The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 61: Fraction


In the last two months, Jiang Yu stopped taking any requests from the app and began to study hard.

As Qiu Li was worried, if she wanted to be admitted to Beicheng University with her current grades, she could only say that she had a chance, but it was not 100% safe.

So she had to work hard at the last moment.

Even if she went to college, she had to stay by Qiu Li's side, because no one could tell what would happen in the future.

Sometimes, a single thought can lead to two completely different lives.

Jiang Yu must watch him and spend the past few years smoothly.

Every noon, she would come to the school's library study room to review her homework.

The library of Yuxi Middle School is also extraordinarily styled, and the infrastructure and services are quite complete. The study rooms are equipped with single and double compartments to avoid mutual disturbance.

Qiu Li would come here every morning at six o'clock, occupying a two-person study room, and then put a thermos cup, tissue paper and a small fan on the table in the spare seat beside him.

He didn't say who it was for, nor did he invite Jiang Yu to come and sit down.

So even if Jiang Yu came to the library and saw the place he had prepared for her, she still went to the other study rooms with vigor and ignored him.

The two started a long tug-of-war, and whoever bowed his head first would lose.

Near the last half month of the college entrance examination, the self-study room in the library is getting tighter and more crowded.

At noon, Jiang Yu came in with a schoolbag and searched around, but could not find any free space.

She paced to the innermost study room, Qiu Li still occupied a double room, the two rows of seats were next to each other, and in the spare seat, small items such as thermos cups and tissues were properly placed.

Jiang Yu didn't take the initiative to walk over, as if he was waiting for him to invite him.

However, Qiu Li didn't invite her, didn't even look at her, and immersed himself in the problem.

Jiang Yu gritted his teeth, finally walked over, and asked, "Who is this position prepared for?"

Qiu Li quickly turned the pen with his fingertips, and replied casually, "My girlfriend."

"Then who is your girlfriend?"

"you guess."


Jiang Yu still lowered his face and asked, "Can I sit down then?"

"Are you my girlfriend?"

"I'm not..." She put her schoolbag on the table vigorously and said, "Who else?"

Qiu Li was quite satisfied with this answer, he pulled out the chair to let her sit down, and at the same time he unscrewed the small and exquisite desktop fan, blowing the steam off her face.

Jiang Yu took out a math test paper from his schoolbag, and then began to rack his brains to answer the questions.

Qiu Li looked at her from the corner of his eye from time to time. She scratched her ears and scratched her cheeks. It was very difficult to do the questions.

He glanced at his face and saw a few wrong answers at random.


At this level... Still want to go to Beicheng University

Qiu Li couldn't hold back, and wanted to speak to remind him, but he couldn't hold back his face. He had said enough before, but she was regarded as a nonsense Tang monk by her.

He didn't want to listen anyway, so Qiu Li didn't bother to pay attention to her, and continued to lower his head to do his own test questions.

Jiang Yu deliberately made a few wrong questions on the paper, and then secretly looked at Qiu Li, but he was unmoved by wind and rain.

This man must be too vengeful.

Thinking of his serious expression when he gave a topic to other girls that day. Jiang Yu was a little unhappy in her heart, she unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup and took a sip of water.

"Ah! It's so hot! It's so hot!"

Unprepared, she was scalded by the hot water in the quilt and almost choked.

Qiu Li immediately put down his pen and looked at her worriedly.

The little girl was so choked that tears flowed out, she coughed hard, her originally fair little face blushed.


Qiu Li immediately leaned over and patted her on the back: "Who asked you to drink in such a hurry."

"Who knew the water was so hot."

"This is a thermos cup."

"The thermos can also receive warm water."

Qiu Li rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I'm sorry, my girlfriend has been out of contact for so long, I forgot that the thermos should be filled with warm water."


"Anyway, no one drinks it when I wear it."

Jiang Yu knew that he was making trouble unreasonably, licking his scalded lower lip, and sulking with himself.

Qiu Li took the thermos cup, unscrewed the cap, and blew lightly to let the water temperature drop.

Jiang Yu said angrily: "I won't drink it, I won't drink hot water in my life."

Qiu Li glanced at her lightly and commented, "Children."

Jiang Yu was very angry in her heart, and she also knew that she was too hypocritical. If it was before, she would definitely not be like this.

It seems that because there is someone around who can accommodate him.

No matter what she says or does, he won't be really angry... She finally has the capital to make trouble out of nowhere.

Jiang Yu frowned and looked at the boy beside him: "Boyfriend, it hurts."

Qiu Li put down the water glass and asked, "Where does it hurt?"

"Here." Jiang Yu turned over his lips: "It's hot."


Just when Jiang Yu was about to blame him for being ruthless, the teenager glanced at the small door of the cubicle. After confirming that there was no one at the door, he quickly leaned over and licked her lips: "Does it still hurt?"


"No, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Jiang Yu turned around, lay on the table and began to cover his head to do the question, blushing, ignoring him.

Qiu Li supported his cheeks, held a pen in his hand, and turned around one after another, looking at her with a lingering expression: "Xiaoyu, the college entrance examination is almost over, we won't quarrel, okay?"

The attitude of begging is sincere and gentle.

Jiang Yu likes to listen to Qiu Li's four words the most, which is "no quarrel".

Every time he said four words, it was his compromise and concession, and it was also his infinite tolerance for himself.

"I don't want to quarrel with you again." Jiang Yu got a bargain, so he began to behave: "I didn't allow you to talk to other girls. I'm a very generous person, so I won't be careful..."

Before she could finish her rambling words, Qiu Li squeezed her mouth with a smile, and gagged the rest of her words in her throat—

"Well... "

"There's no need to be jealous." He stroked her lower lip with his palm: "I'm yours."

Two months passed in a flash, and the college entrance examination came as promised.

Jiang Yu is very nervous, and her classmates around her are also very nervous, which is normal.

But Jiang Yu never imagined that a man with a high IQ like Qiu Li, who was unforgettable and quick-thinking, would be nervous.

The afternoon before the college entrance examination, the two were still studying in the library while reading.


I've seen nervousness, but I've never seen nervousness like this.

"Is it okay?" Jiang Yu rubbed his hair: "You are as stable as an old dog in the first position of the grade, and you are still worried about being nervous."

"Not nervous."

After he finished speaking, his trembling hand drew a crooked parabola on the scratch paper.


Jiang Yu knew that it was inevitable that Qiu Li would be nervous.

He waited for so many years, worked so hard for so long, and put all his hopes on it.

Get a proud score, get admitted to Beicheng University with the best grades, and appear in front of your mother with the best appearance.

This is the belief that Qiu Li has insisted on for so many years.

Jiang Yu saw that he really couldn't study, and if he continued to review, his nervousness would only get worse.

She simply picked up his schoolbag, carried it on her shoulders, and left the library by pulling his sleeve.

Qiu Li let her hold it and walked aimlessly on the street: "Where are you going?"

"I don't know, just play."

Jiang Yu pulled Qiu Li to the park.

The sun was shining brightly today, the temperature was cool, and the breeze was gently blowing across my face.

There were quite a few children playing in the sand pit in the park. Jiang Yu pulled Qiu Li to the swing, let him sit down, and said, "I'll push you."

Qiu Li looked back at her: "Childish."

"That's childish." Jiang Yu said with a smile: "The most important thing now is to relax."

Qiu Li did not refuse, and let Jiang Yu push his back one by one, swinging on the swing.

The swing was getting higher and higher, and Qiu Li's restless heart finally calmed down.

From childhood to adulthood, he came to the park alone to sit on the swing, and his parents never pushed him.

It turned out that someone behind him was pushing him, so he could swing so high.

"Do you want to be taller, boyfriend?"


Seeing that he was interested, Jiang Yu tried to suckle and pushed him hard, making him swing high.

Qiu Li's tense expression relaxed, and an unconscious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No cynicism, no sarcasm or coldness, just smiles from the bottom of his heart because he is happy. Jiang Yu likes to see him smiling like this.

At this moment, a little kid walked over holding his mother's hand, pointed at Qiu Li, and said gluttonously: "Mom, look at me, my brother is still playing on a swing at such a big age! I want my sister to push him, shame, shame, shame."

The child's mother said quickly, "Don't be rude."

Jiang Yu said to the child harmlessly: "Brother is also a child."

"Brother is not a child."

"Brother is, in my sister's heart, my brother will always be a child."

Qiu Li never thought again that after he walked out of the scarred and unbearable years and walked to Jiang Yu's side, he regained the purest childhood.

Only those who are pampered are qualified to be angry, bad-tempered, or even spoiled...

Qiu Li felt it.

After the college entrance examination, Jiang Manyi squatted in front of the phone and called the hotline as soon as possible to check the score.


Jiang Manyi's hand holding the pen trembled uncontrollably.

If it is normal, this score is still a bit dangerous to go to Beicheng University.

But Jiang Yu was admitted as a special enrollment, and the cultural class can reach 600%, which can almost be regarded as the top score in the special enrollment!

Jiang Manyi's eyes were slightly red, so many years of wish and hard work seemed to have paid off.

She was really happy that Jiang Yu was able to live up to her spirits like this.

Jiang Manyi wiped the corner of her eyes with her sleeve, and said silently in her heart, "Ayan, can you see that your daughter not only dances well, but also has good grades."

"She is much stronger than you back then, you scumbag..."

Jiang Manyi walked to the window and looked at the busy street and the pedestrians coming and going on the street. Dou Da's tears couldn't be stopped at all, falling down one by one, and finally she nearly choked.

"You can't even see how good she looks... You come back, damn girl, I won't laugh at you singing out of tune again. I promise, I won't laugh at you... "

At this moment, a young lady at the front desk found Jiang Manyi and said, "Sister Yi, there is your phone number at the front desk."

Jiang Manyi thought it was Jiang Yu who called to announce the good news, so she wiped away her blurred tears, calmed down, walked to the front desk, and answered the phone—

"Xiaoyu, you're amazing, this time the score is beyond my mother's expectations, wait for my mother to come back tonight and cook something delicious for you..."

There was no answer on the other end of the phone for a long time.

"Hello? Is it Xiao Yu?"

Jiang Manyi could hear the thin breathing from the other end of the phone, but the other party just didn't speak.

"Excuse me, who are you?"


beep beep...

The phone was hung up.

Jiang Manyi looked at the lady at the front desk in surprise: "Liu, is it my daughter who is calling?"

Xiao Liu shook his head: "It's not Xiao Yu's voice, it's a man, his voice is gentle and soft, very nice. He said he was looking for you. I thought it was a guest who asked you to make an appointment."

Jiang Manyi was a little puzzled: "Then why doesn't he speak?"

Xiao Liu shrugged and said he didn't know.