The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 81: courage


Qiu Li finally agreed to Jiang Yu to see a psychiatrist, trying to find the root cause of his illness.

The doctor gave him several hypnotherapy treatments, but the effect was not good, because Qiu Li was hypnotized by his father many times when he was a child, and he was very resistant to this kind of treatment.

Coupled with his strong ego will, any overly aggressive treatment is not suitable for him.

The doctor could only use relatively gentle means to let him go back to the past in the dream state through sleep, looking for the window that had never been opened.

Qiu Li recalled many things from his childhood.

For example, in order to get him to quit sugar, his father tied him to a chair, held a lollipop in his mouth, and put bloody and disgusting pictures on the slideshow, and then repeated and deepened his memory, so that as soon as he tasted the candy, his mind went back and forth. Naturally, a disgusting picture emerges.

Later, when I saw the candy, I would physically vomit...

For another example, in order to make him lose his sympathy and kindness, he forced him to personally torture and kill the puppy he had raised for three years...

Everything Qiu Li encountered made him develop a self-protection mechanism, his five senses began to close, and he lost his sense of any physical and psychological stimulation from his father.

He no longer perceives sweetness, so he no longer vomits;

He lost the pain, so no matter how he shocked him, Qiu Li didn't say a word;

He lost his sympathy, so he was indifferent to the brutal killing and the screaming screams of small animals...

Over time, he was thrown to the tenth floor of hell, where he lived like a walking corpse, staring at the world indifferently.

Life is better than death.

Fortunately, if there was a bright color in his dark childhood, it might be that woman—


Mom is very beautiful. When she smiles, there are two sweet dimples at the corners of her mouth.

Every time his mother would bring him a lot of candies, put them in his purse, then touch his little head and say Lili is so cute.

Maybe my mother is the only person in this world who thinks him cute.

Qiu Li still remembered that noon, when his father was away, and his mother took a lunch break in the office where his father received patients.

Xiao Qiuli pushed open the door, took the bird he injured with a slingshot to his mother, and gave it to her with a smile.

Mom was startled when she saw the bloody bird, and told him in a very fierce tone that she must not hurt the little animal, otherwise she would ignore him again.

Xiao Qiuli asked her why

Mom said, "Because little birds feel pain too."

Xiao Qiuli said, "But I don't feel it at all."

As he said that, his hand clenched tightly, and the bird struggled in his palm, and finally died.

A little life humbly and quietly left.

That noon was quiet, no wind, no cicadas.

Qiu Li later recalled that quiet afternoon countless times, and it was hard for him to forget the noon that day... The look in his mother's eyes.

It was also from that day that he never saw his mother again.

It's because he behaved so badly that his mother never brought him sweets again, never smiled softly at him again...

Mom left him forever.

It's all his fault.

Qiu Li subconsciously wanted to make up for his mistake at noon. He wanted to tell his mother that he was willing to listen to her and would never hurt small animals again.

But it was too late, he would never see the woman again.

The advice the psychiatrist gave Qiu Li was to see his mother, because no matter how much trauma he experienced as a child. That woman was the only beautiful existence in his heart from beginning to end.

Maybe if you find this beauty, everything will suddenly become clear.

All his mental problems will be cured without medicine.

Qiu Li struggled repeatedly for a long time, staying up all night, watching the momentary junction of night and day in the sky, waking up at dawn and dusk, the world recovering,

He has the college entrance examination report card in his hand.

Finally, Qiu Li put a lot of effort into summoning up the courage and decided to find Ren Xian.

Tell her that he is her son, that he really worked hard to get into Beicheng University, and tried hard to come to her and make her proud of herself.

Qiu Li didn't tell Jiang Yu that he had been seeing a psychiatrist, nor did he tell her that he was going to see his mother.

When he's fully recovered, give her a big surprise.

Everything will get better and they will get better and better.

That afternoon, Qiu Li put on a brand-new white shirt that was ironed, cleaned his shoes, went to the barbershop to get his hair cut, cleaned himself up, and then took the bus to Beicheng University.

During this time, the college students of Beicheng University were taking their final exams, and their mother, Ren Xian, should also correct the exam papers at school.

Qiu Li stood in front of the full-length mirror in the Physics Building and looked at himself.

His body is straight and slender, his white shirt is exceptionally clean and white in the sun, his black eyes are illuminated by the sun, his skin is also very white, and his temperament is stable and cold.

Qiu Li took a deep breath, summoned up his courage again silently, and told himself that now is the best time, and he will not let her down.

He walked up the stairs with trembling steps, and saw Ren Xian in the office he had already inquired about.

Through the half-closed door, the middle-aged woman was sitting at the desk, hanging down the first batch of students' exam papers.

She still wears a very professional women's suit, which is draped over her body. Carrying a pen in his hand, he carefully corrects the papers one by one. After each correction, he taps the scores on the computer keyboard to enter the students' grades.

The sun made a halo on her body, and in the eyes of the young man, it was really holy and beautiful.

Ren Xian also noticed Qiu Li by the door and asked softly, "Classmate, what's the matter with you?"

Qiu Li walked in nervously, at a loss, so he had to bow to her.

The word "Mom" was stuck in his throat, but he couldn't call it out. Qiu Li didn't even dare to look at her face, and said in a trembling voice, "Mr. Ren, hello."

It is rare for a student to be so polite and even bow. Ren Xian put down the gel pen in her hand and asked, "Are you my student? Did you fail to answer the test paper well, come here to plead?"

Seeing that she seemed to have forgotten him again, Qiu Li felt a little disappointed and shook his head: "I'm not your student."

"Then you are... "

"Teacher Ren, two months ago, I came to listen to your class and talked to you a few times, saying that I was going to be admitted to Beicheng University."


In fact, Qiu Li didn't want to talk to her with such a student's attitude, it felt like a long distance, she was his mother!

Ren Xian reacted for a long time, and seemed to finally have an impression: "Are you a high school senior who came to my class that day in the basic physics class? You said you want to fill in the psychology report..."

"it's me."

Ren Xian laughed: "It's a pleasure to meet, now that the college entrance examination is over, and you can see the results, you will soon fill in the application form, how about it, do you have the confidence to fill in the application for Beicheng University?"

Qiu Li couldn't wait to say, "I got 749 points in the test."

After speaking, he looked at Ren Xian expectantly.

Ren Xian laughed: "Wow, the score is very high, this score is safe to report to any university in the country, and of course Beicheng University, congratulations!"

"Thank you, Teacher Ren."

Qiu Li's expression finally relaxed.

Mom felt satisfied, but it was really nice.

He has been worried all the time, afraid that his mother is too demanding and that he will not be able to meet her requirements.

"By the way, I remember you were going to fill in the psychology report?"

"Hmm." He nodded.

"Psychology at Beicheng University is a key discipline. In China, as a major discipline in psychology, apart from Beicheng University, only Haicheng University can compete with it. All in all, your choice will not be wrong."

"Welcome." Ren Xian smiled and patted his shoulder: "By the way, what's your name?"

Qiu Li's heart thumped, he took a deep breath, and was about to speak when he suddenly heard a girl's voice coming from the door: "Mom, haven't you finished changing the papers yet?"

Qiu Li turned back suddenly, and saw a graceful young girl standing by the door. She was about the same age as him, with shawl hair, fair skin, curved eyebrows, and a smile that was similar to Ren Xian.

All of a sudden, the blood all over his body returned.

"Dad has been waiting at the hotel. It's rare for me to come back. You celebrate my birthday today, and you want me to come find you in person!"

"There are still a few papers left, and they will be corrected soon." Ren Xian introduced: "This is my daughter, Zhen Xuxu, who is studying at Haicheng University."

Zhen Xuxu walked into the office and looked at Qiu Li. Seeing his handsome face, she couldn't help but light up: "God, mother, where did you come from such a handsome student, I have never seen him before."

"This student has just been admitted to our Beicheng University this year, with more than 700 points, which is very good."

"It's amazing." Zhen Xuxu asked curiously, "Are you going to apply for my mother's physics major?"

"He fills in psychology." Ren Xian explained.

"Psychology, psychology is good." Zhen Xuxu walked up to Qiu Li and said cheerfully, "If you became a psychiatrist, I would definitely get sick every day."

"Jing nonsense." Ren Xian poked the little girl's head: "They are younger than you, you are a junior sister who is preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, can you be a little like a senior."

Zhen Xuxu stuck out her tongue and smiled.

Qiu Li couldn't say a word, his throat seemed to be filled with lead, the whole world and cognition were disordered and subverted...

How, how could she have a daughter? And she's still a daughter a few years older than him!

Did mom cheat? Did mom have an extramarital affair

Qiu Li was stunned and had a splitting headache.

Zhen Xuxu didn't notice Qiu Li's livid face at all. She couldn't wait to get to know Qiu Li, so she said, "It's my birthday today. How about this classmate, you can go to dinner with us."

Ren Xian also felt that it was very rare. Her daughter was in college for three years, and there were many outstanding boys who pursued her, but she never glanced at it and devoted herself to her studies.

It is rare to be so enthusiastic about this kid at this moment.

Ren Xian smiled and said, "You're already familiar with it. I've only known each other for a few minutes, so I invited people to celebrate your birthday."

When Zhen Xuxu laughed, the corners of her eyes were like crescent moons: "You haven't eaten yet, so just take it easy and go!"

It can be seen that this girl grew up in an environment of parental love and a happy family since she was a child, so her personality is so cheerful and cheerful.

The environment she grew up in was completely different from his.

This is the daughter who grew up loved by her mother.

For a long time, the corner of Qiu Li's mouth curled into a ridiculous smile: "Okay."

The author has something to say: Come in the afternoon!

The first friend who guesses the correct answer will give a big red envelope!