The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 95: Women are those who please themselves


Jiang Yu booked a recent flight to Haicheng that night.

She couldn't sleep any longer, and she rummaged through the crystal music box that had been dusty for a long time, opened it, and the music of "Swan Lake" rang slowly.

The crystal girl dances gracefully to the beautiful melody.

Memories that were buried intentionally or unintentionally poured out like a tide.

That night in Haicheng, that night in the bar... The words he deliberately said in her ear, those words that guided her and hypnotized her subconscious.

All remembered!

Qiu Li, that bastard, he actually hypnotized her!

Early the next morning, before dawn, Jiang Yu went straight to the airport.

On the way to the airport, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the family group where Cheng Ye, Jiang Manyi and Xie Yuan belonged, informing them of her decision to go to Haicheng.

capstone novel

Jiang Manyi: "Ah! Come on baby! Bring Li Li's son-in-law back!"

Cheng Ye: "Go, go, I have neither objection nor support."

Jiang Manyi: "I'm very satisfied with my son-in-law, who has good grades and looks handsome, so I don't have any choice."

Cheng Ye: "What's the use of good grades and good looks? Character is the key. After I bring it back, I will investigate again."

Xie Yuan didn't ask any more questions. He directly sent a few large-denomination red envelopes to Jiang Yu in the group: "If you run out of money, find Dad anytime."

Jiang Yu sent a [love you] emoji, and was about to receive the red envelope, when he saw several system messages—

Cheng Ye received Xie Yuan's red envelope.

Cheng Ye received Xie Yuan's red envelope.

Cheng Ye received Xie Yuan's red envelope.

Jiang Yu: …

Xie Yuan: …

Jiang Yu: "Spit it out!!!"

Cheng Ye smiled: "Ah, I'm sorry, my hands are slippery."

Jiang Yu: "Give it back to me, my dad gave it to me!"

Cheng Ye: "What's your dad? I'm your dad! I'll pay for the living expenses. He's just making fun of it."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Ye privately transferred a transfer of 100,000 yuan to Jiang Yu: "My dear, I will ask my father for it when I run out."

Jiang Yu received the red envelope unceremoniously and stuck out his tongue at him: "Xie Yuan is my father, you are at most a stepfather."

"Ah! Little white-eyed wolf! Return my money!"

"not return."

After many years, Jiang Yu came to Haicheng again. Haicheng Airport is still the same as it was two years ago. The campus of Haicheng University has not changed much, except for the renovation of the cafeteria and several new dormitory buildings.

Jiang Yu walked on the campus, breathing the air he had breathed, looking at the scenery he had seen, as if he had never experienced parting and forgetting in the past two years.

After two years of hypnosis, she wakes up from her dream, she still loves him as deeply as she did when she graduated from high school, and loves him as deeply as she did yesterday.

Jiang Yu found Zhen Xuxu in the reference room of the graduate school.

The skylight of the reference room has sunlight in, and the air is filled with light dust. Zhen Xuxu is standing in the sun, wearing thick frame glasses, holding a copy of Lu Xun's "A Brief History of Chinese Novels" in her hand, just like her Motherly and graceful.

She is now successfully admitted to graduate school.

"I'm here this time to take him away." Before Zhen Xuxu could speak, Jiang Yu said first: "I want to take him away, whether you agree or not, whether you want it or not."

Zhen Xuxu smiled: "you should have come earlier."


After Jiang Yu was hypnotized by Qiu Li, she always subconsciously thought that Qiu Li and Zhen Xuxu were together. That time Ren Xian came to her, which deepened this understanding.

"We have never been together, and he has never liked me. He has you in his eyes."

Jiang Yu could see that only after letting go of his heart would he have such a smile.

Because in the past two years, even though her subconscious kept saying that she didn't love her anymore, she let it go... But she never had a moment to smile like Zhen Xuxu did.

"Has he been doing well for the past two years?"

Zhen Xuxu shook her head: "Not good, very bad."

Jiang Yu's heart tightened.

"He has obtained the highest-level certificate of hypnotist, and it can be said that he is the only student in the college who has obtained this level of certificate. I have heard from others that he can even supervise hypnotism in the classroom. You know that supervision is the consultation of psychological consultants. Master, his own will is very strong, but he can hypnotize and supervise, which is too scary."

Zhen Xuxu took a deep breath: "I heard that the college has rejected his application for postgraduate research because..."

"what is the reason?"

Zhen Xuxu approached Jiang Yu's ear and said softly, "The reason is that he may have potential criminal tendencies..."


"This is just a guess by the professors, because he has passed all the criminal psychology tests, and the test results show that he is mentally healthy, even healthier than normal people, but... Professor Song Yuhe is strongly against it and cannot allow him to continue his studies, at least , I can't recommend a graduate student from our school, and I won't write a letter of recommendation for him to protect other schools. I heard that during this period of time, he is preparing for the national graduate student unified examination, and nothing can stop him from reaching his goal. "

Jiang Yu said in a daze: "Postgraduate entrance examination... is a good thing."

"Is it really a good thing?" Zhen Xuxu looked at Jiang Yu: "You are the person who knows him best. Does he really have criminal tendencies?"

"he... "

Not only does Qiu Li have a tendency to commit crimes, but in the near future, he will be extremely destructive, he will instigate crimes, and then be sentenced to capital punishment for the crime of endangering public safety!

Jiang Yu couldn't delay any longer. She asked Zhen Xuxu, "Do you know where Qiu Li is now? I just went to his dormitory building, and they all said that he doesn't live in school anymore."

"He left school, and together with his roommate Duan Bo, he seemed to open a consultation room outside. I don't know the details. I don't care about his news anymore."

"Thank you."

Jiang Yu walked out of the reference room of the graduate school and easily found out the exact location of Qiu Li's consultation room from a few boys in the School of Psychology, which was in a small alley on Fengjia Road.

She called a taxi at the school gate and drove straight towards Fengjia Road.

On the way, she received an unfamiliar phone call, and she was a little surprised when she heard the other party's voice.

It turned out to be Mrs. Bu.

Mrs. Bu was furious when she learned that Jiang Yu had taken a long leave to go to Haicheng. She didn't care about her identity, so she called her directly: "The performance of "Swan Lake" is imminent, everyone is training hard, and they are not willing for a minute. After leaving the classroom, you actually took a long vacation to Haicheng, do you really not want the queen's trophy!"

Jiang Yu knew that Mrs. Bu had completely regarded her as her own granddaughter, and her requirements for Jiang Yu were as high as for Bu Xi in the past.

"Even if Bu Xi plays the swan queen, she won't be able to get the queen position, but you can."

Old Madam Bu's eyes are so vicious, she can see through the upper limit of Bu Xi at a glance, even if Jiang Yu thinks that Bu Xi is really good and strong.

"Xiaoyu is obedient, come back now, don't think about other things. If you can win this queen, you will become the youngest ballet queen in history. Do you know what this honor is, your mother won the championship. You were twenty-six years old when you were there, but you are only twenty-one this year!"

Jiang Yu didn't interrupt Mrs. Bu's words. After listening to it calmly, she said, "Grandma, is the queen's trophy really so important to you?"

"Of course."

"Is it more important than mother's life?"


"It was an accident that she left, and no one wants to see it."

Mrs. Bu said excitedly: "And your goal has always been the queen, isn't it? The competition between you and Xiaoxi, and every night of training until the early morning, isn't it for the queen! But when it comes to the end, you give up! Are you right for your hard work every day and night!"

Jiang Yu said calmly: "The goal is important, but I care more about the scenery along the way, and I just want to protect the important people."

Bu Xi, Qiu Li, Mom and Dad... In her journey to the future, these people are the most splendid scenery in her life.

Across the phone, Jiang Yu could hear Mrs. Bu's gnashing of teeth—

"Sure enough, it's her child. You and her... are exactly the same stubbornness!"

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Jiang Yu grinned, frightened.

This grandma... got angry, it was so scary.

No wonder Bu Xi sees her like a mouse sees a cat.

According to the address given by the classmates, Jiang Yu came to Fengjiadao Alley. This is the old city street of Haicheng. The houses are relatively low, and the surrounding storefronts also look old and gray.

According to the address, she came to the door of a psychological clinic. This clinic consists of two shops, large or quite large, but the decoration is not very good, and the light inside is relatively dim.

Jiang Yu was suddenly a little nervous, and stood in front of the glass mirror in the hair salon next door and looked at himself.

She wears this small and fresh loose long dress and two suits. She looks very girly. Her hair is in big waves that go over her shoulders. She deliberately took off her ponytail and has a mature temperament.

She took out the lipstick again and filled her lips, looking more complex.

No matter what he turned into, Jiang Yu had to dress up when he saw him.

Women are those who please themselves.

Hope he is still happy with himself.

Jiang Yu took a deep breath, plucked up courage, and walked into the psychological counseling room.

The interior decoration of the room has the feeling of a consultation room. The blackout curtain blocks the sunlight from the rear window. There are special single beds and comfortable sofa chairs for guests to sleep in.

At the desk, a man with glasses was playing a mobile game.

There is a screen behind the desk. Jiang Yu guessed that someone should be sleeping behind the screen, because one leg was stretched out, and he was wearing an old pair of... aj sneakers

The man with glasses was named Duan Bo, Qiu Li's roommate. When he heard a guest coming in, he yawned lazily, without raising his head or stopping the game he was playing.

"sit down"

Jiang Yu sat on the chair at the table.

Duan Bo asked, "What's your problem?"

"I was hypnotized."

Hearing this sound, the leg in the aj sneaker behind the screen shrank suddenly.

Duan Bo raised his eyes to look at Jiang Yu, and with this one glance, he immediately put down the phone, his eyes seemed to be glued to her, and he couldn't take it back.

This guest, my wife is so beautiful!

This face, this figure, absolutely!

"You... who were you hypnotized by?"

"My boyfriend."

Jiang Yu heard the slow breathing of the man behind the screen.

"Your boyfriend? What did he hypnotize you for? Make you do something against your will...?"

Duan Bo had already imagined a large-scale action movie in his mind.

"No, he hypnotized me, made me dislike him, made me forget him."

"Ah this..."

At this moment, in the drawer of the table, a small white snake swam out of the gap.

When Jiang Yu saw the familiar little white snake, he was shocked and gritted his teeth angrily: "He also stole my pet!"

"This is too bad!" Duan Bo was also filled with righteous indignation: "Even if we break up, it's too much to steal the child!"


" it a cat or a dog?"


After all, the eyes of the two fell on the little white snake on the table at the same time, and Duan Bo's mouth twitched: "It doesn't happen to be a white snake."


"No... it happens to be the one on the table..."

After all, the little snake has followed Jiang Yu's wrist, climbed onto her shoulder, and rubbed her face affectionately, as if very happy.

"Mom is here."

Duan Bo: "..."

He swallowed and asked with difficulty: "So your vile boyfriend who hypnotizes you and steals your children doesn't happen to be..."

"Qiuli, get out."

The author has something to say: There is nothing cruel.

Two more in the afternoon.

Nutrient, balls, look at my little eyes-