate Wu Silin.

Because she slipped into the storage room and cut Jiang Yu's ballet shoes, Lin Quwen ordered her to drop out of school.

It seems that this incident has had a very bad influence on her, and her destiny has changed accordingly.

Presumably, her future life will be very bad, otherwise she will not come to the [Knowing] app to seek help and save her regrets.

However, if the shoes were really not damaged by Wu Silin, who was it

Jiang Yu quit the chat, and then opened the service account of [Knowledge]: "Does the entrusted customer know my information?"

[Knowing] Service Number: "The company strictly keeps the information of the reborn person confidential."

Jiang Yu was lost in thought.

If Wu Silin doesn't know her identity and just asks her for help as an ordinary client, then the truth of what she said... is very big.

Jiang Yu decided to have a good chat with the future 【Lin】-

"Here, if you lie, I can't help you."

[Lin]: "I didn't lie, I've come to this point. If I really did it, I admit it, but if I didn't do it, I wouldn't be reconciled! Back then I just wanted to cut off her pair of vci shoes, but I didn't find vci's shoes, please believe me! I used to target her a lot, but I really regret it. If I can go back to the past, I am willing to apologize to her."

"I'll find out, if it's really not you, I won't let you be innocently wronged."

[Lin]: "Thank you! Please."

Putting down the phone, Jiang Yu sat by the long stairs of the art class, carefully recalling what happened that day.

In the surveillance video, after Wu Silin came out, no other classmates entered the storage room, only a cleaning aunt from the art class.

Auntie cleaning is not enough, there is no injustice and no hatred...

But as Wu Silin said, if this was really what she did, she wouldn't spend so much money to find the rebirth of [Knowing] to help save her regrets.

He must have suffered an unjust injustice. After so many years, he is still brooding.

Jiang Yu returned to the art center and found the cleaning aunt who entered the storage room that day in the utility room on the first floor.

The cleaning aunt was wearing white overalls, chatting and laughing with her colleagues against the wall.

Seeing Jiang Yu coming over, she suddenly looked a little flustered, stood up subconsciously, and restrained her smile.

Her nervous expression was caught in Jiang Yu's eyes.

She became more and more certain, this cleaning aunt must know something.

"Aunt Zhou, can you come out and talk to me alone?"

"Talk... what?"

"Talk about what happened in the storage room that day."

As soon as she heard Jiang Yu came to talk to her about this, Aunt Zhou's expression became even more nervous, and she couldn't speak clearly: "I... I didn't do anything! What's there to talk about!"

"I didn't say what you did."

"Then why are you looking for me!"

Jiang Yu looked at the other cleaning aunts behind her and smiled: "Are you sure you want to talk to me about this in public?"

Aunt Zhou immediately felt guilty: "Then... let's talk somewhere else."

Saying that, they came to the side of the corridor that was deserted.

Until this time, Jiang Yu was more convinced that Aunt Zhou must have something to do with this matter, and the nervous expression on her face had already betrayed her.

"Aunt Zhou, you broke my shoes."

Jiang Yu decided to ask her directly.

"No... not me! I didn't do it."

"Aunt Zhou, if you admit it now and tell me why you did it, I can promise you not to tell Teacher Lin Quwen, but if you insist on denying it, I will call the police directly."

Aunt Zhou had a guilty conscience. As soon as she heard Jiang Yu said she was going to call the police, she was overwhelmed with fright. She cried and said, "No, isn't it just a pair of shoes? You call the police... What's the point of calling the police?"

Jiang Yu said solemnly: "The impact of this incident is very bad. Wu Silin also dropped out of school because of this, which may affect her future development. Aunt Zhou, do you think you can bear the consequences of destroying a student?"

Aunt Zhou's psychological line of defense was completely broken, and she said regretfully: "Oh, I have no grievances with you, I didn't mean to cut your shoes, it was someone... Someone gave me two hundred yuan. , let me find a chance, I see that your shoes are also very old, so I just... "

"Who made you do this?"

"Yes... is a very young..."

Before Aunt Zhou finished speaking, she only heard a low male voice from the corridor: "Xiaoyu, haven't you left yet?"

Jiang Yu turned back and saw Qiu Li wearing a black jacket, standing at the end of the corridor, holding a white scarf in his hand, and his dark eyes were a bit cold.

As soon as she saw him, Aunt Zhou was so frightened that her legs went weak, she took a few steps back tremblingly, avoiding his cold gaze.

Qiu Li came over and put the white scarf in his hand around her neck and looped it several times.

"How did you come."

"Pick you up."

Saying that, he took her backpack and put it on his shoulders: "What are you still grinding?"

"I asked my aunt something."

Jiang Yu looked at Aunt Zhou again.

She stood tremblingly in the corner, not daring to look directly at Qiu Li, her eyes seemed to be dodging something.

"I... I don't know anything, I didn't do anything, don't ask."

Seeing her retort, Jiang Yu was a little anxious: "But you just admitted it."

"I confessed something, I didn't do anything, no one told me, I didn't receive money, I... it's not me, you go!"

After Aunt Zhou was about to leave, Jiang Yu quickly blocked her way and said eagerly, "Aunt Zhou, this is related to the fate of another girl. If it's really you, tell me, I won't pursue it!"

"Don't ask! I can't tell, that guy is bad... I really can't tell!"

Jiang Yu stared into her eyes and blurted out, "What are you afraid of? He's not here!"

This sentence blurted out, Jiang Yu was in a trance, as if he understood something...

She slowly turned her head back, Qiu Li smiled, but those bottomless eyes were like the abyss of cold pools.

The author has something to say: Li Li dares to act as a man!