The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 4: Look at the moon


This area is sparsely populated. In the distance, there is a storefront with its doors half-closed, and there is the sound of playing mahjong and laughing. From time to time, there are also one or two dog barks.

Jiang Yu watched the young man from a distance, hesitating, not daring to approach.

Qiu Li turned over and lay on his back on the ground, seeing a bright and clear crescent moon in the dark blue night sky.

He couldn't remember how many years he had never seen such a white, curved crescent moon.

Qiu Li lay down for a while, then slowly stood up on his knees.

He was tall and slender, slender, and the half sleeves on his body were already stained with mud and blood, and the color could not be seen.

The feeling for Jiang Yu is very depressing.

He walked slowly towards the end of the road.

It seems that he has no sense of the wound on his body.

At first, Jiang Yu thought he would go to the hospital, so he followed behind him and did not dare to get too close, and he was still afraid of him.

He is a murderer!

She remembered saying in the news that he had a strong anti-social personality.

And this person is extremely dangerous because he knows superb mental hypnotism. At that time, the police invited the most authoritative psychiatric expert in China to diagnose him, but he almost let him give out the private life information of the expert's derailment.

Of course, these are the gossip that Jiang Yu saw on the Internet, I don't know if it is true or not.

Therefore, even if she accepts the task of [Saving the Devil Boy], Jiang Yu will keep a safe distance from him until she is not sure about the danger factor of the young Qiu Li.

It is not easy to be born again, she must cherish life.

Jiang Yu kept a distance of 20 meters, followed behind Qiu Li, saw him cross the road, walked into the Family Mart convenience store, and bought a chocolate ice cream.

The convenience store clerk was stunned by Qiu Li's bloody face. Seeing that he didn't respond, Qiu Li left a bloody five-dollar bill, turned and walked out of the convenience store.

After unpacking the bag and throwing it into the trash, he continued walking while chewing on the ice cream.

Jiang Yu continued to sneak behind him and walked to Binjiang Road.

Across the road, Qiu Li climbed over the guardrail and climbed up the dam on the riverside.

The wind was howling, and he turned sideways, with his hands outstretched for balance, and took a few steps on the narrow embankment.

Jiang Yu looked at him, and was injured like a bloodied ghost. He didn't even feel at all, and was still doing dangerous actions by the river.

Doesn't it hurt!

Qiu Li also turned his head and glanced at her.

His eyes are deep, with peach blossoms at the end of his eyes, and his dark eyes are endless like an abyss.

Jiang Yu looked at him directly, and immediately felt that there was a force in his eyes, like a vortex, as if he was going to suck her in deeply.

Immediately, an absurd sneer appeared on the corner of Qiu Li's mouth, and then jumped into the river.

Jiang Yu was stunned by the change in front of him.

This... what a rhythm!

Without thinking about it, she quickly jumped over the railing and swooped up the dam.

Opposite the financial center, the lights are sparkling, the river is ups and downs, and the young man disappears and appears in the river.

"Help!" Jiang Yu called out for help: "Someone fell into the water!"

However, apart from the vehicles speeding by on the road, the surroundings are deserted and there are no people.

Life was at stake, Jiang Yu no longer hesitated, took off his shoes, and jumped into the river.

Qiu Li swam along the turbulent river for a while, and naturally floated up.

Looking up, he saw the girl in the white dress who had been following him jumped into the water.

As soon as he jumped in, he sank and struggled desperately for a while, but there was no movement.


Qiu Li swam towards her against the turbulent river, and soon caught her, picked up her body and swam towards the bank of the river.

Qiu Li dragged her to the shore, the girl was soaked all over, she had fainted, and she was not awake.

He leaned over to listen to her heartbeat, and movement.

Qiu Li patted her face, she didn't wake up, she should not die.

Since he couldn't die, he didn't bother to care about her, so he got up and left.

Climbing up the dam, he glanced back.

Under the cold moonlight, the girl lay alone on the weedy bank.

The white skirt was soaking wet and clinging to her body, framing her clean musculature.

Qiu Li took a few more steps, but finally stopped and cursed in a low voice, "Fuck."

Jiang Yu's consciousness was chaotic, and she felt that a pair of cold palms were pressing against her heart.

Immediately afterwards, her nose was pinched and her mouth was opened...

Jiang Yu struggled to wake herself up, and she saw Qiu Li's handsome face, dripping with blood, which was close to her face.

The lips were pressed together, and it also had a fishy and salty taste.

Jiang Yu's eyes widened suddenly, his head "boom", he raised his hand subconsciously, and slapped him on the forehead.

Qiu Li was stunned.

Jiang Yu also stepped back again and again, covered his lips with his hands, choked on water, and looked at him nervously.

It seemed that he realized that he was just giving himself artificial respiration just now, and after reacting, he felt a little guilty.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked after slowing down.

Qiu Li didn't answer, he touched his forehead, and there was a hint of surprise in his dark eyes.

After getting out of the nightmare of childhood, for so many years, his neural perception system has become more and more numb due to emotional disorders.

There is no taste to eat, no smell or smell, no sense of "doing that" to myself...

Even if he was beaten all over his body, the pain perception would not be too obvious.

Everything in this world made him feel unreal.

He is gluttonous, addicted to sweets, self-inflicted, provocative... He wants to find even the slightest real feeling.

However, no.

Until the girl's slap landed on the face, it caused a dense pain!

Make him feel... the reality of being alive.

He approached her again, clasped her eyes tightly, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Hit me?"

Jiang Yu was very frightened, looked at him in horror, and shook his head.

... The feeling of being stared at by a mad critic is too uncomfortable!

"Try it again." Qiu Li turned the other side of his face to the side, and said in a very sincere tone: "Come on, hit again."

Jiang Yu stepped back: "No... no."

My hand hurts.

Qiu Li's black eyes, which seemed to be able to read people's hearts at a glance, glanced at her lightly, and saw the fear in her eyes.

The tip of his tongue touched the back of his teeth and he laughed.

Jiang Yu couldn't figure out the number of his paths, so he didn't dare to act rashly and asked, "Did you just want to die?"

Qiu Li looked down at her from above: "Who wants to die if you can't swim and jump into the water?"

"I will, but Jiang Liu is in a hurry... I thought you wanted to commit suicide."

"I committed suicide, what does it have to do with you?"

Jiang Yu thought to herself, if it weren't for the 300 million, she would be in a panic! I jumped into the river with such a lunatic at night, and I got wet all over.

Qiu Li didn't stay any longer, and turned around and left in a dashing manner. Naturally, Jiang Yu didn't dare to stay by this deserted river.

She followed behind him and saw him nimbly climbed the river dam. She also hurried over and climbed the dam.

It's just that her height is inferior, so it's not so easy to climb up, she gritted her teeth, and stopped Qiu Li: "Hey! Can you pull me."

Qiu Li squatted by the dam, looked down at her with a smile in the corner of his eyes: "Can't you come up?"


"Give me your hand."

Jiang Yu stretched out his hand to him, and he grabbed her wrist.

The little girl's arms are slender, the skin is soft and firm, and the touch is smooth.

As soon as he touched her, the numbness felt like an electric current, and it rushed to the scalp along his arm.

Exploded with a crackle.

Qiu Li grabbed her and lifted her up. Just as Jiang Yu was about to climb the dam, Qiu Li suddenly let go of her hand and pushed her hard at the same time.

Jiang Yu landed on the meadow and fell down and climbed.

She looked at Qiu Li angrily. On the dam, Qiu Li looked down at her, rubbed her face, and murmured, "Equalize."

After speaking, he sneered and turned to leave.

Jiang Yu gritted his teeth.

This guy's revenge is too heavy!

Jiang Yu returned to his alley in embarrassment.

There are many residents living in the alley, and after dinner, they sit at their respective thresholds and chat with melon seeds.

Compared with the high-rise districts rising from the ground in the new urban area, the most traditional human fireworks are preserved here.

Most of the uncles and aunts in the alley still take good care of Jiang Yu's mother and daughter, but there is also Obasan who has nothing to do when he is full and likes to tell lies.

For example, the obese woman in front of me who is eating melon seeds, Zhao Qiongfang.

Zhao Qiongfang is in her 40s this year. She wears a dark red one-piece gauze dress and has curly hair. She is as fat as a mountain.

Compared with the surrounding neighbors, the conditions of her family are slightly better, and her husband is a contractor.

She and another thin woman, Zhou Gui, were involved in gossip. When she saw Jiang Yu approaching, she had to sneer—

"Jiang Yu is back. I heard that you can't pay the tuition next semester, so you are about to drop out?"

Jiang Yu ignored these boring women and left.

Zhou Gui said: "Your mother is also true. She massages men and leaves early and returns early, but she makes a lot of money. Why can't you even pay your tuition fees?"

Zhao Qiongfang: "Jiang Manyi looks so pretty, and he said that the old Liu from the canteen in front of her has straightened his eyes when he sees her. Can her business be good, maybe how many small vaults are hidden in her. She doesn't pay her daughter's tuition fees , I don't know what's going on in my heart."

Jiang Yu listened to the rhetoric of the two women singing together, thinking of the last life, she only had such a deep misunderstanding of her mother after listening to the gossip of the two women, and felt that Jiang Manyi's work was not clean.

Therefore, she has low self-esteem, is afraid to meet people, and has no face. Every day she returns home, she mocks and ridicules her mother. If the mother and daughter disagree, there will be a "war", which makes these Obasan laugh.

Looking back now, Zhao Qiongfang and Zhou Gui were just jealous of their mother's appearance.

Maliciousness always starts from jealousy, like a poisonous snake, it penetrates into their internal organs and makes them twisted like worms.

Jiang Yu paused, turned around, glanced at Zhao Qiongfang lightly, and said with a smile, "Aunt Zhao, you are really busy, you think it's your uncle and you haven't come home yet?"

The fluttering sentence instantly time-stamped Zhao Qiongfang's heart.

Her husband came home late every day, and even if he did, he wouldn't want to give her a second look, no matter how affectionate she pretended to be with her husband in front of the neighbors, but she knew in her heart that her husband had already neglected her.

Zhao Qiongfang endured the unwillingness in her heart, and still smiled: "Our husband, that is busy with business outside. No, the former son made money on the construction site and bought me Thai bird's nest."

Zhou Gui also laughed: "You tell this little girl who has never seen the world, can she understand?"

"My box of Thai bird's nest can cover her tuition for half a year."

Jiang Yu glanced at Zhou Gui and said calmly: "Uncle not only earns money, but also takes good care of the neighbors. The afternoon before yesterday, I also saw that he gave Aunt Zhou Gui two large boxes of Thai bird's nest, and he stayed in Zhou Gui. My aunt didn't come out for two full hours, maybe... she was helping the neighbors with the housework."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Qiongfang and Zhou Gui both changed their faces at the same time.

"You... you are talking nonsense!" Zhou Gui pointed at Jiang Yu and shouted in panic, "Nothing! No!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Qiongfang broke into Zhou Gui's house aggressively.

Sure enough, she found two boxes of Thai bird's nest from her home, exactly the same as what her husband brought back!

"Wow! You bitch! Seduce my husband!"

"No! I didn't... he came to me first..."

Jiang Yu shrugged, turned around and walked towards her alley. The two women tore their hair and fought each other, and she didn't look back.

In this life, those who have bullied her and insulted her will not have a good end.