The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 88: He is my boyfriend


On the days of the Mid-Autumn Festival, it happened that Teacher Ling Xuan was going to the Haicheng sub-district of Esmera to hold a ballet-related exchange seminar with the chief executives, so he simply brought Jiang Yu with him.

She could see that the little girl was absent-minded during dance practice during this time, and after inquiring about it, it was nothing more than the sadness of the young boys and girls talking about love.

It is a normal and beautiful emotion to meet a young man who is heartbroken at the right age of youth.

In the quiet first-class cabin, Ling Xuan said to Jiang Yu in a soft voice, "I used to have a little apprentice, and when you were your age, you fell in love with a boy who was very unsuitable for her."

Jiang Yu fastened his seat belt and asked, "Is it Bu Tanyan and my godfather?"

"It seems that your father really loves you. He told you all such secrets."


In fact, she and Xie Yuan also met for this reason.

"At that time, classmate Xiao Tan really loved him so much that she didn't want to dance ballet anymore, so she wanted to go outside with him to work hard. Later, she even gave up rehearsing for an important performance for half a year and went to Shenzhen. Go and live with him in an underground rental house for half a month, and guess what?"

Jiang Yu held his cheeks and listened with relish: "Well, what about later?"

Ling Xuan took the coffee handed by the flight attendant and said slowly, "I came back in despair and wrote me a 2,000-word letter of guarantee, promising to study ballet well and never skip school again."

Jiang Yu couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing: "I didn't expect that the famous ballerina would be forced to write a letter of guarantee by the teacher."

"No, don't look at her reputation, she's skinny, you're completely different from Xiaoyu."

"Everyone says we look alike."

"You just look like you."

Although Ling Xuan has confirmed that Jiang Yu is Bu Tanyan's biological daughter, the two grew up in very different environments, so their personalities are also far from each other.

Bu Tanyan lived a prosperous life since she was a child, her family was wealthy, and her parents loved her and regarded her as the jewel in her palm.

She doesn't think about the consequences when she does things. Anyway, the Bu family and her mother, a career woman, will give her the bottom line.

But Jiang Yu's living conditions are not so good, so whether she is learning dance or doing things, she is down-to-earth and hardworking, because she knows that opportunities are not easy to come by, and she cherishes them very much.

"And then?" Jiang Yu continued to ask: "Did Xiao Tan abide by the content of his guarantee?"

"She complied, danced well, and never ran again."

Jiang Yu was slightly surprised: "It doesn't quite fit her character."

From Jiang Manyi's few recollections, the Bu Tanyan that Jiang Yu saw was not an obedient and obedient classmate of Tan. On the contrary, she was very rebellious.

"I also thought it was very strange at the time." Ling Xuan smiled: "So I asked her if Xie Yuan was not good to her, or if the two of them had a conflict. She told me, no, she was just frightened. ."

"Be scared?"

"When she went south to Shenzhen, you thanked dad for booking the best hotel for her to live in. Xiaotan was reluctant to spend his money, but he wanted to share weal and woe with him and live in his basement to rent a house. Your dad never wanted to, He knows your mother too well... No, he knows Xiao Tan too well, she is not a woman who is full of love."

Jiang Yu was fascinated, and didn't notice Ling Xuan's slip of the tongue: "What happened later?"

"She backed out of the hotel, followed him home secretly, and lived on the street if she could not be at home. There are only two options."

"Your father had no choice but to let her live at home. In those days, the basement was damp and dark, the lights were not turned on and there was no sunlight all the year round. It was full of business clutter, and mice gnawed at the wall at night... Xiao Tan I didn't get a good night's sleep that night."

Jiang Yu listened to Ling Xuan's description and put herself in the shoes of herself. Even if she lived in a basement full of mice and cockroaches, she couldn't stand it even if she had been living in poor living conditions since she was a child.

Not to mention Bu Tanyan.

"So Xiaotan gave up my dad and chose ballet?"

"No, this trip to Shenzhen has made Xiao Tan deeply realize that she and your dad are in a unique love. Even if the whole world is against it, she will stand with him and fight against the whole world."

Jiang Yu: …

Mom is right, Xiaotan is really good enough for middle school two.

"Student Xiaotan made an appointment with your father. We will no longer see each other for a short period of time, and we will no longer be in touch. This makes the parents of the Bu family think they have broken up. They have to fight together to become a better version of themselves and meet at the summit."

"When they all become strong, the world, whether it's parents or poverty, will no longer have the power to stop them from falling in love."

Jiang Yu was shocked for a long time in his heart.

Become strong, meet at the summit, there is no power in this world to stop them from falling in love.

The relationship between Bu Tanyan and Xie Yuan is truly legendary.

"I'm telling you the story of classmate Xiaotan because I hope you understand that in the face of cruel reality, love is actually very weak. For example, you thank your dad, no matter how much he loves classmate Xiaotan, there is no way for classmate Xiaotan to take off. Prada, put on a commoner and lead an ordinary life with him. You see, if you can't even do this, how can you hope that love can change someone and save someone from a quagmire?"

Jiang Yu suddenly understood what Ling Xuan said.

Yes, what love can do, a moment of tenderness, a night of joy... In the face of a more powerful collapse, her love for Qiu Li is not worth mentioning at all.

She couldn't help him, and she couldn't save him.

Seeing each other at the summit is probably the best solution for Xiao Tan.

Dad Xie Yuan did fulfill his promise and reached his peak.

But fate makes people, heaven and man are separated forever, and he has tasted the worst in the world.

Jiang Yu has not found his own solution yet. Maybe this time he will get the answer during his trip to Haicheng.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the south is slightly warmer than the north. Jiang Yu took off his coat and only wore a retro-style white dress with v-tie ties, so he wouldn't feel cold.

The wind in Haicheng is salty, and the nose seems to be able to smell the smell of the sea.

Jiang Yu checked into the Haicheng Hotel, and after putting down his luggage, he walked to Haicheng University at dusk with the afterglow of the sunset.

The girls in the south are all delicate and watery, with gestures and smiles... They are all full of summer coolness.

Jiang Yu was standing at the gate of the university, but he didn't dare to step in.

A hundred possibilities have already been imagined in my mind.

Because I can't get in touch with him, if I meet by chance at the intersection, I see that he is not doing well, that he is ugly, fat, haggard and more handsome, or that there is another girl beside him...

Jiang Yu couldn't handle it.

She was so scared, so nervous, so uneasy...

Qiu Li left Beicheng just to say goodbye to her past life. If she went to look for him again, would she be hated, would she feel that she was stalking him.

Jiang Yu wanted to flee more and more, until this moment, she realized that in the past, President Qiu Li said that she didn't like him as much as he did.

It's not, as early as every morning at midnight, in the good morning and good night, countless likes to accumulate and stack.

Love is deeply rooted, and it will be difficult to rest.

Jiang Yu took a few steps back and paused again.

As Ling Xuan said, what is the sadness of falling in love at this age compared to reality.

She didn't even try, how did she know what the solution was

Jiang Yu finally stepped into the campus, walked beside the green road, and found the location of the library according to the roadside signs.

At this time, Qiu Li usually reads books in the library.

Dusk was the time when his memory was most efficient.

Jiang Yu asked a classmate in the Haicheng District of Esmeela to borrow a campus card and successfully entered the study room of the library. He searched each floor one by one, but could not find a familiar figure of the teenager.

Jiang Yu was inexplicably relieved.

In fact, her mentality is quite strange, she wants to see him, but she is afraid of seeing him.

Walking out of the library, passing by the club activity center on the first floor, by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the dance classroom, Jiang Yu saw a girl practicing 32 black swan whip turns in front of the mirror.

However, she is a complete amateur, and basically has no ballet skills. She struggles to even stand on tiptoes, not to mention 32 difficult whip turns.

Zhen Xuxu turned on tiptoe for five laps, dizzy and unable to stand still.

"Xu Xu, why do you think you are doing this? You have to dance such an old-fashioned dance. Isn't jazz good, isn't breaking good?"

Zhen Xuxu looked at herself in the mirror, gritted her teeth and said, "He wants to see me dance ballet, I will definitely learn it."

"How can you learn it just by watching the instructional video? It's not good to dance at that time, and he might even dislike it..."

"What is more disgusting, when did he dislike me?"

The girl who was talking was Zhen Xuxu's roommate and best friend for several years, and she was very familiar with her, so she simply said some words: "Don't you dislike it, your jazz dance is so good, he didn't even look at her, but he let you Go learn some kind of ballet. I think he is deliberately making things difficult."

Zhen Xuxu said stubbornly: "Then I have to dance well, show him, I, Zhen Xuxu, are not easy to mess with!"

"I didn't say you, you are such a good girl, what's the point of putting him on him. Apart from being handsome, he doesn't have much to shine at all."

"You don't understand, he's a man with a story."

"Oh, I don't understand."

Zhen Xuxu continued to practice the movements in the video.

Seeing that she was struggling to learn, Jiang Yu said casually, "You need to push the ground with your toes to create a rotational force. You can't spin on tiptoes alone."

Zhen Xuxu turned back and saw Jiang Yu by the door.

She has a beautiful face, with a refreshing ball head, and her dark eyes are bright and clear. She is a good girl.

"Can you dance ballet?" Zhen Xuxu asked.

"know a little."


Like a treasure, she hurriedly pulled Jiang Yu into the classroom: "Can you give me a demonstration, what is this broken whip and how to turn it!"

Jiang Yu put down his shoulder bag, took off his shoes, stood on tiptoe and started spinning around his hands.

She wore a very textured retro-style little white dress and danced ballet, she really looked like a noble girl who came out of the Versailles court.

Zhen Xuxu was simply stunned. The girl in front of her was performing such stunning and beautiful dance moves. Where could she look like an old-fashioned person

After Jiang Yu gave a simple demonstration, she told her: "The 32 whip turns in "Swan Lake" are the hardest part in ballet. If you don't have the foundation, it is almost impossible to perform this part."

Zhen Xuxu sighed: "I know it's difficult, but my boyfriend wants to watch it, so I must learn to dance for him."

Jiang Yu laughed: "Your boyfriend still likes to watch ballet?"

"Isn't it true, his hobbies are drinking, smoking, playing cards and... ballet."

"That's pretty chic."

"Can you teach me?" Zhen Xuxu begged Jiang Yu: "It doesn't have to be very good, you can teach me how to turn without getting dizzy and falling to the ground. Just give me some fur so that I won't be blinded here."

"It's not that I can't teach you, but I'm looking for someone here. Can you find a way to help me find him?"

"It's no problem, little case." Zhen Xuxu said: "I belong to the student union, and I have the roster and contact information of all the students in the school, but I can't disclose the information of my classmates, unless you have to tell me what your relationship is. "

Jiang Yu smiled helplessly and said: He is my boyfriend, he was a little embarrassed, he changed his phone and couldn't get in touch. "

Zhen Xuxu said generously: "It's easy, you just tell me his name."

"His name is Qiu Li, he begs for clothes, and he is strict."
