The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 82: the truth


On Zhen Xuxu's birthday, her father and mother booked a very exquisite Japanese food store in the commercial center to celebrate her birthday.

There are plates of sushi, eel, foie gras, etc. on the table, and a very cute birthday cake with peach heart cream

Her father, a corporate executive, wore glasses and a black suit, and appeared to be a suave man.

"Dad, this is the kid we met at school, who just entered Beicheng University this year."

Zhen Zheng politely said to Qiu Li, "Hello, thank you for coming to celebrate my daughter's birthday."

"By the way, little brother, we don't know your name yet!"

"My name is Qiu Li."

After saying these two words, his eyes swept across Ren Xian.

The expression on Ren Xian's face didn't change at all. She clipped a piece of eel to Zhen Xuxu and said to him, "Xiao Li, don't be restrained, eat more."

She seemed to have no memory of him at all, as if there was no Qiu Li in her memory.

Only unimportant people would disappear into memory like this at will.

To her, he was irrelevant.

Qiu Li didn't know how he felt at this time.

Are you downhearted

It doesn't seem to be, he just doesn't feel anything.

Just like killing birds when he was a child, he was indifferent as he watched the weak life pass by little by little.

His stress protection mechanism... seems to be activated again.

No grief, no pain, no heartbreak.

Qiu Li pounded a small piece of foie gras on the plate with his long and slender chopsticks. The thin tips of the chopsticks slowly poked the surface of the foie gras, and there was greasy oozing.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be interested in foie gras, Zhen Xuxu ordered another serving of hell ramen and delivered it to Qiu Li.

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"Try it, their hell ramen is a must, I'm sure you fall in love with it."

Qiu Li numbly ate a piece of noodles, but still had no taste or feeling.

"Is it delicious?" Zhen Xuxu looked at him expectantly. Seeing that he didn't respond, she thought he was too restrained, and gave him another piece of sushi: "Why don't you try this again."

Seeing this, Ren Xian said, "Let Xiao Li eat by himself."

"Okay." Zhen Xuxu reassured: "Don't be too restrictive. Although we met for the first time today, we will be friends in the future, just be more casual."

At this time, the waiter brought the cake with candles, and Zhen Zheng raised the teacup and said, "Happy birthday to our daughter, she will be a real big girl in the future. Keep working hard."

Ren Xian also raised her glass and said with a smile, "I hope you read more books and stay up late. You must go to bed before ten o'clock."

Zhen Xuxu pouted and said, "Mom, you're really embarrassing me... Haven't you heard that you don't do what you don't want to do to others? You stay up all night and talk about me."

Zhen Zheng tapped his daughter's head and said angrily, "Mom stayed up late to write a paper, and you stayed up late to play with your phone."

"No, I'm also writing for the sake of writing, okay! I want to be a writer!"

Qiu Li looked at the happy and warm scene in front of him and felt like an outsider.

He was originally an outsider. Although the woman in front of him was his mother, she couldn't remember him completely. To her, he was just a stranger.

Zhen Zheng looked at Zhen Xuxu dotingly, and said helplessly: "You, you are a twenty-year-old girl, and you still look like a child."

Qiu Li looked at Zhen Xuxu and asked, "Are you twenty?"

Zhen Xuxu shrugged: "yes, I'm older than you, so you should call me sister."

The word "sister" struck Qiu Li's heart at once, Jiang Yu's gentle face appeared in his mind, and his numbness gradually eased.

The chest cavity began to ache in fine detail, and breathing became so difficult, his hand clenched the chopsticks tightly.

"You're twenty..."

Qiu Li is only eighteen years old, which means that his mother only had him after she had Zhen Xuxu.

How can this happen, how can...

Did she have an affair with her father

Does she already have a family and children

No, it doesn't make sense, it shouldn't... What's the problem!

Qiu Li's mind was confused.

He decided to stop thinking nonsense and guessing. He must ask clearly, ask Ren Xian, why did he leave so cruelly in the first place, was it just because he hurt small animals.

He's changed, he's never done that again, will mom still accept him

Qiu Li looked at Ren Xian with a bit of bitterness in his throat, and asked, "Do you really not remember me?"

This question made Ren Xian startled for a moment: "Huh?"

"Qiu Shao, do you remember?"

This is the man's name, even if Qiu Li reads it out now, he feels that these two words sting on the tip of his tongue.

Qiu Li suppressed his physical nausea and continued to ask, "Don't you remember at all, I'm his son, and I'm yours too..."

He didn't have the courage or confidence to say those two words, there was only a little light left in his eyes, and he looked at Ren Xian with hope, hoping that she would recognize him.

Ren Xian reacted for a long time and exclaimed, "Are you Xiao Li?!"

Qiu Li breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense expression relaxed a lot. The corner of his mouth was about to rise, but he suddenly let Ren Xian say: "You are Doctor Qiu's son! My God, I haven't seen you for so many years, you are so old! "

"Doctor Qiu's... son?"

Qiu Li was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that they actually knew each other, Zhen Xuxu couldn't wait to ask: "Mom, do you know him? What's the situation, explain clearly!"

"It's been more than ten years. During that time, I was writing a doctoral dissertation, and I was under great pressure. Help me, I can sleep for a while after every hypnosis."

Qiu Li's brain "hum", like an ancient solitary bell being struck violently.

His whole world seemed to be shattered.

Splitting headache.

There are sporadic clues, slowly crawling out from the cracks in memory.

Yes, it is like this, every time my mother comes over, she only rests in the office.

Qiu Li's small room is next to the office. Every time he finishes the complicated thousand-piece puzzle on the table, his mother will wake up, and then come to his small room to see him, touch his head and say, "Little Li. It's amazing, such a complex puzzle can be completed in two hours."

That's right, he remembers it very well, it's no problem!

So where is the problem...

His mind continued to go back, trying to restore all the details of the year—

Mom especially likes the bright yellow skirt, the color like a small daisy.

Her mother always said to her gently, "Little Li is really good."

Mom also taught him a few math Olympiad problems.

In front of that man, my mother always respected him and called him: "Doctor Qiu..."

Mom often takes naps in his consultation room and wakes up feeling particularly good.

Every time her mother finished her rest, she would pay her father and ask him, "Where is Xiao Li's mother?"

The man's answer seems to be...

Dystocia, dead.


The colorful bubbles in the air burst.

In that second, the whole world collapsed.

she is not a mother...

The mother is dead and died of dystocia.

Because of the lack of maternal love, Qiu Li subconsciously regarded the woman who came to see his father as his mother, and he kept deepening his memory over the years.

Even...believe it!

"Xiao Li, are you okay?" Ren Xian saw that his face was not very good, and asked gently, "Did you think of something unhappy?"

Qiu Li didn't answer. He couldn't hear the outside world at all and was completely blocked.

Zhen Xuxu said, "So, my mother is actually Qiu Li's father's patient! It's so fateful!"

"Yes, Doctor Qiu..."

Zhen Xuxu paused, and whenever she thought of this man, she couldn't help but be afraid.

When I first saw him, he was gentle and amiable. Who would have thought that closing the door would be able to carry out such cruel and perverted mental destruction on his biological son.

Back then, when she saw the news of his imprisonment in the news, she was in a cold sweat, and she suddenly realized why the little boy looked so lonely and shy.

She still remembered that on the last day of the treatment, the little boy caught a dead bird and showed it to her.

She seemed to have criticized him severely, saying that small animals should not be treated so cruelly.

The little boy seemed to be crying.

After the treatment was over, she never had the chance to see him again.

"Auntie is really happy to see you so good today!" Ren Xian said to Qiu Li emotionally, "It's really nice."

Her soft voice was completely blocked from Qiu Li's eardrums.


Another colorful bubble burst.

All his efforts, all his hopes, and his self-proclaimed future are being shattered one by one.





The only trace of decency that remained, supported him as he struggled to finish the meal.

But Qiu Li didn't know how he persisted to the end, he couldn't perceive anything, he just chewed the food mechanically.

After saying goodbye to the family, Qiu Li walked down the street with his hands crossed.

At the beginning of the lantern, and night fell, his mind was completely empty.

Pedestrians on the street, busy with traffic, loud whistle, hawkers selling... Everything is isolated from his world.

There was a dessert shop in front of him, Qiu Li walked in with slow steps, and ordered a large popcorn cake.

The dessert girl glanced at him a few times, and finally gave him a cup of bubble milk tea.

Qiu Li sat on a chair by the street and looked at the people passing by with expressionless faces, as if looking at animals without emotion.

He opened the little box of popcorn cakes.


A stray dog barked fiercely at Qiuli, looking at the cake in his hand, with a fierce look in his eyes—


"Wang Wang!"

Qiu Li raised the corners of his mouth and beckoned to it, "Want to eat?"

The dog rushed in front of him at once.

He stretched his legs lazily and kicked it away with one kick.


The stray dog barked miserably, no longer dared to bark at him, and ran away with its tail tucked.

Qiu Li didn't feel anything when he saw its figure fleeing in the wild.

He directly grabbed the popping cake with his hands and tasted it. It was just like on the table just now. The entrance was just a pile of substances, and he couldn't taste any flavor.

It's too far, too far from Jiang Yu, he can't feel anything.

The world closed its doors to him again.

He started swallowing, filling his stomach like a robot with cream all over his face.

Many people around him looked sideways at him, casting strange glances.

Qiu Li called Jiang Yu while swallowing the cake.

"You just called me now." The girl's gentle voice came, with anger: "You haven't contacted me all day today! I thought you forgot to have a girlfriend."

The moment he heard her voice, Qiu Li's tongue suddenly regained consciousness.

Salty and bitter taste.

He vomited the cake in his mouth, only to realize that the taste of tears was so bitter.

The self in the reflective glass of the opposite window had already burst into tears.