The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 59: circle it


When the college entrance examination was approaching, the entrusted tasks of the 【Knowing】app suddenly became more frequent.

Most of them trigger the "Nearby People" function, and the clients are all classmates around Jiang Yu, some she knows, and some are not known to other classes.

The regrets of these clients are basically related to the college entrance examination, some are choosing the wrong major, some are delaying their studies because of love, etc...

Therefore, in the last two months, Jiang Yu's grades have not improved significantly, but he has met more and more friends, his social life has become more and more rich, and he has received a lot more invitations to watch movies and go shopping than before. .

Little Transparency, who used to have no sense of existence in the campus, once became the most popular girl in the school, and her popularity was soaring.

These people who like Jiang Yu are basically friends who she has helped and who are very devoted to her.

Every day after school, Qiu Li would pull Jiang Yu out from the crowd of classmates who wanted to invite Jiang Yu to drink milk tea and forcibly take her to the library to read and review.

"Even if you pass the art recruitment interview, your cultural grades can't be too low. If you can't pass the cultural class, the gods can't save you."

Qiu Li took her to the study room where no one was in the cubicle, pressed her on the chair, took out a pile of review notes and exercise books, and stared at her to study: "Tomorrow is the three-mode provincial joint test, focus, watch See where you are ranked in the province, and you have a good idea."

"I know, I know." Jiang Yu opened the exercise book and said with a pen in his mouth: "I find that my boyfriend is getting less and less cool."

Qiu Li sat leaning on the table, sketched out the main points of her notes, and said casually "um": "How cool do you want me to be?"

"Do you remember when you first met?" Jiang Yu took out large black-rimmed glasses from his schoolbag and put them on the bridge of his nose: "When my boyfriend at that time wore sunglasses, no one loved him."


Jiang Yu nodded, his glasses fell on the tip of his nose, and looked at him with his long and narrow phoenix eyes: "Now, like Tang Seng, every day, like a mosquito in my ear, nagging, nagging..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yu felt that his waist was being pinched.

She looked down and saw the unsteady hand of the young man falling on the slender waist that she was holding.

Immediately afterwards, he mentioned it forcefully, and Jiang Yu was forced to stand up to meet him, and then he sealed his lips.

Jiang Yu's eyes widened, and his peripheral vision swept around.

The compartment in the study room is very narrow, and no one else can see it. The surroundings are very quiet, and it is the sound of the classmates rustling next to the classmates.

Qiu Li greedily plundered her, as if to swept away everything in her.

She grabbed the folds of the notebook, and finally found a space to breathe. Jiang Yu quickly moved her face away and pressed it against his neck, gasping for breath...

His sexy low alcohol voice rang in his ears—

"Does Tang Seng do this?"


She lost.

Jiang Yu pushed Qiu Li away and glared at him fiercely: "I said, in school, you can't always treat me like this..."

Qiu Li licked his lips still, and said, "Well, there is no college entrance examination yet."

"You just know."

"After the college entrance examination, is it alright?"

"What can you do!"

He did it by her side, spread out the sketched notes, and handed them to her. He leaned closer to her ear and said softly, "You can do anything you like."


The girl lay at the table and said righteously, "If you do this again, I really have no way to learn."

Qiu Li chuckled lightly, stopped teasing her, and opened the test paper to do the questions.

When Qiu Li did bad things, he looked very frivolous, a gentle scum.

However, when he was serious, the whole person revealed a stable sense of security.

His dark eyes were focused on what he was doing, and he had nothing else to do, as if Mars hit the earth and the world was destroyed, he would not even raise his eyes.

"If my sister keeps her eyes on me, let's not waste time in the library." Qiu Li did not look up and said lightly: "After the end, find a room with no one, and I will let you take a good look at me. ."

Jiang Yu immediately looked back and pouted: "Who looked at you?"

At this moment, the phone made a "ding" sound, and a task message was sent from the [Knowing] app service number.

Qiu Li gave Jiang Yu a dissatisfied look, and told her with his eyes that he should focus on studying.

Jiang Yu hurriedly folded his hands in apology, saying that he had to read the news.

[Knowing]: Trigger the "Nearby People" entrustment application, the reward is 10,000, do you accept the task

Recently, Jiang Yu has basically received tasks like this—

The remuneration is not much, and the difficulty is very small. Sometimes, even if you only need to bring a word, the task is completed.

Jiang Yu accepted the tasks as much as possible without affecting his studies. Because the next training phase at the Esmera Art Center will have all kinds of expenses, and she has to work hard to reduce the burden on her mother.

She glanced at Qiu Li and quietly sent the text "Accept the task".

Soon, a man named [Xiao Rui] added Jiang Yu's friend information.

Jiang Yu: "Is there anything I can help you with?"

[Xiao Rui]: "Are you and I a classmate? Are you studying at Yuxi Middle School?"

Jiang Yu: "Yes."

So this client named Xiao Rui sent a text of a mission entrustment—

"My name is Liu Wenrui, and I'm a student in Class 5 of Senior Three. After tomorrow's provincial joint entrance examination, I will be expelled from school. My dad was also sick because of this, and he died of illness not long after that. This is my life. My biggest regret, I hope you can help me change the direction of my destiny."

Jiang Yu: "Why were you expelled after the provincial joint exam? Did you cheat in the exam?"

[Xiao Rui] sent a voice message to Jiang Yu: "My grades have not been very good, I've been at a low-middle level, it's been like this since I was a child, no matter how hard I try, I can't get the ideal grades. My dad I always felt that I was a waste, useless, and worthless. After high school, in order to prove that I was useful and not a waste, I met a group of so-called 'buddies'."

Jiang Yu glanced at Qiu Li again and saw that he was concentrating on doing the questions, but he didn't seem to notice his small movements.

So she quietly put a headset on herself and listened to [Xiao Rui]'s voice—

"I hang out with these so-called 'buddies', and I usually help them run errands, do homework, or pass them notes during exams... I'm willing to do these things for them, because they always call Me, this makes me feel that I have a little bit of usefulness, not a complete waste."

"I didn't realize how naive my thinking was until my father got sick and passed away."

"In that provincial joint exam, a good 'buddy' of mine called me before the exam and told me that there was an important e-sports competition and there was no way to get back to take the exam."

"But if he misses the test with zero marks, the family will know and will definitely not let him go, so he hopes that I can help him, write his name on my own test paper, and help him take the blame for missing the test. I And it did."

"Later, the school strictly investigated the absence of examinations. If there is no valid reason, it will even be expelled for the reason of 'improper study style'. At that time, I found this good 'buddy' and asked him what to do, but he But let me take the blame for him, saying that I helped him this time, and he will definitely repay me in the future, we are buddies for a lifetime."

"So I gritted my teeth and didn't 'bet' him, and then I was expelled from the school. My dad was so angry because of this incident that he was so sick that he died soon after, and this so-called 'buddy' and I, Never got in touch again. It's only now that I realize what a stupid mistake I made."

"I hope you can stop me from making such a childish and ridiculous mistake."

Over the past year, Jiang Yu has received too many commissions of this kind. Most of the commissioners have short-circuited their minds for a while, and as a result, they have made mistakes and made a lifetime of regrets.

Jiang Yu didn't think this [Xiao Rui] classmate was ridiculous.

In her last life, wasn't she also one step wrong, one step at a time

Now that there is a chance to redeem others' regrets, Jiang Yu will of course try his best to do it.

Jiang Yu: I do my best.

[Xiao Rui]: "Thank you, I know the pay is not much, but this is all the money I can give."

Jiang Yu: "It doesn't matter, it's a little effort."

Hearing a "pop", Qiu Li put down his pen and looked at her unbearably: "Does it mean that apart from dancing, everything else has no weight in your heart."

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Qiu Li to be so angry: "No... No."

"It doesn't matter to you whether you can be admitted to Beicheng University, you don't care at all, as long as you can stay in Esmeira, as long as you can continue to dance, which university you go to, whether you will be separated from me... it doesn't matter. "


"Do you really think that with your current grades in the culture class, you can pass the test? Or do you hope you can't pass the test from the beginning, so... you can stay away from me."


Jiang Yu understood, this guy just wanted to quarrel.

She looked at Qiu Li's brows with faint anger, and all her emotions were endured in those deep black eyes.

He is much more sensitive and emotionally unstable than other normal boys.

She can't treat him like a normal boyfriend, she may need to be more careful and considerate.

"Qiu Li, I'm sorry." Jiang Yu touched the back of his hand, patiently, and apologized with ease: "I'm reading books now, I'll never look at my phone, not even a single glance..."

Qiu Li shook off her hand, took away the book with a cold face, and took away the notebook that was sketched for her.

He is very serious about their future, so it is difficult for him to accept Jiang Yu's perfunctory attitude.

Maybe the two were not equal at the beginning. Jiang Yu may like him, but she doesn't like herself like she likes her.

And Qiu Li's heart is very small, Jiang Yu is everything to him, but he still hopes that he can occupy all the territory in her world.

But her heart was too big for him to occupy.

This is Qiu Li's greatest frustration.

He is such a selfish person, and his love is not fulfillment or wishing her happiness.

His love is to possess...

Completely encircle her into his own territory, draw the dungeon as a prison, and hide it.

The author has something to say: The second shift is coming soon.