The Bird and the Golden Cage

Chapter 7


It is more abstract: Mr. Yan plans to make decisions and then moves, and Mr. Yan makes steady progress.


Su Jinxin's college is on the old campus. The buildings are built in colonial times and have a history of 100 years. The barrier-free facilities are not very good. Although there are wheelchairs, there are only stairs and no slopes in many places. Su Jinxin carried it to the top of the stairs to settle down, and then brought the wheelchair up - fortunately, it was a holiday, and there were not many people on the campus, so Su Jinxin was docile and resigned, and allowed Yan Zhen to carry herself up and down.

Walking to the teaching area, Yan Zhen saw the vending machine and hurried over to buy two ice drinks for Su Jinxin: "Apply your face."

Su Jinxin was stunned for a moment, and quickly took it and put it on his face: "Is it still very red?"

Yan Zhen stretched out his hand and probed his forehead: "I suspect that you have a fever." After confirming that he did not have a fever, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Aren't you peeking at me all the way, haven't you been used to it yet?"

Su Jinxin said "Ah": "You found out..." and added, "You will get used to it if you look at it more, but you can't go back when you blush..."

This is true. Su Jinxin's skin is thin and rich in capillaries. The skin is prone to redness, and the redness is not easy to disperse. All over the face. Shy or emotional can not hide. Yan Zhen likes it very much. Selfishly, I don't want others to find out. When Su Jinxin blushed in front of outsiders, Yan Zhen always helped him to block a little, or took a wet towel, ice pack, etc. to help him get Hongzhen down. When Su Jinxin first came, Yan Zhen responded to his friend's situation and took him with him. Later, Yan Zhen didn't like to take him to crowded parties. Even Yan Zhen himself participated in such activities less and less frequently. Only when Su Jinxin didn't come, he went out for two drinks with his former friends.

The old friends all teased Yan Zhen: Jinwu Zangjiao, who was chained by the goblin.

Yan Zhen never took this kind of stubble. Just a nonchalant smile. To be honest, at first, I just thought that the reason for refusing "the king will never go to court early" is more gentle, decent, easy to accept, and less embarrassing than saying "I don't have time to work and want to go home and sleep". Over time, I don't know why, it really slowly changed the taste.

At this time, the blush on Su Jinxin's face had faded away.

Yan Zhen held his face in his hands and helped him warm his cold cheeks: "I have been eating well recently, and my face has flesh." - Su Jinxin is two or three times younger than Yan Zhen, with a small head and two more Small, Yan Zhen's two hands will disappear as soon as he covers them, and the flesh is so long that the naked eye can't see it at all, and there is only a slight difference in the hand feeling. This difference is enough for Yan Zhen to produce a little pride that is not humane. He thinks that he is well-bred and has achieved remarkable results. "It's right to put money directly into the meal card for you."

Half a year ago, Yan Zhen was surprised to find that Su Jinxin received so much pocket money every month, but the food expenses were still below the school average. Relying on his good health, he sometimes only ate twice a day, which was a rare treat for Su Jinxin. A big tantrum. Feeling distressed when the anger subsided, tossing and turning for several days and not sleeping well, and regretting the seriousness of the words, and fearing that Su Jinxin would suffer from hypoglycemia from hunger in the long run. As a result, I made a phone call in the middle of the night and let Su Jinxin say something like "I really don't mind" for an hour before hanging up. I will also spend the meal, and I will check the account later."

Su Jinxin listened to what he said, and also raised his hand to touch his face along his fingers: "Can you feel it? You can't get fat any more. If you get fatter, your waist will be thicker."

Yan Zhen was amused: "It doesn't matter. Be a little fatter..." He wanted to say that it was comfortable to hold. But this is not home, I always feel that such words are not easy to say, so I suddenly choked in the middle.

However, Su Jinxin already knew what he was going to say.

Blinking his eyes narrowly, he imitated the mature and serious tone of Yan Zhen and his subordinates, and said, "Man, you have to have a little requirement of yourself."


Yan Zhen raised his eyebrows and directly twisted his face.

Su Jinxin couldn't dodge in time, so she could only apologize: "Farewell... Otherwise, I will blush again later, and I will have to toss for a long time."

The two of them couldn't help laughing when they thought of the ridiculousness of this series of processes repeating in vain.

Su Jinxin laughed especially happily. The laughter was continuous, crisp and loud, as if the sunlight fell on his forehead through the gaps in the leaves - just like an ordinary senior, and a little bit different from when he was at Yan Zhen's house. Subtly different.

Yan Zhen was taken aback for a moment. The heartbeat suddenly accelerated. For a moment, I wanted to lean in and kiss him. However, it was the campus, for fear that someone would find out that he was not good to Su Jin, so he took a step back and raised his hand to straighten his messy forehead.

Yan Zhen pushed Su Jinxin into the studio, made sure that the floor of the studio was flat, and that there was no problem with the wheelchair moving on his own, so he let Su Jinxin move by himself: "Just bring the important things, paints and tools, I have already Tell the person to buy it at home according to what you said."

Su Jinxin nodded.

Yan Zhen took the opportunity to act lightly, and asked in a casual tone, "Is there anything to collect in the dormitory? Do you want me to help you?"

Su Jin was heartbroken.

Yan Zhen immediately said again: "If it's inconvenient..."

Su Jinxin hurriedly shook his head: "It's not inconvenient," Yan Zhenming knew that he would definitely say so, and smiled secretly, but listened to him again, "It's just that a big boss like you..."

Yan Zhen put his index finger in front of his lips: "What do you call me?"

Su Jinxin said, "Ah", remembering the character set she had made an appointment with before, and obediently changed her voice: "Brother Azhen."

Yan Zhen's heartbeat was not very good.

Seeing that there was no one in the studio, he quickly lowered his head and pecked him: "Good."

Su Jinxin blushed again, and lowered her eyes to avoid looking at him: "that what... you pack your things... "

Yan Zhen raised his eyebrows: "What? In your mind, what kind of playboy who can't lift one's shoulders and carry one's hands? I entered a closed boarding school at the age of twelve, and at the age of sixteen, I completed the seven-day survival challenge without dry food in the wild alone. of."

Su Jinxin's eyes widened: "Wow?! Really? Wild?"

Yan Zhen flicked his forehead: "Why are you lying to me?" Seeing his eyes so bright, his heart moved, "Why - do you want to go?"

"I think about it a bit," Su Jinxin nodded honestly, "I wanted to sketch in a more natural place, but I never had the chance..."

"I'll take you there next time." Yan Zhen said immediately and added, "Just the two of us."

Su Jinxin nodded "Yeah", a smile overflowing from her eyes, her face flushed, she put the dormitory key in Yan Zhen's open palm without looking away, and made a list of the things to take, explaining them one by one. Location.

Yan Zhen is of course selfish.

Since he has the idea of keeping people for a long time, he naturally wants to find out the details of his competitors. It's okay to sit in the office and wait for the investigation report, but the report is an objective perspective of a third party after all. If there is a chance, he still wants to enter Su Jinxin's private territory and see what the "boyfriend" from Su Jinxin's perspective looks like. .
