The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 89: Dimensionality reduction strike


The smile on Zhen Xuxu's face disappeared, and her eyebrows frowned: "You said you were looking for Qiu Li?"


"Are you his girlfriend?"

"Yes, do you know him?"

The girlfriend next to Zhen Xuxu had a very wonderful expression and couldn't wait to speak.

However, Zhen Xuxu glared at her and told her to shut up.

She said to Jiang Yu: "I don't know, I haven't heard of this person."

Jiang Yu shrugged, without doubt: "There are so many classmates in the school, and it's normal that they don't know each other. He doesn't like interpersonal communication very much, but can you help me find his contact information? Just a phone number."

Zhen Xuxu said with a smile: "Yes, but you have to teach me how to swing the whip first. Once you teach me, I'll go find his information for you."

Jiang Yu readily agreed: "Okay, but I can only teach you the skills of rotation here. The specific movements and details still require a lot of repeated training. Ballet cannot be done overnight and overnight."

Zhen Xuxu said firmly: "I don't need to worry about it, I will train well."

For the next two hours, Jiang Yu carefully instructed Zhen Xuxu on the basics of whipping and turning, and taught her what she had learned without reservation.

Even so, because Zhen Xuxu had no ballet foundation, she still danced reluctantly, crookedly, and had no eyes to see.

Jiang Yu could only tell her to strengthen her training in the future. It is best to practice basic ballet skills. Practice makes perfect in any dance.

When I left the dance studio, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

The sky gradually dimmed, and there were more and more students participating in the activities of the University Student Center, which was very lively.

Zhen Xuxu took Jiang Yu to the front of the university student activity center and said to her, "Wait here, I'll go in and help you find the student roster. You just said it was the School of Psychology, right?"

"Well, it should be the School of Psychology."

"Then wait a moment."

Zhen Xuxu and her best friend entered the Student Union Office of the Student Activities Center together.

After entering, she quickly turned on the computer and began to use word to guide the student roster of the School of Psychology.

The best friend closed the door carefully, rushed over excitedly, propped up the table and said to Zhen Xuxu, "My mother! She turned out to be Qiu Li's girlfriend! What fate is this!"

Zhen Xuxu said expressionlessly, "Ex-girlfriend, thank you."

"I finally know why you've been chasing Qiu Li for so long, and he can't be tempted. The beauty of this ex-girlfriend is already a ceiling!"

Her best friend was also nervous, so she didn't notice Zhen Xuxu's ugly face, and continued: "The way she danced ballet just now is so beautiful! Goddess of temperament! How did Qiu Li, a decadent teenager, find a girlfriend with such conditions?"

"Can you stop talking?" Zhen Xuxu finally became impatient: "It's so noisy!"

"No, I'm also doing it for your own good. You see, under such conditions... Qiu Li can break up with others. Is he mentally ill?"

Zhen Xuxu remembered that before, Qiu Li seemed to have said that he had a girlfriend, and the reason for the breakup seemed to be that he was mentally ill...

Zhen Xuxu thought he was joking.

"Anyway, it's a breakup." Zhen Xuxu said dissatisfiedly: "There must be a reason for breaking up, even if this woman's stalker wants to save her, people may not be happy! Didn't this even change her mobile phone number? , I definitely just don't want to contact her anymore."

The girlfriend raised her eyebrows: "Then why are you so eager to help her find contact information?"

"Isn't this for her to teach me how to dance?" Zhen Xuxu tapped the keyboard on the computer and said, "That girlfriend must be attracted to him because she dances well in ballet. Qiu Li is a man who counts, as long as If I can practice this dance well, I will definitely have the opportunity to be with him."

"But it's also possible that it's because of this girlfriend that Qiu Li likes ballet!" The best friend continued to hand over the knife: "You may be laughing and generous if you are so embarrassed."

Zhen Xuxu looked at this "Jing tell the truth" best friend, she really wanted to break up with her all the time.

No, I really want to strangle her.

Seeing that Zhen Xuxu's face was ugly, her best friend hurriedly added: "Of course, they have already broken up, which means that there must be a reason to break up, so you still have a great chance, hahaha."

Zhen Xuxu was too lazy to care about her, printed out the revised list, and walked out of the college student activity center.

Jiang Yu, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly greeted him: "Have you found it?"

"I'm sorry, I've searched all over the roster for the freshmen of the School of Psychology, and there's no name for your boyfriend."

"How could this be?" Jiang Yu quickly took over the list and looked at it carefully.

It seems... I really didn't find Qiu Li's name.

She frowned and asked, "Isn't it the School of Psychology?"

Zhen Xuxu hurriedly said, "I logged into the Academic Affairs Office system and searched for his name, but I couldn't find it."

"what do you mean... "

"He shouldn't be in our school."

Jiang Yu's heart skipped a beat: "How is that possible!"

No, Qiu Li showed her the admission letter. He should have come to Haicheng University.

Did you lie to her again

Jiang Yu's mind was very confused. If he didn't come to Haicheng University, and there were so many people, where would she go to find him.

Zhen Xuxu smiled and said, "I'm so sorry, I can't help you."

"It's alright, sorry to bother you."

Jiang Yu looked down at the list in his hand, as if his name would appear after a few more glances.

"Since he wants to cut off contact with you, it means that he doesn't want to be found by you, so you should look forward." Zhen Xuxu kindly advised: "Even if he finds him, if he has made up his mind and must break up, then You can only embarrass yourself, it's better to let two people free, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yu looked at Zhen Xuxu seriously, and suddenly chuckled.

"why are you laughing?"

"Sister, you know him."


Zhen Xuxu didn't expect that she would see it, she was a little overwhelmed, she forced her face and said, "I don't know what you are talking about?"

Jiang Yu handed the list to Zhen Xuxu and said, "With Qiu Li's college entrance examination scores, he should have entered the school with the first grade. Look, the row of 001, the third student number in the first row of the list, was rejected. You deleted it."

Zhen Xuxu's best friend squeezed over to take a look, and sure enough, Zhen Xuxu directly deleted the information in Qiu Li's line and printed it out.

But this idiot didn't even change the student number of the following classmates.

So the roster starts with the student number 002, which is quite abrupt. Anyone who has been to a university knows that the student number is arranged in order.

The girlfriend helped her forehead.

Really... stunned.

She is usually quite a clever girl, how could such a bug happen.

Zhen Xuxu's face was ugly, she gritted her teeth, and admitted angrily: "Yes, I just modified the roster, and I don't want you to find him."


"He has already come out. What's the point of you stalking now?"

"Come out." Jiang Yu asked softly, "Where did he come out from?"

"From... from the pain of your last relationship."

"Pain?" Jiang Yu smiled calmly: "Until the minute before we broke up, he was still fulfilling his promise to me, sending me to school, making my bed, cleaning, and even cleaning for half a year. Buy me all the towels and fill a closet. Sister, where did you see the pain in his last relationship?"


Zhen Xuxu was shocked. She couldn't believe that these thoughtful things in Jiang Yu's mouth... were done by that indifferent teenager.

Maybe, he really is just indifferent to people who don't matter.

The girlfriends beside Zhen Xuxu were also stunned.

She looked at Zhen Xuxu's extremely ugly face.

This... This is really a dimensionality reduction blow.

And Jiang Yu could see that the senior sister in front of her actually didn't know anything.

Even if she knew Qiu Li, she just knew him.

Qiu Li is not a man who easily surrenders his feelings. It may be harder to get his heart than to pluck the moon from the sky.

Otherwise, this little sister wouldn't have spent so much time learning how to swing the whip 32 turns. If he really cared about her, she wouldn't be so embarrassed in front of Jiang Yu now.

It was clear that Qiu Li was deliberately trying to make things difficult for her and let her retreat.

It's useless to say more, Jiang Yu didn't want to argue with her, so she turned and left.

Since there was no way to get his mobile phone in the most convenient way, Jiang Yu chose to use the most stupid way, and asked at the door of the boys' dormitory of the School of Psychology, and he could always find someone who knew him.

Of course, he soon found a boy who said he was Qiu Li's roommate.

"Sorry, he's not in the dormitory now, so I can't give you his cell phone number." Duan Bo regarded Jiang Yu as one of the countless little girls who tried to pursue Qiu Li.

He had called him in the past, but Qiu Li had cleaned it up, so when he met a girl who asked for a phone call or WeChat, he didn't dare to give it.

"I beg, I've been looking for him for a day." Jiang Yu put his hands together sincerely, blowing a rainbow fart: "It is said that your face comes from your heart, little brother, you are so handsome, you must be a kind-hearted person."

Seeing that the little girl was sincere, Duan Bo finally couldn't bear it, and said, "Well, I'll call him and say that someone is waiting for him, let him come back sooner, okay."

"sorry to bother you."

Duan Bo entered the men's dormitory, took out his mobile phone while going upstairs, and called Qiu Li.

There was a lot of noise on the phone, but his voice was lazy, and he was probably playing at the bar again.

"Is something wrong?"

"Brother Li, there's a super beautiful sister waiting for you downstairs. Come back and have a look, really good! That waist, temperament and long legs are no match for Zhen Xuxu who chased you before! Give me a chance, She seems to really like you!"

Duan Bo's words are always exaggerated, and after the last experience, Qiu Li doesn't believe much in his words.

No matter how beautiful she is, she will not be the girl in his heart.

about his birds.

"I'm busy, hang up."

"Hey! No, Brother Li, it's really beautiful!"

Beep... beep... beep.

Qiu Li has hung up the phone.

From 8:00 to 10:00, Jiang Yu stood downstairs in the boys' dormitory and waited for nearly two hours, watching the boys coming and going, but never waited for Qiu Li to come back.

When the boys passed by Jiang Yu, they couldn't help but look back at her. They were amazed at the first sight, and nostalgic at the second...

Jiang Yu knows how beautiful she is. Since she went to college, she followed Teacher Ling Xuan. This teacher has completely transformed her female students, from the way they dress and make-up to the way they walk.

Just by looking at Bu Xi, you can tell that Ling Xuan has been trained by her to become the most outstanding lady and goddess in the ballet circle in a few years.

Even if he goes to and from major international exchange conferences, his temperament will never lose to any chief.

In addition, Jiang Yu has a big father who lacks everything but no money, and a second father who lacks everything but fashion. Now her wardrobe is full of new seasons from major luxury brands. Clothes and shoes bag...

Unconsciously, Jiang Yu has begun to slowly get rid of the shell of the ugly duckling without a sense of existence, and transformed into a beautiful white swan.

If Qiu Li saw her, he would be surprised too.

Jiang Yu is really, really miss him!

At 10:30, the student dormitory was closed due to curfew, and Qiu Li still hadn't come back.

Jiang Yu walked out of the school in disappointment, looking at the numb faces of cars and pedestrians on the unfamiliar street, feeling a little lost in her heart.

Can't see, the makeup is all white.

She didn't know what Qiu Li's life was like now, but it must be not very good, he didn't even go to the library.

How hard the youth worked in the past, how depressed he is now.

Jiang Yu was suddenly a little afraid to see him, maybe he was also afraid of seeing her...

She strolled around the street casually and entered a small bluestone street. This street has a bit of a small and fresh cultural and creative flavor. There are various Qingshui bars on both sides of the street, and most of them are college students.

Jiang Yu casually entered a clear bar, ordered a cocktail, and sat on the high platform by the window.

The girls in the art department of the university are very good at playing, and the roommates often take Jiang Yu to play script kills and dance disco clubs.

Playing with these cheerful girls, she learned to drink, and even learned to smoke, but it is Mu Zixian's lady's electronic cigarette, with very low nicotine, not addictive, lemon flavor, fragrant, very good smell.

The two of them often took a bite of you and me in the bar, and in a trance, they could temporarily forget the heartless young man who abandoned her.

Jiang Yu soon became slightly drunk.

Through the transparent glass, she seemed to see a man walking out from the tavern opposite, with a face that looked like the boy in her dream.

The author has something to say: The third watch you want is here. If it goes on like this, the fire can't finish the list qaq

The fiery articles are basically not smooth sailing and sweet to the end. I believe old readers know that,

A plot without twists and turns is very pale and powerless, and I don't like to write it like this.

Everything is just for the better, if you can't stand this, then maybe you are not suitable for my text, so you can only say goodbye here. I hope you find a text you like. Jinjiang authors have various styles, and there must be one that suits you.