The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 75: party


Before leaving, Qiu Li held the gift box in front of her, looked at her expectantly, and said, "Open it and take a look."

Jiang Yu had a bad feeling in his heart.

The packaging of the gift is very delicate, and just from the appearance, it is known that it is worth a lot.

She did not open it with great anticipation as Qiu Li expected.

On the contrary, she was very frightened, holding the gift box, her hands could not help shaking...

The velvet box was opened, and inside was a crystal music box, exquisitely carved, with a crystal ballerina lying on the blue flannel.

The girl's whole body is also made of crystal, the skirt is very textured, and the knife work is exquisite.

Put the girl on the smooth mirror-like surface of the music box, and the melody of "Swan Lake" will slowly sound.

Along with the melody of the music, the crystal girl dances gracefully on the mirror surface.

"Does it look good?"

Qiu Li looked at her expectantly, but he didn't see any surprise on Jiang Yu's face, on the contrary, her brows were full of heavy writing.

"It's beautiful, I like it very much."

The smile on Qiu Li's face gradually sank: "lie, you don't like it."

The ballet music box is really beautiful, the girl made of crystal glitters on the mirror like ice crystal...

However, as long as Jiang Yu thought that this was a gift he had earned from working so hard under the scorching sun, it was really difficult for her to accept this gift with joy and peace of mind.

Jiang Yu didn't want to disappoint him, and tried her best to look surprised, but she wasn't the kind of girl who could keep her emotions and anger deep in her heart.

And Qiu Li... how smart.

"Xiaoyu, you're really not good at disguising." Qiu Li coldly pushed open the music box: "If you don't like it, forget it."

Jiang Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't hold it any longer: "So, you are working so hard... You are working so hard as a tutor, just to buy this for me?"

"What's so hard about being a tutor?" Qiu Li said lightly, "Every day I blow the air conditioner, watch the children do the quizzes, and I can read books by myself. It costs 200 per hour in class. This gift is nothing."

Jiang Yu looked at Qiu Li deeply, and finally returned his words to him: "lie."


The two looked at each other silently for a moment, Qiu Li tried to speak several times, but couldn't say anything, and in the end he could only be silent.

After a long time, Qiu Li placed the crystal girl on the mirror surface of Liuli, and a crisp melody rang out. The girl held her hands and slowly rotated...

Qiu Li was lying on the edge of the table, watching it quietly.

The heart gradually calmed down.

I don't know since when, I fell in love with ballet. Although I don't appreciate it very much, he thinks... It's beautiful, and it can make him forget all the painful and unforgettable memories.

Forget he's seen hell...

And all this, just because the girl he likes loves ballet.

Jiang Yu hugged his knees, sat on the sofa, quietly watching his back, the room was surrounded by the elegant melody of "Swan Lake", and the two of them were immersed in the relative silence at this moment.

What can be said.

Everything about her was slowly changing. She worked hard towards the future, found her father, and was about to be reunited with her family. She was so happy that she was almost dizzy.

But he forgot that the teenagers around him were still in an unbearable world.

After a long time, she stretched out her fingertips and poked his back lightly.

Qiu Li turned his face to the side, with a slightly cold outline: "Do you want this thing?"

"I can't afford it, it's too expensive."

What is precious is not the price, but all the hardships Qiu Li has suffered.

"What about me, do you still want it?"

Jiang Yu saw his frustration and grabbed his sleeve: "You give it, I want it."

"I used to think that if I worked hard to get the grades I wanted and got into a top university, I would be able to get rid of it. I used to think that this was my best time. But you see, I can't even work as a tutor. competent."

He smiled bleakly: "What a shit, I'll never get better."

Jiang Yu grabbed him hard, no matter how he pushed, she stubbornly hugged his waist: "So what?"


"If it doesn't work out, I'm willing to stay in hell with you. It doesn't matter what happens in the future, I'm sincere to you."

Qiu Li no longer had the strength to push her away, his trembling hand rested on hers.

"This is what you said... "

The boy turned around and suppressed her, pressing her on the back of the sofa.

His movements were a little rough, Jiang Yu instinctively shrank, his breathing was short, and his chest was heaving.

Qiu Li bit her lip.

His eyes were fierce, biting her a little bit.

She tried to push him and begged for mercy in a low voice: "Ali, I'm a little scared..."

"Call again."


The young man became more and more fierce.

Jiang Yu struggled and almost rolled to the floor with him, but the moment she touched the ground, he hugged her and put him under her.

Lips pressed against each other, he pressed the back of her head, forcing her to open her mouth.

Jiang Yu couldn't stand such a rhythm, she bit his lower lip, Qiu Li could feel the tingling sensation, and even the saltiness between his lips.

"Didn't you say you like me, I'll give you everything."

His voice was soft, but his movements were very unkind.

Jiang Yu's mind was numb, she didn't know whether the blood she tasted was his or her own... The appearance of the young man losing control made her feel a deep failure.

Qiu Li could feel the girl's emotions, and he finally stopped kissing her.

The girl closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and seemed to endure everything.

yes, be patient...

Just like all her last life forbearance.

Qiu Li suddenly panicked, he hurriedly pulled her up, and hurriedly arranged her hair.

Jiang Yu opened his eyes, his dark eyes glowed with water, and he trembled: "No one can save you, except yourself."

After saying this, she grabbed her bag and ran out of the room, leaving Qiu Li alone and slumped on the ground.

The crystal ballet girl is still spinning and dancing.

He waved violently, the girl fell to the ground, and the music stopped abruptly

Jiang Yu returned to the Esmera Art Center and came to Bu Xi's classroom as scheduled. Bu Xi saw her lost soul and asked with concern, "What's the matter, you're having trouble with your boyfriend?"

Jiang Yu nodded calmly.

Bu Xi sat beside her and said, "Would you like to talk to me?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that sometimes... he's quite paranoid. I really don't know what to do now."

Bu Xi thought for a while and said: "Actually, when two people fall in love at this age, they are mutual progress and go to the distant future together, rather than consuming each other. Everyone is an independent individual, and no one becomes the other. The whole of the person, otherwise the day you leave, the other person's world will collapse, and at this age, who can decide whose life is."

Of course Jiang Yu knew what Bu Xi said.

But in this world, there is so much truth to be said.

Qiu Li is not a normal boy, her relationship with him is not destined to be like an ordinary couple...

She could never leave Julie.

Bu Xi saw the tangle on her face and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't think about it so much, this weekend is the Midsummer Night Ball, and it's serious business to practice dancing!"


Jiang Yu nodded vigorously, maybe, they all need time to calm down.

After finishing the dance practice, perhaps out of concern, she sent Qiu Li a text message: "I'm not angry, you're good."

Qiu Li replied with only four words: "Don't worry about the game."

The Midsummer Night Ball was very lively, many celebrities came, and many of Esmera's high-level officials also showed their faces, as well as Bu Xi's mother and grandmother.

This is the first time Jiang Yu has met Bu Tanyan's mother.

An old woman with white hair and elegant manners, wearing a navy blue cheongsam, surrounded by many chief artists of the Ballet Association, chatting with her, clinging to...

Jiang Yu heard Jiang Manyi say that the Bu family's control over Bu Tanyan is very strict.

This is also the reason why Bu Tanyan is so rebellious.

This time, there were not many students participating in the Midsummer Evening Party.

There are no more than 40 students in the new class of abc class and the previous class, and almost no students in the def class.

They don't have a share in the competition, and they are not qualified to participate in such a high-end dinner party.

There is no absolute equality in this world. In Esmera, even though family background cannot determine everything, ability can determine reputation and status.

Each student has a nameplate representing the student on his chest with the class and name on it.

Jiang Yu was recommended by Teacher Xue Jiayi and was the only student representing class F to participate in the competition.

Therefore, at the dance, every time a former student came over and tried to talk to her, one glance at the nameplate on her chest would tell her the "level" of class F, and she was not qualified to make friends.

Jiang Yu is very calm about this, in her opinion, this is good.

Ability determines status, better than money and wealth.

Otherwise, Xue Jiayi, who came from a low level, would not be able to climb to such a high position.

Xue Jiayi came to Jiang Yu and instructed her: "The dance competition will be based on the elimination system. Everyone takes turns to dance in order. The symphony will not stop. You have to choose the dance section according to the music style. If it doesn't fit the style, it will be eliminated."

"The last one is eliminated, and the one left is the final champion."

"Sounds like a game."

"It doesn't sound like a serious competition." Xue Jiayi said solemnly: "But you don't even look at who is standing under the stage, not to mention the mother and daughter of the Bu family, as well as the chief of the association and the artists of major troupes, who are qualified Dancing in front of them, can you say it's not a serious game?"

Jiang Yu took a deep breath nervously: "I will try my best."

"Don't be afraid, this time Bu Xi is here, you don't have to compete with her, you can't win her anyway, as long as you are better than Bai Shuyi's two apprentices, you'll be fine."

She was talking about Shen Aoqing and Wen Lun.

As long as these two people are defeated, Xue Jiayi is more qualified to become the chief of Esmera than Bai Shuyi.

"The game is still a while away. You can go to the dining table and eat something to replenish your strength, but don't eat too much."

"Okay, Teacher Xue."

Jiang Yu went to the buffet table and ate a piece of chocolate to replenish himself.

At this time, Bu Xi came to her side, pulled her and said, "Come on, I'll take you to see my mother."

"Ah, this..."

Before she could refuse, Bu Xi had already pulled her and came to Bu Tanxiang.

Bu Tanxiang and Bu Tanyan are sisters, she is the elder sister, and Dabu Tanyan is three years old.

Of course, Jiang Yu had also heard of Bu Tanxiang. When she read Bu Tanyan's resume in a celebrity magazine, she mentioned this sister.

The magazine said that she and Bu Tanyan had been a pair of sisters since childhood. Both of them studied ballet, and they achieved outstanding results when they were young.

Later, with the increase of age, the gap between the two began to gradually widen. Bu Tanyan has an outstanding ballet talent, but she is free and unrestrained by nature and does not like to be restrained.

On the other hand, Bu Tanxiang is the exact opposite. She is keen on ballet, listens to the teacher carefully, and behaves in a well-behaved manner, but her talent is limited.

Later, she gradually gave up ballet and began to participate in family affairs, becoming a capable family talker like Wang Xifeng.

Bu Xi took Jiang Yu to Bu Tanxiang and introduced enthusiastically: "Mom, this is my new good friend. I mentioned it to you, classmate Jiang Yu."

Jiang Yu said politely, "Hello, Auntie."

Bu Tanxiang was wearing Chanel's classic Xiaoxiangfeng coat. She had a bit of an elite temperament in her fashion. She didn't look at Jiang Yu, and her eyes first fell on the nameplate of class F on her chest, with a light expression—

"Oh, Hello."

Jiang Yu knew that no parent would want their child to play with a child with poor grades, and Jiang Manyi was a typical example of such a parent.

Every time Chen Wei came to the house, she greeted her with a smile because Chen Wei had good grades.

Parents are all like this, and Bu Tanxiang is no exception. She glanced at the nameplate and had a good idea before she raised her head to look at Jiang Yu.

However, the moment he saw her appearance, Bu Tanxiang's body trembled obviously.

Bu Tanxiang was indeed startled, as if she thought Bu Tanyan was back.

But when she looked at Jiang Yu again, she felt something was wrong.

This girl is so young, about the same age as Bu Xi, how could she be Bu Tanyan.

It just looks alike.

Bu Tanxiang concealed his gaffe and said solemnly to Bu Xi: "The game is about to start, you are still chatting here, let your grandmother see it, and she will scold you again."

"Know it."

Bu Xi saw that her mother didn't want her to have more contact with Jiang Yu, so she begged for no fun, and pulled Jiang Yu away: "don't mind, my mother is like this, she sees you as class F, so..."

"It's okay, so does my mother."

"Hahaha, shake hands."

No wonder Buxi's mother was like this, class F was the most common type of dancer on the Esmeera stage.

Throughout his life, he may not be able to have a name, and can only become a stage set.

These so-called artists and chiefs naturally despised her.

However, when Jiang Yu entered Class F, it was entirely because she was angry with Bai Shuyi. She never thought that her own strength would become the backdrop for the stage.

Soon, Xie Yuan's car drove over and stopped by the lawn of the dance party.

Most of Esmera's executives greeted him and greeted him politely.

Mrs. Bu was so calm that she didn't see him when she saw him.

Bu Tanxiang's expression was a little subtle.

Back then, the Bu family had heard of the affair between him and Bu Tanyan.

Especially after Bu Tanyan's death, this kid rushed to the morgue and demanded to see people in life and corpses in death. The Bu family almost dispatched all the security guards to stop this bastard.

Later, they watched Xie Yuan's career grow bigger and bigger, and he became the upstart in Beicheng, and even surpassed the wealthy marriage they carefully selected for Bu Tanxiang.

Later, he did not hesitate to compete viciously with the Bu family and bought the vast majority of Esmera's shares at a high price, which made the Bu family feel extremely embarrassed.

So meeting each other is like a stranger.

Xie Yuan had never attended this kind of dance, because Esmera was just one of his many assets, and he never bothered.

However, when I heard that Jiang Yu would perform at the dance, I hurried over.

I just want to see my daughter perform.

Growing up, he missed too many shining moments in her life. Now, Xie Yuan will never miss any of her games again.

Bai Shuyi stepped forward and said softly to Xie Yuan, "Mr. Xie, the game has been postponed for half an hour. If you say start, our dance competition will officially start."

"Don't worry." Xie Yuan waved his hand.

"Okay, when Mr. Xie is ready, we can start at any time."

Xie Yuan glanced at the lawn: "I want to see if Xiaoyu is ready first."

White calligraphy: "..."

The author has something to say: It will be reconciled soon.

in addition! ! No friends to participate in the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival! !

If there is no small partner to participate, as long as you write it, you will get jj coins for free! ! 10,000, 5,000, the amount is also very high, casual embarrassing poems, modern antiquity will do, and there is no need to rhyme.

Don't take it for nothing!

But you must bring the words [Lanxiao Contest Poetry Club] before it will be captured by the system!