The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 42: Green tea skills


Jiang Yu went to the logistics to change the dormitory, and settled half a month's accommodation fee at one time.

Three thousand dollars in half a month is more expensive than living in a high-end hotel. No wonder the Esmera Art Center can build such a large park in the Science City where land is expensive. All wool comes from sheep.

Fortunately, she and Lin Miao shared the same dormitory, which was convenient for her to complete the task of [Saving Cinderella].

Lin Miao was very happy when she saw Jiang Yu dragging her luggage in, and eagerly helped her make the sheets and quilts and tidy up the desk.

After the luggage was packed, several girls in the dormitory got together to discuss the topic of beauty and hairstyle. Lin Miao also took out two wigs she treasured and tried them on in front of the mirror.

After all, Lin Miao wears a wavy wig, her temperament changes greatly. In addition, she is slim and tall, and her goddess temperament comes out. She doesn't look like the "tomboy" you see every day. appearance.

Jiang Yu couldn't help but sigh, she really has the potential of "Cinderella"!

Mu Zixian, a short and well-behaved girl with Qi bangs and princess cut, asked curiously, "You look so good with long hair! Why do you cut your hair as short as boys? It's rare these days. Some girls cut their hair so short."

Jiang Yu actually wanted to ask this question at first, but when she saw Lin Xuan'er, she didn't need to ask, she had already guessed it.

Sure enough, I just heard Lin Miao explain: "It's my sister Lin Xuan'er, she doesn't allow me to have long hair, not even a normal bob, it must be cut very short, very short, as short as a boy's. ."

Mu Zixian exclaimed: "My mother! What a wonderful thing in the world, this is too much! Your sister... is it your own sister! How can you do this!"

Lin Miao said helplessly: "She is the child brought by my stepmother, the daughter of my stepmother and my ex-husband. It has nothing to do with my father."

"Then you are really..." Mu Zixian and Jiang Yu looked at each other, and three words popped into their minds at the same time: "Cinderella."

Isn't that right, Cinderella just let her stepmother and daughter dove occupy the magpie's nest, and she was obviously the master, but she became the servant of the family.

Isn't Lin Miao now the maid serving Lin Xuan'er

"You have to resist!" Mu Zixian said excitedly: "The more you tolerate her and let her, the more she will have to fight. You have to learn to resist."

Lin Miao sighed: "Her mother said one thing at home, if I resist, my living expenses may be deducted, let alone learning ballet."

"What about your father?" Jiang Yu asked curiously: "Does he care about your stepmother? How can he bully people like this."

"My dad and stepmother are very affectionate. My stepmother is a full-time wife and is in charge of finances. Lin Xuaner is very good at acting like a spoiled child. , I can only quarrel with my dad, and as a result our relationship... is very bad, I haven't talked to my dad for a long time."

Hearing Lin Miao's statement, Jiang Yu helped her forehead and felt deeply... Lin Miao was playing a good hand of her own.

Originally, the stepmother didn't work full-time, which meant that the father had the right to make financial decisions, while Lin Xuan'er was just a stepdaughter without blood, and Lin Miao was the only child in the family.

Now, let this pair of foreign mother and daughter dove occupy the magpie's nest.

It's a typical modern version of Cinderella, but without the prince.

Jiang Yu made up her mind that she, the "fairy godmother", must help Lin Miao change the status quo.

She held Lin Miao's shoulder and asked her seriously, "Do you want to change and stop being bullied by Lin Xuan'er."

"I... ... "

Lin Miao looked embarrassed and hesitated: "Is there any way, Dad listens to the mother and daughter, I can't do anything."

"If you want to change, I can help you. But if you're content with your current life, outsiders can't get involved."

Lin Miao frowned and fell into a deep tangle.

At this moment, outside the dormitory, Lin Xuan'er's bluffing voice could be heard—

"Where's Lin Miao! Lin Miao, get out of here! Lin Miao!"

While talking, she rushed into the dormitory in a hurry: "Lin Miao, when you just packed my luggage, did you deliberately hide my phone!"

"Ah! I... I didn't!"

"I can't find my phone, it must have been hidden by you bitch! I have bad thoughts all day long, and I don't know how to harm me!"

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to react, Lin Xuan'er slapped Lin Miao's face with a slap.

Lin Miao's head was turned to one side, her cheeks were burning with pain, and she was dumbfounded.

The girls in the surrounding dormitories were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect Lin Xuan'er to be so powerful that she would directly attack her sister.

It's... terrifying.

The girls gathered around the door and whispered.

Jiang Yu said coldly to Lin Xuan'er, "Are you a pig? Don't you hold the phone in your hand!"

When she said this, Lin Xuan'er immediately reacted.

The phone was in her left hand, but she didn't notice it, and was still looking for it.

"It's... Really, it's alright, it's alright." Lin Xuan'er knew that she was wrong, and said with a sarcastic smile, "It's all gone, there's nothing fun to watch."

"Lin Xuan'er, you've wronged someone for nothing, but you still do something, don't you need to apologize?" Jiang Yu pulled her back with force: "Everyone is watching, you don't even say sorry when you slap this down. ?"

"What's your business?" Lin Xuan'er said unhappily, "She didn't even ask me to apologize, what qualifications do you have to stand out?"

All eyes fell on Lin Miao. Lin Miao began to sob in a low voice because of her grievance.

Jiang Yu stood beside her, held her wrist gently, and pressed it.

Whether to resist or not, the decision will always rest with her, and others have no right to betray her.

Whether Jiang Yu can help her or not depends entirely on her.

Lin Miao felt the warmth and strength in Jiang Yu's palm, she loosened her lower lip, looked up at Lin Xuan'er, still fearful, and said in a trembling voice, " have to apologize to me, you did this thing. wrong."

Lin Xuan'er sneered: "I apologize, you are dreaming, I can never apologize to you!"

After speaking, she strode out of the bedroom, ignoring Lin Miao behind her.

The girls around had seen enough of the excitement, and they all dispersed.

Lin Miao squatted down holding her knees, sobbing and said, "It's been like this since I was a child, it's always been like this... Why does every time she do something wrong, it's me... She never apologizes, as if she was born shouldn't apologize..."

Jiang Yu patted her on the back lightly: "It's good, at least, you asked her to apologize. It's good to take this step."

"But she still won't apologize, even if she wronged me."

"She will apologize, and one day, she will pay the price she deserves for what she has done."

Lin Miao raised her head, looked at Jiang Yu with tears in her eyes, and said forcefully, "I... I've made up my mind! I have to resist, I can't go on like this, why didn't she let me grow my hair long, why did she take the test When I get to Class C, I have to go to Class F!"

Jiang Yu put his hand on her shoulder: "I will definitely help you."

"Me too!" Mu Zixian also said quickly, "We will all help you!"

"thank you all."

Lin Miao wiped away her tears, and after a rhetoric, she started to get into trouble again: "But what should I do?"

Jiang Yu thought for a while, and handed the mobile phone on the table to her: "Call your father first."

Lin Miao was stunned: "I haven't called him for a long time. What did I say? It's embarrassing... Our relationship is very bad."

"It is precisely because the relationship is not good that you have to call him." Jiang Yu persuaded: "From now on, you have to repair the relationship with your father, because he is the person in this family who can really help you. "

"If it's because of this, wouldn't it be too utilitarian?" Lin Miao frowned and said, "I don't want to use him."

"He's your father, not Lin Xuan'er's." Jiang Yu was a little unhappy: "Lin Xuan'er has used him for so many years, squeezing you into an invisible corner, living such a life, can't you see it? ."

Listening to Jiang Yu's words, Lin Miao suddenly seemed to be a little awake.

That's right, it was precisely because he was not Lin Xuan'er's biological father that Lin Xuan'er was able to act like a spoiled brat to him so unscrupulously, to please him, and to use him to squeeze her right to live.

And she did.

Blame yourself for being so stupid!

Lin Miao picked up the phone without hesitation, dialed his father, and turned on the speakerphone.

Jiang Yu and Mu Zixian looked at her expectantly.

"Hey, Dad..."

Lin Miao hesitated, and silently compared her mouth to Jiang Yu: "What did I say?"

Jiang Yu also reminded in a low voice, "Take care of him."

Lin Miao's father seemed to be a little surprised. He didn't expect his estranged daughter to call him, so he asked, "What happened in the art class?"

"No, Dad, I'm just telling you, I've already lived here."

"Oh, that's fine, study hard."

"Dad, how are you doing? How are you? I heard that your joints hurt again when you left. Are you feeling better now?"

Lin Miao's father was a little overwhelmed when he heard his daughter's concern.

Since the remarriage, her daughter seems to be a different person, withdrawn, indifferent, indifferent to family affairs, as if she is not his own daughter...

This concern caused Lin Miao's father to have mixed feelings in his heart. He suppressed the sadness in his throat and said, "It's okay, a small problem."

"Have you seen the doctor, what did the doctor say?"

"The doctor gave me medicine and said it was chronic rheumatism, just take good care of it."

"Then you must pay attention to your body and not be too tired."

"Okay, okay, Dad must pay attention to his body, and so do you. If you need anything in the art class, call Dad as soon as possible, get along well with your sister, and stop bullying her."

"I bullied her?!"

Seeing that Lin Miao became emotional again, Jiang Yu hurriedly held her hand and told her not to conflict with her father.

Lin Miao controlled her temper, held back for the time being, and said, "Dad, I get it, I won't have a conflict with her again."

"Okay, good boy, family and talent can be successful. You are your father's daughter. Lin Xuan'er came to our house to depend on others. You should let her."

"I see, Dad, I won't let you down again."

Lin Miao waited for her father to hang up before she hung up. Not long after, the mobile phone text message reminded her that she received a transfer from her father, and her father transferred 10,000 yuan to her as pocket money.

Lin Miao looked at the mobile phone transfer in surprise, a little unbelievable.

It had been a long time since her father gave her pocket money in person. All the money in the family was managed by her stepmother. The pocket money and living expenses her stepmother gave her was limited to her food and clothing. Compared to Lin Xuaner, the fraction could not keep up.

And every time she complained to her father, her stepmother would cry, make trouble and hang herself, saying she was lying and talking nonsense.

The father looked at Lin Miao's indifferent expression, and at the stepmother's "performance" with real feelings. Naturally, he believed in the stepmother.

After going back and forth, Lin Miao became the "problem child" in the family, and she gradually stopped complaining to her father, because she knew it was useless.

This time, her father took the initiative to give her pocket money, which was a very good start.

"How was my performance just now?" Lin Miao quickly asked Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu thought for a while, and said, "I barely passed, and scored 60 points."

"Just barely passing?" Lin Miao was a little disappointed: "I think I've played very well. Dad has given me pocket money for the first time ever."

"Please don't be so humble, okay? You are his biological daughter, and Lin Xuan'er is his stepdaughter to put it bluntly. It's only natural that he treats you well."

Lin Miao frowned: "Then you say, where did I fail to perform well?"

Jiang Yu glanced at Mu Zixian who was eager to try, and said, "Student Mu Zixian, come and show her a real tea art."

Mu Zixian wanted to burst into the show, and her eyes turned red as she entered the scene in a second. She pulled Jiang Yu's sleeve and cried and said—

"Dad, it's all my fault. I shouldn't argue with my sister before. Woo, she's not your own daughter, she's an outsider in our house after all. As the master of the house, I should take care of her more. She has a bad temper. Always lie, always bully me. I know that as a sister, I should be tolerant and not open it up... Dad, I was wrong, don't blame my sister, blame me. "

Lin Miao was stunned.

And... still do it!

Jiang Yu smiled and patted Lin Miao's forehead: "Have you learned?"

"This...this is too...that!"

"For a straight man like your father, this trick has been tried and tested. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

The author has something to say: The fairy teaches you to make green tea :)

There are also red envelopes for two chapters today!

There are three more updates today, more tonight! Li Li will come out next chapter!

I beg Da Karma to leave a small mark, and every one of Huo Huo will be read carefully.