The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 85: Ashamed


At dusk at the end of August, the setting sun is like blood, and the temperature is dry and oppressive.

On the construction site, Qiu Li finished pushing the last truckload of cement, went to the settlement office, and received his final payment.

The foreman also gave him an extra thousand yuan, and said with emotion: "I haven't seen a person who works so hard for so many years. It's like a lifeless person. College student, you are really a real person."

Qiu Li took the money and said, "Thank you."

The worker looked at the little girl who had been waiting at the gate of the construction site for a long time, and sighed, "I have never seen such a good girlfriend. I come to the construction site every day to wait for you, and even bring water in the face of the sun."

Qiu Li tilted his head and saw Jiang Yu in the distance.

She picked up a sycamore leaf and fanned the wind to herself, her fair face turning red easily.

Seeing him looking over, Jiang Yu held the hand of the sycamore leaf and raised it at him.

Qiu Li's indifferent eyes added a bit of reluctance, but it was only fleeting.

He kicked the salary he got into his bag and trotted towards her.

With a smile in her eyes, the girl wiped the sweat from her temples and forehead with her wrist.

"It's over!" She breathed a sigh of relief: "If you continue to work here, I'll turn into an African."

Qiu Li ducked for fear of getting her hands dirty: "Who asked you to come here, there is too much dust here."

"I want to see you."

"It's not that there is no chance to meet."

"You are on the construction site during the day, and my parents are very strict with me now. You must go home before ten o'clock at night. I want to stay with you for a while longer."

"Xiaoyu, you have become clingy."

"Have I become clingy?"


Jiang Yu smiled sweetly: "That may be because I have a father."

After finding her father, and two fathers, they both love her very much.

She gradually has the appearance of a daughter, and because she acts like a spoiled child, there are people who tolerate her, and she also has someone she can rely on.

Jiang Yu simply grabbed him and tried to reach his shoulder with his jaw: "What should I do, my girlfriend is starting to become clingy."

There was an imperceptible gloom in Qiu Li's eyes: "Little Rain..."

She stood on tiptoe barely able to reach his shoulder: "Huh?"

"I was not clean and I was sweating a lot."

"It seems to have a smell." She sniffed, and leaned in to smell him again: "It's very manly..."

Before he finished speaking, he hurriedly pushed her away and stepped forward.

Jiang Yu put his hands behind his back and walked behind him. Yan Yan said with a smile, "When school starts tomorrow, let's go to Beicheng University together. Then you have to help me carry my luggage."

"Where's your dad?"

"I have two dads now, which one are you asking?"

"Ask both."

"They want to send it, but I want to go to college with my boyfriend. Tomorrow morning, it's okay."

"Okay, I promise you."

Qiu Li went home, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and walked with Jiang Yu on the street at the beginning of Hua Deng.

Qiu Li invited her to eat a Western steak meal, and then offered to take her to buy a skirt, because he had to wear the new skirt he bought to school when he went to school tomorrow.

Jiang Yu knew that this kid had received a lot of salary today, and his desire for consumption had nowhere to go, so he simply agreed to it.

There were many gifts between them, and she would return it to him in the future anyway.

Qiu Li would hardly buy anything for himself, but whatever Jiang Yu could consider, he would buy it for him, ranging from computers to small clothes, pants and shoes...

He had no mother since he was a child, and Jiang Yu was willing to take more care of him.

Qiu Li accompanies Jiang Yu to walk around the commercial center, picking and choosing in the clothing store, trying and trying.

Jiang Yu chose a chest-wrap cotton and linen dress with a rather niche design style. The back is completely hollowed out, and you can see her beautiful butterfly bones. The skirt is slender and thin, very fairy.

"Does it look good, boyfriend?"

The teenager and a group of men were sitting on the soft chairs in the waiting area. The first time he saw her, there was light in his eyes.

In fact, there is no need to ask, seeing his hot eyes, Jiang Yu has the answer.

The dress was worth one thousand yuan, and Qiu Li paid it without hesitation.

Jiang Yu was going to the fitting room to change her skirt, and Qiu Li grabbed her: "No need to change, wear this with me."

"It's not that there is no chance to wear them." Jiang Yu laughed: "My sneakers are not suitable."

"It's simple."

With that said, Qiu Li dragged her into a shoe store opposite.


After buying a skirt and a small sandal with heels, Jiang Yu looked at Qiu Li when he paid the money, and there was still money left in his pocket. For fear that he would drag him to buy something else, he simply asked him to go to the movies.

As the summer vacation came to an end, the movie theater welcomed a wave of students from the party. Qiu Li was too noisy, so the two of them went to the private movie theater.

A small room in a romantic Mediterranean style with a lovely Chinchilla sofa with fluffy throw pillows.

More importantly, no one bothers you.

Qiu Li chose a comedy movie "Journey to the West" by Stephen Chow, Jiang Yu asked, "Have you not seen it?"

"Look, what about you?"

"Of course I've seen it too."

"You can watch it again."

Jiang Yu understood in an instant that all she wanted to watch a movie was really just watching a movie, she even bought snacks.

However, men's understanding of watching movies does not seem to be simply watching movies.

This movie often lasts for more than 3 hours. Qiu Li sits beside her and naturally hugs her shoulders and makes her lean on his shoulders, just like all the lovers in love in the world.

Jiang Yu actually felt that today's Qiu Li... a little weird.

She leaned into his ear and asked softly, "Boyfriend, I don't think you seem to be particularly happy today?"

The projected light showed a faint blue color on his handsome profile. He looked at the movie screen expressionlessly, and said "um" softly.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I think what you think..."

Qiu Li stretched out her hand and pulled the hair between her temples behind her ears, revealing her beautiful oval face, and the two of them were close at hand.

Jiang Yu was staring at him like this for a long time. Her cheeks and ears were no longer red, and her whole body became hot.

Perhaps because of his personality, Qiu Li's facial features are quite aggressive.

That kind of handsomeness does not need to be refined, nor is it hidden, and it does not need any inner foil. It is handsome, clearly handsome, and handsome.

When any girl sees him for the first time, she can't help but take a second glance. If she meets his gaze, her heart will be like a boiling boiler, steaming.

Jiang Yu held his breath and felt his soft thin lips touch the tip of his nose lightly.

This kiss is delicate and long, not like the previous plunder, but tasted carefully, full of tenderness and endless tenderness.

The gentleness of this man actually made her more unbearable than the rude attack.

"Does my sister like me?" During the breath, he asked her again and again, "Do you like it?"

"Um... "

"Um what?"

"Well, I like it very much."

"I like it very much. I like it very much."

Like an insatiable child, he repeatedly asked for her answers.

Jiang Yu leaned softly on his shoulder and whispered, "If you like can do anything."

"Really anything?"


"how about this?"


"Then so."


There was a successful smile on the corner of Qiu Li's mouth: "What should I do, it's not enough."

"But before 10 o'clock, I have to go home."

"What movie are you watching?"

After finishing speaking, the boy took her and strode out of the private theater.

The night wind on the street is slightly cool, and the moon is full and bright tonight.

In Jiang Yu's completely empty mind, the line from "Journey to the West" on TV when Qiu Li dragged him away echoed -

"She left something in my heart..."

Qiu Li led her and stood at the door of the hotel for a long time, the night wind blew away his irritability.

He sent her home.

Jiang Yu looked at his gloomy face, smiled, reached out and pinched his earlobe: "Our boyfriend is still very honest."

Qiu Li smiled lightly and held her hand: "I'll pick you up tomorrow."


Jiang Yu stood on tiptoe and gently placed a kiss on his chin.

Qiu Li stood alone in the night wind for a long time, until her back disappeared in the corridor, and the warm touch on her left cheek slowly dissipated.

He looked up at the moon.

It's so bright, I really want to put it in a crystal glass bottle, cherish it well, and hold it in my hand to see in the future.

What a shame.

His eyes pulled back with difficulty, endured the pain, and left.

The next day, Qiu Li complied with the agreement and waited for her downstairs early in the morning.

Jiang Yu doesn't have much luggage, because she doesn't necessarily live in the school dormitory, and most of the time she still stays at the Esmeera Art Center.

But seeing that Qiu Li only had a small suitcase, she was a little surprised: "Is this all your stuff?"


"Very little."


"Okay, I will go to college in the future, and then I will buy it slowly. I will buy it for you. I will change my clothes and pants."

Jiang Yu thought about it, Qiu Li's body on the hanger is really well dressed, I don't know how handsome he is!

The taxi that Qiu Li called had already stopped by the side of the road.

Originally, Cheng Ye said that he wanted to send Jiang Yu to school, but Jiang Yu refused strongly.

During this period of contact, the confidentiality work has been done well, and no one will associate the man who haunts such a dilapidated poor street with the glamorous idol star on the stage.

Moreover, this area is to be demolished, and it has been sparsely populated in the past two years, so there is no scandal.

But if he dares to gather in the university town, it will be the effect of the hot search in minutes.

In the opening season, Beicheng University is full of vigor and excitement.

Freshmen can be seen at a glance, their immature faces are filled with excitement, full of expectations and desires for college life.

Sisters and seniors from various colleges have set up freshmen registration desks on the boulevards entering the school. After reporting, they can get the keys to the dormitories.

Qiu Li escorted Jiang Yu to the dormitory, then neatly organized her suitcase, put on the bed sheet, and even cleaned the hygiene.

After doing all this, he touched Jiang Yu's head: "When you grow up, learn to take care of yourself."

"You take care of me."

After the showers, the summer wind is headed on, with a bit of humid heat.

Jiang Yu tiptoed to wipe the sweat on the boy's forehead as usual, but he didn't expect him to lean back a little and avoid her hand.

"I'll take you to the dormitory, and I'll help you clean by the way."

"Need not."


"I'm leaving, Xiaoyu, let's say goodbye now."

A gust of wind passed, and the water droplets on the trees fell rustling and crackling.

Jiang Yu smiled reluctantly, walked over and pulled his little finger: "It's not April Fool's Day yet, what a joke."

"Not a joke."

The plane is at 8:30 pm, Haicheng.

The plane ticket was a one-way, leaving the city that haunted his nightmares and heartbroken.

Never, never come back.

Jiang Yu saw the boy's calm brows... There was no joke, she panicked a little, and took his hand tremblingly: "Qiu Li, didn't you say we should go to college together, where are you going? "

Qiu Li took out an email from the mezzanine of his schoolbag. The cover was written in big blue letters: Haicheng University Admission Notice.

The suitcase in the girl's hand fell to the ground with a bang.

The corners of his mouth raised shallowly, like the evil when he first saw him—

"I lied to you, I applied to Haicheng University."

The day after meeting with Ren Xian was the final deadline for volunteering.

The school was filled in by Qiu Li casually. The first major code was Beicheng University, and the second one was Haicheng University.

South and North are separated by half China, mountains and seas are far away, far enough.

It doesn't matter where he goes, he just wants to leave.

As for the girl in front of her, she has a great life, a future worth looking forward to, and a family who loves her. She is no longer the poor little girl who was bullied, excluded, and marginalized like him in the past.

She is like a sunflower, striving to face the sun and rush to a brighter future.

He'd rather retreat into the damp, dark lair, rot, die...

"Little Swan, I don't want to love you anymore."

If you want to say goodbye peacefully, I'm afraid you won't be able to.

After Qiu Li said this, he didn't dare to look at her again, picked up the suitcase on the ground, and left resolutely.

He was afraid of seeing her heartbroken expression, afraid that he would never be able to leave if he took one more look.

Those who say goodbye first are ashamed.

At the school gate, Qiu Li couldn't help but glance back.

The thin girl's back still stayed where she was, as if she was still in a dizzy midsummer night's dream, and she never woke up.

She was confused and perhaps sad.

But one day, she'll finally get better and be the most glittering swan queen on stage.

Then, forget about him.

Qiu Li no longer hesitated and got into the long-awaited taxi.

The words Beicheng University slowly disappeared from the rearview mirror, until they turned the corner and could no longer be seen.

The whole world seemed to be the only one left in tears.

The author has something to say: The second update is coming soon